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Last active March 17, 2018 19:20
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Homework 3 - Hadi Nishad
license: mit


The dataset contains UFO sightings in the US and Canada in 2016 from I have queried the dataset to select only sightings in the US of shapes disk and fireball. Any sightings without latitude or longitude have been removed. After cleaning, there 1017 data points.

The visualized data gives us a good understanding of UFO sightings in the US. Most of the sightings are on the coasts. Further, contrary to expectation, there are more sightings of fireball-like UFOs than disk-like.

Interestingly, Belchertown, MA has had a UFO sighting recently.

To draw the US map with states, the US Atlas TopoJSON was used. While it has county level information, only state-level information was used for this visualization.


The projection used in the Albers projection. The choice was made because this is the standard used for US maps. It is a conic projection that preserves area measure but has some shape and scale distortion.


Points are placed on the map for each sighting.


Hovering over a point displays the description of the UFO, time it was seen at and the location.


Using the dropdown allows user to switch between Disk-like and Fireball-like UFOs.


User can zoom in and out using mouse gestures. (On a mac use two finger scroll while on the SVG to zoom in and out)


The code is documented. Example code references used are -

.background {
fill: none;
pointer-events: all;
.feature {
fill: #ccc;
cursor: pointer;
} {
fill: orange;
.mesh {
fill: none;
stroke: #fff;
stroke-linecap: round;
stroke-linejoin: round;
.tooltip {
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
padding: 2px;
font-family: arial, sans;
font-size: 10px;
background: lightgray;
border: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
pointer-events: none;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<title>HW2 - CS590V - Hadi</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css">
<h3 class="heading">Homework 3 - CS 590V</h3>
<h5 class="subheading">Hadi Nishad</h5>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
// set height and width
var width = 960,
height = 500,
active =;
// set up projection
const projection = d3.geoAlbersUsa()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
// set up zoom
const zoom = d3.zoom()
.on('zoom', () => {'stroke-width', `${1.5 / d3.event.transform.k}px`)
g.attr('transform', d3.event.transform) // updated for d3 v4
// set up geopath
var path = d3.geoPath()
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
.attr("class", "background")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var g = svg.append("g");
// draw us map
d3.json("us.json", function(error, us) {
if (error) throw error;
// draw states
.data(topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states).features)
.attr("d", path)
.attr("class", "feature")
.datum(topojson.mesh(us, us.objects.states, function(a, b) { return a !== b; }))
.attr("class", "mesh")
.attr("d", path);
// draw points from UFO data
d3.csv('ufo.csv', row, data => {
// set up tooltip on hover
var tooltip ="body").append("div")
.attr("class", "tooltip")
.style("opacity", 0);
// draw circles for each point
.attr('class', 'circle')
.attr('cx', function(d) { x = projection([d.lng,]);
return x[0];
.attr('cy', function(d) { x = projection([d.lng,]);
return x[1];
.attr('r', 2.8) // set size of circle based on rating
.style("fill", "red")
.style("stroke", "black")
.on("mouseover", function(d, i) { // display information on tooltip on hover
.style("opacity", 1);
tooltip.html("Location : " + + ", " + d.state + "<br/>" +
"Summary : " + d.summary + "<br/>" +
"On : " + d.date_time + "<br/>")
.style("left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 28) + "px");
.on("mouseout", function(d, i) { // remove tooltip on mouseout
.style("opacity", 0);
// display only disks
return d.shape != 'Disk'
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("visibility", "hidden"); // make transparent points un-hoverable
// set up drop down data
var shapeData = [{"text": "Disk"},
{"text": "Fireball"}]
// set up dropdown
var body ='body');
var span = body.append('span')
.text('Type of UFOs: ')
var xInput = body.append('select')
.attr('value', function (d) { return d.text })
.text(function (d) { return d.text ;})
//redraw based on dropdown
function xChange() {
var value = this.value // get the new x value
return d.shape != value
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("visibility", "hidden");
return d.shape == value
.style("opacity", 1)
.style("visibility", "visible");
// convert needed features to numeric
var row = d => { =;
d.long = +d.lng;
return d;
// Title of the graph
.attr("x", (width / 2))
.attr("y", 10)
.attr("class", "text")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("font-size", "14px")
.text("UFO Sightings in the US");
// initial zoom call;
date_time country city state shape summary lat lng location
2016-05-10 09:25:00 PM USA Port Richey FL Disk Erratic moments green and red lights. 28.2716755 -82.719545 POINT(28.2716755 -82.719545)
2016-09-12 04:30:00 PM USA Newport ME Disk Sighted a disk/saucer shaped craft with rotating lights at 4:30 heading to Newport. 44.8353424 -69.2739364 POINT(44.8353424 -69.2739364)
2016-04-10 08:00:00 PM USA Frederica DE Disk Huge disk shaped object. 39.0090017 -75.4657541 POINT(39.0090017 -75.4657541)
2016-03-10 07:25:00 AM USA Millington TN Disk ((HOAX??)) Driving, noticed glowing craft in sky. 35.3414745 -89.8973083 POINT(35.3414745 -89.8973083)
2016-02-10 10:00:00 PM USA Sioux Falls SD Disk Out of no where a blinking light in the shPe of the saucer appears 10 seconds later it was gone. ((anonymous report)) 43.5499749 -96.7003269 POINT(43.5499749 -96.7003269)
2016-01-10 08:35:00 PM USA Millsap TX Disk Bright blue flying saucer near Stephenville, TX, with a small plane following it. 32.7481864 -98.0092092 POINT(32.7481864 -98.0092092)
2016-01-10 07:30:00 PM USA Glenrock WY Disk Disc object southwest of Glenrock, Wy. 35.342101 -119.0727129 POINT(35.342101 -119.0727129)
9/28/16 19:50 USA Beaverton OR Disk The object was flying South, about as high as an airplane but looked different enough from a plane that it caught our eye and we contin 45.4871723 -122.8037803 POINT(45.4871723 -122.8037803)
9/27/16 19:50 USA Beaverton OR Disk We were headed east on Sexton Mountain Drive and I see this unusual light/object flying in the sky. I tell my husband to pull over, gra 45.4871723 -122.8037803 POINT(45.4871723 -122.8037803)
9/27/16 13:10 USA Monterey CA Disk While driving, I noticed a large disc shaped metallic object in the sky above Monterey Bay. The metal was shiny and reflective. 36.600256 -121.8946387 POINT(36.600256 -121.8946387)
9/20/16 10:00 USA Thomson GA Disk There is a round object. Green and red in color or more colors in the night sky. ((NUFORC Note: Star?? PD)) 33.4707348 -82.5045955 POINT(33.4707348 -82.5045955)
9/20/16 04:00 USA Brookfield IL Disk I noticed this bright star to the southeast of my house. It was a bright, rotating. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect a star. PD)) 41.8228378 -87.8480849 POINT(41.8228378 -87.8480849)
9/19/16 18:22 USA Cloverdale NM Disk Two saucer shaped clear images at 31 26 14N 108 58 32 W 31.4170488 -108.9297734 POINT(31.4170488 -108.9297734)
2016-05-12 06:00:00 PM USA Westmoreland NH Disk As I was hiking through a field from a day of hunting, I stop to rested and gazed upwards into the sky at the crescent moon and planets 42.9620253 -72.4423101 POINT(42.9620253 -72.4423101)
9/19/16 08:30 USA Perris CA Disk Bright Red UFO Spotted Over Perris, CA 9/19/16 33.7825194 -117.2286477 POINT(33.7825194 -117.2286477)
9/15/16 18:45 USA Hingham MA Disk Metallic disc hovering over Rte. 3, 10 miles South of Boston, Ma on 09.15.16 at 18:45 42.2417669 -70.8897675 POINT(42.2417669 -70.8897675)
9/15/16 14:30 USA Prince William VA Disk Metallic donut-shaped disc UFO. 38.7389846 -77.5536742 POINT(38.7389846 -77.5536742)
9/14/16 01:00 USA Scarborough ME Disk Multi-color craft red green white lights seen in sky thru my binoculars for hours. ((NUFORC Note: Probably a star? PD)) 43.59622635 -70.3300555789045 POINT(43.59622635 -70.3300555789045)
2016-12-09 10:00:00 PM USA South Haven MI Disk A black disk 40 feet wide by 60 feet long with a tail, with three sets of bright white lights. Front lights would light then switch to 42.4030865 -86.2736406 POINT(42.4030865 -86.2736406)
2016-12-09 10:00:00 PM USA South Haven MI Disk A white light turn into a streak of light then stopped and hover to us until 100 feet away. 42.4030865 -86.2736406 POINT(42.4030865 -86.2736406)
2016-04-12 06:00:00 PM USA Winter Harbor ME Disk I saw this Unidentified object following me down the road for several miles before switching directions and disappearing. 44.395523 -68.0836489 POINT(44.395523 -68.0836489)
2016-12-09 01:00:00 AM USA Anchorage AK Disk Disk shape object above tree line. ((anonymous report)) 61.2163129 -149.8948522 POINT(61.2163129 -149.8948522)
2016-08-09 10:40:00 PM USA Auburn WA Disk Hovering lights spotted over Fife, WA. 47.3075369 -122.2301807 POINT(47.3075369 -122.2301807)
2016-08-09 09:00:00 PM USA Canton GA Disk Hovering craft, noisy. Fairly large. 34.2367621 -84.490762 POINT(34.2367621 -84.490762)
2016-03-12 07:30:00 PM USA Corte Madera CA Disk Huge long luminous red cigar disc craft seen in Marin County. 37.9254806 -122.5274754 POINT(37.9254806 -122.5274754)
2016-03-12 06:15:00 PM USA Boone Grove IN Disk Driving north from Wheatfield IN, into Bone Grove IN, just south of Valparaiso,IN. I witmessed white lights in the sky, dark saucer sha 41.3547602 -87.1294741 POINT(41.3547602 -87.1294741)
2016-07-09 10:15:00 PM USA Harrison NY Disk Perfect circle saucer with massive green, red, and blue lights flies right over my head on sleepy road at night. ((anonymous report)) 40.9689871 -73.7126299 POINT(40.9689871 -73.7126299)
2016-06-09 03:30:00 PM USA Asheboro NC Disk 2 oblong discs flying close in proximity of each other. very bright white, fast, and soundless. 35.7079146 -79.8136445 POINT(35.7079146 -79.8136445)
2016-05-09 01:00:00 AM USA Taylorsville UT Disk Nine Flying Disc spotted in Taylorsville Utah 09/05/2016 40.6677517 -111.938631 POINT(40.6677517 -111.938631)
2016-04-09 07:32:00 PM USA Manassas VA Disk We saw approximately nine silver silent objects flying slowly across the sky. Each came separately In the same direction. The objects w 38.744947 -77.4824441252427 POINT(38.744947 -77.4824441252427)
2016-03-09 12:00:00 AM USA Royal Oak MI Disk Fat disc shape. 3 lights. One light was red. I think other 2 were green and white. Went in different directions and hoovered. 42.4894801 -83.1446484 POINT(42.4894801 -83.1446484)
2016-02-09 12:18:00 PM USA Falls Church VA Disk Small blue dot traveling swiftly across sky. ((NUFORC Note: Lens flare?? PD)) 38.882334 -77.1710909 POINT(38.882334 -77.1710909)
8/30/16 09:50 USA Ladson SC Disk Saucer seen on I-26 and Ladson Rd. 32.9857275 -80.1098122 POINT(32.9857275 -80.1098122)
8/29/16 22:00 USA Easton MD Disk We saw a ufo hovering for >1 hour; it never went in any dir. and was not a star, as we saw flashing red light. ((anonymous report)) 38.7742826 -76.0763304 POINT(38.7742826 -76.0763304)
8/26/16 21:25 USA Altamonte Springs FL Disk Hovering in sky with no sound. ((NUFORC Note: Twinkling star? PD)) 28.6649055 -81.376268513721 POINT(28.6649055 -81.376268513721)
8/22/16 12:25 USA Santa Ana CA Disk Shape of a saucer. Moved quickly. Was only 1; grey. I'm a 29 yr old college-educated female. ((anonymous report)) 33.7494951 -117.8732212 POINT(33.7494951 -117.8732212)
8/21/16 09:00 USA Asheboro NC Disk Looked like a flying saucer. 35.7079146 -79.8136445 POINT(35.7079146 -79.8136445)
8/20/16 19:14 USA Los Angeles CA Disk UFO Sighting at LAX Intl. Airport near the Control Tower on August 20, 2016 at 7:14 p.m. PST ((NUFORC Note: Bird in flight? PD)) 34.0543942 -118.2439408 POINT(34.0543942 -118.2439408)
8/19/16 21:00 USA Sylvania OH Disk Saw UFO floating in air while driving home. My bf and his friend saw it, as well. I saw it from a distance and it did not move. 41.7189392 -83.7129934 POINT(41.7189392 -83.7129934)
8/14/16 17:00 USA Allyn WA Disk Observed an object in the sky that flew fast, straight then 90 deggree turn qyickly, sped off. 47.3834644 -122.8304789 POINT(47.3834644 -122.8304789)
8/13/16 13:00 USA Leawood KS Disk Objects circling in sky, daytime, other adults saw crafts. Too high up and far away to attempt to photograph. 38.966673 -94.6169011 POINT(38.966673 -94.6169011)
8/13/16 06:57 USA Elizabeth City NC Disk Saucer-shaped chrome vessel, hovering near wind turbines in Elizabeth City, NC. 36.2956836 -76.2247696 POINT(36.2956836 -76.2247696)
2016-12-08 09:00:00 PM USA Inkster MI Disk Saw a black saucer in the sky that started with being a red light 42.2942045 -83.3099302 POINT(42.2942045 -83.3099302)
2016-12-08 02:00:00 PM USA Bayonne NJ Disk Enlarged image of a gray streak in photo shows a clear image of a flying saucer looking craft. 40.6687141 -74.114309 POINT(40.6687141 -74.114309)
2016-11-08 09:16:00 PM USA Salt Lake City UT Disk Dark UFO moving slowly northbound on I-15 40.7670126 -111.8904307 POINT(40.7670126 -111.8904307)
2016-09-08 09:40:00 PM USA Bel Aire KS Disk Looking into the southeastern sky a cylinder shaped object became extremely bright and then became dim. About 5 seconds later one light 37.7625125 -97.2669879 POINT(37.7625125 -97.2669879)
2016-08-08 10:30:00 AM USA Las Cruces NM Disk Bright white disk shaped object travelled along side of our vehicle for about 30 minutes. 32.3140354 -106.7798077 POINT(32.3140354 -106.7798077)
2016-08-08 01:30:00 AM USA Longview WA Disk White saucer shaped craft, with black tinted windows, and with no noise. 46.1427302 -122.9556409 POINT(46.1427302 -122.9556409)
11/26/16 23:42 USA Bailey CO Disk I had stepped out on my tiny porch to view the stars as I often do. When I looked up in the northwest sky I saw a disk like saucer wit 34.0349194 -102.8149371 POINT(34.0349194 -102.8149371)
2016-01-08 07:33:00 PM USA Blythe CA Disk Two saucers and a lighting bolt 33.5603938 -114.912068997731 POINT(33.5603938 -114.912068997731)
7/31/16 16:00 USA Sherwood OR Disk Disc. 45.3570983 -122.8403569 POINT(45.3570983 -122.8403569)
7/31/16 15:00 USA Fort Wayne IN Disk Cream-colored saucer photographed over Fort Wayne, Indiana. 41.0799898 -85.1386014 POINT(41.0799898 -85.1386014)
7/31/16 14:30 USA Canby OR Disk We saw a round shape disk that looked like a parachute. Stayed in the same sky about 1-2 hours 45.2629088 -122.6925982 POINT(45.2629088 -122.6925982)
11/26/16 18:00 USA Spearfish SD Disk "Classic" saucer. 44.490817 -103.8593699 POINT(44.490817 -103.8593699)
7/24/16 18:30 USA Butte MT Disk Object hovered in same area of sky for over 3 hours. 46.0131505 -112.5365088 POINT(46.0131505 -112.5365088)
7/21/16 01:00 USA Oceano CA Disk Above the coast and out in the distance there were multiple crafts. All were slightly shifting as they hovered some more active than ot 35.0988648 -120.612393 POINT(35.0988648 -120.612393)
7/19/16 05:20 USA Yuma AZ Disk Orange saucer vanished and left a black trail leading down to the surface of the Earth. 32.665135 -114.476031472498 POINT(32.665135 -114.476031472498)
