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Last active February 6, 2019 22:01
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Pure Type System draft
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Data.Kind
import Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- >>> main
-- (λ(f : Natural → ✷) → f 3) λ(x : Natural) → Boolean
-- = Boolean : ✷
main :: IO ()
main =
let system
-- "((\\f:PiT:*.Pix:T.T.\\T:*.\\x:T.(f T) x) (\\T:*.\\x:T.x)) Natural"
= "(\\f:Natural->*.f 3) (\\x:Natural.Boolean)"
in bitraverse_ putStrLn printSystem (parseOnly parsePTS system)
printSystem :: PTS -> IO ()
printSystem system =
case typecheck M.empty (hierarchy Predicative) system of
Right ok ->
(prettyPrint system <> "\n= " <> prettyPrint (normalize system) <>
" : " <>
prettyPrint ok))
Left err -> putStrLn $ T.unpack err
type Name = T.Text
type Value = String
type Universe = Nat
type Index = Nat
data HierarchyType
= Predicative
| Impredicative
type Hierarchy = Universe -> Universe -> Universe
data Nat :: Type where
Z :: Nat
S :: Nat -> Nat
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data PureType :: Type where
PTNat :: PureType
PTBool :: PureType
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PureLiteral :: Type where
PLNat :: Nat -> PureLiteral
PLBool :: Bool -> PureLiteral
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PTS :: Type where
Type :: PureType -> PTS
Lit :: PureLiteral -> PTS
Var :: Index -> Name -> PTS
Star :: Universe -> PTS
App :: PTS -> PTS -> PTS
Lambda :: Name -> Universe -> PTS -> PTS -> PTS
Pi :: Name -> Universe -> PTS -> PTS -> PTS
deriving (Show)
natToInt :: Nat -> Int
natToInt Z = 0
natToInt (S k) = 1 + natToInt k
intToNat :: Int -> Nat
intToNat 0 = Z
intToNat x = S $ intToNat $ x - 1
prettyPrint :: PTS -> Name
prettyPrint (Lit (PLNat n)) = T.pack . show $ natToInt n
prettyPrint (Lit (PLBool b)) = T.pack . show $ b
prettyPrint (Type PTNat) = "Natural"
prettyPrint (Type PTBool) = "Boolean"
prettyPrint (Var _ n) = n
prettyPrint (Star Z) = "Term"
prettyPrint (Star (S Z)) = "✷"
prettyPrint (Star (S (S Z))) = "☐"
prettyPrint (Star (S (S k))) = "☐" <> T.replicate (natToInt k) "↑"
prettyPrint (App l@Lambda {} a) = "(" <> prettyPrint l <> ") " <> prettyPrint a
prettyPrint (App app@App {} a) = "(" <> prettyPrint app <> ") " <> prettyPrint a
prettyPrint (App f a) = prettyPrint f <> " " <> prettyPrint a
prettyPrint (Lambda n _ l r) =
"λ(" <> n <> " : " <> prettyPrint l <> ")" <> " → " <> prettyPrint r
prettyPrint (Pi "_" _ l r) = prettyPrint l <> " → " <> prettyPrint r
prettyPrint (Pi n _ l r) =
"Π(" <> n <> " : " <> prettyPrint l <> ")" <> " → " <> prettyPrint r
shift :: Name -> Index -> PTS -> PTS
shift n' i' v@(Var i n)
| n == n' && i >= i' = Var (S i) n
| otherwise = v
shift n' i' (Pi n u l r)
| n == n' && u == Z = Pi n u (shift n' i' l) (shift n' (S i') r)
| otherwise = Pi n u (shift n' i' l) (shift n' i' r)
shift n' i' (Lambda n u l r)
| n == n' && u == Z = Lambda n u (shift n' i' l) (shift n' (S i') r)
| otherwise = Lambda n u (shift n' i' l) (shift n' i' r)
shift _ _ x = x
substitute :: Name -> Index -> PTS -> PTS -> PTS
substitute n' i' v' v@(Var i n)
| n == n' && i == i' = v'
| n == n' && i > i' =
let (Var (S k) _) = v
in Var k n
| otherwise = v
substitute n' i' v' (Pi n u l r)
| n == n' && u == Z =
Pi n Z (substitute n' i' v' l) (substitute n' (S i') (shift n' Z v') r)
| otherwise =
Pi n u (substitute n' i' v' l) (substitute n' i' (shift n Z v') r)
substitute n' i' v' (Lambda n u l r)
| n == n' && u == Z =
Lambda n Z (substitute n' i' v' l) (substitute n' (S i') (shift n' Z v') r)
| otherwise =
Lambda n u (substitute n' i' v' l) (substitute n' i' (shift n Z v') r)
