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Last active February 19, 2018 03:13
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Homework 1 - 590V
license: mit


The above graph shows the comparison between industry rating and research ratings for top Universities.

  • Color represents geographic location

  • Size represents number of students

  • Hovering over a location in the legend highlights all the points in that location.

  • Hovering over a point will display information about the University.


Data taken from World University Ranking 2011-2016 on The original data was obtained from Times Higher Education's university rankings.

Using's querying feature, I picked the first 301 records for the year 2016 that had an industry rating. This means that Universities with higher ranks but no industry rating are not included in the dataset.

Since there were many countries, I changed the value of the country column for all countries in Europe and Asia to "Europe" and "Asia". This allowed for a simpler visualization.

Examples referenced

Personal objectives from course

  • Be able to represent visualizations for datasets with large number of features.

  • Improve understanding of what is visually pleasing to users.

  • Be able to build complex and beautiful visualizations.

Web Dev experience

  • Experienced with development using Rails, .NET stacks

  • Moderate experience using AngularJS

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<title>HW1 - CS590V - Hadi</title>
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<h3 class="heading">Homework 1 - CS 590V</h3>
<h5 class="subheading">Hadi Nishad</h5>
<svg width="960" height="500"></svg>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
// set x and y values
const xValue = d => d.research_rating;
const yValue = d => d.industry_income_rating;
// set up margin
const margin = { left: 50, right: 20, top: 20, bottom: 20 };
// set up width and height of svg and graph
const svg ='svg');
const width = svg.attr('width');
const height = svg.attr('height');
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const innerHeight = height - - margin.bottom;
// set up graph and axes
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const yAxisG = g.append('g');
const xScale = d3.scaleLinear();
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear();
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom().scale(xScale);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yScale);
// set up colors to use for points
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
// set up tooltip on hover
var tooltip ="body").append("div")
.attr("class", "tooltip")
.style("opacity", 0);
// convert needed features to numeric
const row = d => {
d.research_rating = +d.research_rating;
d.industry_income_rating = +d.industry_income_rating;
d.num_students = +d.num_students;
return d;
// read csv
d3.csv('universities.csv', row, data => {
// sort based on number of students
// this ensures that bigger circles are drawn first and smaller circles on top
// this allows you to hover over smaller circles
// otherwise a bigger circle that is drawn over a smaller circle
// will not let you hover over a smaller circle
data.sort(function(a,b) {
return d3.descending(a.num_students, b.num_students);
// set up range and domain for x and y scales
.domain(d3.extent(data, xValue))
.range([0, innerWidth]);
.domain([20, d3.max(data, yValue)])
.range([innerHeight, 30]);
// draw circles for each point
.attr('class', 'circle')
.attr('cx', d => xScale(xValue(d)))
.attr('cy', d => yScale(yValue(d)))
.attr('r', function(d){ return 4*d.num_students/10000}) // set size of circle based on number of students
.style('fill', function(d){ return color(; }) // set color based on location
.on("mouseover", function(d, i) { // display information on tooltip on hover
.style("opacity", 1);
tooltip.html("Name : " + d.university_name + "<br/>" +
"Rank : " + d.world_rank + "<br/>" +
"Location : " + + "<br/>" +
"Number of Students : " + d.num_students)
.style("left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 28) + "px");
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// Title of the graph
.attr("x", (innerWidth / 2))
.attr("y", 8)
.attr("class", "text")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("font-size", "14px")