7/18/16 21:30 USA Surfside Beach SC Disk My wife and I plus two other people were walking on the beach when we seen a group of orange to green lights. They appeared to circle o 33.6060031 -78.9730886 POINT(33.6060031 -78.9730886)
11/24/16 18:00 USA Zebulon NC Disk ((HOAX??)) Mid-sized disk shaped obj., rotating violently, flying back and forth, landed several times, collision with dog & 2 people. 35.824321 -78.3147199 POINT(35.824321 -78.3147199)
7/17/16 18:30 USA Garden City MI Disk Disk shaped object seen in the sky. 42.3255929 -83.3310421 POINT(42.3255929 -83.3310421)
11/24/16 03:00 USA Grand Junction CO Disk A large-seeming camouflaged saucer rotating on an axis 39.063956 -108.5507316 POINT(39.063956 -108.5507316)
7/16/16 19:50 USA Mill Spring NC Disk My English is not too good, but I saw aroun 8 disc & they flew erratic thats why caught my atencion. 35.2976655 -82.1610171 POINT(35.2976655 -82.1610171)
7/16/16 02:00 USA St. Augustine FL Disk Two separate blue, red, and green flashing orbs over southwest St Johns County. 29.8946952 -81.3145394 POINT(29.8946952 -81.3145394)
7/14/16 10:00 USA Wickliffe KY Disk I was night swimming with my daughters and we talked about ufos. I remember seeing a guy pray on youtube and ufos appeared and as iv ha 36.9647458 -89.0893386 POINT(36.9647458 -89.0893386)
11/23/16 22:30 USA Beaverton OR Disk Massive green rotating disc-shaped lights over Portland 45.4871723 -122.8037803 POINT(45.4871723 -122.8037803)
2016-12-07 08:54:00 PM USA Biloxi MS Disk We were sitting on the beach and we saw a red flashing light. I thought it was a plane and then my boyfriend pointed out that you could 30.374673 -88.8459432348286 POINT(30.374673 -88.8459432348286)
2016-04-07 11:00:00 PM USA Middleton ID Disk Saw a small blue disk zoom above our head emitting a glowing hazy light and an airplane with green lights soon followed the blue saucer 43.7068282 -116.6201356 POINT(43.7068282 -116.6201356)
2016-04-07 10:20:00 PM USA Rochester Hills MI Disk Flying object saucer shape with red and green lights seen in Rochester Hills, MI 42.6583661 -83.1499321 POINT(42.6583661 -83.1499321)
2016-04-07 09:45:00 PM USA Jacobus PA Disk Green then Red light hanging out over Jacobus, PA, fireworks. 39.8831558 -76.7105244 POINT(39.8831558 -76.7105244)
2016-04-07 08:00:00 PM USA Tyngsboro MA Disk There were small flying objects going toward and away from a large saucer shaped ufo. ((anonymous report)) 42.630054 -71.4395789 POINT(42.630054 -71.4395789)
2016-04-07 12:04:00 AM USA Syracuse NY Disk Two stationery orange disk shaped flying objects moving around each other before they disappeared. 43.0481221 -76.1474243 POINT(43.0481221 -76.1474243)
2016-03-07 04:45:00 PM USA Seffner FL Disk I was taking a picture over my neighbor house. Then was going to send to them. When I looked at picture saw a weird image. 27.998541 -82.2748839011491 POINT(27.998541 -82.2748839011491)
2016-01-07 11:05:00 AM USA Newton NJ Disk A disc flew in a circular pattern and took off, all the while dropping flare-like remnants. ((anonymous report)) 41.0581527 -74.752665 POINT(41.0581527 -74.752665)
6/29/16 13:34 USA West Chester PA Disk 2 White discs spotted near my home in West Chester Pennsylvania 39.9597213 -75.6059637 POINT(39.9597213 -75.6059637)
6/27/16 22:40 USA Columbia SC Disk ((HOAX??)) My neice and i noticed a half semi circle of double red lights, probibly 20' to 30', floating. (anonymous report)) 34.0007493 -81.0343312 POINT(34.0007493 -81.0343312)
6/27/16 16:00 USA Garden Grove CA Disk My son and I where setting in our backyard when my son looked up and said " what is that?" I looked and seen a black round di 33.7746292 -117.9463716 POINT(33.7746292 -117.9463716)
6/23/16 13:16 USA Kansas City KS Disk Silent vibrating disc flashes, and disappears. 39.1146799 -94.7495245 POINT(39.1146799 -94.7495245)
2016-12-06 12:00:00 AM USA New York NY Disk Take a look on Fox News story,"How evil is Hillary and Bill Clinton," with Bret Baier which has a date of June 12, 2016. 40.7305991 -73.9865811 POINT(40.7305991 -73.9865811)
2016-12-06 12:00:00 AM USA New York City NY Disk Take a look on Fox News story,"How evil is Hillary and Bill Clinton", with Bret Baier which has a date of June 12, 2016. Wh 40.7305991 -73.9865811 POINT(40.7305991 -73.9865811)
2016-10-06 11:30:00 PM USA Santa Fe NM Disk ((HOAX??)) Fast same elevation as a plane with many planes in the area to get a reference in appearance. ((anonymous report)) 35.6869996 -105.9377996 POINT(35.6869996 -105.9377996)
2016-08-06 08:40:00 PM USA Fuquay Varina NC Disk Red streak in the sky, followed by a flying black disc with a flashing red light. 35.584429 -78.7999819 POINT(35.584429 -78.7999819)
2016-05-06 10:00:00 AM USA Como NC Disk Shiny saucer/disk sighted over Como, NC. 36.5015414 -77.0094073 POINT(36.5015414 -77.0094073)
2016-04-06 05:00:00 PM USA Lancaster CA Disk Metallic disk in sky east Lancaster, CA. ((anonymous report)) 34.6981064 -118.1366152 POINT(34.6981064 -118.1366152)
2016-03-06 10:55:00 PM USA Lincoln Park MI Disk Flying saucer over Lincoln Park, Michigan. 42.2505943 -83.178536 POINT(42.2505943 -83.178536)
5/27/16 23:50 USA Port Charlotte FL Disk Large, discus shaped object silently hovering 60-70 ft AGL in front of my home. Surface smooth, & glowing orange-white. 26.9824422 -82.1068840100606 POINT(26.9824422 -82.1068840100606)
5/26/16 20:00 USA Modesto CA Disk multi-colored lights (3 - red middle light), blinking in irregular patterns. Seen North of Modesto, near cross streets Orangeburg and O 37.6390972 -120.9968781 POINT(37.6390972 -120.9968781)
5/25/16 21:00 USA Santa Fe NM Disk UFO sighted near Eldorado at Santa Fe. 35.6869996 -105.9377996 POINT(35.6869996 -105.9377996)
5/23/16 23:00 USA Sylvan Beach NY Disk 3 Oval Orange Shaped Disks hovering over Oneida Lake on East Side of Syracuse. 43.196667 -75.7304759 POINT(43.196667 -75.7304759)
5/21/16 10:13 USA Fernley NV Disk Traveling S Alt. 50 from Fernley, Nevada, to Silver Springs, NV, I noticed a craft. 39.5483805 -119.214468455863 POINT(39.5483805 -119.214468455863)
5/21/16 06:20 USA Monroe County WI Disk Saucer shapped UFO sighting in Monroe County. 43.9416755 -90.6397263 POINT(43.9416755 -90.6397263)
5/20/16 00:05 USA McMinnville OR Disk Was walking to my car approximately midnight and saw a bright red object near the vicinity of Jupiter (due West, approx. 15 degrees abo 45.2109843 -123.197585 POINT(45.2109843 -123.197585)
11/17/16 20:00 USA Balko OK Disk Seen a red object flying N. It stopped turned blue hovered for a few mins. It then turned orange and headed N and hovered again then sh 36.6600752 -100.679207 POINT(36.6600752 -100.679207)
5/16/16 23:30 USA Laveen AZ Disk Yellow lights on Saucer spotted over the Estrella Mountains in Laveen, AZ 33.3618814 -112.153386 POINT(33.3618814 -112.153386)
11/17/16 19:00 USA Hemet CA Disk Saw bright light hoovering in sky,and over the course of a couple hours we watched about 12 or so drones flying by the object. I've nev 33.778562 -117.035766536246 POINT(33.778562 -117.035766536246)
2016-09-05 11:30:00 PM USA Linden NJ Disk ((HOAX??)) Sunday night, at about 11:30, when I saw a string of lights appear in the sky over a tree. ((anonymour report)) 40.6220478 -74.2445901 POINT(40.6220478 -74.2445901)
2016-06-05 11:23:00 AM USA Memphis TN Disk Today I witnessed a "UF0", on Winchester and Mendenhall in East Memphis. ((anonymous report)) 35.1490215 -90.0516284 POINT(35.1490215 -90.0516284)
2016-04-05 09:05:00 PM USA Willits CA Disk 11 orange glowing discs spotted just east of 101 in willits, near east valley road, hovering low and slowly moved a bit west before com 39.4096043 -123.3555601 POINT(39.4096043 -123.3555601)
2016-04-05 05:00:00 PM USA Manhattan Beach CA Disk CA. circle with 5 lights underside took 3 shots with camera 33.895497 -118.4003449 POINT(33.895497 -118.4003449)
2016-04-05 04:00:00 AM USA Crested Butte CO Disk Craziest UFO Siting. 6 over a two hour period. 38.8697146 -106.9878231 POINT(38.8697146 -106.9878231)
2016-03-05 12:00:00 PM USA Phoenix AZ Disk 05/03/2016 UFOS OVER PHOENIX SKYHABOR AIRPORT 1. BRIGHT LIGHTS Small bright lights dancing all over skyhabor airport 12pm A. Disk shap 33.4485866 -112.0773455 POINT(33.4485866 -112.0773455)
4/26/16 19:36 USA Smyrna GA Disk It was dark normal weather the objects look like they were 4-6 miles away there was two of them hovering over they had blinking lig 33.5981814 -83.4048861 POINT(33.5981814 -83.4048861)
4/23/16 23:46 USA Minneapolis MN Disk Gray disk with a blue bump in the bottom. 44.9772995 -93.2654691 POINT(44.9772995 -93.2654691)
4/22/16 18:30 USA Cibola County NM Disk Flying Saucer observed in remote area of New Mexico. 34.8722771 -107.9398473 POINT(34.8722771 -107.9398473)
4/21/16 20:30 USA High Springs FL Disk ((HOAX??)) Hazy object seen as a oval disk with two blaring lights, and it made a humming noise. ((anonymous)) 29.8269064 -82.5967831 POINT(29.8269064 -82.5967831)
4/21/16 20:00 USA Green River UT Disk Saucer and possible Cigar shaped object in sunset. 39.3082805 -110.0598549 POINT(39.3082805 -110.0598549)
4/21/16 17:00 USA Bethany DE Disk Very slow flying disk with with white orbital/flashing lights around bottom. Low flying then ascended vanishing after short period. 37.7782171 -121.605499211706 POINT(37.7782171 -121.605499211706)
4/18/16 14:30 USA Marysville CA Disk 3 reflective (catching the sun) objects moving around each other really close then far away from eachother. 39.1457247 -121.5913515 POINT(39.1457247 -121.5913515)
4/17/16 14:00 USA Eagle Point OR Disk While running, I saw five craft fly east-to-west, constantly changing formation. 42.472626 -122.8028179 POINT(42.472626 -122.8028179)
4/17/16 00:00 USA Alden NY Disk A saucer type shape with a small dome on top was hovering in the sky that continuously cycled colors from red, yellow and green. 42.9000596 -78.491967 POINT(42.9000596 -78.491967)
4/15/16 22:35 USA St. Robert MO Disk Sat outside in my backyard when a huge bright green glowing discshaped ufo flew right across the house down the street. 37.8280961 -92.1776663 POINT(37.8280961 -92.1776663)
11/14/16 23:30 USA Hillsboro OR Disk I by accident photographed with a digital camera a single grey saucer like object with ridges and an oblong portal 45.5228939 -122.9898269 POINT(45.5228939 -122.9898269)
2016-09-04 11:45:00 AM USA Grants Pass OR Disk Round, black object, no sound moving very fast thru morning sky. 42.4393707 -123.3272488 POINT(42.4393707 -123.3272488)
2016-09-04 03:00:00 AM USA Buckingham VA Disk Glowing ball like object with a red beam underneath the object. 37.5558826 -78.5547171 POINT(37.5558826 -78.5547171)
2016-07-04 12:00:00 PM USA Berwyn IL Disk I didn't see this until I was going through the pics I took on the computer. I was facing east and the ceiling was about 2900 ft. 41.8505874 -87.7936684 POINT(41.8505874 -87.7936684)
2016-05-04 11:30:00 PM USA Lawrenceville GA Disk ((HOAX??)) Very weird. 33.9562149 -83.9879624 POINT(33.9562149 -83.9879624)
2016-04-04 09:00:00 PM USA Florence CO Disk Gray, disk shaped with red and white flickering lights around the edge. 4 Orange lights on the bottom. 45.8379973 -88.3902942 POINT(45.8379973 -88.3902942)
2016-01-04 11:30:00 PM USA Moore OK Disk Strange aircraft hovering over a Oklahoma field. ((NUFORC Note: Report is from high school student. PD)) 35.3395135 -97.4867044 POINT(35.3395135 -97.4867044)
3/30/16 00:00 USA Burien WA Disk DISC SHAPED CRAFT SPIRALED BY AS I LOOKED OUT UPSTAIRS WINDOW. 47.469918 -122.3485273 POINT(47.469918 -122.3485273)
3/30/16 00:00 USA High Point NC Disk Disk oval shaped with light coming down fast and disappearing in mid air!! 35.9556924 -80.0053175 POINT(35.9556924 -80.0053175)
3/29/16 19:39 USA Crestline CA Disk Seen circular object with 1 circular light in the middle. Also 2 strips of lights on the side. Went straight up into the sky. 34.2495525 -117.293895511888 POINT(34.2495525 -117.293895511888)
3/29/16 17:00 USA Surprise AZ Disk Started in middle of sky...made a turn....when I closed up with camara yhe object seemed flat but invisible..I see a lit of military je 33.6292271 -112.3680188 POINT(33.6292271 -112.3680188)
3/28/16 06:30 USA Glenwood Springs CO Disk Sighting disk object with two rows of red lights hovering above trees. 39.5507448 -107.3255 POINT(39.5507448 -107.3255)
3/27/16 20:50 USA Santa Maria CA Disk All lights appeared white that blinked in sequence around the object. May have a redlight in the middle that turned off suddenly. 34.9531295 -120.4358576 POINT(34.9531295 -120.4358576)
3/26/16 21:20 USA New Lexington OH Disk I tried to enter the time in the correct box but it would not allow me. But the sighting took place at 9:20 P.M. or 21:20 P.M. Military 39.7139579 -82.2084804 POINT(39.7139579 -82.2084804)
3/24/16 22:50 USA Chester VA Disk Hi Peter, One sighting tonight, March 24th, of a luminous bright gold colored saucer shaped object for about two to three seconds thoug 37.3569086 -77.4421817 POINT(37.3569086 -77.4421817)
3/22/16 03:45 USA Byrdstown TN Disk Saucer looking shape, but was so far away you could barely tell. Lights flashing and hazy trail left behind when moving upward. 36.5745104 -85.1288434 POINT(36.5745104 -85.1288434)
3/22/16 00:00 USA Bloomington IL Disk ((HOAX??)) I dont know if this was a dream or if i was abducted. 40.4731073 -88.9941402 POINT(40.4731073 -88.9941402)
12/15/16 17:50 USA Simpsonville SC Disk Trail and horizontal lighted craft. ((anonymous report)) ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of a contrail?? PD)) 34.7370639 -82.2542833 POINT(34.7370639 -82.2542833)
3/18/16 17:00 USA Sinking Spring PA Disk Shiny metallic saucer-shaped aircraft. 40.3273146 -76.0110488 POINT(40.3273146 -76.0110488)
3/18/16 00:00 USA Newport Beach CA Disk Blinding light and loud noises, followed by orbs in the sky. 33.6170092 -117.92944 POINT(33.6170092 -117.92944)
3/17/16 20:10 USA Madison WI Disk On bike path just west of Black Hawk Golf Course. I looked up in the sky and it appeared to look like a shooting star. Then I could t 43.074761 -89.3837612 POINT(43.074761 -89.3837612)
3/17/16 01:45 USA Sterling IL Disk 3 of us have seen this UFO at least 6 times, with an extra friend seeing it tonight. It was more flat in shape, and only omitted white 41.788642 -89.6962193 POINT(41.788642 -89.6962193)
3/16/16 23:28 USA Murray KY Disk A disc fly very low, no sound 6 white lights across the center and multipal colors lights between the white lights, going SW. 36.6103334 -88.3147609 POINT(36.6103334 -88.3147609)
11/13/16 USA Stockton CA Disk 2 disk shaped objects drop from the skyline vertical and accelerate horizontal to the clouds. 37.9577016 -121.2907795 POINT(37.9577016 -121.2907795)
3/14/16 02:30 USA Portland OR Disk While standing in my back yard I was watching the dark clouds coming in. 45.5202471 -122.6741948 POINT(45.5202471 -122.6741948)
2016-12-03 07:45:00 PM USA West Palm Beach FL Disk Two crafts with orange pulsating glow coming from under belly, travelling from East to West at slow speed, vanished progressively. 26.7153425 -80.0533745 POINT(26.7153425 -80.0533745)
2016-12-03 12:30:00 AM USA Burlington CT Disk Flying disk shooting beam of light into trees above haunted cemetery seen by US Soldiers. 41.1316961 -73.4038851 POINT(41.1316961 -73.4038851)
2016-11-03 09:00:00 PM USA Venice FL Disk Could not hear any sounds coming from objects, it was dark, tried binoculars, couldn't bring into focus. 27.0998708 -82.4544131 POINT(27.0998708 -82.4544131)
