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Last active October 11, 2017 13:23
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Configure TopShelf in F#
namespace Topshelf
module Topshelf =
open System
open Topshelf.HostConfigurators
open Topshelf.Runtime
let configureTopShelf f =
HostFactory.Run(new Action<_>(f)) |> int
let addCommandLineDefinition (conf : HostConfigurator) str action =
conf.AddCommandLineDefinition(str, new Action<_>(action))
let addCommandLineSwitch (conf : HostConfigurator) str action =
conf.AddCommandLineSwitch(str, new Action<_>(action))
let addDependency (conf : HostConfigurator) depName =
conf.AddDependency depName |> ignore
let beforeInstall (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.BeforeInstall(new Action<InstallHostSettings>(f)) |> ignore
let afterInstall (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.AfterInstall(new Action<InstallHostSettings>(f)) |> ignore
let applyCommandLine (conf : HostConfigurator) str =
conf.ApplyCommandLine str
let beforeUninstall (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.BeforeUninstall(new Action(f)) |> ignore
let afterUninstall (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.AfterUninstall(new Action(f)) |> ignore
let dependsOn (conf : HostConfigurator) name =
conf.DependsOn name |> ignore
let dependsOnEventLog (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.DependsOnEventLog() |> ignore
let dependsOnIIS (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.DependsOnIis() |> ignore
let dependsOnMsSQL (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.DependsOnMsSql() |> ignore
let dependsOnRabbitMQ (conf : HostConfigurator) =
"RabbitMQ" |> dependsOn conf
let dependsOnMSMQ (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.DependsOnMsmq() |> ignore
let disabled (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.Disabled() |> ignore
let enablePauseAndContinue (conf : HostConfigurator) =
let enableServiceRecovery (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.EnableServiceRecovery(new Action<_>(f)) |> ignore
let enableShutdown (conf : HostConfigurator) =
let loadHelpTextPrefix (conf : HostConfigurator) asm str =
conf.LoadHelpTextPrefix( asm, str ) |> ignore
let runAs (conf : HostConfigurator) usr pwd =
conf.RunAs(usr, pwd) |> ignore
let runAsNetworkService (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.RunAsNetworkService() |> ignore
let runAsLocalSystem (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.RunAsLocalSystem() |> ignore
let runAsLocalService (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.RunAsLocalService() |> ignore
let runAsPrompt (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.RunAsPrompt() |> ignore
let description (conf : HostConfigurator) str =
conf.SetDescription str
let displayName (conf : HostConfigurator) str =
conf.SetDisplayName str
let serviceName (conf : HostConfigurator) str =
conf.SetServiceName str
let instanceName (conf : HostConfigurator) str =
conf.SetInstanceName str
let helpTextPrefix (conf : HostConfigurator) str =
conf.SetHelpTextPrefix str |> ignore
let startAutomatically (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.StartAutomatically() |> ignore
let startAutomaticallyDelayed (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.StartAutomaticallyDelayed() |> ignore
let startManually (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.StartManually() |> ignore
let useEnvBuilder (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.UseEnvironmentBuilder(new EnvironmentBuilderFactory(f))
let useHostBuilder (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.UseHostBuilder(new HostBuilderFactory(f))
let useServiceBuilder (conf : HostConfigurator) f =
conf.UseServiceBuilder(new ServiceBuilderFactory(f))
let useTestHost (conf : HostConfigurator) =
conf.UseTestHost() |> ignore
let service (conf : HostConfigurator) (fac : (unit -> 'a)) =
let service' = conf.Service : Func<_> -> HostConfigurator
service' (new Func<_>(fac)) |> ignore
let serviceControl (start : HostControl -> bool) (stop : HostControl -> bool) =
{ new ServiceControl with
member x.Start hc =
start hc
member x.Stop hc =
stop hc }
let useNLog (conf : HostConfigurator) =
open Topshelf
type Svc() =
member x.Start() =
printfn "Started"
member x.Stop() =
printfn "Stopped"
let main argv =
let runService () =
|> fun svc -> serviceControl (fun hc -> svc.Start() ; true) (fun hc -> svc.Stop() ; true)
configureTopShelf <| fun conf ->
conf |> dependsOnIIS
conf |> runAsLocalSystem
conf |> startAutomatically
conf |> useNLog
"This is a sample service" |> description conf
"Corp.App.Svc1" |> serviceName conf
"CAS1" |> instanceName conf
runService |> service conf
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