.text("Research Rating vs Industry Outcome Rating for Top 301 Universities (2016)");
// Label for legend
.attr("class", "text")
.attr('x', width - 51)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('dy', '.35em')
.style('text-anchor', 'end')
.text("Radius indicates number of students");
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.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
.attr("x", -30)
.attr("y", 8)
.attr("dy", ".71em")
.style("text-anchor", "end")
.text("Industry Outcome Rating");
// Label for X-axis
.attr("class", "text")
.attr("x", innerWidth)
.attr("y", height-45)
.style("text-anchor", "end")
.text("Research Rating");
// Label for Data
.attr("class", "text")
.attr("x", width - 61)
.attr("y", height-75)
.style("text-anchor", "end")
.text(" Data from : Times Higher Education - World University Rankings 2016");;;
// set up Legend
var legend = svg.selectAll('legend')
.attr('class', 'legend')
.attr('transform', function(d,i){ return 'translate(0,' + i * 20 + ')'; });
// for each element in the color domain
// draw a rectangle with its color
.attr('x', width - 20)
.attr('y', 30)
.attr('width', 18)
.attr('height', 18)
.style('fill', color);
// and show the name of the location
.attr('x', width - 25)
.attr('y', 39)
.attr('dy', '.35em')
.style('text-anchor', 'end')
.text(function(d){return d; });
// on hovering on the legend, lower opacity of circles of all other locations
legend.on('mouseover', function(type){
.style('opacity', 0.15)
return == type;
.style('opacity', 1);
// on un-hovering, reset all opacities
legend.on('mouseout', function(type){
.style('opacity', 1);
world_rank university_name country teaching_rating inter_outlook_rating research_rating citations_rating industry_income_rating total_score num_students student_staff_ratio inter_students female_students year
1 California Institute of Technology United States of America 95.6 64 97.6 99.8 97.8 95.2 2243 6.9 27 33 2016
2 University of Oxford United Kingdom 86.5 94.4 98.9 98.8 73.1 94.2 19919 11.6 34 46 2016
3 Stanford University United States of America 92.5 76.3 96.2 99.9 63.3 93.9 15596 7.8 22 42 2016
4 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 88.2 91.5 96.7 97 55 92.8 18812 11.8 34 46 2016
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America 89.4 84 88.6 99.7 95.4 92 11074 9 33 37 2016
6 Harvard University United States of America 83.6 77.2 99 99.8 45.2 91.6 20152 8.9 25 2016
7 Princeton University United States of America 85.1 78.5 91.9 99.3 52.1 90.1 7929 8.4 27 45 2016
8 Imperial College London United Kingdom 83.3 96 88.5 96.7 53.7 89.1 15060 11.7 51 37 2016
9 ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Europe 77 97.9 95 91.1 80 88.3 18178 14.7 37 31 2016
10 University of Chicago United States of America 85.7 65 88.9 99.2 36.6 87.9 14221 6.9 21 42 2016
11 Johns Hopkins University United States of America 77.6 70 90.4 98.2 100 87.6 15128 3.6 23 50 2016
12 Yale University United States of America 86.5 64.3 87.8 97.2 43.3 87.4 11751 4.4 20 50 2016
13 University of California, Berkeley United States of America 80.4 61.9 91.1 99.7 47.9 87.2 36186 16.4 15 50 2016
14 University College London United Kingdom 78.1 94.4 91 94.2 40.5 87.1 26607 10.7 46 56 2016
16 University of California, Los Angeles United States of America 80.8 56.4 88.6 98.5 47.9 85.8 38206 10.3 15 52 2016
17 University of Pennsylvania United States of America 82 49.5 86.9 98.6 47.9 85.2 20376 6.5 20 51 2016
18 Cornell University United States of America 77.9 63.9 86.1 97.2 33.7 84 21424 10.2 19 48 2016
19 University of Toronto Canada 75.9 77.8 89.3 90.9 49.1 83.9 66198 19.5 15 2016
20 Duke University United States of America 76 56.5 78 99 100 82.7 15172 4.8 17 49 2016
21 University of Michigan United States of America 76.8 53.7 85.2 94.4 56.3 82.4 41786 9 16 48 2016
22 Carnegie Mellon University United States of America 67.4 57.1 88.8 99.1 57.5 82.3 11885 13.1 35 39 2016
23 London School of Economics and Political Science United Kingdom 69.8 93.6 80.6 94.3 32.2 81.3 2016
24 University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 68.6 89.8 77.2 96.3 36.1 80.3 25774 14.1 36 58 2016
25 Northwestern University United States of America 69.8 53.9 78.4 96.5 81.2 79.5 18334 13.8 15 48 2016