2016-11-03 06:45:00 PM USA Manchester NH Disk Saucer-like object w/ white aura seen flying over South Willow in Manchester, NH. 42.9956397 -71.454789 POINT(42.9956397 -71.454789)
2016-11-03 12:35:00 AM USA East Greenwich RI Disk I followed a bright orange light as I was driving, it started veering off behind a neighborhood and looked as if it was landing. 41.6603788 -71.455891 POINT(41.6603788 -71.455891)
2016-07-03 09:00:00 PM USA Ocklawaha FL Disk ((HOAX??))Silver color saucer shape w/ red and white lights blinking flying through the pm sky,and diamond shape ships flying, hovering 29.0427592 -81.9292504 POINT(29.0427592 -81.9292504)
2016-12-11 06:05:00 PM USA Durham NC Disk Wife and I saw 5 light orange disc like objects that appeared to be spinning flying W. ((anonymous report)) 35.9940329 -78.8986189 POINT(35.9940329 -78.8986189)
2016-07-03 03:00:00 PM USA Nags Head NC Disk Disc shaped craft either taking in or expelling cloud. 35.957392 -75.6240619 POINT(35.957392 -75.6240619)
2016-06-03 05:00:00 PM USA North Providence RI Disk 2 bright metallic disc objects with a dark underside were flying in unison in a circular pattern high in the sky at 5:00 pm. 41.8500997 -71.4661702 POINT(41.8500997 -71.4661702)
2016-11-11 11:00:00 PM USA Middletown DE Disk My husband and I thought it was a star until it disappeared and then showed up 45 seconds later a little bit farther to the right from 39.449556 -75.7163206 POINT(39.449556 -75.7163206)
2016-01-03 04:00:00 PM USA Waterbury CT Disk 4 spirals made in one cloud, and 4 aircraft (UFO's) seen leaving the immediate area. Over the western skies of Waterbury, CT. 39.7337385 -82.6371202 POINT(39.7337385 -82.6371202)
2016-01-03 11:00:00 AM USA Kenmore WA Disk UFO close to St. Vincent de Paul Society store in Kenmore, WA. ((anonymous report)) 47.7573202 -122.2440147 POINT(47.7573202 -122.2440147)
2/26/16 19:30 USA Sacaton AZ Disk Was exiting Gila River Reservation, Sacaton. Noticed three lights blinking, just hovering near the desert, east of Interstate 10. 33.0767226 -111.7392992 POINT(33.0767226 -111.7392992)
2/26/16 19:20 USA White Sulphur Springs MT Disk S sky bright lights, white, green and red flashing with no movement for 20 min. +. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of Sirius? PD)) 46.548394 -110.9028869 POINT(46.548394 -110.9028869)
2/26/16 13:11 USA Palm Springs AZ Disk Picture taken, object cannot be explained. No reflection possible we can explain. Have photo to share 33.4047711 -111.5384661 POINT(33.4047711 -111.5384661)
2/24/16 20:45 USA Sodaville OR Disk Disc shaped glowing lights tonight with pictures and video! 44.4833945 -122.869982190638 POINT(44.4833945 -122.869982190638)
2/22/16 21:40 USA Vancouver OR Disk Blue object over Portland, Oregon. 45.6030456 -122.6783623 POINT(45.6030456 -122.6783623)
2016-11-02 07:00:00 PM USA Zion IL Disk A bunch of lights with the silhouette of a saucer. 42.4461322 -87.8328504 POINT(42.4461322 -87.8328504)
2016-10-02 07:15:00 AM USA Beaverton OR Disk White to yellow disc object in NE sky that split into two pieces. 45.4871723 -122.8037803 POINT(45.4871723 -122.8037803)
2016-10-11 08:40:00 PM USA Virginia Beach VA Disk Long UFO over school. ((anonymous report)) 36.8529841 -75.9774182 POINT(36.8529841 -75.9774182)
2016-09-02 02:30:00 PM USA Tulsa OK Disk While F-16s took off from TUL, a white disc/cloud object accelerated and disappeared on horizon. 36.1556805 -95.9929112 POINT(36.1556805 -95.9929112)
2016-07-02 03:30:00 PM USA Miami FL Disk White/transparent disc like shaped object flying at low altitude over Tamiami Trail West. Duration: 3-4 secs 25.800431 -80.2632189 POINT(25.800431 -80.2632189)
2016-05-02 08:35:00 PM USA Colorado Springs CO Disk Football-shaped saucer, red and gold over Colo Springs Feb 5 2016 8:35 pm mst. 38.8339578 -104.8253484 POINT(38.8339578 -104.8253484)
2016-04-02 11:00:00 PM USA Colorado Springs CO Disk Red fog in room, blueish chrome disk outside of front door, buzzing and pop noise, weird behavior from wife and dog. 38.8339578 -104.8253484 POINT(38.8339578 -104.8253484)
2016-03-02 10:00:00 PM USA Waretown NJ Disk Brilliant Illumination, hovering in night sky. 2 other discs flying around. 39.7938958 -74.223206 POINT(39.7938958 -74.223206)
2016-01-02 06:25:00 PM USA Lombard IL Disk Sighting in Lombard, IL. 41.8800296 -88.0078434 POINT(41.8800296 -88.0078434)
2016-01-02 06:38:00 AM USA Lupton City TN Disk Captured a UFO on my phone after taking pictures of cloud formations at the river 35.1057126 -85.2642638 POINT(35.1057126 -85.2642638)
2016-01-02 12:00:00 AM USA Paradise Valley AZ Disk Blimp sized and shaped craft pulsating light spotted low in the clouds of Paradise Valley, AZ, that hit incredible speed. 33.5428006 -111.9556 POINT(33.5428006 -111.9556)
1/31/16 13:00 USA Hampton Bays NY Disk It appears the he caught a UFO shooting out of the water possible doing a barrel roll. ((NUFORC Note: Bird in flight. PD)) 40.8689892 -72.5175892 POINT(40.8689892 -72.5175892)
1/29/16 09:00 USA Barrington NJ Disk Saucer like ship in the sky that was hovering unnaturally and made a immediate vertical ascent. 39.8648357 -75.0551713 POINT(39.8648357 -75.0551713)
1/25/16 20:14 USA Manchester CT Disk I looked up and seen what I thought at first was a plane but when I realized that it was not. 37.2734688 -80.0453173 POINT(37.2734688 -80.0453173)
1/22/16 04:55 USA Centreville VA Disk My daughter and I looked out the window and saw a mysterious flying object. It is grayish in color. 38.8403909 -77.4288768 POINT(38.8403909 -77.4288768)
1/21/16 22:00 USA Phoenix AZ Disk HUGE BLUISH AND PURPLE DISK-LIKE SAUCER HOOVERING ABOVE THE CANYON SKYLINE 33.4485866 -112.0773455 POINT(33.4485866 -112.0773455)
1/21/16 02:00 USA Manassas Park VA Disk Saucer move close slowly. Came to rest above neighbors house. Size of city bus. Windows and flashing lights. 38.7840035 -77.469711 POINT(38.7840035 -77.469711)
1/19/16 05:30 USA Foley MN Disk UFO hovering over Sherburne- more than 3 hours. ((NUFORC Note: Possible sighting of 5 planets in eastern a.m. sky? PD)) 45.6647417 -93.9088138 POINT(45.6647417 -93.9088138)
1/18/16 19:07 USA Effort PA Disk 2 blue/red/white lights saucers hovering near my house. 40.9392584 -75.4349069 POINT(40.9392584 -75.4349069)
1/16/16 16:45 USA Florham Park NJ Disk Objects appeared in photo taken at sunset. 40.787878 -74.3882069 POINT(40.787878 -74.3882069)
1/16/16 15:00 USA Columbia SC Disk Extremely fast bullet shaped craft moving E-W no sound. Veteran observer. 34.0007493 -81.0343312 POINT(34.0007493 -81.0343312)
1/16/16 01:00 USA Manassas Park VA Disk At times resembles a star. At times resembles cigar shape standing on end, or disk with lights circling the disk. Two of them over Quan 38.7840035 -77.469711 POINT(38.7840035 -77.469711)
2016-09-11 05:00:00 PM USA Leominster MA Disk Saucer-shaped craft hiding in clouds, hovering over median strip on Route 2 with red and white blinking lights. ((anonymous report)) 42.5250906 -71.7597939 POINT(42.5250906 -71.7597939)
2016-09-11 04:35:00 PM USA Silverton OR Disk I saw a emerald disk covered in a transparent teardrop shell streak across the sky. 45.0049305 -122.7832946 POINT(45.0049305 -122.7832946)
2016-02-01 04:30:00 PM USA Annapolis MD Disk Bright objects witnessed in the western sky near Annapolis. 38.9786401 -76.4927859 POINT(38.9786401 -76.4927859)
12/14/16 01:00 USA Berthoud CO Disk Large glowing disk in the sky moving slowly westward then suddenly disappeared. ((anonymous report)) 40.3083174 -105.0810923 POINT(40.3083174 -105.0810923)
2016-03-11 11:00:00 PM USA Park City UT Disk Bright lights, Disk, Hangs in the North and East sky every night, White light, 40.6460635 -111.497974 POINT(40.6460635 -111.497974)
2016-03-11 07:45:00 AM USA Corolla NC Disk Small silent disc-like object over Northern Outer Banks, NC. 36.3847464 -75.8286982 POINT(36.3847464 -75.8286982)
10/30/16 17:34 USA Holmes Beach FL Disk Unknown object flying over the gulf at low altitude, moving very fast from north to south in the horizon. 27.4953156 -82.7109328 POINT(27.4953156 -82.7109328)
10/29/16 19:40 USA Lake Charles LA Disk Bright White light in sky semi sphere changed shape to vertical and seemed to rotate. ((anonymous report)) 30.2265949 -93.2173758 POINT(30.2265949 -93.2173758)
10/29/16 10:30 USA Rock Point AZ Disk Dark-grayish flat like object, in the skies for approximately 10 seconds. 36.7170573 -109.6245141 POINT(36.7170573 -109.6245141)
10/26/16 14:12 USA Ayden NC Disk Fast moving object traveled under my drone. 35.472663 -77.4155199 POINT(35.472663 -77.4155199)
10/26/16 07:00 USA Creston MT Disk White Hovering Light of UFO Sighting in Kalispell/Creston, MT. 48.1894036 -114.1373428 POINT(48.1894036 -114.1373428)
10/25/16 11:00 USA Newcastle WA Disk As we speak this is happening. ((NUFORC Note: Advertising banner, being pulled by a tow plane. PD)) 47.5395736 -122.156333 POINT(47.5395736 -122.156333)
10/22/16 14:25 USA Krum TX Disk Fighter jets being followed by silver disc heading towards Lockheed in Ft. Worth, TX. 33.2618362 -97.2374667 POINT(33.2618362 -97.2374667)
10/21/16 18:20 USA Renton WA Disk Hovering up and down , flashing red and white lights , disappeared without a trace no noise. ((anonymous report)) 47.4799078 -122.2034495 POINT(47.4799078 -122.2034495)
10/20/16 21:00 USA Park City UT Disk The disc object with bright lights came from the North and disappeared over the mountains to the North 40.6460635 -111.497974 POINT(40.6460635 -111.497974)
10/20/16 09:00 USA Park City UT Disk ((HOAX??)) Bright disc shaped object. 40.6460635 -111.497974 POINT(40.6460635 -111.497974)
10/20/16 03:30 USA Bowling Green KY Disk We seen it fly over the road we was driving on then it hovered above a field. It was so bright. It just sat still for a minute. 36.9903199 -86.4436017 POINT(36.9903199 -86.4436017)
10/18/16 14:20 USA Greenfield WI Disk Silver disk in sky, hard to see sometimes due to reflection of sunlight, floating shortly then moves quickly out of sight 42.9614039 -88.0125864 POINT(42.9614039 -88.0125864)
2016-10-12 06:52:00 PM USA Kayenta AZ Disk Gigantict Disc with rotating side lights headed northeast over Kayenta into Monument Valley, UT. 36.717954 -110.2606012 POINT(36.717954 -110.2606012)
10/15/16 13:30 USA Valle Vista CA Disk 5 disks in "V" formation. 33.754125 -116.892690324938 POINT(33.754125 -116.892690324938)
2016-11-10 11:10:00 PM USA Hayti MO Disk UFO while on I-55 @ Mile Marker 17. 36.233679 -89.7495271 POINT(36.233679 -89.7495271)
2016-10-10 07:00:00 PM USA Yosemite National Park CA Disk Two VERY fast and hard to miss UFO's at Yosemite National Park in slow motion. 37.84054795 -119.516587698025 POINT(37.84054795 -119.516587698025)
2016-10-10 01:56:00 PM USA Columbia MD Disk Disc-shaped object flew slowly across several blocks. 39.2156213 -76.8582048 POINT(39.2156213 -76.8582048)
2016-08-10 05:24:00 PM USA Darby MT Disk Saucer shaped object near Trapper Peak. Emailing photo. 46.022659 -114.1780929 POINT(46.022659 -114.1780929)
2016-08-10 12:00:00 AM USA Crown Point IN Disk I saw bright flashes of light behind the clouds. Then I saw red rectangle lights coming through the clouds. 41.4169806 -87.3653135 POINT(41.4169806 -87.3653135)
2016-07-10 01:40:00 PM USA Eureka CA Disk While driving, I noticed a large disc shaped metallic object in the sky above The Humboldt Bay. The metal was shiny and reflective. 40.8020712 -124.1636728 POINT(40.8020712 -124.1636728)
2016-06-10 09:00:00 PM USA Whitefish MT Fireball ((HOAX??)) Amber orb floating east of Whitefish Lake, moving towards backroad to blue moon. ((anonymous report)) 48.4107966 -114.3346264 POINT(48.4107966 -114.3346264)
2016-06-10 08:00:00 PM USA Saylorsburg PA Fireball Approx. 4 seconds, a bright thick streak of light in sky & is low. bottom tip explodes bright white light & bits burst out & then gone 40.8952667 -75.3233922 POINT(40.8952667 -75.3233922)
2016-04-10 10:46:00 PM USA Fort Washington MD Fireball Large green fireball seen falling from sky over Fort Washington, Maryland. ((NUFORC Note: Probable meteor. Video. PD)) 38.7125305 -77.0124597 POINT(38.7125305 -77.0124597)
2016-04-10 10:37:00 PM USA Boonsboro MD Fireball Bright light came straight down with no lateral movement stright down. Had sparks following it. 39.5061332 -77.6524249 POINT(39.5061332 -77.6524249)
2016-04-10 10:16:00 PM USA Hanover MI Fireball Black Apache style helicopter chasing and orange ball of light. 39.8063247 -76.9842734 POINT(39.8063247 -76.9842734)
2016-03-10 05:00:00 AM USA Belchertown MA Fireball Very loud disturbance. Three red fireballs low in the sky descending slowly overhead. 42.2722584 -72.3944128905602 POINT(42.2722584 -72.3944128905602)
2016-01-10 10:15:00 PM USA Long Island NY Fireball ((HOAX??)) 3 fireball ufos seen above Elmont, Long Island. ((anonymous report)) 40.8517821 -73.099185269027 POINT(40.8517821 -73.099185269027)
2016-01-10 10:00:00 PM USA Central LA Fireball Flying fireball 34.2248222 -87.0091741 POINT(34.2248222 -87.0091741)
2016-01-10 09:45:00 PM USA Irvine CA Fireball red, green and yellow fireball over Irvine/Newport Beach area tonight 33.6856969 -117.8259818 POINT(33.6856969 -117.8259818)
2016-01-10 07:00:00 PM USA Sullivan IL Fireball Me and my father were watching the space station on 10/1/2016. I walk into the house as my dad calls me out to see this burning ball th 41.7156311 -74.7804322 POINT(41.7156311 -74.7804322)
2016-01-10 08:33:00 AM USA Lemitar NM Fireball 6 Orange orbs in the sky in Lemitar. 34.1597887 -106.910306 POINT(34.1597887 -106.910306)
2016-07-12 10:50:00 PM USA Napili HI Fireball Large bright fireball. 20.9717546 -156.675604521001 POINT(20.9717546 -156.675604521001)
2016-07-12 10:10:00 PM USA Bellingham WA Fireball Meteor like white decending east to west. 48.754402 -122.4788601 POINT(48.754402 -122.4788601)
9/28/16 23:00 USA Overland Park KS Fireball I saw a MASSIVE white object fall from the sky. 38.9822282 -94.6707916 POINT(38.9822282 -94.6707916)
9/27/16 20:50 USA Missoula MT Fireball Seen by 2 people in Missoula, Montana, at approximately 23:50 there where 3 fireball looking crafts hovering with no sound. 46.8700801 -113.9952795 POINT(46.8700801 -113.9952795)
2016-07-12 07:00:00 AM USA Orlando FL Fireball I was outside on back porch and saw a bright red orange color looked like a fire ball or exploded something in the air it was eastward. 28.5479786 -81.4127840856302 POINT(28.5479786 -81.4127840856302)
9/27/16 01:00 USA Cowiche WA Fireball At 1:15 am my husband and I were sitting on our porch and saw a fire ball appear from the south very low lower than most air planes it 46.6698469 -120.7122934 POINT(46.6698469 -120.7122934)
9/26/16 21:20 USA Savannah GA Fireball Red spherical light near Bull River. ((anonymous report)) 32.0835407 -81.0998341 POINT(32.0835407 -81.0998341)
2016-06-12 07:15:00 PM USA Austin NV Fireball I work for a major national ((deleted--corp.) and my family (wife/age deleted) daughter) and I were driving N of Austin, NV. 39.4932592 -117.0695385 POINT(39.4932592 -117.0695385)
9/24/16 21:30 USA Niagara Falls NY Fireball Green light followed by what appeared to be hovering object with blinking lights above Niagara Falls, NY. ((anonymous report)) 43.1131874 -79.0314255 POINT(43.1131874 -79.0314255)
9/24/16 00:00 USA Cleveland OH Fireball Orange flying ball with shapes of light spinning around it. 41.5051613 -81.6934445 POINT(41.5051613 -81.6934445)
9/23/16 22:00 USA Lilburn GA Fireball Similar to 3/14/15 at 20:00 in Lilburn, GA, I also saw about 15 very bright orange lights shaped like fireballs. ((anonymous report)) 33.8901036 -84.1429718 POINT(33.8901036 -84.1429718)
