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Created January 8, 2021 04:06
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Dismantling Text w/ GreenSock 🍏

Dismantling Text w/ GreenSock 🍏

Inspired by the recent adverts from a certain fruit named company πŸ˜…

Love these types of advert. Whenever I see them, I'm inspired by the challenge of trying to recreate them. This one's a little tricky and requires calculating the positions of various pieces that need to be duplicated etc.

That's because we can't animate part of the SVG outside of its view box. That means we have some options. Here we duplicate the SVG and remove the parts that won't be moving. That way we can layer all of the SVG on top of each other and move them separately. The crane strings are then positioned against the nested moving parts of those duplicate SVGs.

The trickiest part is keeping things responsive to viewport changes. To do this we invalidate and kill the current timeline on window resize. We then generate a new timeline resetting all of the DOM elements and calculating new positions.

Enjoy! 😎

A Pen by Jhey on CodePen.


//- include dismantle.pug
svg.dismantle(viewbox='0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
g.text.text--two(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
path#path996(d='m 32.347673,125.56949 h -3.150195 l -0.917773,5.9614 h -0.132292 l -1.265039,-5.9614 h -2.960026 l -1.256771,5.9614 h -0.124023 l -0.917774,-5.9614 h -3.191536 l 2.199349,8.88835 h 3.398242 l 1.30638,-5.65547 h 0.107487 l 1.30638,5.65547 h 3.365169 z')
path#path998(d='m 33.339861,134.45784 h 3.150195 v -8.88835 h -3.150195 z m -0.06615,-11.17038 c 0,0.90951 0.735872,1.46348 1.645378,1.46348 0.901237,0 1.637109,-0.55397 1.637109,-1.46348 0,-0.89297 -0.735872,-1.44694 -1.637109,-1.44694 -0.909506,0 -1.645378,0.55397 -1.645378,1.44694 z')
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path#path1010(d='m 50.959456,155.79814 c 2.902149,0 4.043164,-1.81901 4.092774,-3.19154 h -2.819466 c -0.03307,0.58705 -0.595313,0.92604 -1.289844,0.92604 -0.694531,0 -1.331185,-0.47955 -1.331185,-1.38079 v -0.35553 h 5.473568 v -0.92605 c 0,-2.68717 -1.703256,-4.30774 -4.24987,-4.30774 -2.339909,0 -4.291211,1.37252 -4.291211,4.29948 v 0.58704 c 0,2.96003 1.835547,4.34909 4.415234,4.34909 z m -1.347721,-5.68027 c 0,-0.81029 0.51263,-1.37253 1.256771,-1.37253 0.74414,0 1.215429,0.56224 1.215429,1.37253 z')
path#path1012(d='m 56.399949,155.62451 h 3.150195 v -4.94441 c 0,-1.00872 0.562239,-1.48001 1.198893,-1.48001 0.504362,0 1.174088,0.25632 1.174088,1.45521 v 4.96921 h 3.158464 v -5.75469 c 0,-2.17455 -1.141016,-3.25768 -2.910417,-3.25768 -1.546159,0 -2.348177,0.91777 -2.571419,1.57923 h -0.148828 v -1.45521 h -3.050976 z')
path#path1014(d='m 66.321825,152.20973 c 0.01654,1.71152 1.132748,3.61321 4.7625,3.61321 3.208073,0 4.820377,-1.56269 4.820377,-3.76204 0,-2.28203 -1.579231,-3.08405 -3.158463,-3.34037 l -1.496549,-0.24804 c -0.93431,-0.1571 -1.488281,-0.43822 -1.488281,-0.95912 0,-0.55397 0.438216,-0.98392 1.372526,-0.98392 1.058333,0 1.554427,0.62012 1.579231,1.15756 h 2.968294 c -0.0083,-1.81075 -1.488281,-3.53881 -4.547525,-3.53881 -2.736784,0 -4.613672,1.31465 -4.613672,3.62976 0,2.05879 1.347721,2.98483 3.150195,3.31556 l 1.430404,0.26458 c 1.041796,0.19844 1.604036,0.42995 1.604036,1.05006 0,0.53744 -0.429948,0.99219 -1.537891,0.99219 -1.149283,0 -1.744596,-0.60358 -1.769401,-1.19062 z')