26 National University of Singapore Asia 71.7 96.2 84.5 79.4 49.8 79.2 31592 15.5 34 49 2016
27 King’s College London United Kingdom 64.5 93.8 75.8 93.8 40.1 78.2 21394 11.4 37 61 2016
28 Karolinska Institute Europe 60.6 73.1 81.1 92.2 75.8 77.5 7774 11.5 22 70 2016
29 LMU Munich Europe 70.5 62.8 77.4 85.7 100 77.3 35691 15.5 13 62 2016
30 New York University United States of America 74.7 49.3 72.3 95.3 30.4 77.2 42056 6.8 19 55 2016
31 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Europe 61.3 98.6 67.5 94.6 65.4 76.1 9666 10.5 54 27 2016
32 University of Washington United States of America 67.1 51.2 70 98.6 43.1 75.6 44020 11.8 13 53 2016
33 University of Melbourne Australia 62 87.1 75.5 86.6 64.6 75.4 40128 23.7 35 55 2016
34 University of British Columbia Canada 60.2 90.5 73.2 91.5 42.6 75.3 50152 17.6 25 54 2016
35 KU Leuven Europe 59.9 68.6 76.9 87.3 100 74.8 42503 41.9 18 54 2016
36 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America 64.5 45.8 81.2 86.8 52.8 74.5 42727 18.7 20 47 2016
37 Heidelberg University Europe 68.8 62.8 69.6 88.2 68.2 74.4 28881 24.5 17 55 2016
38 McGill University Canada 66.1 85.5 72.1 78.9 40.3 72.6 31326 13.7 23 56 2016
39 University of California, San Diego United States of America 56.9 42.9 69.8 98.7 56.7 72.2 27233 6.5 11 48 2016
39 University of California, Santa Barbara United States of America 52.6 61.5 66 99.2 90.4 72.2 22020 27.3 11 52 2016
41 Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America 57.8 71.5 72.7 86 73.7 72.1 19967 20.1 26 31 2016
42 Peking University Asia 77.8 49.2 72.4 69.1 100 72 40148 8.3 14 2016
43 University of Tokyo Asia 81.4 30.3 83 60.9 50.8 71.1 26199 5.7 10 2016
44 University of California, Davis United States of America 60.1 58.4 72.7 84.3 57.3 71 35364 13.9 13 54 2016
44 University of Hong Kong Asia 64.6 99.5 72.8 70.1 53.7 71 19835 17.6 38 53 2016
46 University of Texas at Austin United States of America 59.3 31.7 69.7 92.2 63.1 70.3 49427 17.4 9 51 2016
47 Tsinghua University Asia 73.3 39.5 83 58.8 100 70 39763 13.7 10 32 2016
47 Wageningen University and Research Center Europe 52.6 70.3 66.9 87.8 100 70 9248 17 21 56 2016
49 Humboldt University of Berlin Europe 63.7 62.6 77 73.6 36.1 69.9 29987 52.5 16 2016
50 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America 65.1 33 68.2 86.6 48.5 69.7 39655 10.8 11 51 2016
51 Brown University United States of America 62.8 57.8 55.7 96.4 31.4 69.6 8653 10.1 19 2016
52 Australian National University Australia 54.7 93.3 77.3 72.3 48 69.5 14604 19.2 35 52 2016
53 Technical University of Munich Europe 61 63.8 66 80.1 99.2 69.4 35565 31.5 20 33 2016
54 École Normale Supérieure Europe 70.6 85.5 47.7 87.1 37.1 69 2400 7.9 20 46 2016
55 Nanyang Technological University Asia 48.4 94.6 61.3 85.6 99.9 68.2 25028 16.2 33 48 2016
56 University of Manchester United Kingdom 58.4 87 66 77.3 42 68.1 34938 15.3 34 52 2016
56 University of Sydney Australia 54.3 84.4 68.1 77.5 72.4 68.1 41868 20.2 28 57 2016
58 University of Amsterdam Europe 52.2 66.5 64.7 87.4 62.8 67.8 24570 14.4 11 53 2016
59 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Asia 49.4 80.5 66.1 82.6 68.1 67.2 11385 23.8 36 2016
60 The University of Queensland Australia 49.2 89.3 62.8 82.4 76.7 67 34718 32.7 27 53 2016
60 Washington University in St Louis United States of America 54.3 44.9 55.6 99.2 33.5 67 12528 5.7 17 2016
62 Utrecht University Europe 48.1 55.8 64.3 88.1 89.1 66.6 30779 15.4 7 59 2016
63 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States of America 58 39 54.5 95.9 39.4 66.4 26518 7.3 8 58 2016
64 Boston University United States of America 57.8 51 49.5 97.7 30.3 66.1 24789 8.6 17 58 2016
65 Delft University of Technology Europe 55 84 73.8 61.5 100 65.9 15920 19.4 25 26 2016
65 University of Minnesota United States of America 53.5 35.3 61 88 98.5 65.9 46825 18 13 52 2016
67 Leiden University Europe 50.5 64.3 63.1 85.2 49.8 65.7 21222 17.1 10 59 2016
68 University of Southern California United States of America 49.3 56.3 58.9 93 38 65.5 36534 12.9 20 52 2016
69 University of Bristol United Kingdom 47.6 82.4 51.6 91.2 40 64.3 17906 14 25 53 2016
70 Durham University United Kingdom 47.9 86.4 51.9 87.7 34.4 63.6 15489 15.7 24 54 2016
71 Erasmus University Rotterdam Europe 37.2 76.1 55.2 95.6 54.6 63.5 20580 18.9 18 48 2016
