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Created February 8, 2023 16:21
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[@@@alert "-unstable"] (* my fucking god *)
open Oslo4
let port = 18624
let print_mtx = Mutex.create ()
type stats = {
conn_total : int Atomic.t;
conn_active : int Atomic.t;
conn_per_domain : int Array.t;
let stats = { conn_total = Atomic.make 0;
conn_active = Atomic.make 0;
conn_per_domain = Array.make 64 0 }
let print_stats () =
Mutex.lock print_mtx;
for i = 0 to Odomain.num_domains () - 1 do
Printf.printf "\tdomain %02d has %4d connections\n%!"
i (Array.get stats.conn_per_domain i);
Printf.printf "active: %d\ttotal: %d\n%!"
(Atomic.get stats.conn_active)
(Atomic.get stats.conn_total);
Mutex.unlock print_mtx
let add_conn () =
let num_conn = Array.get stats.conn_per_domain (Odomain.self ()) in
Array.set stats.conn_per_domain (Odomain.self ()) (succ num_conn);
Atomic.incr stats.conn_total;
Atomic.incr stats.conn_active
let sub_conn () =
let num_conn = Array.get stats.conn_per_domain (Odomain.self ()) in
Array.set stats.conn_per_domain (Odomain.self ()) (pred num_conn);
Atomic.decr stats.conn_active
let string_of_sockaddr = function
| Unix.ADDR_INET (iaddr, port) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" (Unix.string_of_inet_addr iaddr) port
| Unix.ADDR_UNIX s -> s
let writen io buf pos len =
let rec loop wn =
if wn = len then
loop (wn + Io.single_write io buf (pos + wn) (len - wn))
loop 0
let handle_client fd _saddr () =
let io = Io.of_unix fd in
let buf_len = 1024 * 64 in
let buf = Bytes.create buf_len in
add_conn ();
let rec loop total =
let n = io buf 0 buf_len in
let total = n + total in
if n = 0 then (
Unix.close fd;
) else (
let wn = writen io buf 0 n in
if n <> wn then
Printf.printf "read %d wrote %d (%b)\n%!" n wn (n = wn);
loop total)
Fun.protect (fun () -> loop 0|>ignore) ~finally:sub_conn
let accepter ():unit =
let unix_sock = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Unix.setsockopt unix_sock SO_REUSEADDR true;
Unix.setsockopt unix_sock SO_REUSEPORT true;
let saddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, port) in
Unix.bind unix_sock saddr;
Unix.listen unix_sock 64;
let accept_io = Io.of_unix unix_sock in
let rec loop children =
let cli_fd, cli_saddr = Io.accept accept_io in
let cli_task = Task.async_parallel (handle_client cli_fd cli_saddr) in
loop (cli_task :: (Task.reap children))
loop []
let () = @@ fun () ->
let accepters =
List.init (Domain.recommended_domain_count ())
(fun _ -> Task.async_parallel accepter)
while true do
print_stats ();
Task.sleep 1;
List.iter Task.await accepters
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