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Created August 17, 2012 21:54
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module Jack where
data Tell = Lie | CanLie | Truth
data State = Insane | Sane
data Card = Ace | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Jack
data About = About
data As = As
data Not = Not
data Both = Both
insane card = card `can` Lie
sane card = card `only` Truth
only :: Card -> Tell -> Bool
card `only` tell =
foldl (&&) True $ opinions card tell
can :: Card -> Tell -> Bool
card `can` tell =
foldl (||) False $ opinions card tell
opinions :: Card -> Tell -> [Bool]
opinions card tell =
map (\other -> has card tell About other) $ tell_about card
has :: Card -> Tell -> About -> Card -> Bool
has card Lie About other =
let thought = card `think` other
in thought Sane == insane other && thought Insane == sane other
has card Truth About other =
not (has card Lie About other)
think :: Card -> Card -> State -> Bool
Three `think` Ace = is Insane
Seven `think` Five = is Insane
Six `think` Ace = is Sane
Six `think` Two = is Sane
Five `think` Ace = same As Four
Five `think` Four = same As Ace
Four `think` Three = with Two Not Both
Four `think` Two = with Three Not Both
Jack `think` Six = with Seven Not Both
Jack `think` Seven = with Six Not Both
card `think` other =
card `not_think` other
is :: State -> State -> Bool
is Insane Insane = True
is Sane Sane = True
is _ _ = False
same :: As -> Card -> (State -> Bool)
same As card Insane = insane card
same As card Sane = sane card
with :: Card -> Not -> Both -> State -> Bool
with card Not Both Insane = sane card
with card Not Both Sane = True
not_think :: Card -> Card -> State -> Bool
not_think card other state =
not $ (card `think` other) (not' state)
not' :: State -> State
not' Sane = Insane
not' Insane = Sane
tell_about :: Card -> [Card]
tell_about Three = [Ace]
tell_about Seven = [Five]
tell_about Six = [Ace,Two]
tell_about Four = [Three,Two]
tell_about Five = [Ace,Four]
tell_about Jack = [Six,Seven]
tell_about _ = []
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