72 Free University of Berlin Europe 57.9 69.2 72.2 60.2 35.1 63.2 33062 39.3 20 58 2016
73 Monash University Australia 48.1 87.6 58.5 73.3 79.7 62.5 50882 40.5 36 56 2016
74 University of Groningen Europe 43.3 63.9 56.9 84 92.4 62.4 24556 25.6 12 52 2016
75 Pennsylvania State University United States of America 50.4 40.8 61.9 80.5 56.2 62.3 44501 12.4 12 46 2016
76 University of Glasgow United Kingdom 41.6 85.8 48.3 92.3 31.6 61.9 22616 16 29 57 2016
76 University of Helsinki Europe 48.4 51.8 60.4 82.1 31.6 61.9 23505 15.1 6 66 2016
78 University of Tübingen Europe 47 58.2 59.8 79.3 59.2 61.7 28327 38.9 12 58 2016
79 University of Pittsburgh United States of America 50.6 33.9 50.3 92.3 39.3 61.5 26485 5.8 10 51 2016
80 University of Warwick United Kingdom 47.4 90.3 53.1 78.2 37.7 61.3 18529 16.6 37 48 2016
81 Uppsala University Europe 44.1 59.6 61 80.9 39.5 61.2 25266 18.2 12 57 2016
82 University of Copenhagen Europe 49.8 83.3 42.7 86.2 45 61 27545 4.1 19 67 2016
82 University of New South Wales Australia 40.7 89.5 53.9 82.1 50 61 38309 25.9 33 47 2016
84 University of Freiburg Europe 47.4 60.3 51.1 80.5 100 60.7 26467 31.2 16 52 2016
85 Seoul National University Asia 66.5 30.9 70.5 50 85.4 60.5 26389 13.9 10 2016
86 University of St Andrews United Kingdom 49.7 92.3 47.3 78.8 30.6 60.4 8338 12.7 47 56 2016
87 Vanderbilt University United States of America 47.8 29.1 44.2 95.7 63.2 60.1 12161 3.6 10 52 2016
88 Kyoto University Asia 70.6 26.1 69.3 46.6 79 59.9 22809 5.6 7 2016
88 Maastricht University Europe 37.5 95.5 47.7 82.7 95.4 59.9 15626 18.9 48 56 2016
90 Emory University United States of America 48.3 51 37.1 96.7 48.9 59.7 12338 4.5 18 56 2016
90 Lund University Europe 39.7 74.1 53.6 81.3 70.4 59.7 28251 11.5 15 2016
90 Ohio State University United States of America 51.6 53 46.6 83.2 53.1 59.7 51462 13.4 12 49 2016
93 University of Exeter United Kingdom 39.4 87.3 40 94.3 31.9 59.5 17755 18.8 28 54 2016
94 Georgetown University United States of America 54.4 52.7 39.3 82.5 80.7 58.8 15408 8.5 14 53 2016
94 McMaster University Canada 39.8 76.1 44.8 84.9 88 58.8 23823 19.3 15 53 2016
97 University of Sheffield United Kingdom 42.4 81.9 48.8 80.1 43.4 58.6 23311 15.5 31 50 2016
98 Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom 34.1 93.5 41.3 93.3 36.8 58.5 14260 14 40 52 2016
99 University of Göttingen Europe 49.3 56.4 54.5 72.7 31.8 58 25581 25.6 12 51 2016
99 Michigan State University United States of America 47.3 56.4 52.6 76.8 32.2 58 44750 15.7 15 51 2016
101 University of Basel Europe 39.5 94.7 33.1 88.3 99.9 57.9 12551 17.3 24 54 2016
101 École Polytechnique Europe 53.5 92.8 44.6 64.7 82.3 57.9 2429 4.8 30 18 2016
101 Rice University United States of America 37.9 66.6 35.1 99.7 41.7 57.9 6333 9 26 44 2016
104 Dartmouth College United States of America 50.7 38.3 35.8 93.3 40.8 57.8 6178 6.6 16 47 2016
104 University of Zurich Europe 49.5 90.4 31.5 85.4 44 57.8 26583 6.5 19 57 2016
106 Aarhus University Europe 36.9 76.8 50.7 79.8 68.3 57.7 23895 13.6 14 54 2016
106 University of California, Irvine United States of America 39.9 59.2 41.8 91.6 48.9 57.7 26614 16.1 16 52 2016
106 University of Mannheim Europe 34.5 64.6 47.7 86.9 85.3 57.7 11761 85.8 15 55 2016
108 University of Notre Dame United States of America 47.6 47.6 48.1 81.7 33.7 57.6 11829 13.8 10 44 2016
109 University of Western Australia Australia 33.4 92.6 46.1 83.6 64.5 57.5 20851 20.7 27 50 2016
110 RWTH Aachen University Europe 49.4 54.1 56.3 63.2 98.1 57.2 37917 27.6 16 31 2016
110 University of Southampton United Kingdom 39.8 88.4 43.6 82 37.5 57.2 20925 13.5 29 53 2016
112 Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Europe 54.2 46.3 53.1 67.2 52 57.1 462 16.5 5 28 2016
113 University of Montreal Canada 46.3 84.2 45.5 69.6 92.6 57 38264 20.3 25 57 2016
113 Pierre and Marie Curie University Europe 52.8 74.1 32.7 82.9 37.4 57 27862 8.7 18 48 2016
116 Pohang University of Science and Technology Asia 49.1 33.7 47.1 76.7 100 56.9 3055 10.1 4 20 2016
117 University of Maryland, College Park United States of America 45 43.5 42.1 88.2 32.3 56.7 31331 8.4 9 48 2016
118 Ghent University Europe 42.1 54.2 54.5 71.2 88.3 56.6 32166 34.1 9 57 2016
119 University of Birmingham United Kingdom 39.4 82 41.8 82.7 34.7 56.2 25295 16.4 23 54 2016
120 University of Bern Europe 40 83.7 42.5 76.6 82.9 56.1 14708 22.5 14 54 2016