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g.text.text--one(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
path#path837(d='m 22.276971,123.18411 h -3.26595 v 7.40007 c 0,2.4722 1.868619,4.0845 4.919596,4.0845 3.050976,0 4.919596,-1.6123 4.919596,-4.0845 v -7.40007 h -3.265951 v 6.93705 c 0,1.28157 -0.694531,1.85208 -1.653645,1.85208 -0.959115,0 -1.653646,-0.5457 -1.653646,-1.85208 z')
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path#path908(d='m 39.64025,125.5819 v 8.88835 h 3.15019 v -8.88835 z')
path#path910(d='m 41.219476,121.85293 c -0.909501,0 -1.645371,0.55397 -1.645371,1.44694 0,0.9095 0.73587,1.46348 1.645371,1.46348 0.90125,0 1.63711,-0.55398 1.63711,-1.46348 0,-0.89297 -0.73586,-1.44694 -1.63711,-1.44694 z')
path#path843(d='m 44.543311,134.47025 h 3.150195 v -4.94441 c 0,-1.00872 0.562239,-1.48001 1.198893,-1.48001 0.504362,0 1.174088,0.25632 1.174088,1.45521 v 4.96921 h 3.158464 v -5.75469 c 0,-2.17455 -1.141016,-3.25768 -2.910417,-3.25768 -1.546158,0 -2.348177,0.91777 -2.571419,1.57923 h -0.148828 v -1.45521 h -3.050976 z')
path#path845(d='m 58.97137,135.58646 c -0.644922,0 -1.182357,-0.19844 -1.30638,-0.69453 h -2.960026 c 0.03307,1.48828 1.265039,2.82773 4.191992,2.82773 2.025716,0 4.580599,-0.66973 4.580599,-3.29076 v -8.847 H 60.32736 v 1.38906 h -0.157097 c -0.305924,-0.8847 -1.215429,-1.47174 -2.4722,-1.47174 -1.943034,0 -3.175,1.43867 -3.175,4.24987 v 0.30592 c 0,2.8112 1.231966,4.24987 3.175,4.24987 1.289844,0 2.166276,-0.59531 2.4722,-1.39733 h 0.148828 v 1.20716 c 0,0.95085 -0.438216,1.47175 -1.347721,1.47175 z m 0.09095,-7.68946 c 0.735872,0 1.25677,0.62012 1.25677,1.87689 v 0.47129 c 0,1.26504 -0.51263,1.88516 -1.25677,1.88516 -0.752409,0 -1.265039,-0.62012 -1.265039,-1.88516 v -0.47129 c 0,-1.25677 0.51263,-1.87689 1.265039,-1.87689 z')
path#path847(d='m 67.810107,130.43535 c 0,2.1084 1.248502,4.23333 4.357356,4.23333 2.720247,0 4.398698,-1.4056 4.398698,-4.22506 v -7.25951 h -3.282487 v 7.2099 c 0,0.89297 -0.305924,1.41387 -1.149284,1.41387 -0.768945,0 -1.198893,-0.52917 -1.207161,-1.37253 z')
path#path849(d='m 83.05672,133.42845 h 0.148828 v 1.0418 h 2.951758 v -5.83737 c 0,-2.33164 -1.769401,-3.175 -4.001823,-3.175 -3.092318,0 -3.91914,1.66191 -3.952213,3.06751 h 2.943489 c 0.0083,-0.49609 0.37207,-0.84336 0.975651,-0.84336 0.570508,0 0.93431,0.30592 0.93431,0.84336 v 0.67799 h -1.951302 c -2.083594,0 -3.224609,1.05007 -3.224609,2.69545 0,1.71152 1.215429,2.69544 2.951757,2.69544 1.314649,0 1.984375,-0.60358 2.224154,-1.16582 z m -1.083138,-0.94258 c -0.51263,0 -1.000456,-0.30592 -1.000456,-0.8599 0,-0.51263 0.42168,-0.84335 1.091406,-0.84335 h 0.992188 v 0.81855 c 0,0.53743 -0.529167,0.8847 -1.083138,0.8847 z')
path#path851(d='m 89.505938,134.47025 h 3.695899 l 2.960025,-8.88835 h -3.299023 l -1.380794,6.13503 H 91.358022 L 90.20047,125.5819 h -3.398242 z')
