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Created June 22, 2012 14:06
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# Inspired by Andreas Buja's code from
rv <- function(x, probs = NULL) {
if (is.null(probs)) {
probs <- rep(1, length(x)) / length(x)
vals <- as.numeric(x)
ord <- order(vals)
vals <- vals[ord]
probs <- probs[ord]
# Simplify by summing probabilities with equal x's
group <- cumsum(c(TRUE, vals[-1] != vals[-length(x)]))
vals <- as.vector(tapply(as.numeric(vals), group, "[", 1))
probs <- as.vector(tapply(probs, group, sum))
structure(vals, probs = probs, class = "rv")
is.rv <- function(x) inherits(x, "rv")
probs <- function(x) attr(x, "probs")
print.rv <- function(x) {
X <- format(x, digits = 3)
P <- format(probs(x), digits = 3)
out <- cbind(X = X, "P(X)" = P)
rownames(out) <- rep("", nrow(out))
print(out, quote = FALSE)
Ops.rv <- function(e1, e2) {
# Assume that two random variables are independent
if (is.rv(e1) && is.rv(e2)) {
vals <- as.vector(outer(e1, e2, .Generic))
probs <- as.vector(outer(probs(e1), probs(e2), "*"))
return(rv(vals, probs))
# Figure out which one is the rv, and which one is the number
if (is.rv(e1)) {
rv <- e1
n <- e2
} else {
rv <- e2
n <- e1
rv(NextMethod(), probs(rv))
"[.rv" <- function(x, i, ...) {
rv(as.numeric(x)[i], prop.table(probs(x)[i]))
Math.rv <- function(x, ...) {
rv(NextMethod(), probs(x))
plot.rv <- function(x, ...) {
name <- deparse(substitute(x))
ylim <- range(0, probs(x))
plot(as.numeric(x), probs(x), type = "h", ylim = ylim,
xlab = name, ylab = paste0("P(", name, ")"))
points(as.numeric(x), probs(x), pch = 20)
abline(h = 0, col = "gray")
P <- function(x) {
E <- function(x) sum(as.numeric(x) * probs(x))
# Subtle error:
# E <- function(x) sum(x * probs(x))
VAR <- function(x) E((x - E(x)) ^ 2)
# Var <- function(x) E(x - E(x)) ^ 2
SD <- function(x) sqrt(VAR(x))
SKEW <- function(x) E((x - E(x)) ^ 3) / SD(x) ^ 3
# Simulate n random numbers from the rv
rsim <- function(x, n) {
sample(x, n, prob = probs(x), replace = TRUE)
# rif(dice > 3, -1, 5)
# How could you extend it so that you could do:
# rif(dice > 3, 2 * dice, -4)
rif <- function(x, yes, no) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(yes), length(yes) == 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(no), length(no) == 1)
rv(c(no, yes), probs(x))
# Standardise by subtracting off expectation and dividing by sd
# (often called a z score)
Z <- function(x) (x - E(x)) / SD(x)
# coin <- rv(c(0, 1))
# dice <- rv(1:6)
# plot(dice)
# plot(dice + dice)
# P(dice > dice)
# P(dice < dice)
# # Flip a coin, and if heads roll a dice to determine your winnings
# E(coin * dice)
# plot(coin * dice)
# loaded <- rv(1:6, prop.table(c(1,1,1,1,2,4)))
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