120 University of Cape Town South Africa 34.9 80.2 38.7 85.6 92.7 56.1 20040 12.1 18 53 2016
123 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Europe 51.7 47 39.7 75.2 99.4 56 36146 53.9 9 49 2016
123 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey United States of America 43.9 34.7 55.7 75.4 35.9 56 37032 17.3 8 51 2016
125 University of Münster Europe 40.3 46.3 44.1 85.6 58.2 55.9 39838 46.1 8 53 2016
125 Radboud University Nijmegen Europe 34.3 60.9 48.5 84.9 39.2 55.9 17713 13 10 58 2016
127 University of Colorado Boulder United States of America 39.7 36.6 37.6 96.4 35.7 55.8 29325 16.1 8 45 2016
127 Tufts University United States of America 45.2 49.4 33.3 90.1 60.7 55.8 10410 10 14 54 2016
129 Royal Holloway, University of London United Kingdom 35.1 92.7 33.2 91.2 34.4 55.7 8747 15.9 37 57 2016
130 Lancaster University United Kingdom 34 87 41.4 85.3 33.6 55.6 11512 14.9 33 52 2016
131 University of Geneva Europe 34.9 98.5 40.5 78.5 72.4 55.4 15668 15 39 61 2016
131 University of York United Kingdom 41.9 83.5 46.3 73.1 31.1 55.4 2016
133 Case Western Reserve University United States of America 46.1 40.5 33.2 92 34.1 55.3 9259 6.4 17 48 2016
133 University of Leeds United Kingdom 43.7 77.4 39 79.2 36.7 55.3 27703 14.7 21 58 2016
135 University of Oslo Europe 43.3 68.2 44.7 75.5 38.3 55.1 27139 18.8 18 2016
136 Stockholm University Europe 34.1 48.5 51.2 82.5 31.1 54.8 31715 23.7 8 62 2016
137 University of Alberta Canada 46.4 80.7 48.1 63.6 47.4 54.7 36299 21.6 23 55 2016
138 Chinese University of Hong Kong Asia 41.5 81.1 48.5 68.4 37.5 54.5 17916 10.2 22 53 2016
138 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Europe 37.7 56.7 47.5 73.8 99.5 54.5 25294 24.6 16 26 2016
140 University of Sussex United Kingdom 33.4 88.3 37.2 86.1 30.6 54.4 12001 17.4 35 54 2016
141 University of Massachusetts United States of America 40.2 48.9 36.3 88.1 52.2 54.3 56959 13 11 49 2016
142 University of Vienna Europe 40.8 92.6 50.5 63.6 30.2 54.2 34651 20.5 25 67 2016
143 University of Nottingham United Kingdom 40.3 80.6 39 77.5 39.8 54.1 30144 15 27 54 2016
144 University of California, Santa Cruz United States of America 31.1 45.6 34.2 99.9 36.1 53.9 17404 22.7 1 53 2016
144 University of Lausanne Europe 30.9 89.2 45.6 76.2 56 53.9 11964 13.1 22 2016
146 Autonomous University of Barcelona Europe 40.3 50.3 40 83.8 34.9 53.8 30538 12.3 10 59 2016
147 University of Virginia United States of America 38.8 43.4 37.5 87.3 37.9 53.3 23845 10.2 12 52 2016
148 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Asia 43.3 33.9 40.5 75.9 100 53 9027 10 9 20 2016
149 University of Adelaide Australia 32.8 85.1 43.2 72.4 79.3 52.9 20771 30.1 26 48 2016
149 University of East Anglia United Kingdom 31.9 83.5 28.7 92.7 28.5 52.9 14992 14.7 28 58 2016
149 University of Twente Europe 34.1 80.1 45.6 68.8 91.2 52.9 6631 12 26 37 2016
153 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Asia 51.4 36.7 53.5 53.8 97.5 52.8 24365 20.3 9 39 2016
154 VU University Amsterdam Europe 28.4 54.9 37.1 90.7 60.1 52.5 23280 16.3 6 56 2016
155 KTH Royal Institute of Technology Europe 39 84.4 44.3 63.9 78.1 52.4 12062 14.6 21 30 2016
156 University of Cologne Europe 42.2 53.1 38 75 68.5 52.3 43280 43.4 11 60 2016
157 University of Liverpool United Kingdom 32.8 85.4 30.9 85.9 36.6 52.2 18815 13.6 30 52 2016
158 TU Dresden Europe 41.4 47.7 45.8 66.1 99.7 52.1 35487 37.4 12 42 2016
158 University of Rochester United States of America 39.7 55.8 27.9 89 37 52.1 9390 4.5 26 49 2016
160 Trinity College Dublin Europe 41.9 90.5 30.8 75.8 28 52 15521 18 25 57 2016
161 Lomonosov Moscow State University Europe 75.4 57.8 66.7 8.6 95.7 51.9 30822 7.7 20 43 2016
161 University of Miami United States of America 41.7 64 22.3 90.1 35.5 51.9 15286 5.7 14 50 2016
163 University of Arizona United States of America 38.7 38.6 41.8 79.5 32.4 51.7 36429 12.7 8 52 2016
164 Pompeu Fabra University Europe 32.9 63.3 28 90.7 37.2 51.2 10901 18.3 13 59 2016
164 University of Reading United Kingdom 39.3 85.1 37.3 69.9 34.2 51.2 12050 14.8 28 55 2016
167 University of California, Riverside United States of America 27.5 59.5 33.3 91.2 42.5 51.1 20626 22 12 51 2016
167 University of Leicester United Kingdom 32.1 86.6 27.8 86 31.7 51.1 14541 13.4 35 54 2016