9/22/16 12:15 USA Cincinnati OH Fireball Large round light falls from sky then is later seen standing still. 39.1014537 -84.5124601 POINT(39.1014537 -84.5124601)
9/21/16 21:45 USA Lowell MA Fireball I saw large green shooting star/fireball. It had a long green tail. It was going really fast, from east to west, from high to low. I 42.6334247 -71.3161717 POINT(42.6334247 -71.3161717)
9/21/16 21:42 USA Nashua NH Fireball Emerald green fireball shooting across sky 42.7653662 -71.4675659 POINT(42.7653662 -71.4675659)
9/21/16 05:16 USA Newport Beach CA Fireball Three fireball objects seen by witnesses fading in and out of view over the ocean. 33.6170092 -117.92944 POINT(33.6170092 -117.92944)
9/21/16 05:16 USA Newport Beach CA Fireball Three fireball objects seen by witnesses fading in and out of view over the ocean. Location was off the coast from Newport Beach, CA. 33.6170092 -117.92944 POINT(33.6170092 -117.92944)
9/21/16 02:35 USA Tea SD Fireball Fireball observed north of Tea, SD. 43.44661 -96.8360339 POINT(43.44661 -96.8360339)
9/19/16 20:05 USA Pittsfield MA Fireball Out for a walk to the store, walking toward the northwest on the south side of town, I first noticed it over the treeline as very red. 42.4500967 -73.2453784 POINT(42.4500967 -73.2453784)
9/17/16 23:15 USA Miami FL Fireball My 9 yr. old daughter and I were leaving her friend house we were inside the car when suddenly those flying objects like fire were in t 25.800431 -80.2632189 POINT(25.800431 -80.2632189)
9/17/16 22:36 USA Colton NY Fireball ((NUFORC Note: Adv. Lights? PD)) Bright red lights were close; were doing circles, then suddenly disappeared. ((anonymous report)) 44.553292 -74.9398039 POINT(44.553292 -74.9398039)
2016-05-12 01:40:00 AM USA La Pine OR Fireball Large bright orange fireball light silently Streaks over the Cascade mountains of central Oregon Definitely NOT a Meteor ... Too fast 43.6703995 -121.5036359 POINT(43.6703995 -121.5036359)
9/15/16 21:45 USA Bigfork MT Fireball Comet-like craft moving northeast across sky. 48.0632865 -114.0726133 POINT(48.0632865 -114.0726133)
9/15/16 21:00 USA Seagrove FL Fireball The objects were approximately 2 miles off the coast and I'd guess 5,000 feet above the ocean. Two lighted up first next to each other 30.3180152 -86.1312568 POINT(30.3180152 -86.1312568)
9/15/16 20:30 USA Menifee CA Fireball 3-4 objects shot across sky (west to east travel). Two red fireballs moving fast. Booms heard after 2nd fireball. 33.6864432 -117.1770436 POINT(33.6864432 -117.1770436)
9/15/16 19:45 USA Baltimore MD Fireball 3 glowing fireball-type objects with trailing fireball, seen flying at dusk over east Baltimore, MD. ((anonymous report)) 39.2908816 -76.6107589 POINT(39.2908816 -76.6107589)
9/13/16 21:30 USA Lakewood WA Fireball Red fireball/orb in night over Lakewood JBLM 9/13/16 47.1714085 -122.5163999 POINT(47.1714085 -122.5163999)
9/13/16 21:05 USA Fayetteville AR Fireball Greenish fireball shooting over treetops. ((anonymous report)) 36.0625843 -94.1574327 POINT(36.0625843 -94.1574327)
2016-12-09 10:00:00 PM USA Brooks ME Fireball I thought it was a meteor, but it was going across the sky, not downward. Orange, big, quiet, fast. ((anonymous report)) 44.550356 -69.1211699 POINT(44.550356 -69.1211699)
2016-11-09 07:43:00 PM USA Austin TX Fireball ((HOAX??)) Fireball passes overhead, shiny disc appears and lands. ((anonymous report)) 30.2711286 -97.7436994 POINT(30.2711286 -97.7436994)
2016-10-09 09:00:00 PM USA Lima OH Fireball Husband and I and 2 of our children were waiting in line at drive thru restaurant. My 9 yr old said,"What are those bright lights?" 40.742551 -84.1052255 POINT(40.742551 -84.1052255)
2016-10-09 02:45:00 AM USA Pharr TX Fireball Fireball in the sky. 26.1947962 -98.1836215 POINT(26.1947962 -98.1836215)
2016-09-09 08:43:00 PM USA Battle Ground WA Fireball Large fireball type object shot straight downward, made sound. 45.7813532 -122.5337432 POINT(45.7813532 -122.5337432)
2016-08-09 06:30:00 PM USA Erwin NC Fireball Bright white light falling extremely fast from atmosphere to the ground 35.326829 -78.6761279 POINT(35.326829 -78.6761279)
2016-08-09 05:55:00 PM USA Wake Forest NC Fireball Pulling in my driveway, my daughter pointed it out, super fast, crossed sky in a few seconds heading East. Appeared to be crashing to E 35.9803097 -78.5103426 POINT(35.9803097 -78.5103426)
2016-07-09 09:23:00 AM USA Portsmouth RI Fireball A strange bright red light much bigger than a plane or satalite lit up hugely and bright then just dissapred into the night. It looked 41.6024068 -71.2503156 POINT(41.6024068 -71.2503156)
2016-06-09 07:45:00 PM USA Dundalk MD Fireball 3 glowing white ufos with glowing white tails on each, seen flying at dusk over Dundalk Maryland. 39.2574114 -76.5236744 POINT(39.2574114 -76.5236744)
2016-06-09 01:30:00 PM USA Lake Crystal MN Fireball Red glow on the horizon. Thought a house/barn was on fire. Called husband (in law enforcement, working at the time). No fire reported. 44.1057973 -94.2188493 POINT(44.1057973 -94.2188493)
2016-04-09 11:00:00 PM USA National Park NJ Fireball 3 red round large moving lights coming from east & moving west towards phila pa the disappeared 39.865968 -75.179635 POINT(39.865968 -75.179635)
2016-04-09 10:45:00 PM USA Lawrenceburg KY Fireball I saw four slow moving bright objects with bright red running through each one moving across the sky in pairs. 38.0372967 -84.896617 POINT(38.0372967 -84.896617)
2016-04-09 10:29:00 PM USA Varnell GA Fireball We were driving down a country road on a clear night when we noticed 7 bright orange lights flying in the same direction (slightly nort 34.9011886 -84.9738348 POINT(34.9011886 -84.9738348)
2016-04-09 09:00:00 PM USA Pflugerville TX Fireball Fireballs over central TX. 30.4393696 -97.6200042 POINT(30.4393696 -97.6200042)
2016-04-09 09:00:00 PM USA Elgin IL Fireball 9:00pm CST, 9/4/16, fireball-like objects observed over Elgin, IL. 42.0372487 -88.2811894 POINT(42.0372487 -88.2811894)
2016-03-09 11:55:00 PM USA Portland OR Fireball At approx 11:55 pm, I observed in the western sky a large green fireball, with a strange oblong shape to it, traveling northward, at a 45.5202471 -122.6741948 POINT(45.5202471 -122.6741948)
2016-03-09 11:00:00 PM USA Wood Dale IL Fireball Around 11 PM, my family called to tell me there were strange red/orange lights in the sky. I went out and after a few minutes of waitin 41.9633625 -87.9789561 POINT(41.9633625 -87.9789561)
2016-03-09 11:00:00 PM USA Manalapan NJ Fireball I was driving a big transit passenger bus southbound on Route 9 in a rural farm area with low lying corn fields and no bright street li 40.2852895 -74.3334949 POINT(40.2852895 -74.3334949)
2016-02-09 11:59:00 PM USA Salem OR Fireball Quiet comet like fireball with a long trail across the skyline at a downward angle fast moving went behind the trees lost sight 44.9391565 -123.0331209 POINT(44.9391565 -123.0331209)
2016-02-09 09:44:00 PM USA Seekonk MA Fireball Fireball hovering in the sky over my office 41.808434 -71.3369972 POINT(41.808434 -71.3369972)
2016-02-09 08:18:00 PM USA St. Albans WV Fireball Bright red "fireball" appeared to roll across the sky and disappeared over horizon 38.3856488 -81.8362409 POINT(38.3856488 -81.8362409)
2016-02-09 12:00:00 AM USA Greenfield WI Fireball It was NW from my Greenfield home, and it was red, fluctuating to white, and moved sharply from behind a tree to above the tree 2x. 42.9614039 -88.0125864 POINT(42.9614039 -88.0125864)
2016-01-09 10:00:00 PM USA Lehighton PA Fireball Two red spheres with a yellow center following a path from north to south 40.8337029 -75.7138007 POINT(40.8337029 -75.7138007)
8/30/16 21:40 USA Tempe AZ Fireball At around 9:40 pm went outside and saw two bright orange fireballs side by side heading towards south mountain. ((anonymous report)) 33.4144139 -111.9094473 POINT(33.4144139 -111.9094473)
8/27/16 23:15 USA White House TN Fireball 5 bright red orbs traveling west then slowed stopped and turned to the south and faded out. 36.4703232 -86.6513844 POINT(36.4703232 -86.6513844)
8/27/16 20:15 USA Jefferson SD Fireball Brilliant fireball traveled from east to west. ((anonymous report)) 42.6024951 -96.5591991 POINT(42.6024951 -96.5591991)
8/26/16 23:30 USA Surf City NJ Fireball Fast fireball across sky. 39.6620638 -74.1651376 POINT(39.6620638 -74.1651376)
8/25/16 20:58 USA Canton OH Fireball Golden glowing, flame like orb in night sky. 40.7989522 -81.3784444 POINT(40.7989522 -81.3784444)
8/25/16 02:20 USA Lakewood WA Fireball Third time I've seen this. This time strange because they were red at first than turned white toward Ft. Lewis. 47.1714085 -122.5163999 POINT(47.1714085 -122.5163999)
8/23/16 22:20 USA Holland MI Fireball 2 bright orange/red balls moving SSE to NNW (one after the other) across sky in approximately 10 seconds. 42.7876022 -86.1090827 POINT(42.7876022 -86.1090827)
8/22/16 02:49 USA Perris CA Fireball Orange light in sky that makes explosion sounds. 33.7825194 -117.2286477 POINT(33.7825194 -117.2286477)
8/22/16 00:30 USA Hibbing MN Fireball Seen a glowing object, kind of at first looked triangular then turned into more of a fire ball look. Glowing. 47.427155 -92.9376889 POINT(47.427155 -92.9376889)
8/20/16 22:30 USA Jamestown PA Fireball Four fireball orbs visible over Pymatuning Lake. 41.4847758 -80.4375686 POINT(41.4847758 -80.4375686)
8/20/16 20:22 USA Hazel Crest IL Fireball 10-12 yellow/orange fireballs moving in strange formation no sound and sequentially disappearing. 41.571701 -87.6944914 POINT(41.571701 -87.6944914)
8/19/16 22:00 USA Fort Pierce FL Fireball From my backyard in Fort Pierce/Lakewood Park we witnessed a fireball over the East Coast coming from N, heading S. 27.4467056 -80.3256055 POINT(27.4467056 -80.3256055)
8/19/16 06:30 USA Pompano Beach FL Fireball Green Fireball spotted over Pompano Beach in the Morning. 26.2378597 -80.1247666 POINT(26.2378597 -80.1247666)
8/19/16 00:55 USA Vero Beach FL Fireball Fireball looking UFO hovered near us on beach 27.6387163 -80.3975398 POINT(27.6387163 -80.3975398)
8/19/16 00:54 USA Boca Raton FL Fireball Silent fireball like object slowly flew across sky, then darted off to the east, like a shooting star, leaving our atmosphere. 26.3586885 -80.0830983 POINT(26.3586885 -80.0830983)
8/18/16 21:00 USA Mesa AZ Fireball Green, bright, ball falling from sky, Mesa, AZ. 33.436188 -111.586066076293 POINT(33.436188 -111.586066076293)
8/18/16 20:20 USA Los Angeles CA Fireball NEON GREEN STREAK OVER PICO FAIRFAX (L.A.), OVER FULL MOON. 34.0543942 -118.2439408 POINT(34.0543942 -118.2439408)
8/17/16 21:30 USA Wesley Chapel FL Fireball Two red balls of fire rise into the sky...hover...and fly away from us. 28.1866014 -82.3661208690332 POINT(28.1866014 -82.3661208690332)
8/16/16 22:15 USA Gaylord MI Fireball Lights in the sky over Gaylord, MI. 45.027513 -84.6747519 POINT(45.027513 -84.6747519)
11/29/16 06:00 USA Anchor Point AK Fireball Glowing flashing orbs moving erratically. 59.76826 -151.677551875055 POINT(59.76826 -151.677551875055)
8/15/16 21:36 USA San Diego CA Fireball Flashing fireball slowly moving over Mission Valley around 9:36 pm on Monday night 8/15/2016. Looked like the flash of fire wold repeat 32.7174209 -117.1627713 POINT(32.7174209 -117.1627713)
8/15/16 21:00 USA Laguna Beach CA Fireball Comet-like UFO's with shimmery tales over the ocean turning on and off. ((anonymous report)) 33.5420888 -117.7834146 POINT(33.5420888 -117.7834146)
8/14/16 22:40 USA Wassaic NY Fireball Fireball above Wassaic, NY. 41.8039825 -73.5587367 POINT(41.8039825 -73.5587367)
2016-11-08 10:30:00 PM USA South Gate CA Fireball Look up at the sky to see a ball of green blue light dash quickly across and disappear. ((anonymous report)) 33.9463456 -118.2009809 POINT(33.9463456 -118.2009809)
2016-10-08 03:30:00 AM USA Avon MA Fireball I was getting of exit 19 off of 24 south heading into Avon when I saw a green fireball shooting down only a few hundred feet from the g 42.1306554 -71.0411581 POINT(42.1306554 -71.0411581)
11/28/16 06:00 USA Centerville IL Fireball We where just sitting in the car an we seen 2 lights but it looked like car lights in the sky so that caught our attention knowing plai 31.2579584 -95.9782919 POINT(31.2579584 -95.9782919)
2016-09-08 12:30:00 AM USA Pawleys Island SC Fireball Red flare-like object appeared 15-30 degrees above horizon. The object proceeded towards the horizon line at an extremely high speed. A 33.4293486 -79.1215911 POINT(33.4293486 -79.1215911)
2016-08-08 11:45:00 PM USA Emerald Isle NC Fireball Yellow Orangish fireball observed over Emerald Isle, NC. ((anonymous report)) 34.6779399 -76.9507761 POINT(34.6779399 -76.9507761)
2016-08-08 10:15:00 PM USA Sheridan WY Fireball Glowing ball of light moved slowly across sky 8/9/16 in UFO in Sheridan, WY. 38.616431 -121.3631689 POINT(38.616431 -121.3631689)
2016-07-08 11:24:00 PM USA Cement City MI Fireball A ball of light, followed by fire, went through the sky and stopped to blend in as a star. 42.0700423 -84.3305041 POINT(42.0700423 -84.3305041)
2016-06-08 08:50:00 PM USA New Lenox IL Fireball About a dozen fireballs passing overhead in single file but irregularly spaced. ((anonymous report)) 41.5119761 -87.9656097 POINT(41.5119761 -87.9656097)
2016-05-08 11:45:00 PM USA Coweta OK Fireball Basketball sized dull reddish orange Orb flew decidedly around tree tops and past my 3rd story apartment balcony. 35.9517674 -95.6508139 POINT(35.9517674 -95.6508139)
2016-05-08 09:46:00 PM USA Mason WV Fireball Bright red object seen in sky. ((anonymous report)) 38.7499013 -82.0524559 POINT(38.7499013 -82.0524559)
11/27/16 10:00 USA Allentown PA Fireball ((HOAX??)) Orange UFO in a swarm in Allentown, PA. ((anonymous report)) 40.6022059 -75.4712793 POINT(40.6022059 -75.4712793)
2016-03-08 02:30:00 AM USA Mackinaw City MI Fireball orange ball of fire moving in all directions and complete stops, and restarts straits of mackinaw 45.783901 -84.7278279 POINT(45.783901 -84.7278279)
2016-01-08 11:04:00 PM USA Florissant MO Fireball Big bright red-orange object flying horizontally at about 5000ft-10000ft rotating slightly as it moved Northeast. 38.789217 -90.3226139 POINT(38.789217 -90.3226139)
12/17/16 20:00 USA Kahana HI Fireball Fireball 4 seconds in duration coming from the ocean in Kahana Maui going west to east. ((anonymous report)) 21.5543942 -157.873405 POINT(21.5543942 -157.873405)
7/30/16 22:50 USA Roseburg OR Fireball I went outside for a smoke and when i looked up to the east i saw what appeared to be either a meteor breaking thru the atmosphere but 43.216505 -123.341738 POINT(43.216505 -123.341738)
7/30/16 22:15 USA College Station TX Fireball Green fireball shoots across sky before disappearing. 30.6253463 -96.3271537 POINT(30.6253463 -96.3271537)
7/30/16 21:39 USA Lawrence MA Fireball T-shaped fork completely covered in fire. Kept flying at same level 42.7070354 -71.1631136 POINT(42.7070354 -71.1631136)
7/30/16 21:20 USA Norwalk CA Fireball Saw a orangish red light in the sky , thought maybe it was a helicopter or airplane that seemed to be coming in my direction , but then 33.9092802 -118.0849168 POINT(33.9092802 -118.0849168)
7/28/16 02:50 USA Clackamas OR Fireball Huge green low flying fireball. ((anonymous report)) ((NUFORC Note: Possible meteor?? PD)) 45.1608821 -122.2305037 POINT(45.1608821 -122.2305037)