substitute n' i' v' (App f a) =
App (substitute n' i' v' f) (substitute n' i' v' a)
substitute _ _ _ x = x
normalize :: PTS -> PTS
normalize (Pi n Z l r) = Pi n Z (normalize l) (normalize r)
normalize (Lambda n Z l r) = Lambda n Z (normalize l) (normalize r)
normalize (App f a) =
case normalize f of
(Lambda n Z _ r) -> normalize $ substitute n Z a r
normalForm -> App normalForm (normalize a)
normalize x = x
equality :: PTS -> PTS -> Bool
equality (Pi n Z l r) (Pi n' Z l' r') =
equality l l' && equality r (substitute n' Z (Var Z n) (shift n Z r'))
equality (Lambda n Z l r) (Lambda n' Z l' r') =
equality l l' && equality r (substitute n' Z (Var Z n) (shift n Z r'))
equality (App f a) (App f' a') = equality f f' && equality a a'
equality (Var i n) (Var i' n') = i == i' && n == n'
equality (Star u) (Star u') = u == u'
equality (Lit x) (Lit x') = x == x'
equality (Type x) (Type x') = x == x'
equality _ _ = False
hierarchy :: HierarchyType -> Hierarchy
hierarchy Predicative x y = max x y
hierarchy Impredicative _ y = y
typecheck :: M.Map (Name, Index) PTS -> Hierarchy -> PTS -> Either T.Text PTS
typecheck _ _ (Lit (PLNat _)) = pure $ Type PTNat
typecheck _ _ (Lit (PLBool _)) = pure $ Type PTBool
typecheck _ _ (Type _) = pure $ Star $ S Z
typecheck _ _ (Star x) = pure $ Star $ S x
typecheck e _ (Var i n)
| M.member (n, i) e = pure $ e M.! (n, i)
| otherwise =
Left $
"Variable " <> n <> "@" <> (T.pack . show) (natToInt i) <> " not found in " <>
(T.pack . show) e
typecheck e h (Pi n Z l r) = do
l' <- typecheck e h l
r' <- typecheck (M.insert (n, Z) (normalize l) e) h r
case (l', r') of
(Star y, Star z) -> pure (Star $ h y z)
_ ->
Left $
"Invalid Pi: " <> (T.pack . show) l <> " | " <> (T.pack . show) r <> ", " <>
(T.pack . show) l' <>
" | " <>
(T.pack . show) r'
typecheck e h (Lambda n Z l r) = do
l' <- typecheck e h l
let lnorm = normalize l
case l' of
(Star _) -> do
r' <- typecheck (M.insert (n, Z) lnorm e) h r
pure $ Pi n Z lnorm r'
_ ->
Left $
"Invalid Lambda: " <> (T.pack . show) l <> " | " <> (T.pack . show) l'
typecheck e h (App f a) = do
f' <- typecheck e h f
case f' of
(Pi n Z l r) -> do
a' <- typecheck e h a
if equality l a'
then pure $ normalize $ substitute n Z a r
else Left $
"Invalid rhs:\n>" <> (T.pack . show) l <> "=" <> (T.pack . show) a <>
"\n>" <>
(T.pack . show) l <>
"=" <>
(T.pack . show) a'
_ ->
Left $
"Invalid App: { " <> (T.pack . show) f <> " " <> (T.pack . show) f' <>
" | " <>
(T.pack . show) a
typecheck _ _ x = Left $ "Invalid expression: " <> (T.pack . show) x
parsePTS :: Parser PTS
parsePTS =
parseApp <|> ("(" *> parsePTS <* ")") <|> parseLambda <|> parsePI <|>
parseType <|>
parseLit <|>
parseVar <|>
parseSubPTS :: Parser PTS
parseSubPTS =
("(" *> parsePTS <* ")") <|> parseType <|> parseLit <|> parseVar <|> parseStar
parseType :: Parser PTS
parseType = "Natural" $> Type PTNat <|> "Boolean" $> Type PTBool
parseLit :: Parser PTS
parseLit =
Lit . PLNat . intToNat <$> decimal <|>
Lit . PLBool <$> ("True" $> True <|> "False" $> False)
parseIdentifier :: Parser T.Text
parseIdentifier = A.takeWhile1 isAlpha
parseStar :: Parser PTS
parseStar = Star . intToNat . T.length <$> takeWhile1 (== '*')
parseLambda :: Parser PTS
parseLambda =
"\\" *>
(Lambda <$> parseIdentifier <*> pure Z <*> (":" *> parsePTS <* ".") <*>
parsePI :: Parser PTS
parsePI =
("Pi" *>
(Pi <$> parseIdentifier <*> pure Z <*> (":" *> parsePTS <* ".") <*> parsePTS)) <|>
(Pi "_" <$> pure Z <*> (parseSubPTS <* "->") <*> parseSubPTS)
parseApp :: Parser PTS
parseApp = App <$> parseSubPTS <*> (" " *> parsePTS)
parseVar :: Parser PTS
parseVar = Var Z <$> parseIdentifier
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