167 National Taiwan University Asia 54.1 27.7 58 47.3 49.6 51.1 31891 11.9 7 39 2016
167 Technical University of Denmark Europe 37.3 85.1 29.9 77.8 50 51.1 9990 5 18 27 2016
167 Université Catholique de Louvain Europe 38.7 74.2 40.6 68.4 51 51.1 28856 42 19 54 2016
172 University of Aberdeen United Kingdom 29.7 91.4 31.4 82.6 43.1 51 12938 15.8 33 54 2016
172 University of Auckland New Zealand 31.4 90.5 39.5 69.8 78 51 29787 18.9 28 54 2016
174 University of Barcelona Europe 38.5 49.2 37.4 78.9 31.1 50.9 47491 12.2 10 62 2016
175 University of Konstanz Europe 38.5 58.3 46.7 61.9 92.4 50.8 10930 59.1 12 54 2016
176 Eindhoven University of Technology Europe 34.3 71.3 41 70.7 57.3 50.6 8176 16 14 19 2016
176 University College Dublin Europe 35 86.3 38.5 70.8 33.5 50.6 22193 24.5 23 2016
178 Hebrew University of Jerusalem Asia 45.8 55.6 41.4 64.6 31.9 50.5 17612 10.7 5 55 2016
179 University of Waterloo Canada 35.4 74.4 43.9 66.5 39.5 50.3 30726 24.2 14 45 2016
180 University of Gothenburg Europe 28.5 58.3 39.8 81.8 30.3 50.2 26420 16.4 12 2016
180 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Europe 42.5 45.2 23.2 84.5 71.2 50.2 769 8.5 17 35 2016
182 University of Bergen Europe 32.5 70 31.5 82.4 36.2 50.1 11623 11.1 12 60 2016
182 Cardiff University United Kingdom 30.9 78.1 31.6 82 34.6 50.1 23347 13.1 23 57 2016
182 University of Utah United States of America 35.6 30.1 35.3 83.7 57.4 50.1 25674 16.9 9 45 2016
185 Brandeis University United States of America 28.3 47 25.7 97.3 38.6 49.9 5495 12.6 22 55 2016
185 University of Dundee United Kingdom 25.6 78.5 26.9 90.2 49.5 49.9 11628 15.3 25 60 2016
185 University of Würzburg Europe 34.6 50.9 35.8 79.1 47.9 49.9 26576 38.4 8 57 2016
188 Paris-Sud University Europe 38.7 64.2 29 79.8 28.8 49.8 27603 15 17 2016
189 Arizona State University United States of America 32.4 31.9 38.1 84.6 32 49.7 83236 29.9 9 50 2016
190 University of Antwerp Europe 31.6 64.8 40.8 71.7 60.3 49.6 12346 30.3 16 56 2016
190 Boston College United States of America 34.1 60 29.3 83.3 46.8 49.6 13216 17.4 19 54 2016
192 Ulm University Europe 35.2 58.2 23.9 86.4 58.4 49.5 9187 11.2 10 47 2016
193 University of Luxembourg Europe 25 99.8 26.7 84.8 38.1 49.4 5144 15.9 52 50 2016
193 Texas A&M University United States of America 49.4 47.8 52.4 47.1 46.4 49.4 50657 21.4 9 47 2016
195 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Europe 37.3 61.1 22.2 83.8 68.4 49.3 6853 6.6 16 64 2016
196 Newcastle University United Kingdom 30.9 84.3 27.5 81.5 34.7 49.2 20174 15.2 29 50 2016
196 St George’s, University of London United Kingdom 25.6 69.5 18.1 100 37.7 49.2 2958 13.4 17 61 2016
198 University of Trento Europe 30.8 55.9 27.4 87.7 47.1 49.1 16841 43.2 8 51 2016
199 Paris Diderot University – Paris 7 Europe 30.5 64.9 22.9 91 29 48.9 27756 14.8 17 63 2016
200 Queen’s University Belfast United Kingdom 34.1 93.4 33.3 68.9 35.7 48.8 17940 17.9 30 54 2016
201-250 Aalborg University Europe 25.1 71 28.4 73.8 43.7 - 17422 15.9 15 48 2016
201-250 Birkbeck, University of London United Kingdom 33.5 89.9 35.1 66.3 28.5 - 9454 17.2 38 55 2016
201-250 University of Bologna Europe 39.3 39.9 29.5 73 34.5 - 85532 22.9 7 56 2016
201-250 University at Buffalo United States of America 36.5 60.6 37.9 62 43.8 - 25668 19 19 47 2016
201-250 University of Calgary Canada 33.9 70.1 36.7 67.8 52 - 28341 16.5 17 53 2016
201-250 Chalmers University of Technology Europe 36.6 77.6 35.3 52.2 79.5 - 8605 11.6 15 30 2016
201-250 City University of Hong Kong Asia 32.1 81.6 26.7 76.8 50.1 - 10015 7.1 28 51 2016
201-250 Copenhagen Business School Europe 19.3 88.5 26.5 79.4 35.3 - 18293 42.7 19 48 2016
201-250 Dalhousie University Canada 30.4 78.3 29.4 65.2 50.3 - 15064 14.4 18 55 2016
201-250 University of Duisburg-Essen Europe 32.3 48.5 27 81.3 82.3 - 36051 46.6 11 49 2016
201-250 École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Europe 41.6 65.6 30 69 31.7 - 2218 8 14 49 2016
201-250 Florida State University United States of America 38.5 41.6 40.1 64.7 32 - 41226 31.8 7 55 2016
201-250 University of Fribourg Europe 32.3 87.4 32.9 64.1 60.8 - 10416 46.9 19 58 2016
201-250 Fudan University Asia 44.7 38.6 30.4 61.1 28 - 32175 12.2 11 50 2016
201-250 George Washington University United States of America 44.7 48.1 23.5 65.7 29.5 - 20541 12 16 56 2016
