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Created May 24, 2012 19:54
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Passing contexts onwards
public interface IMessageTypeConverter
bool Contains(Type messageType);
bool TryConvert<T>(out T message)
where T : class;
IDictionary<Type, object> Enumerate();
static class MyContextExtensions
public static void AttachAmbientContextsFrom<T>(this ISendContext target,
IConsumeContext<T> source)
where T : class
.ForEach(ctx => target.AttachMessageIn(ctx));
static IEnumerable<IConsumeContext> GetMessageContexts<T>(this IConsumeContext<T> sendContext)
where T : class
var converter = (IMessageTypeConverter)sendContext.GetType().GetField("_typeConverter", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy).GetValue(sendContext);
var contexts =
.Select(kv =>
var newContext = typeof (ConsumeContext<>).MakeGenericType(kv.Key);
return FastActivator.Create(newContext, sendContext, kv.Value) as IConsumeContext;
return contexts;
public class ForwardingAuthenticationContext_spec
readonly Future<Cmd> _cmdReceived
= new Future<Cmd>();
readonly Future<IConsumeContext<AfterwardsEvent>> _eventContext
= new Future<IConsumeContext<AfterwardsEvent>>();
IServiceBus _receiver;
IServiceBus _sender;
SubscriptionLoopback _receiverLoopback;
SubscriptionLoopback _remoteLoopback;
public void receive_on_bus()
_receiver = ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc =>
sbc.Subscribe(s => s.Handler<Cmd>((ctx, msg) =>
ctx.Bus.Publish(new AfterwardsImpl(), pubCtx =>
_sender = ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc =>
sbc.Subscribe(s => s.Handler<AfterwardsEvent>((ctx, msg) =>
_sender.Publish(new CmdImpl
XX = "xs",
Piggybacking = "Ms. Piggy"
public void sender_should_eventually_get_event()
.ShouldBeTrue("we should be getting an event back");
IConsumeContext<OutOfBand> oobCtx;
_eventContext.Value.BaseContext.TryGetContext(out oobCtx)
.ShouldBeTrue("Since we moved the out of band data over as a part of the " +
"transfer, it should still be here.");
public void Dispose()
_sender = null;
_receiver = null;
void ConfigureReceiver(ServiceBusConfigurator sbc)
sbc.AddSubscriptionObserver((bus, coordinator) =>
_receiverLoopback = new SubscriptionLoopback(bus, coordinator);
return _receiverLoopback;
void ConfigureSender(ServiceBusConfigurator sbc)
sbc.AddSubscriptionObserver((bus, coordinator) =>
_remoteLoopback = new SubscriptionLoopback(bus, coordinator);
return _remoteLoopback;
class CmdImpl
: Cmd, OutOfBand
public string XX { get; set; }
public string Piggybacking { get; set; }
class AfterwardsImpl
: AfterwardsEvent
interface AfterwardsEvent
interface Cmd
string XX { get; }
interface OutOfBand
string Piggybacking { get; }
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