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Created July 23, 2019 20:42
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PHP verify uploaded file class
* CUploadedFile class file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC
* @license
* CUploadedFile represents the information for an uploaded file.
* Call {@link get_instance} to retrieve the instance of an uploaded file,
* and then use {@link save_as} to save it on the server.
* You may also query other information about the file, including {@link name},
* {@link temp_name}, {@link type}, {@link size} and {@link error}.
* @property string $name The original name of the file being uploaded.
* @property string $tempName The path of the uploaded file on the server.
* Note, this is a temporary file which will be automatically deleted by PHP
* after the current request is processed.
* @property string $type The MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif").
* Since this MIME type is not checked on the server side, do not take this value for granted.
* Instead, use {@link CFileHelper::getMimeType} to determine the exact MIME type.
* @property integer $size The actual size of the uploaded file in bytes.
* @property integer $error The error code.
* @property boolean $hasError Whether there is an error with the uploaded file.
* Check {@link error} for detailed error code information.
* @property string $extensionName The file extension name for {@link name}.
* The extension name does not include the dot character. An empty string
* is returned if {@link name} does not have an extension name.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @package system.web
* @since 1.0
class UploadedFile
private $_name;
private $_tempName;
private $_type;
private $_size;
private $_error;
private $_validationErrors;
* Returns an instance of the specified uploaded file.
* The file should be uploaded using {@link CHtml::activeFileField}.
* @param CModel $model the model instance
* @param string $attribute the attribute name. For tabular file uploading, this can be in the format of "[$i]attributeName", where $i stands for an integer index.
* @return CUploadedFile the instance of the uploaded file.
* Null is returned if no file is uploaded for the specified model attribute.
* @see getInstanceByName
public static function get_instance($attribute)
if(!isset($_FILES, $_FILES[$attribute]) || !$_FILES[$attribute]['name'])
return false;
$info = $_FILES[$attribute];
return new UploadedFile($info['name'], $info['tmp_name'], $info['type'], $info['size'], $info['error']);
* Constructor.
* Use {@link get_instance} to get an instance of an uploaded file.
* @param string $name the original name of the file being uploaded
* @param string $tempName the path of the uploaded file on the server.
* @param string $type the MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif").
* @param integer $size the actual size of the uploaded file in bytes
* @param integer $error the error code
protected function __construct($name,$tempName,$type,$size,$error)
* String output.
* This is PHP magic method that returns string representation of an object.
* The implementation here returns the uploaded file's name.
* @return string the string representation of the object
public function __toString()
return $this->_name;
* Saves the uploaded file.
* Note: this method uses php's move_uploaded_file() method. As such, if the target file ($file)
* already exists it is overwritten.
* @param string $file the file path used to save the uploaded file
* @param boolean $deleteTempFile whether to delete the temporary file after saving.
* If true, you will not be able to save the uploaded file again in the current request.
* @return boolean true whether the file is saved successfully
public function saveAs($file,$deleteTempFile=true)
return move_uploaded_file($this->_tempName,$file);
return copy($this->_tempName, $file);
return false;
return false;
* @return string the original name of the file being uploaded
public function getName()
return $this->_name;
* @return string the path of the uploaded file on the server.
* Note, this is a temporary file which will be automatically deleted by PHP
* after the current request is processed.
public function getTempName()
return $this->_tempName;
* @return string the MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif").
* Since this MIME type is not checked on the server side, do not take this value for granted.
* Instead, use {@link CFileHelper::getMimeType} to determine the exact MIME type.
public function getType()
return $this->_type;
* @return integer the actual size of the uploaded file in bytes
public function getSize()
return $this->_size;
* Returns an error code describing the status of this file uploading.
* @return integer the error code
* @see
public function getError()
return $this->_error;
* Returns errors occured in validation
* @return array of errors
public function getValidationErrors()
return $this->_validationErrors;
* @return boolean whether there is an error with the uploaded file.
* Check {@link error} for detailed error code information.
public function getHasError()
return $this->_error!=UPLOAD_ERR_OK;
* @return string the file extension name for {@link name}.
* The extension name does not include the dot character. An empty string
* is returned if {@link name} does not have an extension name.
public function getExtensionName()
return (string)substr($this->_name,$pos+1);
return '';
* validates if file is one of allowedTypes
* @param array $allowedTypes list of allowed extensions
* @return boolean true on success false on failure
public function validate($types, $maxSize = null, $minSize = null, $mimeTypes = null){
$this->_validationErrors = [];
$error = $this->getError();
$message = "";
if($error==UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE || $error==UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE || $maxSize!==null && $this->getSize()>$maxSize)
$message = 'The file ' . $this->_name . ' is too large.';
$message = 'The file "' . $this->_name . '" was only partially uploaded.';
$message = 'Missing the temporary folder to store the uploaded file "' . $this->_name . ' "';
$message = 'Failed to write the uploaded file "' . $this->_name . '" to disk.';
elseif(defined('UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION') && $error==UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION) // available for PHP 5.2.0 or above
$message = 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.';
$this->_validationErrors[] = $message;
if($minSize!==null && $this->_size<$minSize)
$message='The file "' . $this->_name . '" is too small. Its size cannot be smaller than ' . $minSize . ' bytes.';
$this->_validationErrors[] = $message;
$message= 'The file "' . $this->_name . '" cannot be uploaded. Only files with these extensions are allowed: ' . implode(', ',$types) . '.';
$this->_validationErrors[] = $message;
$mimeType = FileHelper::getMimeType($this->getTempName(), null, false);
if($mimeType===false || !in_array(strtolower($mimeType),$mimeTypes))
$message='The file "' . $this->_name . '" cannot be uploaded. Only files of these MIME-types are allowed: ' . implode(",", $mimeTypes) . ". File's mimetype: $mimeType";
$this->_validationErrors[] = $message;
return true;
return false;
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