201-250 Goethe University Frankfurt Europe 35.8 60.2 28.6 79.3 38.1 - 31861 9.3 15 60 2016
201-250 University of Hawai’i at Mānoa United States of America 32 63.4 35.5 67.7 44.7 - 2016
201-250 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Asia 29.3 79 35.2 63.3 45.1 - 22064 25.9 26 51 2016
201-250 University of Illinois at Chicago United States of America 40.9 58.1 29.2 63.2 38 - 24313 9.2 17 53 2016
201-250 University of Iowa United States of America 41 32.3 26.7 73.5 54.1 - 27526 11.6 11 52 2016
201-250 Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Europe 34.9 53.3 21.7 72.6 70.7 - 35609 32.6 10 58 2016
201-250 Joseph Fourier University Europe 34.2 58.6 21.6 83.2 31.6 - 16130 12.1 13 2016
201-250 Laval University Canada 37.5 63.8 31.7 62.2 57.5 - 27227 16.2 12 2016
201-250 Medical University of Vienna Europe 26.6 81.7 14.6 89.1 33.9 - 7426 2.9 28 50 2016
201-250 Northeastern University United States of America 35.5 58.7 20.6 84 32.9 - 18539 15.1 26 50 2016
201-250 Oregon Health and Science University United States of America 27.8 21.4 15.7 96 44.6 - 2838 1.1 3 65 2016
201-250 University of Otago New Zealand 30.7 89.9 30.5 74.9 31.5 - 18600 20.3 21 57 2016
201-250 University of Ottawa Canada 37.1 69.9 36.7 61.5 41.5 - 36733 26.3 15 60 2016
201-250 Paris Descartes University Europe 24.6 49.1 28.8 83.3 29 - 34691 26.9 15 63 2016
201-250 Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University Europe 30.8 29.6 17.8 97.4 42.5 - 17155 7.2 8 40 2016
201-250 Polytechnic University of Milan Europe 30.1 48.8 31.7 76.3 66.3 - 30025 22.2 12 34 2016
201-250 Royal Veterinary College United Kingdom 26 81.7 27.8 74.9 45.5 - 1819 10.9 18 77 2016
201-250 Rush University United States of America 37.7 21.8 17.4 88.9 45.4 - 1855 2.1 5 71 2016
201-250 Sapienza University of Rome Europe 38 34.7 37.3 61.5 32.6 - 120986 32.3 7 59 2016
201-250 University of Science and Technology of China Asia 46.7 21.4 36.6 67.2 80.3 - 14290 7.9 2 2016
201-250 University of South Florida United States of America 24.8 45.1 35.7 73.4 99.8 - 31424 21.5 10 2016
201-250 Stony Brook University United States of America 32.6 53.2 22 83 33.4 - 21908 10.9 24 50 2016
201-250 University of Stuttgart Europe 40 52.7 44.5 55.7 99.8 - 24099 45.4 20 31 2016
201-250 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Europe 31.5 40.1 32.8 68.1 99.9 - 3879 4.6 67 2016
201-250 Technical University of Darmstadt Europe 37.1 54.4 43.2 51.1 99.1 - 20300 53.6 18 28 2016
201-250 University of Technology Sydney Australia 27 90.1 35.1 66.9 42.3 - 24519 44.1 31 53 2016
201-250 Tel Aviv University Asia 41 47.5 50.5 49.2 42.9 - 23977 24.4 4 2016
201-250 University of Texas at Dallas United States of America 24.3 52.3 26.7 86.8 41.8 - 16306 22.8 23 44 2016
201-250 Tilburg University Europe 34.1 71.6 47.1 51.5 57.4 - 7576 22.4 10 49 2016
201-250 Tohoku University Asia 45.3 29.3 42.7 49.4 74.7 - 17200 5 7 25 2016
201-250 Tokyo Institute of Technology Asia 45.6 31.9 47.6 42.2 70.9 - 9586 7.3 13 13 2016
201-250 University of Victoria Canada 20.6 70.2 30 79 36.6 - 17581 21.5 11 56 2016
201-250 Wake Forest University United States of America 34.6 24.2 19.5 94.8 42.5 - 7326 4.6 5 51 2016
201-250 University of Western Ontario Canada 38.6 73.6 32.4 59 59.7 - 27387 20.7 16 54 2016
201-250 William & Mary United States of America 38.5 26.6 17.5 85 29.1 - 7867 11.8 7 54 2016
201-250 University of the Witwatersrand South Africa 26.2 68.4 31.5 76 99.7 - 23321 18.6 9 56 2016
251-300 Aalto University Europe 31.1 65.4 32.8 62.1 61.6 - 16099 24.2 17 32 2016
251-300 Aix-Marseille University Europe 36.7 63 22.1 64.9 33.1 - 71749 45.5 13 61 2016
251-300 University of Bath United Kingdom 28.9 84.8 27.9 56.7 36.3 - 12830 18.8 30 46 2016
251-300 Bayreuth University Europe 32.2 52.6 31.2 60.1 56.4 - 12520 35.5 8 46 2016
251-300 Bielefeld University Europe 35.2 45.4 46.2 49.9 60.9 - 21428 67.8 8 57 2016
251-300 University of Bordeaux Europe 25.3 54.6 22 71.7 30.6 - 51239 19.4 12 58 2016
251-300 Charles Darwin University Australia 17.8 63.7 22.6 85.9 43.2 - 5570 25.4 15 67 2016
251-300 Colorado School of Mines United States of America 28.5 35.5 30.3 71.8 83.7 - 5287 18.2 12 26 2016
251-300 Colorado State University United States of America 31.6 34.5 33 59.3 41 - 26769 19 5 52 2016
251-300 University of Delaware United States of America 23.7 41.6 34 70 98.7 - 19262 15.9 10 56 2016
