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Created February 22, 2022 14:18
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Extract notes text from PowerPoint slides in PowerShell
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Usage: extract-notes.ps1 <file>
$Filename = $args[0]
$Output = ''
$Enc = 'Unicode'
Write-Host "Opening filename: '$Filename'"
Add-type -AssemblyName office
# Open Powerpoint slides
$Application = New-Object -COM "PowerPoint.Application"
$Application.visible = [Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState]::msoTrue
$Presentations = $Application.Presentations
$Presentation = $Presentations.Open($Filename, 1)
# Get sections
$Sections = $Presentation.SectionProperties
$NumSections = $Sections.Count
$name = $Sections.Name
Write-Host "$NumSections sections; name = $name"
Clear-Content $Output
# Iterate sections
For ($SectionIndex = 1; $SectionIndex -le $Sections.Count; $SectionIndex++) {
$SectionName = $Sections.Name($SectionIndex)
Write-Host "# $SectionName"
Add-Content $Output "`n# $SectionName`n" -Encoding $Enc
for ($SlideIndex = 0; $SlideIndex -lt $Sections.SlidesCount($SectionIndex); $SlideIndex++) {
$Index = $Sections.FirstSlide($SectionIndex) + $SlideIndex
$Slide = $Presentation.Slides($Index)
# Add-Content $Output "$Index`n" -Encoding $Enc
Add-Content $Output "" -Encoding $Enc
# Get notes from slide
$Slide.NotesPage.Shapes | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.PlaceholderFormat.Type -eq 2 -and $_.HasTextFrame) { # ppPlaceholderBody
$TextFrame = $_.TextFrame
if ($TextFrame.HasText) {
$Text = $TextFrame.TextRange.Text -replace "\[click\]", ""
Add-Content $Output $Text -Encoding $Enc
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