7/27/16 22:45 USA West Valley City UT Fireball My husband and I were sitting on the front porch talking and I turned my head just to look up at the sky. At that moment a cluster of w 40.696629 -111.986727 POINT(40.696629 -111.986727)
7/27/16 22:45 USA Salt Lake City UT Fireball 10 to 15 slow traveling fireballs that faded into darkness. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 40.7670126 -111.8904307 POINT(40.7670126 -111.8904307)
7/27/16 22:41 USA Sherman Oaks CA Fireball Like a plane on fire with a long tail of read flames, white flames inside the red tail.((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 34.1508718 -118.4489864 POINT(34.1508718 -118.4489864)
7/27/16 22:40 USA St. George UT Fireball A/c speed object flying and then turns into a long fireball. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 37.104153 -113.5841312 POINT(37.104153 -113.5841312)
7/27/16 22:37 USA Layton UT Fireball Slow moving meteorite or plane burning. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 41.0602888 -111.9661494 POINT(41.0602888 -111.9661494)
7/27/16 22:35 USA West Valley City UT Fireball Saw in south sky falling lights. Looked like a firework but was moving horiz. W to E. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 40.696629 -111.986727 POINT(40.696629 -111.986727)
7/27/16 22:00 USA Santa Clarita CA Fireball Patrons, at a park saw an object resembling a crashing, burning, plane, or rocket, or meteorite. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 34.3916641 -118.5425859 POINT(34.3916641 -118.5425859)
7/27/16 22:00 USA Palmdale CA Fireball All 3 were flying across the sky downward, streaking across with what looked like sparks. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 34.5793131 -118.1171107 POINT(34.5793131 -118.1171107)
11/26/16 16:56 USA McChord AFB WA Fireball Looked up above my house on jblm, Lewis main. Three balls of red flare light hovered over. The Blackhawks were not flying at all at thi 47.1377 -122.4764999 POINT(47.1377 -122.4764999)
7/27/16 21:50 USA Mojave CA Fireball Huge meteor over Mojave. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 35.010985 -118.190324323489 POINT(35.010985 -118.190324323489)
7/27/16 21:50 USA Tracy CA Fireball Fireball Over Tracy, California. ((NUFORC Note: Reported to be re-entering Chinese rocket shell. PD)) 37.718829 -121.434379759455 POINT(37.718829 -121.434379759455)
7/27/16 21:45 USA San Jose CA Fireball My friend and I saw a fireball moving across the sky. ((anonymous report)) ((NUFORC Note: Space debris? PD)) 37.3361905 -121.8905832 POINT(37.3361905 -121.8905832)
7/27/16 21:45 USA Stockton CA Fireball Ufo over stockton plane crash? Meteor? Drone? video disappeared on one camera. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 37.9577016 -121.2907795 POINT(37.9577016 -121.2907795)
7/27/16 21:45 USA Lake Hughes CA Fireball "Missile test" my ((obscenity deleted)). 34.6774576 -118.4487111 POINT(34.6774576 -118.4487111)
7/27/16 21:45 USA Mesquite NV Fireball I think it was a meteor. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 36.804009 -114.0680592 POINT(36.804009 -114.0680592)
7/27/16 21:40 USA Tracy CA Fireball Slow-moving fireball moving E to W in the S sky. Yellowish in color and pulsing as it broke up. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 37.718829 -121.434379759455 POINT(37.718829 -121.434379759455)
7/27/16 21:40 USA Ventura CA Fireball Fireballs flying over two trees. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 34.364744 -119.310582204204 POINT(34.364744 -119.310582204204)
7/27/16 21:40 USA Phelan CA Fireball I seen a strange looking object in the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 34.426298 -117.5725025 POINT(34.426298 -117.5725025)
7/27/16 21:40 USA Tonopah NV Fireball Pinkish fireball that broke apart and changed color to a bluish on a smaller pc. 4 witnesses. 38.0681008 -117.2309498 POINT(38.0681008 -117.2309498)
7/27/16 21:40 USA Bakersfield CA Fireball Large orange-red fireball appear in the NW sky and fall to the E of Bakersfield. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 35.3738712 -119.0194638 POINT(35.3738712 -119.0194638)
7/27/16 21:40 USA Reno NV Fireball Two large fireballs streak across the sky over Reno, NV. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 39.52927 -119.8136743 POINT(39.52927 -119.8136743)
7/27/16 21:40 USA Truckee CA Fireball Sighted object(s) of two red-orange glowing balls with comet-like glowing tails. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 39.327962 -120.1832532 POINT(39.327962 -120.1832532)
7/27/16 21:37 USA Livermore CA Fireball Saw a large ball of light traveling West to East in Livermore. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 37.6820583 -121.768053 POINT(37.6820583 -121.768053)
7/27/16 21:37 USA Stockton CA Fireball Slow moving, gradually descending bright white light with trail that broke up into 2 red objs. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 37.9577016 -121.2907795 POINT(37.9577016 -121.2907795)
7/27/16 21:35 USA French Camp CA Fireball Massive entry burnout of a ufo. Did not appear to make a landing. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 37.876291 -121.271743829931 POINT(37.876291 -121.271743829931)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Victorville CA Fireball UFO, fire, contrail. ((NUFORC Note: Reported to be re-entering Chinese rocket shell. PD)) 34.5361067 -117.2911564 POINT(34.5361067 -117.2911564)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Incline Village NV Fireball Bright yellow round object with orange and purple tail seen over North Lake Tahoe.object. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 39.251597 -119.9723432 POINT(39.251597 -119.9723432)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Waterford CA Fireball I saw a slow moving object moving from West to east. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 37.6413202 -120.7604833 POINT(37.6413202 -120.7604833)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Sacramento CA Fireball Fireball with trail similar to a comet seen navigating over roof tops of suburb of city. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 38.5815719 -121.4943995 POINT(38.5815719 -121.4943995)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Minden NV Fireball Two white-ish/yellow fireballs observed for a full minute or slighly more in western NV. 38.9542487 -119.7656173 POINT(38.9542487 -119.7656173)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Frazier Park CA Fireball A fireball in the sky that was moving slow and right above the mountains across the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 34.8115546 -118.957762768551 POINT(34.8115546 -118.957762768551)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Los Angeles CA Fireball A fireball above the southern horizon seen from the district of El Sereno in northeast Los Angeles. 34.0543942 -118.2439408 POINT(34.0543942 -118.2439408)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Costa Mesa CA Fireball Fireball for 30 seconds then disappeared. ((anonymous report))((NUFORC Note: Re-entering space debris. PD)) 33.6633386 -117.9033169 POINT(33.6633386 -117.9033169)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Corona CA Fireball Saw 2 fireballs clear as day across the sky. Sort of looked like 2 planes were crashing. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 37.0066161 -121.9969062 POINT(37.0066161 -121.9969062)
7/27/16 21:35 USA Dublin CA Fireball To S, emerging just above the treeline, moving W to E, a white fireball similar to a jet engine. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD) 37.7021521 -121.9357917 POINT(37.7021521 -121.9357917)
7/27/16 21:30 USA San Mateo CA Fireball Fireball with long tail gliding through the sky very slowly and l low in the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Chinese rocket re-entry. PD)) 37.496904 -122.3330572 POINT(37.496904 -122.3330572)
7/27/16 21:30 USA Rohnert Park CA Fireball @ concert in Rohnert Park, CA, there was what appeared to be a fireball with a very large tail. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 38.3396367 -122.7010983 POINT(38.3396367 -122.7010983)
7/27/16 21:30 USA Boonville CA Fireball white ball of flame in Mendocino county. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. Re-entering Chinese rocket booster. PD)) 39.0091667 -123.366111 POINT(39.0091667 -123.366111)
7/27/16 21:30 USA Pahrump NV Fireball Long trail of sparks, the obj. traveled completely across the sky until it seemed to disappear. ((NUFORC Note: Space debris. PD)) 36.2083012 -115.9839127 POINT(36.2083012 -115.9839127)
7/27/16 21:00 USA Fresno CA Fireball Big fire ball that broke in two smaller more dominant balls of fire with a more defined shape. 36.7295295 -119.708861160756 POINT(36.7295295 -119.708861160756)
7/27/16 00:40 USA Pueblo CO Fireball Three fireball/lights hovering inside of Pueblo, CO. 38.187635 -104.5350144 POINT(38.187635 -104.5350144)
11/25/16 18:30 USA Brandon FL Fireball Ufo on fire in sky. 27.928464 -82.2880445083219 POINT(27.928464 -82.2880445083219)
7/24/16 23:30 USA Eden ID Fireball Anyone else seen it? 42.6059001 -114.2096453 POINT(42.6059001 -114.2096453)
7/24/16 22:24 USA Hollister CA Fireball RED LIGHT SOUTH OF HOLLISTER 10:23PM. 36.8524545 -121.401602 POINT(36.8524545 -121.401602)
7/23/16 23:00 USA Massillon OH Fireball 5 bright orange/red orbs coming from the north to southwest approximately 2 minutes apart. No noise and traveling pretty quick. Disappe 40.7967244 -81.5215092 POINT(40.7967244 -81.5215092)
7/23/16 22:20 USA Rocklin CA Fireball Bright blue light flashed and moved slowly only to disappear again. 38.7907339 -121.2357827 POINT(38.7907339 -121.2357827)
7/22/16 22:00 USA Farmington Hills MI Fireball Orange/red "fireball," passing west to east, with no noise, and seemed to be quite high in the sky..not an airplane! 42.4853125 -83.3771552 POINT(42.4853125 -83.3771552)
7/21/16 22:00 USA Ocean City MD Fireball Bright round red light in the sky traveling north went so far then disappeared. ((anonymous report)) 38.3348728 -75.0847658 POINT(38.3348728 -75.0847658)
7/20/16 23:20 USA Culver City CA Fireball Bright fireball looking object gliding down, then vanishing after 4 seconds, and it appeared to be very low in the sky. 34.0211224 -118.3964664 POINT(34.0211224 -118.3964664)
7/20/16 22:15 USA Springfield MO Fireball Large ball of fire streaks over Missouri's night sky. 37.2153307 -93.298252 POINT(37.2153307 -93.298252)
7/19/16 21:15 USA Vergennes VT Fireball 2 bright reddish-orange fireballs seen flying in a unique flight path not seen by usual aircraft. 44.168415 -73.2520289 POINT(44.168415 -73.2520289)
7/18/16 00:25 USA Fredericksburg VA Fireball Orange circular fireballs moving across the sky. Looked like orange candle flames, surrounded by a light halo, and made no sound. 38.2982639 -77.5249373 POINT(38.2982639 -77.5249373)
7/17/16 22:00 USA Anaheim CA Fireball UFO on fire. 33.8347516 -117.9117319 POINT(33.8347516 -117.9117319)
7/16/16 21:00 USA Gray TN Fireball Right at dusk my 2 roommates and I were driving to our home and we saw a red light, at first we thought it may have been a towers light 36.4198258 -82.4765351 POINT(36.4198258 -82.4765351)
7/16/16 20:00 USA Eugene OR Fireball Fireball seen soaring across the sky. Aircraft seen chasing it. 44.10118085 -123.152383713818 POINT(44.10118085 -123.152383713818)
7/13/16 21:50 USA Kennewick WA Fireball 3 large silent, slow moving fiery orbs moving across the sky in an arc, one after the other in a timely manner. 46.2112458 -119.1372337 POINT(46.2112458 -119.1372337)
2016-10-07 11:25:00 PM USA Brightwood OR Fireball Shimmering orange fireball seen near Brightwood, Oregon. 45.3762302 -122.0167481 POINT(45.3762302 -122.0167481)
2016-10-07 10:45:00 PM USA Rochester NH Fireball Green fireball shooting downward. 43.3050631 -70.9753628 POINT(43.3050631 -70.9753628)
2016-10-07 09:30:00 PM USA Lake Zurich IL Fireball In a 1-minute period, there were 3 fireballs heading north spced evenly apart. 42.1969689 -88.0934107 POINT(42.1969689 -88.0934107)
2016-07-07 08:30:00 PM USA Newark NJ Fireball Red orange fireball traveling slowly E to W, then dropped and disappeared like it burst apart. No trail left behind it at first. 40.735657 -74.1723666 POINT(40.735657 -74.1723666)
2016-04-07 11:30:00 PM USA Longmont CO Fireball I saw a large orange object slowly moving over my apartment building. 40.1672117 -105.1019286 POINT(40.1672117 -105.1019286)
12/17/16 00:08 USA Fairfield CA Fireball Large craft chases smaller craft 38.2493581 -122.0399662 POINT(38.2493581 -122.0399662)
2016-04-07 08:00:00 PM USA Zephyrhills FL Fireball Stepped outside to witness fireworks, I noticed a orange ball off fire enetering from the north and heading south for 2 minutes. 28.2336196 -82.1811946 POINT(28.2336196 -82.1811946)
2016-04-07 02:30:00 PM USA East Grand Forks MN Fireball 2 fire balls in Jaws as rescently reported to Peter. After the right to left after the commercial it shows the boat at a distance, fro 47.9317394 -97.0173553 POINT(47.9317394 -97.0173553)
2016-03-07 11:00:00 PM USA Newark NJ Fireball Red floating orb for sure not craft or fireworks 40.735657 -74.1723666 POINT(40.735657 -74.1723666)
2016-03-07 11:00:00 PM USA Stillwater MN Fireball A bright orange and red craft (fireball) moved in night sky, approx 10 minute duration. Until finally disappearing into night sky. 45.0564041 -92.8134981 POINT(45.0564041 -92.8134981)
2016-03-07 11:00:00 PM USA Parker CO Fireball One golden orb moving aprx speed of a plane but a non blinking golden glow. Followed by 3 orbs same size in a triangular formation. Ano 32.7599475 -97.7935766 POINT(32.7599475 -97.7935766)
2016-03-07 10:35:00 PM USA Weston FL Fireball We saw two bright fireballs in the sky, which later disappeared very quickly. ((anonymous report)) 26.103632 -80.403101881737 POINT(26.103632 -80.403101881737)
2016-03-07 01:08:00 AM USA Missoula MT Fireball Blue fireball first lit up cloud then fell below the cloud towards SE. Very visible and bright with long tail and 2-3 second viewing. 46.8700801 -113.9952795 POINT(46.8700801 -113.9952795)
12/16/16 23:30 USA Rio Rancho NM Fireball The mysterious sound and wake of an explosion in Rio Rancho. 35.269381 -106.6328189 POINT(35.269381 -106.6328189)
2016-03-07 12:00:00 AM USA Dyersville IA Fireball ((CRAZY??)) The object was flying south bound in the sky. Looked like a giant orange/red candle flame. Was floating up and down. 42.4844404 -91.1229135 POINT(42.4844404 -91.1229135)
2016-02-07 10:30:00 PM USA Downers Grove IL Fireball silent orange ball of fiery light over Downers Grove, Illinois 41.7946074 -88.0068998 POINT(41.7946074 -88.0068998)
2016-02-07 10:30:00 PM USA Brighton CO Fireball Myself my girlfriend and two other friends witnessed a bright Amber orb. ((anonymous report)) 39.9852617 -104.8205282 POINT(39.9852617 -104.8205282)
2016-02-07 09:30:00 PM USA Lively Grove IL Fireball Orange fireball heading east to west, then went upward and dissappeared. 38.3064384 -89.6114823 POINT(38.3064384 -89.6114823)
2016-02-07 09:00:00 PM USA Blaine TN Fireball My boyfriend and l we're traveling toward Rutledge when we seen several glowing lights in the sky at first we thought maybe someone rea 36.1542508 -83.7040703 POINT(36.1542508 -83.7040703)
