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Last active December 11, 2015 01:09
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A simple domain that can book rooms if a lesson matches the given requirements.
class UnableToBookRoomException : Exception
public UnableToBookRoomException()
: base("Unable to book the room")
class Room
public IEnumerable<Requirement> Requirements
get { return _requirements; }
public void Book(Lesson lesson, DateTime startsOn, DateTime endsOn)
var canBook = _requirements.All(x => x.Valid(lesson));
if (!canBook)
throw new UnableToBookRoomException();
// Do more stuff.
abstract class Requirement
public bool Valid(Lesson lesson);
class NationalityRequirement : Requirement
public int Amount { get; private set; }
public string Nationality { get; private set; }
public override bool Valid(Lesson lesson)
var valid = lesson.Students.Count(x => x.Nationality == Nationality) >= Amount;
return valid;
class Lesson
private readonly HashSet<Student> _students = new HashSet<Student>();
public Lecturer Lecturer { get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<Student> Students
get { return _students; }
public void Enlist(Student student)
if (_students.Contains(student))
throw new ArgumentException("Student is already enlisted.");
class Lecturer
class Student
public string Nationality { get; private set; }
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