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Last active May 29, 2024 03:28
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% TODO: rephrase to focus on accomplishments and impact vs responsibilites
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% TODO: do more cool stuff !!!!
%%%%%% CV STARTS HERE %%%%%%
\textbf{{\LARGE Haile Lagi}} & Email:\\
\textbf{} & Github: \\
\resumeSubItem{Languages}{~~~~~~Elixir, Go, Rust, SQL}
\resumeSubItem{Technologies}{~~~Linux, Kubernetes, Docker, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL}
\resumeSubheading{ (Financial Exchange)}{Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Remote)}
{Software Developer}{Nov 2022 - Dec 2023}
\resumeItem{Order Execution Engine}
{Owned major parts of the rewrite/re-architecture of the event-driven order execution engine service including a new order router and the development of numerous execution strategies.}
\resumeItem{Websockets api}
{Owned the design and implementation of a distributed web socket protocol enabling subscription to near real-time market trading data broadcast via PubSub messaging from several nodes, with load-balancing, request routing, rate-limits, authentication and se(de)serialisation driving api adoption and traffic.}
\resumeItem{GraphQL/REST api}{Maintenance and contribution to the development of several multi-node elixir/phoenix servers, http client integrations, SQL query optimisations over millions of rows, event logging, account statement emails, historical data exports, fulltext search, zero-downtime database migrations and a graphQL api permissions system.}
\resumeItem{Trading and Payment Systems}
{Development of a dynamic fee tier pricing structure, maintenance of deposit and withdrawal systems, development of balance tracking systems with cache eviction and invalidation on ledger entries.}
\resumeItem{Data-Ingestion Pipelines}
{Maintenance and contribution to the development of various stream and batch job processing systems with RabbitMQ, leveraging erlang/OTP patterns such as process isolation, supervision trees, error recovery and the phoenix pub/sub dispatcher over real-time data.}
\resumeItem{KYC/AML Monitoring System}
{Owned the development of kyc requirements(FINTRAC) integrated into several parts of the trading system including execution limits, associated logs, metrics collection and supporting systems to meet overall business regulatory compliance.}
\resumeItem{Code Review/Audits}
{Introduction of static security analyses tooling sobelow into the ci/cd pipeline, driving adoption of security best practices, vulnerability identification and submitting patches improving overall system integrity.}
\resumeItem{Admin/Internal tooling}
{Development and maintenance of several dashboards built with LiveView and other tools for support and operational teams enabling resolving of customer support tickets and providing basic analytics.}
\resumeItem{Technical Writing}
{Internal documentation of systems, practices and maintenance of external api documentation.}
\resumeSubheading{ (B2B Payments Provider)}{US, Texas(Remote)}{Backend Engineer}{Jan 2022 - Nov 2022}
\resumeItem{Payment Gateway}
{Development of features for a collection and disbursement payment gateway processing over a billion dollars in total payment volume, integration of payment methods and channels into the payment lifecycle system.}
\resumeItem{GraphQL/HTTP clients}{Development of idiomatic elixir rest and graphQL client SDKs for various financial platforms and systems integrated e.g FalconX, BinancePay, Binance Brokerage, Fireblocks, Stitch and Korapay.}
\resumeItem{KYC/AML monitoring system}
{Integration of a risk profiling api to analyse user behaviour and metrics collection.}
\resumeItem{Peer to Peer Escrow System}{Prototyping of a platform agnostic peer to peer payment system via escrow as a RESTful api in elixir/phoenix with AWS S3, postgres and LiveView and a client SDK in typescript.}
\resumeItem{Technical Writing}{Improved internal documentation of architecture and writing of engineering best practices such as collaborative feature specifications, incident postmortem of outages and public api maintenance(}
\resumeItem{Technical Support}{Responding and implementing fixes to various technical support tickets}
\resumeSubheading{[YC '18] (Financial Exchange)}{Lagos, Nigeria(Remote)}{Backend Developer (Internship)}{Jan 2021 - May 2021}
\resumeItem{Financial Exchange}
{Development of ruby on rails graphQL server API features on}
\resumeItem{Cross-border transfers}
{Implemented server side features enabling international transfers and user SPA discount link interface using javascript(Vue.js) on}
\resumeItem{Analytics}{Integration with an analytics api (}
\resumeItem{Technical Writing}
{Technical writing of public apis documentation ( \&}
\section{Open source}
\resumeSubItem{thumbelina}{Native image processing of images using a C binary ABI for the BEAM virtual machine, using elixir and rust. source:, docs:}
\resumeSubItem{A Peek Into the Beam}{An introduction to erlang's virtual machine the BEAM (}
\resumeSubItem{It's legos all the way down}{A walkthrough of meta-programming and compilers by creating new syntax for a constructor to a dynamic array, extending elixir a functional language.). (}
{Federal University of Technology}{Minna, Nigeria}
{Bachelor of Engineering - Chemical Engineering}{2015 - 2021}
{\scriptsize \textit{ \footnotesize{\newline{}\textbf{Courses:} Introduction to C, Differential Equations, Transport phenomena, Process Simulation and Optimisation }}}
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