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Created November 22, 2021 18:23
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import web3
import time
import requests
import urllib.request, json
import os
def telegram_bot_sendtext(bot_message):
bot_token = '' # insert your tg bot key
bot_chatID = '' #
send_text = '' + bot_token + '/sendMessage?chat_id=' + bot_chatID + '&parse_mode=Markdown&text=' + bot_message
response = requests.get(send_text)
return response.json()
def play_alarm_macos(alert_msg):
os.system('afplay <some.wav/.aiff files>') # Play something loud to wake you up!
os.system('say "' + alert_msg + '"')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('PuffMonitor initiated')
# Setup web3 interface
w3 = web3.Web3(web3.Web3.HTTPProvider('<replace_with_infura_project_id>'))
# Load contract
GBAC_contract_address = '0x916758C4588D0614488F2C53dDC6c337a245d7d7'
with urllib.request.urlopen("") as url:
info_json = json.loads(
print("Loading ABI...")
GBAC_abi = info_json["result"]
GBAC_instance = w3.eth.contract(address=GBAC_contract_address, abi=GBAC_abi)
wallets_to_monitor = ['<wallet_addr_here>']
expected_wallet_counts = {'<wallet_addr_here>': 2}
# Telegram setting
while True:
for cur_wallet in wallets_to_monitor:
cur_wallet_GBAC_count = GBAC_instance.functions.balanceOf(cur_wallet).call()
print(cur_wallet, '@', w3.eth.block_number, ':', cur_wallet_GBAC_count)
if cur_wallet_GBAC_count != expected_wallet_counts[cur_wallet]:
alert_msg = 'GBAC number not as expected for wallet ' + cur_wallet + ', your Mob may have arrived!' + '(expected ' + str(expected_wallet_counts[cur_wallet]) + ' current ' + str(cur_wallet_GBAC_count) + ')'
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