2016-02-07 03:21:00 PM USA Columbia TN Fireball I was sitting on my couch when i seen a object rising slowly into the air out of my window. Myself and 2 others went outside and watche 35.6150716 -87.035283 POINT(35.6150716 -87.035283)
11/21/16 17:00 USA Alexandria VA Fireball This was a fireball quit and quick and Big. 33.7237617 -116.2673236 POINT(33.7237617 -116.2673236)
6/30/16 22:07 USA Placerville CA Fireball Large, red/orange fireball streaked across sky at aproximately 10:07 PM, in a West to East direction. Event lasted aproximately five se 38.7296252 -120.7985459 POINT(38.7296252 -120.7985459)
6/30/16 20:00 USA Symsonia KY Fireball Flying orange disk/ball objects side by side flying fast but a visible speed as an airplane for example. 36.9203351 -88.5200449 POINT(36.9203351 -88.5200449)
6/29/16 22:30 USA Schaumburg IL Fireball There was a big light that looked like a blood moon then we realized that the object was giving off a red aura Then slowly floated away 42.0333608 -88.0834059 POINT(42.0333608 -88.0834059)
6/29/16 11:40 USA Tigard OR Fireball Glowing Orange Fireball over Tigard Oregon 45.4307473 -122.7719338 POINT(45.4307473 -122.7719338)
6/27/16 00:05 USA Eugene OR Fireball ((HOAX??)) Out of the corner of my eye I seen a massive fireball falling. ((anonymous report)) 44.10118085 -123.152383713818 POINT(44.10118085 -123.152383713818)
6/27/16 USA Guilford ME Fireball My husband and I were in our garage, and my husband caught a flash out of the corner of his eye we thought it was a meteor it wasn't w 45.168968 -69.3848419 POINT(45.168968 -69.3848419)
6/26/16 22:01 USA Pell Lake WI Fireball Orange fireball ball seen with weird smoke behind it moving at a pretty quick pace then slowing down. 42.5380735 -88.3509272 POINT(42.5380735 -88.3509272)
11/20/16 22:00 USA San Jose CA Fireball FIREBALL COMES OUT THE SKY, WHILE THE CLOUDS TAKE SHAPE IN FORM.. 37.3361905 -121.8905832 POINT(37.3361905 -121.8905832)
6/25/16 21:45 USA Newton Falls OH Fireball 1 large red orb going from N to S at approx. 9:45 p.m. on June 25th in Trumbull County Newton Falls Ohio no navigational 41.18839 -80.9781469 POINT(41.18839 -80.9781469)
6/24/16 21:59 USA Arlington WA Fireball Slow moving fireball. 48.1810957 -122.1389547 POINT(48.1810957 -122.1389547)
6/20/16 21:00 USA Aberdeen MD Fireball Fireball in sky over Aberdeen. 39.5095556 -76.1641196 POINT(39.5095556 -76.1641196)
6/18/16 23:30 USA Cumming GA Fireball Orange sphere/fireball in sky. ((anonymous report)) 34.2073196 -84.1401925 POINT(34.2073196 -84.1401925)
6/18/16 23:13 USA Lake Vermilion MN Fireball Ball of fire/ energy crossing sky from E to W at Lake Vermilion, MN. 47.8791016 -92.4633551943481 POINT(47.8791016 -92.4633551943481)
6/18/16 22:00 USA Bradford PA Fireball The object was an orange/red circle that did not move for about 60 seconds until it faded away. ((anonymous report)) 41.7746685 -76.5264612 POINT(41.7746685 -76.5264612)
6/17/16 22:47 USA Spencerville OH Fireball Several large fireballs over Ohio, near country side. 40.708938 -84.3535639 POINT(40.708938 -84.3535639)
6/16/16 22:10 USA Hopkinsville KY Fireball ((HOAX??)) Large fireball reddish/orange color flying obj. going very slow, maybe about 250' up in air going NE. ((anonymous report)) 36.8657651 -87.4889531 POINT(36.8657651 -87.4889531)
11/19/16 18:30 USA Zephyrhills FL Fireball Fireball launched into sky. ((anonymous report)) 28.2336196 -82.1811946 POINT(28.2336196 -82.1811946)
6/14/16 21:10 USA Pittsburgh PA Fireball Orange, slow moving, maneuvering "plasma-like" fireball object. Deliberate direction change. Low altitude. 40.4416941 -79.990086 POINT(40.4416941 -79.990086)
2016-12-06 09:15:00 PM USA Palo Alto CA Fireball MULTIPLE ORANGE FUZZY LIGHTS IN PALO ALTO. 37.442156 -122.1634471 POINT(37.442156 -122.1634471)
2016-11-06 11:15:00 PM USA West Bangor PA Fireball Red/orange fireball circle closer to ground for 2 minutes. Quickly raised up and went up and to the right quickly and vanished. Within 39.7301046 -76.3130138 POINT(39.7301046 -76.3130138)
2016-11-06 11:00:00 PM USA Bloomsburg PA Fireball Glowing orange brilliant orb seen over Bloomsburg, PA. 41.0041213 -76.4538159 POINT(41.0041213 -76.4538159)
2016-11-06 10:00:00 PM USA Laguna Niguel CA Fireball 4 Orange fire orbs in the sky. 33.5225261 -117.7075525 POINT(33.5225261 -117.7075525)
2016-10-06 10:30:00 PM USA Occoquan VA Fireball Very slow moving single fireball falling from high in sky. Was triangular in shape, definitely flames. 38.683727 -77.2602609 POINT(38.683727 -77.2602609)
2016-10-06 10:05:00 PM USA Indian Trail NC Fireball Flying down from sky, green/red firelike object. 10:05 pm. 35.0768141 -80.6692351 POINT(35.0768141 -80.6692351)
2016-10-06 10:00:00 PM USA Greensboro NC Fireball A green unknown shaped aircraft came crashing down from the sky. It appeared to be blowing up as it was coming down. 36.0726355 -79.7919753 POINT(36.0726355 -79.7919753)
2016-07-06 09:39:00 PM USA Long Beach CA Fireball Fireballs in the SoCal night sky. 33.78538945 -118.158049215311 POINT(33.78538945 -118.158049215311)
2016-06-06 11:45:00 PM USA Columbus OH Fireball Large green fireball. ((NUFORC Note: Possible meteor?? Anonymous report. PD)) 39.9622601 -83.0007064 POINT(39.9622601 -83.0007064)
2016-06-06 08:38:00 AM USA Godfrey IL Fireball Saw the light falling from the sky very quickly and disappear before hitting ground. ((NUFORC Note: Meteor? Anonymous report. PD)) 38.9556031 -90.1867764 POINT(38.9556031 -90.1867764)
2016-04-06 08:30:00 PM USA Cliffdell WA Fireball Reddish orange and whitish fireballs. 46.9462292 -121.0689707 POINT(46.9462292 -121.0689707)
2016-04-06 08:30:00 PM USA Cliffdell WA Fireball Reddish orange and whitish fireballs with lights inside of them by our campsite. 46.9462292 -121.0689707 POINT(46.9462292 -121.0689707)
2016-03-06 09:30:00 PM USA Myrtle Beach SC Fireball Burning object with comet like tail failing from sky it then disappeared, then Reappeared looked as if if remained stationary for about 33.6956461 -78.8900408 POINT(33.6956461 -78.8900408)
2016-02-06 04:00:00 AM USA Phoenix AZ Fireball Gigantic fireball lit up the night sky just like it was daylight. E sky, N Phoenix. Huge contrail was left in the sky. ((meteor??)) 33.4485866 -112.0773455 POINT(33.4485866 -112.0773455)
2016-02-06 03:55:00 AM USA Las Vegas NV Fireball Large fireball with long tail traveling north to south s.e. of Vegas. ((NUFORC Note: Reported to have been a meteor. PD)) 36.1662859 -115.1492249 POINT(36.1662859 -115.1492249)
2016-02-06 03:45:00 AM USA Tempe AZ Fireball Bright flash followed by fireball falling from sky seen over PHX INT airport restricted air space. ((NUFORC Note: Meteor?? PD)) 33.4144139 -111.9094473 POINT(33.4144139 -111.9094473)
5/30/16 00:00 USA Auburn WA Fireball Fireball changing directions over Auburn. 47.3075369 -122.2301807 POINT(47.3075369 -122.2301807)
5/28/16 21:02 USA Brigantine NJ Fireball Low flying fireball with very clear visible flames, heading north. 39.410117 -74.3645909 POINT(39.410117 -74.3645909)
5/27/16 23:52 USA Milliken CO Fireball Light orange/white/yellow 'Fireball' sighting in Milliken, CO. 40.3294268 -104.8552499 POINT(40.3294268 -104.8552499)
5/26/16 22:15 USA Franklinton NC Fireball Ball of fire falling westward from the sky. 36.101816 -78.4580539 POINT(36.101816 -78.4580539)
5/25/16 21:40 USA Edgewood WA Fireball Lights seem to be hazy and red orange on outer edges and a yellow flame in the middle; objects seem to flicker and pulse. 42.6449174 -91.4007895 POINT(42.6449174 -91.4007895)
11/18/16 01:44 USA Farmington NH Fireball Meteor large tail very visible with lots of twirling smoke. 43.39008 -71.0657499 POINT(43.39008 -71.0657499)
5/24/16 03:48 USA Orlando FL Fireball Observed an orange, low flying, fast moving, silent, fireball like obj. crossing the sky, E to W. Moments later a second one followed. 28.5479786 -81.4127840856302 POINT(28.5479786 -81.4127840856302)
5/23/16 21:50 USA St. Petersburg FL Fireball From my address incoming due south approximately over Lake Maggorie. 27.77330515 -82.6469933 POINT(27.77330515 -82.6469933)
5/22/16 21:30 USA Pataskala OH Fireball Saw about a dozen balls of fire in the sky, some traveling together, moving north to south in a time frame of about 15-20 minutes. 39.9956193 -82.674334 POINT(39.9956193 -82.674334)
5/20/16 21:21 USA Mentor OH Fireball Three orange/red orbs flying west, approximately 3500 ft in the sky, estimated to be traveling 500 mph. Size of orbs possibly a round 3 41.6661573 -81.3395519 POINT(41.6661573 -81.3395519)
5/17/16 04:00 USA Canton MI Fireball Driving N down I-275 (between Ford and sheldon exits) at 4 am and I see a green fireball rise up, then swoop back down towards the gro 42.308081 -83.4868676071791 POINT(42.308081 -83.4868676071791)
11/17/16 19:40 USA Jordan MT Fireball 25 mi. from Jordan, MT, driving North on hwy 200, 740pm Nov. 17th, 2016,...the sky suddenly lit up, so bright like it was daytime. 47.32121 -106.9104609 POINT(47.32121 -106.9104609)
5/17/16 01:00 USA Leicester MA Fireball Bright spot of light falling from the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Reported as a meteor. PD)) 42.245926 -71.9086842 POINT(42.245926 -71.9086842)
5/17/16 00:50 USA Massena NY Fireball Fiery lights in color resembling like a sparkler 44.928106 -74.8920819 POINT(44.928106 -74.8920819)
5/16/16 00:45 USA Riverhead NY Fireball Circular green object entering our atmosphere turned into light storm of energy.???? ((NUFORC Note: Meteor??? PD)) 40.9170435 -72.6620401 POINT(40.9170435 -72.6620401)
5/14/16 21:55 USA St. Augustine Beach FL Fireball Me and my wife were sitting on the deck of a condo overlooking the ocean at st augustine beach. from the southeast over the ocean we sa 29.8508613 -81.2716633 POINT(29.8508613 -81.2716633)
5/14/16 20:10 USA Maricopa AZ Fireball Orange orbs without noise & vanished quickly. 33.34883 -112.4912299 POINT(33.34883 -112.4912299)
5/13/16 21:30 USA Lexington NC Fireball Six fireballs flying in a cluster. 35.8240265 -80.2533837 POINT(35.8240265 -80.2533837)
5/13/16 10:03 USA Bellingham WA Fireball 2 bright orange UFOs moving north over Portage Island & south Lummi Island. 48.754402 -122.4788601 POINT(48.754402 -122.4788601)
2016-12-05 10:00:00 PM USA Gresham OR Fireball Bright orange fireball. 45.5067406 -122.4367057 POINT(45.5067406 -122.4367057)
2016-09-05 11:15:00 PM USA Commerce MI Fireball Two bright fireballs stop and go, moving at differing speeds and towards different areas. ((anonymous report)) 42.5911431 -83.490772 POINT(42.5911431 -83.490772)
2016-09-05 11:50:00 AM USA Winter Springs FL Fireball Glowing, sputtering fireball moving slowly east to west near MCO - Orlando International Airport. 28.693322 -81.2885094550076 POINT(28.693322 -81.2885094550076)
2016-07-05 10:40:00 PM USA Arvada CO Fireball Orange fire low in sky. 39.8211225 -105.220742890446 POINT(39.8211225 -105.220742890446)
2016-07-05 10:30:00 PM USA Long Beach CA Fireball One orange/red stationary fireball like object in the sky looking south from Bixby Knolls area of Long Beach. ((anonymous rept.)) 33.78538945 -118.158049215311 POINT(33.78538945 -118.158049215311)
2016-07-05 09:00:00 PM USA Philadelphia MS Fireball Wife and I were on Hwy 15 North 5-7 mi. outside of Philadelphia, MS, when we noticed a hovering group of 5-7 fireballs. 32.7703841 -89.1153487 POINT(32.7703841 -89.1153487)
2016-05-05 09:30:00 PM USA Davenport FL Fireball Red 'fireball' sighting. ((anonymous report)) 28.1614046 -81.6017416 POINT(28.1614046 -81.6017416)
2016-05-05 08:45:00 PM USA Ocala FL Fireball I saw what looked like a fireball moving north. Then it seem to get small an disappeared. ((anonymous report)) 29.1924213 -82.1352046 POINT(29.1924213 -82.1352046)
2016-05-05 01:00:00 AM USA Orlando FL Fireball ((HOAX??)) Fireball that hovered and shift into sky. ((anonymous report)) 28.5479786 -81.4127840856302 POINT(28.5479786 -81.4127840856302)
2016-04-05 05:30:00 AM USA Mesa AZ Fireball I saw what looked like the only cloud in the sky. It was a small smudge. The sun was rising from behind the mountains so that little sp 33.436188 -111.586066076293 POINT(33.436188 -111.586066076293)
2016-03-05 11:45:00 PM USA Owensboro KY Fireball Large, silent fireball speeding toward earth, until I lose sight of it when it went behind some distant trees. 37.7742152 -87.1133303 POINT(37.7742152 -87.1133303)
11/16/16 19:00 USA Carlton OR Fireball Brilliant green fireball arching over sky. 45.2942822 -123.1764948 POINT(45.2942822 -123.1764948)
4/30/16 22:30 USA Westport WI Fireball Glowing orange ball over lake Mendota in Wisconsin. ((anonymous report)) 43.2052594 -90.6410844 POINT(43.2052594 -90.6410844)
4/30/16 22:30 USA El Paso TX Fireball A fireball was traveling horizontally to the left but before extinguishing a second fireball did the same and flew up into the sky 31.8111305 -106.501349295577 POINT(31.8111305 -106.501349295577)
4/30/16 21:30 USA Philadelphia PA Fireball Orange orbs in groups of four or five flying in triangle or line. 39.9523993 -75.1635898 POINT(39.9523993 -75.1635898)
4/30/16 21:10 USA Newport Beach CA Fireball Orange star, flickered for about 30 seconds and then it slowly got smaller and smaller until it disappeared. ((anonymous)) 33.6170092 -117.92944 POINT(33.6170092 -117.92944)
4/29/16 23:45 USA Pomona NY Fireball Started with a green fireball followed by flashing lights in the sky then complete power outage and object was gone 41.1898885 -74.0560457707331 POINT(41.1898885 -74.0560457707331)
4/29/16 09:25 USA Fort Walton Beach FL Fireball ((HOAX??)) 10+ Silent Round Fireball Looking Ojects Fly overhead in a straight line. REAL!!! 30.4085568 -86.6026027 POINT(30.4085568 -86.6026027)
4/26/16 21:30 USA Reseda CA Fireball A LARGE BRIGHT BLUE FIRE BALL WITH AN ORANGE TRAIL OF FIRE OVER RESEDA CA. 34.2011156 -118.5364741 POINT(34.2011156 -118.5364741)
4/26/16 21:00 USA Costa Mesa CA Fireball I saw a fireball falling from the sky; it was blue and orange it had a tail. ((anonymous source)) ((NUFORC Note: Meteor. PD)) 33.6633386 -117.9033169 POINT(33.6633386 -117.9033169)
4/26/16 03:30 USA Sterling CO Fireball 2 red fireball shaped objects flying erratically in the sky too fast to be man made and looked like they were chasing each other. 31.8151416 -101.045267 POINT(31.8151416 -101.045267)
4/25/16 15:00 USA Macon GA Fireball About 3:15pm over Macon, Georgia, I was playing outside with my dog and looked up and seen 3 balls of lite that looked like what missle 32.8406946 -83.6324021 POINT(32.8406946 -83.6324021)
4/24/16 21:00 USA Lake Villa IL Fireball Fire ball in the sky, no sound 42.4169651 -88.0739707 POINT(42.4169651 -88.0739707)
11/16/16 16:00 USA Mosinee WI Fireball Orange ball of Fire. 44.7927298 -89.7035958 POINT(44.7927298 -89.7035958)
4/24/16 02:30 USA Ft. Collins CO Fireball Orange Fireball at 0230 in Ft Collins Co, traveling parallel to the ground surface 40.5508527 -105.0668084 POINT(40.5508527 -105.0668084)
4/23/16 23:00 USA Tallahassee FL Fireball Nine objects seen. Small fireballs that traveled at various speeds and seemed to burn out. The objects were travelling south and were f 30.4380832 -84.2809331 POINT(30.4380832 -84.2809331)
4/23/16 21:00 USA Milwaukee WI Fireball Walked outside looking northwest, noticed 4 orange lights almost in a row hovering for a few seconds and slowly moving west and dissapp 43.0349931 -87.9224969 POINT(43.0349931 -87.9224969)