251-300 Flinders University Australia 21.4 64.7 25.7 69.5 41.7 - 15655 22.6 15 63 2016
251-300 University of Georgia United States of America 41.1 39.2 30.5 52.2 30.9 - 33119 19.9 7 57 2016
251-300 Griffith University Australia 22.5 81.7 25.2 66.3 34.6 - 30251 22 21 2016
251-300 University of Iceland Europe 16.2 61 16.2 91.4 28 - 13960 25.9 8 66 2016
251-300 Indian Institute of Science Asia 42.7 16.4 47.2 42.4 52.4 - 3318 8.2 1 19 2016
251-300 Iowa State University United States of America 31.2 35.4 29.4 61.5 54 - 29991 17.4 11 44 2016
251-300 James Cook University Australia 19 70.4 22.8 81.4 40.7 - 11713 21.9 11 63 2016
251-300 Justus Liebig University Giessen Europe 32.9 46.8 33.9 52.9 46.4 - 25682 53.9 9 62 2016
251-300 King Abdulaziz University Asia 23.9 93 11.8 76.6 73.1 - 35889 8.4 21 57 2016
251-300 Koç University Asia 21.2 53.5 27.1 74.9 82.4 - 4488 14.6 8 52 2016
251-300 Korea University Asia 43.9 40.2 43.4 41.8 99.8 - 24043 15.8 14 2016
251-300 University of Liège Europe 29.1 69.7 36.6 46.5 98.9 - 20951 25.9 23 54 2016
251-300 Linköping University Europe 24.2 57.7 18.9 76.8 42.1 - 17866 7.7 10 52 2016
251-300 Nanjing University Asia 37.2 50.4 32.2 54.2 58.6 - 29743 13.3 10 46 2016
251-300 National Tsing Hua University Asia 37.7 23.2 36.6 53 49.5 - 10221 13.5 5 33 2016
251-300 National University of Ireland, Galway Europe 27.3 76.5 25.4 68.5 41.9 - 14067 26.8 14 56 2016
251-300 University of Newcastle Australia 27.4 75.9 26.5 67.2 64.4 - 23508 21.9 18 56 2016
251-300 North Carolina State University United States of America 36.1 49 30.5 60 40.7 - 30533 13.6 11 44 2016
251-300 Oregon State University United States of America 30.6 42.8 28.5 63.8 32.1 - 22578 16.8 9 47 2016
251-300 Osaka University Asia 46.8 26.6 45.2 37.4 76.1 - 23144 7.8 9 31 2016
251-300 Queen’s University Canada 35.8 61.6 35.8 54.4 54.2 - 20488 22.1 10 58 2016
251-300 Queensland University of Technology Australia 28.8 76 35.6 56 73.7 - 33391 35.8 17 54 2016
251-300 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute United States of America 30.4 40.3 31.5 65.1 79.6 - 6671 15 16 30 2016
251-300 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Europe 29.9 90.1 20.1 65.3 33.9 - 2473 15.6 63 55 2016
251-300 Ruhr University Bochum Europe 32.8 51.7 30 54.4 66.6 - 38675 46.3 13 48 2016
251-300 Saint Louis University United States of America 36.9 26.6 10.9 85 29.9 - 11919 5.8 8 58 2016
251-300 University of São Paulo Brazil 59.1 25.3 57.1 20.4 30.5 - 81402 14.6 4 48 2016
251-300 Simon Fraser University Canada 23.2 61.4 29.2 72.8 42.3 - 26640 28.3 19 55 2016
251-300 University of Surrey United Kingdom 31.7 90.4 28.9 51.2 34.9 - 12063 16.6 38 55 2016
251-300 Syracuse University United States of America 31.4 38.3 20.8 77.1 36.3 - 19660 15.9 15 55 2016
251-300 University of Tasmania Australia 21.8 79.1 25.7 68 42.7 - 18340 23.8 21 57 2016
251-300 University of Tennessee, Knoxville United States of America 29.5 39.3 23.2 81.4 41.3 - 24716 17 5 2016
251-300 Tomsk Polytechnic University Europe 31.6 32.7 15.1 82.4 60.2 - 11902 6.9 17 39 2016
251-300 Tulane University United States of America 39.1 35.3 19.3 67.8 32.4 - 11381 8.4 8 56 2016
251-300 Umeå University Europe 20.8 56.1 25 74.5 31.1 - 16667 11.9 7 60 2016
251-300 Vienna University of Technology Europe 34.1 77.3 32 54.6 86.5 - 26419 52 27 27 2016
251-300 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University United States of America 34.9 29.5 38.2 54.2 43.3 - 30850 18.6 10 42 2016
251-300 University of Wollongong Australia 25.8 86.8 28.4 59.3 57.9 - 16489 25.4 24 50 2016
251-300 Zhejiang University Asia 44.3 19.6 46 36.1 96.2 - 47508 15.9 5 41 2016
301-350 Aberystwyth University United Kingdom 21.6 72.2 18.9 67.2 31.3 - 9252 19.2 18 48 2016
301-350 University of Alaska Fairbanks United States of America 25.1 53.5 23.1 63 51.2 - 3837 8.2 7 53 2016
301-350 Autonomous University of Madrid Europe 35.6 48.6 30.9 46.9 33 - 28296 13 15 56 2016
301-350 Bangor University United Kingdom 22.6 81.3 22.1 65.4 31 - 9567 19.5 22 55 2016
301-350 University of Bremen Europe 30.9 50 32.7 50 46 - 18590 25.6 11 50 2016
301-350 University of Cincinnati United States of America 31.3 28.3 20.4 72.1 35.3 - 36108 15.7 6 54 2016
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