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Created February 17, 2017 23:09
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PDFSharp OS X font resolver
module PDFSharp.OSX
open PdfSharp
open PdfSharp.Fonts
open PdfSharp.Pdf
open PdfSharp.Drawing
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Text
open System.Globalization
open System.IO
type FontInfo =
{ file : FileInfo
pfc : PrivateFontCollection
family : string }
/// File name without extension
member x.normalised =
interface IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() =
module OSXFonts =
let cache fn =
let c = ref Map.empty
fun input ->
let m = !c
match m |> Map.tryFind input with
| None ->
let res = fn input
c := m |> Map.add input res
| Some res ->
let env key : string option =
match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable key with
| null ->
| value ->
Some value
let envForce key : string =
env key |> Option.get
type OSXFontsConfig =
{ fontLocations : string list }
let defaultConfig =
{ fontLocations =
[ sprintf "%s/Library/Fonts/" (envForce "HOME")
] |> List.filter Directory.Exists }
let tryCreateFontInfo (file : FileInfo) =
let pfc = new PrivateFontCollection()
pfc.AddFontFile file.FullName
if Array.isEmpty pfc.Families then
printfn "Font %s has no families??" file.FullName
elif Array.length pfc.Families > 1 then
let families =
(String.concat ", " (pfc.Families |> (fun fam -> sprintf "'%s'" fam.Name)))
printfn "2: Adding font '%s' with more than one family: %s" file.FullName families
Some [|
for fam in pfc.Families |> Array.distinctBy (fun fm -> fm.Name) do
yield { file = file; pfc = pfc; family = fam.Name }
let font = { file = file; pfc = pfc; family = pfc.Families.[0].Name }
printfn "3: Adding font '%s' with family: %s" font.file.FullName
Some [| font |]
let allFonts =
cache (fun fontLocations ->
|> List.collect (fun (location : string) ->
let di = new DirectoryInfo(location)
|> Array.choose tryCreateFontInfo
|> Array.concat
|> (fun font ->, font)
|> List.ofArray
/// Returns index into the `FontInfo array`, found by the passed `familyName`.
let resolveTypeFace (fontsByFamily: Map<_, FontInfo list>) familyName isBold isItalic =
let contains (s: string) sub = s.Contains(sub)
match fontsByFamily |> Map.tryFind familyName with
| None ->
failwithf "Font family '%s' not found." familyName
| Some fonts when List.length fonts = 1 ->
0, fonts.[0]
| Some fonts ->
|> List.mapi (fun index font -> index, font, 0u)
|> (fun (index, font, score) ->
if contains font.normalised "italic" && isItalic then
index, font, score + 1u
index, font, score)
|> (fun (index, font, score) ->
if contains font.normalised "bold" && isBold then
index, font, score + 1u
index, font, score)
|> (fun (index, font, score) ->
if contains font.normalised "regular" && not isBold && not isItalic then
index, font, score + 1u
index, font, score)
|> List.maxBy (fun (index, font, score) -> score)
|> fun (index, font, _) -> index, font
let resolver config =
let allFonts = allFonts config.fontLocations
let fontsByFamily: Map<string, FontInfo list> =
let reducer (acc : Map<_, _>) (fontFamily: string, font: FontInfo) =
let m =
match acc |> Map.tryFind fontFamily with
| Some prev ->
acc |> Map.add fontFamily (font :: prev)
| None ->
acc |> Map.add fontFamily [font]
let fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension font.file.FullName
m |> Map.add fn [font]
allFonts |> List.fold reducer Map.empty
let fontsByPath =
|> (fun (name, font) -> font.file.FullName, font)
|> Map.ofList
{ new IFontResolver with
member x.GetFont resolveName =
printfn "GetFont(%s)" resolveName
let family, index = let s = resolveName.Split('|') in s.[0], int s.[1]
let font = let fonts = fontsByFamily |> Map.find family in fonts.[index]
printfn "=> %A" font
File.ReadAllBytes font.file.FullName
member x.ResolveTypeface(familyName, isBold, isItalic) =
printfn "ResolveTypeface(%s, %b, %b)" familyName isBold isItalic
// this function may be called with its own computed values, meaning we need
// to check for it and return the input value - assume font names do not contain
// the bar (|) character:
if familyName.Contains("|") then
FontResolverInfo(familyName, XStyleSimulations.None)
let index, font = resolveTypeFace fontsByFamily familyName isBold isItalic
FontResolverInfo(sprintf "%s|%i" index, XStyleSimulations.None)
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haf commented Mar 11, 2017

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