4/22/16 20:30 USA Whittier CA Fireball I was in my back yard looking west towards Los Angels and seen red dots gliding and then dissaperring. ((anonymous)) 33.9748932 -118.0336974 POINT(33.9748932 -118.0336974)
4/22/16 09:30 USA Melbourne FL Fireball Today is April 22nd me my wife and my son saw 3 separate craft of Unknown Origin that resemble fireballs. 28.0836269 -80.6081088 POINT(28.0836269 -80.6081088)
4/21/16 21:30 USA San Antonio TX Fireball A Beautiful Rock full of different colors in the sky. 29.4246002 -98.4951404 POINT(29.4246002 -98.4951404)
4/17/16 00:45 USA Ricetown KY Fireball Blinking globular object glowing with orange/red light observed in forest from my back deck a second night in a row. 37.3900893 -83.6226906 POINT(37.3900893 -83.6226906)
4/16/16 21:43 USA Seaside OR Fireball Fast moving flame balls, heading SxSW at a clip faster than helicopters. 45.993246 -123.9202129 POINT(45.993246 -123.9202129)
4/15/16 23:17 USA Liberty Township OH Fireball Fireball appeared in the sky falling towards the earth, then it got bigger and flashed from white to green vanishing over a house. 40.15674165 -82.6125497441459 POINT(40.15674165 -82.6125497441459)
4/15/16 22:30 USA Pea Ridge AR Fireball Bright green very low fireball. 36.4539626 -94.115204 POINT(36.4539626 -94.115204)
4/15/16 22:20 USA Chicago IL Fireball A fireball, moving east to west, was a solid mass with a long, trailing tail. It was blue, green,and red. Colors were vivid and very vi 41.8755546 -87.6244211 POINT(41.8755546 -87.6244211)
4/15/16 22:15 USA Cairo IL Fireball Falling star that evolved and grew in size and color, to end in a brilliant green ball of trailing light. ((NUFORC Note: Meteor? PD)) 37.0057958 -89.1772448 POINT(37.0057958 -89.1772448)
4/15/16 22:00 USA Reading OH Fireball A bright orange fireball with a faint blue tail came up from the eastern horizon. As it flew over our house it it started to fade. 39.2236694 -84.442164 POINT(39.2236694 -84.442164)
4/15/16 19:00 USA Evans GA Fireball Was called by a coworker, to my surprise, 5 balls of red light moving from E to W in the sky. ((anonymous)) 32.1613648 -81.8980724 POINT(32.1613648 -81.8980724)
4/15/16 11:30 USA South Bend IN Fireball A SHOOTING BALL OF FIRE DOWNTOWN SOUTH BEND ON FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11:30PM. 41.6833813 -86.2500065 POINT(41.6833813 -86.2500065)
11/15/16 03:45 USA Saltillo MS Fireball Bright silver/white "streak" with an est. alt. of maybe 1000-1200' above tree line, NE of Saltillo. ((anonymous report)) 34.3764923 -88.68172 POINT(34.3764923 -88.68172)
4/13/16 20:30 USA Curwensville PA Fireball Seen what I thought was a strange orange/yellow star, until it started to move slowly above me. 40.9756137 -78.5250242 POINT(40.9756137 -78.5250242)
2016-12-04 09:33:00 PM USA Chadds Ford PA Fireball Orange ball moving slowly across the sky, then disappeared. 39.8717773 -75.5913177 POINT(39.8717773 -75.5913177)
2016-12-04 09:30:00 PM USA Ellsworth KS Fireball Orange lights over central Kansas. 38.6942009 -98.2149288 POINT(38.6942009 -98.2149288)
2016-12-04 09:25:00 PM USA Ellsworth KS Fireball Red pulsating lights hovering SW of Ellsworth. Lasted a good 30 seconds to a minute. 38.6942009 -98.2149288 POINT(38.6942009 -98.2149288)
2016-12-04 02:45:00 AM USA Van Nuys CA Fireball I OBSERVED A ORANGE ORB MOVING ABOVE VNYS AIRPORT. 34.1866581 -118.4487289 POINT(34.1866581 -118.4487289)
2016-09-04 09:00:00 PM USA Englewood FL Fireball We were having dinner in Englewood, when my wife said what is that? I turned and looked and saw a fireball. 26.9620053 -82.3525951 POINT(26.9620053 -82.3525951)
2016-07-04 09:30:00 PM USA Bass Lake CA Fireball Large green fireball flashing across the tree line. Did not look like anything I have seem up here before. Went out of view. 37.3246665 -119.5662538 POINT(37.3246665 -119.5662538)
2016-02-04 11:00:00 PM USA Yonkers NY Fireball Cluster of fireball objects. 40.9312099 -73.8987468 POINT(40.9312099 -73.8987468)
2016-02-04 10:45:00 PM USA Rowlett TX Fireball The fireball came from the south and looked like a plane in fire. Then stopped and flame went out and went up and disappeared. 32.9029017 -96.5638799 POINT(32.9029017 -96.5638799)
2016-01-04 07:30:00 PM USA Goodyear AZ Fireball Fireball. 33.3975655 -112.433328812153 POINT(33.3975655 -112.433328812153)
2016-01-04 07:30:00 PM USA Bakersfield CA Fireball My cousin and I were off of hageman and old farm and one by one 3 what looked liked floating balls of fire went from NW to SW dir.. 35.3738712 -119.0194638 POINT(35.3738712 -119.0194638)
2016-01-04 05:00:00 AM USA Fayetteville AR Fireball Bright star, then vanished. 36.0625843 -94.1574327 POINT(36.0625843 -94.1574327)
3/31/16 22:05 USA Shasta Lake CA Fireball 3 bright red lights seen traveling over Shasta Lake City then suddenly disappearing one right after the other 40.6799638 -122.3626506 POINT(40.6799638 -122.3626506)
3/30/16 USA Winston-Salem NC Fireball Very large firecolor came from the trees and moved slow across the sky. Once it got above my house it fizzled out.. it started out a fi 36.0998131 -80.2440517 POINT(36.0998131 -80.2440517)
3/29/16 06:40 USA Boca Raton FL Fireball We saw what looked like a very large shooting star or ball of fire moving very fast and very low from West to East. 26.3586885 -80.0830983 POINT(26.3586885 -80.0830983)
3/28/16 21:00 USA Rochester IL Fireball ((HOAX??)) Started w/ 1 light on E hor., followed it, grew to countless lights over 2 hrs., along with close encounter ground sighting. 43.157285 -77.6152139 POINT(43.157285 -77.6152139)
3/28/16 04:25 USA Lakside MT Fireball ((HOAX??)) Two large orange fireballs. 42.4194684 -71.6991164917693 POINT(42.4194684 -71.6991164917693)
3/27/16 20:45 USA Bakersfield CA Fireball It looks like a Fire Ballon, there were 3 , no sound. What can it be? 35.3738712 -119.0194638 POINT(35.3738712 -119.0194638)
3/26/16 22:30 USA Sequim WA Fireball Two fireballs in formation, moving north to south. Weather conditions were light breeze and moderate rain. Both fireballs disappeared 48.0849312 -123.1096705 POINT(48.0849312 -123.1096705)
3/26/16 20:15 USA Pembroke Pines FL Fireball Shocking, caught me off guard! 26.02322025 -80.3412389662561 POINT(26.02322025 -80.3412389662561)
3/23/16 21:10 USA Jacksonville FL Fireball Fireball chased by jets. 30.3321838 -81.6556509 POINT(30.3321838 -81.6556509)
3/22/16 21:00 USA Kelso WA Fireball ((NUFORC Note: Witness provides no information. PD)) 46.1420334 -122.9060317 POINT(46.1420334 -122.9060317)
3/21/16 21:30 USA Des Plaines IL Fireball 5 fireballs in the sky over Des Plaines/Glenview, Illinois. 42.0415823 -87.8873915 POINT(42.0415823 -87.8873915)
3/21/16 00:00 USA Wylie TX Fireball I observed several balls of fire and strobing lights that seemed to be chasing each other over the night sky over Wylie, TX. 33.0151201 -96.5388788 POINT(33.0151201 -96.5388788)
3/20/16 20:00 USA West Grove PA Fireball Orange reddish circular object in southeastern sky around 8 pm, was moving E to W. Very heavy cloud cover. 39.8220536 -75.8274412 POINT(39.8220536 -75.8274412)
3/20/16 00:00 USA Santa Cruz CA Fireball We were driving on Hwy 1 & noticed about 7 fireballs soaring straight down at the earth, almost like shooting stars. I pulled over and 36.9735903 -122.0260569 POINT(36.9735903 -122.0260569)
11/13/16 18:25 USA Monroeville PA Fireball Multiple circular fireballs ascended into the sky, one after the other, from the Monroeville airport. Each continued moving upward int 40.4211798 -79.7881024 POINT(40.4211798 -79.7881024)
3/18/16 21:00 USA Eau Gallie FL Fireball Red/white fireball in Melbourne, Florida. 28.1296214 -80.6310384 POINT(28.1296214 -80.6310384)
11/13/16 16:50 USA Wheaton MD Fireball Comet-shaped floating object flies toward Washington, DC. 39.0398314 -77.0552554 POINT(39.0398314 -77.0552554)
3/18/16 21:00 USA Barefoot Bay FL Fireball It looked like a fireball slowly moving from South to North. 28.3600674 -81.5427690492952 POINT(28.3600674 -81.5427690492952)
3/18/16 20:00 USA Port St. Lucie FL Fireball 4 fireballs hovering close above. 27.2939333 -80.3503282 POINT(27.2939333 -80.3503282)
3/17/16 21:25 USA Chula Vista CA Fireball Fiery ball of flames that was no meteor being fallowed by helicopters. 32.6400541 -117.0841954 POINT(32.6400541 -117.0841954)
3/17/16 19:28 USA Zephyrhills FL Fireball Watched a fireball enter the atmosphere then change into what was perceived as a star. Then 5 or so seconds later another showed up. Af 28.2336196 -82.1811946 POINT(28.2336196 -82.1811946)
3/16/16 21:15 USA Kernersville NC Fireball Orangish Red glowing lights. 36.1198589 -80.0736532 POINT(36.1198589 -80.0736532)
3/16/16 21:00 USA Ormond Beach FL Fireball We saw a sparking fireball in the night sky. 29.2858129 -81.0558893 POINT(29.2858129 -81.0558893)
11/13/16 00:01 USA Grand Rapids MI Fireball Flashing light moving eractically in south east sky. ((NUFORC Note: Possibly a star?? PD)) 42.9632405 -85.6678638 POINT(42.9632405 -85.6678638)
3/15/16 19:28 USA Fort Lauderdale FL Fireball Fireball at dusk in south Florida. 26.1254381 -80.1381514 POINT(26.1254381 -80.1381514)
2016-11-03 08:00:00 AM USA Irmo SC Fireball I was driving home around 8:00pm and saw about seven to eight fireballs floating above tree level. They were floating in formation almo 34.085736 -81.1824899 POINT(34.085736 -81.1824899)
2016-08-03 08:20:00 PM USA Glenview IL Fireball I observed a large bright green glowing object fall to earth a few minutes ago. I had just looked up out the window, which faces east 42.0700662 -87.8114043 POINT(42.0700662 -87.8114043)
2016-06-03 09:30:00 PM USA Hurricane WV Fireball Witnessed a round, red flashing light in the sky directly in front of me. It was about the height of where an airplane would be flyin 38.4325896 -82.0201367 POINT(38.4325896 -82.0201367)
2016-06-03 08:28:00 PM USA Riverside CA Fireball Saw what could have been a meteor fall from sky. White ball of light with long tail behind. ((NUFORC Note: Meteor? PD)) 33.9533546 -117.3961622 POINT(33.9533546 -117.3961622)
2016-06-03 08:00:00 PM USA Hayesville NC Fireball Brilliant red object in the southern sky, which sped off with incredible speed. 35.0462004 -83.8179526 POINT(35.0462004 -83.8179526)
2016-12-11 03:41:00 PM USA Bethesda MD Fireball Three comet-like, high-flying, no-noise aircraft over Washington, DC. 38.9848265 -77.0946458 POINT(38.9848265 -77.0946458)
2016-03-03 09:00:00 AM USA Vallejo CA Fireball I was driving home approx midnight on the 4th I seen this ball of fire in the sky its shot across and then it stood still and drop some 38.1040864 -122.2566366 POINT(38.1040864 -122.2566366)
2016-03-03 12:00:00 AM USA Baldwinville MA Fireball I and a friend spotted a large green fireball shoot straight down from the sky unsure of exact time but have seen there is another. 42.6084207 -72.0759129 POINT(42.6084207 -72.0759129)
2016-02-03 10:30:00 PM USA Plymouth Meeting PA Fireball My mom was upstairs in her room but came running downstairs and running out the door. She said there are strange lights in sky. 40.1105915 -75.2844869122158 POINT(40.1105915 -75.2844869122158)
2016-12-11 01:15:00 AM USA Louisville KY Fireball Perfect triangular formation of fireballs to a thirty degree angle. 38.2542376 -85.7594069 POINT(38.2542376 -85.7594069)
2016-02-03 08:02:00 PM USA Farmingville NY Fireball Object looked like a shooting star, however, came low to tree line and lifted as if it swooped and then flash disappeared. 40.8312096 -73.0295519 POINT(40.8312096 -73.0295519)
2016-01-03 05:57:00 AM USA Las Vegas NV Fireball Driving down Decatur Sahara. Right in front of my driving view I notice a blue and orange flying fireball. Coming from Charleston towar 36.1662859 -115.1492249 POINT(36.1662859 -115.1492249)
2016-11-11 10:54:00 PM USA Owatonna MN Fireball A meteor entered the atmosphere and exploded; very bright flash with a small remaining fire ball falling. 44.0839937 -93.2261075 POINT(44.0839937 -93.2261075)
2/29/16 20:29 USA Warner Robins GA Fireball There were several (8 or 9) glowing orange balls of light moving north north-east. 32.598313 -83.6256769145824 POINT(32.598313 -83.6256769145824)
2/29/16 00:00 USA Thornton CO Fireball 2 orange fireballs traveling together. 39.9174732 -104.905461007313 POINT(39.9174732 -104.905461007313)
2/27/16 20:00 USA Holiday FL Fireball My stepfather saw them first as he was driving home, he called my mother and I out once he drove up and toward the south west from our 28.187755 -82.7416079707393 POINT(28.187755 -82.7416079707393)
2/26/16 09:45 USA Niceville FL Fireball 4 large fireballs, veritical line, slow moving, and spaced perfectly. 30.522651 -86.4914529150494 POINT(30.522651 -86.4914529150494)
2/22/16 19:00 USA Lebanon MO Fireball Several Orange Globe Fireball Lights Low in the Sky, Winking Out and Coming Back In Other Locations. 39.607851 -81.2731698 POINT(39.607851 -81.2731698)
2/21/16 19:20 USA Sandy OR Fireball Huge ball of light falls to earth after stalling. 45.3974065 -122.2614547 POINT(45.3974065 -122.2614547)
2/20/16 23:45 USA San Luis Obispo CA Fireball Orange fireball, emitted a blinking object and flew upwards until it was as small as a star. 35.2827525 -120.6596155 POINT(35.2827525 -120.6596155)
2/20/16 17:50 USA Towson MD Fireball Noticed streaks in the sky while driving. At first one, then two, then three. 39.4018552 -76.6023879 POINT(39.4018552 -76.6023879)
2/17/16 19:00 USA Greeley CO Fireball 2 orange glowing balls in the air, not flashing red or white like airplanes, traveling very slow then one cut W and slowly disappears. 38.4570355 -101.8185006 POINT(38.4570355 -101.8185006)
2/16/16 19:19 USA Kill Devil Hills NC Fireball Looked like a ball of fire going fast across sky and disappear into the west sky. 36.030723 -75.6760099 POINT(36.030723 -75.6760099)
2/16/16 17:12 USA Williamsburg VA Fireball Object was moving rapidly left to right, approximately 300-500' AGL, orange yellow fiery tail front end looked white/bluish in color 37.2707028 -76.7074501 POINT(37.2707028 -76.7074501)
2/16/16 17:00 USA Enterprise WA Fireball A large white fireball with a smoke or vapor trail flew Northwest. 48.7323723 -119.5956234 POINT(48.7323723 -119.5956234)
2/15/16 19:00 USA Dubuque IA Fireball ((HOAX??)) I spotted a crimson light heading W for maybe 5 sec. It stopped, changed color to a emerald green and shot off to the W. 42.5006217 -90.6647966 POINT(42.5006217 -90.6647966)
2/14/16 07:30 USA Pinellas FL Fireball I was driving my car and caught site of what i thought was a craft or meteorite falling to earth i was awaiting the explosion but never 27.8778904 -82.7329308 POINT(27.8778904 -82.7329308)
2/14/16 04:30 USA East Hampton NY Fireball Bright orange light shines down into my bathroom window then disappears. 40.9637919 -72.1851728 POINT(40.9637919 -72.1851728)
2/13/16 21:30 USA West Mobile AL Fireball ((HOAX??)) 5 "sequinized" fireballs in the sky. 30.7018408 -88.2336674 POINT(30.7018408 -88.2336674)
2016-11-02 07:00:00 AM USA Laguna Beach CA Fireball I was looking toward the ocean when I saw a greenish blue ball sailing across the sky. It looked almost like a flare. 33.5420888 -117.7834146 POINT(33.5420888 -117.7834146)
2016-11-02 06:45:00 AM USA Costa Mesa CA Fireball Bright fireball that vanished immediately. 33.6633386 -117.9033169 POINT(33.6633386 -117.9033169)
2016-11-02 06:44:00 AM USA Palm Desert CA Fireball Bright green fireball traveling (generally) west to east and about 1,000 feet above ground it extinguished and was no longer visible. 33.7288179 -116.382571 POINT(33.7288179 -116.382571)
