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Last active March 27, 2018 16:01
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Encrypting More: /boot Joins The Party

Encrypting More: /boot Joins The Party

The story started by reading this. But in my case this setup didn't work out because of the EFI partition. So here I'm writing to remember what I did.


First of all, the advantages of encrypting /boot partition are

  • As Dusty mentioned there're some dangers to leaving the bootloader and ramdisks unencrypted.
  • Also my original /boot partition had 250MB which was not enough, but now it's not complaining anymore.


Second, what bothers me a little after this setup are

  • I have to type my password twice on boot.
  • After each update of kernel I have to run script. If not I have to use Live CD and recovery.


I installed Fedora 27 and my configuration is as following.

[root@localhost ~]# lsblk -i -o NAME,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT
NAME                                          TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
sr0                                           rom   
nvme0n1                                       disk  
|-nvme0n1p1                                   part  
|-nvme0n1p2                                   part  /boot/efi
|-nvme0n1p3                                   part  
| `-luks-8b85ea85-29fc-4eb0-a260-ea9e9ad05393 crypt /
|-nvme0n1p4                                   part  
| `-luks-30be76a8-cddf-4682-9e3c-20e518c2d107 crypt /home
|-nvme0n1p5                                   part  /opt
`-nvme0n1p6                                   part  
  `-luks-be8bc21c-685f-4c78-9fb6-8ba4a60d5ae8 crypt [SWAP]

The partition nvme0n1p1 was the original /boot partition and I moved it to nvme0n1p3 partition as follow.

[root@localhost ~]# mount --bind / /mnt/
[root@localhost ~]# cp -a /boot/* /mnt/boot/
[root@localhost ~]# cp -a /boot/.vmlinuz-* /mnt/boot/
[root@localhost ~]# diff -ur /boot/ /mnt/boot/
[root@localhost ~]# umount /mnt

Then with Dusty's guide I had to be carfull to not removing /boot/efi partition from /etc/fstab, so I added an spece in substitution clause.

[root@localhost ~]# umount /boot
[root@localhost ~]# sed -i -e '/\/boot /d' /etc/fstab

Adding GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y to /etc/default/grub file.

[root@localhost ~]# echo GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y >> /etc/default/grub
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/default/grub
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau modprobe.blacklist=nouveau nvidia-drm.modeset=1 rd.luks.uuid=luks-8b85ea85-29fc-4eb0-a260-ea9e9ad05393 rd.luks.uuid=luks-be8bc21c-685f-4c78-9fb6-8ba4a60d5ae8 rhgb quiet rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau"

Here we reach to script that I ran for the first setup and after every update of the kernel.


dnf reinstall -y grub2-efi grub2-efi-modules shim
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg 
grub2-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi  /dev/nvme0n1

And you're good to go.


To find this solution I have to use Live CD to recover my system by the following scripts. After booting to the Fedora Live CD

  • Mount nvme0n1p3. Because it's encrypted we have to use the following commands.
[root@localhost ~]# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 root
[root@localhost ~]# mount /dev/mapper/root /mnt
  • Connect to the internet because we want to use dnf later.
  • Run script as follow.

mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi

for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run /sys/firmware/efi/efivars; do mount -B $i /mnt$i; done

cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf
chroot /mnt
  • Run script.
  • Run
[root@localhost ~]# exit
  • Run script as follow.

for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do umount -l /mnt$i; done

umount -l /mnt/boot/efi
  • Run
[root@localhost ~]# shutdown -r now

And after rebooting, now you can see the grub boot menu.

Happy Encrypting!


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