2016-11-02 06:40:00 AM USA Victorville CA Fireball Green/blue fireball travels across morning sky. ((NUFORC Note: We believe object was a meteor. See video. PD)) 34.5361067 -117.2911564 POINT(34.5361067 -117.2911564)
2016-11-02 06:37:00 AM USA Santa Clarita CA Fireball Like a greenish/blue meteor. A tail on one end, and a ball at the other (like a flash). Appeared only seconds, and then disappeared. 34.3916641 -118.5425859 POINT(34.3916641 -118.5425859)
2016-11-02 06:20:00 AM USA Whittier CA Fireball At approx. 0620 hrs., I was traveling southbound on the 605 freeway passing the city of Whittier. Traffic was heavy so I was travel 33.9748932 -118.0336974 POINT(33.9748932 -118.0336974)
2016-11-02 06:00:00 AM USA Burbank CA Fireball While walking in Burbank on Hollywood Way, looking towards Toluca Lake, I saw a very bright green fireball streak. 34.1816482 -118.3258553 POINT(34.1816482 -118.3258553)
2016-11-02 03:45:00 AM USA La Junta CO Fireball Flying object shoot out in the sky. 37.9850091 -103.543832 POINT(37.9850091 -103.543832)
2016-10-02 06:15:00 AM USA Cutler Bay FL Fireball This morning at approximately 6:15 I was standing on my front porch facing due south. It was still dark when I looked up at 90 degrees 25.575865 -80.3413721771916 POINT(25.575865 -80.3413721771916)
2016-09-02 10:00:00 PM USA Alexandria LA Fireball Burning ball of fire. 45.8846686 -95.3778829 POINT(45.8846686 -95.3778829)
2016-06-02 07:35:00 PM USA Aurora CO Fireball A diamond on fire came straight up and moved sideways very quickly 43.6963371 -98.572246 POINT(43.6963371 -98.572246)
2016-05-02 07:49:00 PM USA Austin TX Fireball Orange light ascending above south Austin - rocket or missile? 30.2711286 -97.7436994 POINT(30.2711286 -97.7436994)
2016-03-02 04:21:00 AM USA Kingston MA Fireball Large green fireball sighted falling south of Kingston, MA. 41.9945473 -70.7244821 POINT(41.9945473 -70.7244821)
2016-03-02 02:10:00 AM USA Roseburg OR Fireball Orange lights west of Roseburg. 43.216505 -123.341738 POINT(43.216505 -123.341738)
2016-01-02 07:30:00 PM USA Port Orange FL Fireball 5 orange lights over Daytona, FL. 29.10150985 -81.0105537409739 POINT(29.10150985 -81.0105537409739)
2016-01-02 06:30:00 PM USA Milwaukee WI Fireball Fireball, Lake Michigan, Milwaukee. 43.0349931 -87.9224969 POINT(43.0349931 -87.9224969)
1/31/16 22:00 USA Allentown PA Fireball Yellow beam of light falling from the sky, with a burning fireball tip. 40.6022059 -75.4712793 POINT(40.6022059 -75.4712793)
1/31/16 20:57 USA Sandpoint ID Fireball Object came in from west to east below approx 500' elevation cloud cover , I thought it was a meteorite. 48.2765903 -116.5532475 POINT(48.2765903 -116.5532475)
1/30/16 18:30 USA La Plata MD Fireball Bright green streak of light moving from east to west in La Plata, Maryland. 38.5292877 -76.9752513 POINT(38.5292877 -76.9752513)
1/30/16 18:00 USA Hillsville VA Fireball Bright white fireball, turned green as it fell and finally "burned out." 36.7626282 -80.7347946 POINT(36.7626282 -80.7347946)
1/30/16 18:00 USA Coopersburg PA Fireball Fireball Falls From Sky Bucks County, PA. 40.5114885 -75.3904579 POINT(40.5114885 -75.3904579)
1/29/16 23:50 USA Cerritos CA Fireball Odd Red- Orange orb - then becomes a fireball seen on 405 freeway in Orange county 1/29/2016. 33.8644291 -118.0539322 POINT(33.8644291 -118.0539322)
1/28/16 20:40 USA Waukee IA Fireball Large orange fireball moved across the sky from north to south. 41.6113712 -93.8857069 POINT(41.6113712 -93.8857069)
1/28/16 20:15 USA Waukesha WI Fireball Green object with light shot from tree top level into the sky. 43.0116784 -88.2314812 POINT(43.0116784 -88.2314812)
1/24/16 21:30 USA Lakeville MN Fireball Two orange glows in the sky going fast an low with absolutly no sound of jet engines or rotor blades. 44.650051 -93.243279 POINT(44.650051 -93.243279)
1/24/16 19:45 USA Henderson NV Fireball Two orangish glowing orbs silent, extreme acceleration and speed. 36.0391456 -114.9819234 POINT(36.0391456 -114.9819234)
1/23/16 18:45 USA Spring TX Fireball Orange lights from Northeast to Southwest. 30.0798826 -95.4172548 POINT(30.0798826 -95.4172548)
1/23/16 18:25 USA Franklin TN Fireball 2 orange balls of light approaching from the W and moving ESE slowly and silently, disappeared one by one as get closer. 35.925193 -86.8689364 POINT(35.925193 -86.8689364)
1/22/16 19:00 USA Hoquiam WA Fireball 7 fireball UFO crafts pass over Hoquiam. 46.980929 -123.8893349 POINT(46.980929 -123.8893349)
1/21/16 03:00 USA North Canton OH Fireball ((HOAX??)) Sound very loud like an engine, shook windows of home. Fireball could be seen in the W sky for @5 min.. 40.875891 -81.4023355 POINT(40.875891 -81.4023355)
1/19/16 23:00 USA Millville NJ Fireball Strange green fireball shooting toward the ground, seen driving on Route 55 south 39.4020593 -75.0393367 POINT(39.4020593 -75.0393367)
1/18/16 23:20 USA Bakersfield CA Fireball A ball engulfed in flames tumbled through the sky towards the south as I was taking out the trash. I ran inside and got my brother and 35.3738712 -119.0194638 POINT(35.3738712 -119.0194638)
1/16/16 01:00 USA Roseburg OR Fireball I was standing on my front deck which faces to the west ,looking south talking to a friend on the phone when 3 orange looking orbs,or s 43.216505 -123.341738 POINT(43.216505 -123.341738)
1/14/16 21:10 USA Marion IA Fireball Burning fireball traveling fast over Marion, Iowa, towards the northeast. 42.0341658 -91.5976772 POINT(42.0341658 -91.5976772)
1/14/16 18:30 USA Burbank OH Fireball I saw a rather large fireball in the sky that did not move for around five minutes. 40.988667 -81.9948683 POINT(40.988667 -81.9948683)
1/13/16 22:15 USA Cedar Falls IA Fireball Red/Orange sphere seen descending over Cedar Falls/North Cedar. 42.5277622 -92.4454653 POINT(42.5277622 -92.4454653)
1/13/16 21:50 USA Sutherlin CA Fireball I was driving home from work tonight going N and it was very dark and there was light fog. On the right side of the freeway. 38.2690534 -122.0651633 POINT(38.2690534 -122.0651633)
2016-11-01 05:03:00 PM USA St. Louis MO Fireball I believe I was abducted for a short period of time. I have a new scar on my armpit. 38.6272733 -90.1978888 POINT(38.6272733 -90.1978888)
2016-07-01 08:00:00 PM USA Unity PA Fireball Yellowish/orange sphere seen over town of Mutual, PA, near Kecksburg, PA. 33.0053986 -86.3591425 POINT(33.0053986 -86.3591425)
2016-09-11 05:15:00 AM USA Mountain View MO Fireball Fireball in the sky 33.3401005 -104.5233016 POINT(33.3401005 -104.5233016)
2016-08-11 10:57:00 PM USA Wilmington NC Fireball Objects that looked like fireballs in the sky. COMPLETELY SILENT!!!!!!! 34.2257282 -77.9447106 POINT(34.2257282 -77.9447106)
2016-05-01 08:10:00 PM USA Lake Wylie SC Fireball 15-20 bright, red-orange lights moving from horizon to horizon over an 8 minute period. 35.110418 -81.053796445082 POINT(35.110418 -81.053796445082)
2016-03-01 09:45:00 PM USA Milford CT Fireball The object was turning colors (white, red, green, blue) and It had lightning-ish tails coming from it.. ((NUFORC Note: Sirius? PD)) 43.068241 -76.0965999 POINT(43.068241 -76.0965999)
2016-03-01 07:05:00 PM USA Chula Vista CA Fireball Yellow ball of light flies over Chula Vista California. 32.6400541 -117.0841954 POINT(32.6400541 -117.0841954)
2016-03-01 06:15:00 PM USA Santee CA Fireball Wife and I facing N, fluorescent green streak moving E. Appeared low in atmosphere, and larger in diameter than a shooting star. 32.8383828 -116.9739166 POINT(32.8383828 -116.9739166)
2016-03-01 01:20:00 AM USA Newtown CT Fireball Saw a bright white burning object falling from sky to the ground from my car as I was travelling east on 84 it was "crashing." 41.1551257 -73.3896512 POINT(41.1551257 -73.3896512)
2016-02-01 11:47:00 PM USA Dickinson ND Fireball Fireball, orange then turns green. 46.8791756 -102.7896241 POINT(46.8791756 -102.7896241)
2016-02-01 08:45:00 PM USA Billings MT Fireball I saw a bright neon green fireball with a tail like a comet streak N through the sky toward the Billings Logan International Airport. 45.7874957 -108.4960699 POINT(45.7874957 -108.4960699)
2016-02-01 03:00:00 AM USA Imperial Beach CA Fireball Two fireballs side by side. 32.583944 -117.1130849 POINT(32.583944 -117.1130849)
2016-01-01 12:38:00 AM USA Fenton MO Fireball Fireball object without sound. 38.5132838 -90.4401793 POINT(38.5132838 -90.4401793)
2016-01-01 12:20:00 AM USA Sacramento CA Fireball I seen along with my fiance an orange fireball covering at about hundred feet and proceeded to get home. 38.5815719 -121.4943995 POINT(38.5815719 -121.4943995)
2016-01-01 12:15:00 AM USA Sacramento CA Fireball Missiles or flares seen on New Year. 38.5815719 -121.4943995 POINT(38.5815719 -121.4943995)
2016-05-11 10:35:00 PM USA Scottsdale AZ Fireball Upon stepping out to the back yard this evening, I noticed 3 large, orange fireball type objects low in the north sky. 33.5091215 -111.8992364 POINT(33.5091215 -111.8992364)
2016-05-11 09:30:00 PM USA Rochester NY Fireball HELLO at approximately 21:30 my fiance and I were sitting on our deck. We had looked up at the sky and seen this bright amber colored f 43.157285 -77.6152139 POINT(43.157285 -77.6152139)
2016-05-11 06:10:00 PM USA Bethesda MD Fireball Four Fireball-like Objects Flying in Formation Over Washington, DC Area ((anonymous report)) 38.9848265 -77.0946458 POINT(38.9848265 -77.0946458)
2016-05-11 06:00:00 PM USA Hampstead MD Fireball Four bright red aircrafts were flying west with red trails. ((anonymous report)) 39.6048252 -76.8499774 POINT(39.6048252 -76.8499774)
2016-05-11 05:53:00 PM USA West Orange NJ Fireball At approximately 5:45pm my girlfriend stepped outside and noticed a "UFO" in the sky and called me outside. 40.7987113 -74.2390352 POINT(40.7987113 -74.2390352)
2016-04-11 07:38:00 PM USA Sarles ND Fireball Big green orb fell in diagonal line toward ground. fell very slowly. ((anonymous report)) 48.94584 -98.9959609 POINT(48.94584 -98.9959609)
2016-03-11 07:30:00 PM USA Hailey ID Fireball Orb of bright light fireball moving very slowly directly above our heads, and then disappeared. Not a shooting star. Too close. 43.519629 -114.3153249 POINT(43.519629 -114.3153249)
2016-01-11 08:25:00 PM USA Tarentum PA Fireball Got out of the car and I witnessed a bright green fireball just above the clouds. 40.6014555 -79.7597708 POINT(40.6014555 -79.7597708)
10/31/16 01:16 USA Tempe AZ Fireball Three fire balls appear in the nights sky. Do there little dance and then disappear into the night. 33.4144139 -111.9094473 POINT(33.4144139 -111.9094473)
10/31/16 00:00 USA Greensboro NC Fireball Finished with my friend/lead building a bathroom, etc. Boring tedious shit. Picking fiAnce from work we head back over afterwards. 36.0726355 -79.7919753 POINT(36.0726355 -79.7919753)
2016-12-12 09:30:00 PM USA Hagerstown MD Fireball Green fire aux. 39.6419219 -77.720264 POINT(39.6419219 -77.720264)
10/30/16 21:30 USA Oxnard CA Fireball Red fireballs over Oxnard Shores, CA. ((anonymous report)) 34.1976308 -119.1803817 POINT(34.1976308 -119.1803817)
10/30/16 21:10 USA Athens GA Fireball Walking my dog when he stop and sniffed the air.. looked up & saw flaming white light in sky.. QUICKLY flew away! 33.94385375 -83.3972897876213 POINT(33.94385375 -83.3972897876213)
10/29/16 00:00 USA Alpharetta GA Fireball Was driving on States Bridge road when a plane type craft caught my eye while driving. It looked like an airplane circling. 34.0709576 -84.2747328 POINT(34.0709576 -84.2747328)
10/28/16 00:30 USA Burnet TX Fireball A fireball to the eye, but through binoculars it was a saucer with lights around the bottom. 30.7573109 -98.2289006 POINT(30.7573109 -98.2289006)
10/27/16 19:00 USA Aurora CO Fireball I saw a fast moving flash of light at first just a flash then added red light moving across the sky east to west while looking south. 43.6963371 -98.572246 POINT(43.6963371 -98.572246)
10/23/16 19:45 USA Baltimore City MD Fireball While at the lightrail, near M&T Bank Stadium, my wife and I noticed a kind of bright red light that would flash to white, then repeat 39.2559916 -76.6343409 POINT(39.2559916 -76.6343409)
10/22/16 21:45 USA North Topsail Beach NC Fireball Fast moving large fireballs 34.4901665 -77.4316299 POINT(34.4901665 -77.4316299)
10/22/16 20:10 USA Winder GA Fireball At 8:15 pm wife and myself were leaving neighbors house when she said look whats that. looked up saw two orange red balls of light tre 33.9926098 -83.7201709 POINT(33.9926098 -83.7201709)
10/22/16 20:00 USA San Dimas CA Fireball Two lights that looked like sparklers, Appeared over San Dimas,CA Then fizzled/faded out of sight. 34.1066756 -117.8067256 POINT(34.1066756 -117.8067256)
10/20/16 21:56 USA Lake Orion MI Fireball Blue and Red Fireball Chased by Red Orbs Over Lake Orion Michigan 42.7844752 -83.2396611 POINT(42.7844752 -83.2396611)
10/17/16 19:50 USA Virginia Beach VA Fireball Saw 3 different orange pulsating lights one after another go from nothing to really bright to dim and a pulsating effect to just a orng 36.8529841 -75.9774182 POINT(36.8529841 -75.9774182)
2016-10-12 09:00:00 PM USA Delta CO Fireball 12/10/2016, Delta, CO, 7 orange/pink fireballs 6 to 7 minutes, seen by 2 people 38.8368777 -107.8568293 POINT(38.8368777 -107.8568293)
10/16/16 19:00 USA Lexington SC Fireball Three pairs of white fireballs with short contrails. ((NUFORC Note: We suspect six contrails. PD)) 33.9815369 -81.2362106 POINT(33.9815369 -81.2362106)
10/15/16 22:00 USA Florissant MO Fireball Orange circle moving across sky quickly, then slowed and disappeared. 38.789217 -90.3226139 POINT(38.789217 -90.3226139)
10/15/16 20:15 USA Anacoco LA Fireball Three fiery orbs observed 31.2521279 -93.3412794 POINT(31.2521279 -93.3412794)
2016-11-10 10:00:00 PM USA Lake of the Ozarks MO Fireball 4 of them, hovering, then also moving individually. One crossed the path where a other was hovering. ((anonymous report)) 38.2035967 -92.6266765 POINT(38.2035967 -92.6266765)
2016-11-10 09:00:00 PM USA Dallas GA Fireball Last night I saw some strange subjects in the sky. They look like fireballs, floating in the sky very smooth.I didn't count how many th 33.9237141 -84.8407731 POINT(33.9237141 -84.8407731)
2016-10-10 07:17:00 PM USA Elizabethtown PA Fireball I believe the sighting over Elizabethtown, PA, was a single Chinese lantern. 40.153364 -76.604252 POINT(40.153364 -76.604252)
2016-10-10 07:17:00 PM USA Elizabethtown PA Fireball Single slow moving fireball that changed direction. 40.153364 -76.604252 POINT(40.153364 -76.604252)
2016-10-10 07:00:00 PM USA Greensboro NC Fireball This appeared to be a burning object that was moving in a forward direction. It was a orange/yellow color. 36.0726355 -79.7919753 POINT(36.0726355 -79.7919753)
2016-08-10 11:30:00 PM USA Burbank CA Fireball We saw a glowing, pulsating bright red and golden light. ((anonymous report)) 34.1816482 -118.3258553 POINT(34.1816482 -118.3258553)
2016-08-10 01:00:00 AM USA Renton WA Fireball Correction on previous report seen at 10/8/2016 at 1am approx. Got home from work and seen bright fireball light streak across constru 47.4799078 -122.2034495 POINT(47.4799078 -122.2034495)
2016-07-10 09:30:00 PM USA South Gardner MA Fireball Three bright yellow vertical lights at night in the sky near South Gardner. 42.558422 -71.9786879 POINT(42.558422 -71.9786879)
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