path#path853(d='m 101.67677,133.42845 h 0.14883 v 1.0418 h 2.95175 v -5.83737 c 0,-2.33164 -1.7694,-3.175 -4.00182,-3.175 -3.092316,0 -3.919139,1.66191 -3.952212,3.06751 h 2.94349 c 0.0083,-0.49609 0.372072,-0.84336 0.975652,-0.84336 0.57051,0 0.93431,0.30592 0.93431,0.84336 v 0.67799 h -1.951304 c -2.083593,0 -3.224609,1.05007 -3.224609,2.69545 0,1.71152 1.21543,2.69544 2.951758,2.69544 1.314645,0 1.984375,-0.60358 2.224155,-1.16582 z m -1.08314,-0.94258 c -0.51263,0 -1.000455,-0.30592 -1.000455,-0.8599 0,-0.51263 0.421675,-0.84335 1.091405,-0.84335 h 0.99219 v 0.81855 c 0,0.53743 -0.52917,0.8847 -1.08314,0.8847 z')
path#path855(d='m 106.13334,128.34349 c 0,1.68672 1.2237,2.39778 2.73679,2.72025 1.00045,0.2067 2.16627,0.24804 2.16627,0.9095 0,0.3638 -0.32246,0.678 -0.94257,0.678 -0.64493,0 -1.06661,-0.34727 -1.10795,-0.81029 h -3.05097 c 0,1.57923 1.30638,2.80293 4.01836,2.80293 2.6789,0 4.12584,-1.19063 4.12584,-3.07578 0,-1.52963 -0.94258,-2.24069 -2.54661,-2.53008 -1.00873,-0.1819 -2.42259,-0.23151 -2.42259,-0.97565 0,-0.35554 0.29765,-0.678 0.90123,-0.678 0.678,0 0.95912,0.38861 1.02526,0.80202 h 2.72025 c 0,-1.87689 -1.56269,-2.77812 -3.70416,-2.77812 -2.0836,0 -3.91915,0.84336 -3.91915,2.93522 z')
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path#path859(d='m 124.57977,134.47025 h 3.26595 v -4.50619 c 0,-1.19062 0.51263,-1.90169 1.80247,-1.90169 0.43822,0 0.87644,0.0413 1.08314,0.13229 v -2.64583 c -0.17363,-0.0661 -0.44648,-0.0909 -0.90124,-0.0909 -1.14928,0 -1.81074,0.9095 -1.93476,1.51308 h -0.1571 v -1.38906 h -3.15846 z')
path#path906(d='m 131.88065,125.5819 v 8.88835 h 3.15019 v -8.88835 z')
path#path898(d='m 133.45988,121.85293 c -0.9095,0 -1.64537,0.55397 -1.64537,1.44694 0,0.9095 0.73587,1.46348 1.64537,1.46348 0.90125,0 1.63711,-0.55398 1.63711,-1.46348 0,-0.89297 -0.73586,-1.44694 -1.63711,-1.44694 z')
path#path863(d='m 142.58797,134.55293 c 1.9513,0 3.19154,-1.44694 3.19154,-4.20026 v -0.66973 c 0,-2.76986 -1.24851,-4.18372 -3.19154,-4.18372 -1.24023,0 -2.12494,0.57877 -2.48874,1.48001 h -0.14883 v -1.39733 h -3.16673 v 11.8401 h 3.16673 v -4.35735 h 0.1571 c 0.3638,0.90123 1.24024,1.48828 2.48047,1.48828 z m -1.34772,-2.38952 c -0.74414,0 -1.28985,-0.62839 -1.28985,-1.88516 v -0.50436 c 0,-1.25677 0.54571,-1.87689 1.28158,-1.87689 0.76068,0 1.27331,0.62012 1.27331,1.87689 v 0.50436 c 0,1.27331 -0.5209,1.88516 -1.26504,1.88516 z')
rect#rect944(ry='0' y='125.58167' x='146.58987' height='2.348175' width='6.1350183')
path#path946(d='m 148.01184,125.58187 -0.0909,2.34818 v 3.99355 c 0,1.90169 1.11621,2.55488 3.46439,2.55488 0.62838,0 1.11621,-0.0496 1.34772,-0.0827 v -2.23242 c -0.091,0.008 -0.35553,0.0165 -0.58705,0.0165 -0.69453,0 -1.09967,-0.26459 -1.09967,-0.92605 v -1.01957 -2.30425 -2.34818 -2.00091 h -3.03444 z')
rect#rect938(ry='0' y='146.74834' x='18.432337' height='2.348175' width='6.1350183')
path#path940(d='m 19.854295,146.74854 -0.09095,2.34818 v 3.99355 c 0,1.90169 1.116209,2.55488 3.464388,2.55488 0.628381,0 1.116211,-0.0496 1.347722,-0.0827 v -2.23242 c -0.091,0.008 -0.355534,0.0165 -0.587044,0.0165 -0.694532,0 -1.099675,-0.26459 -1.099675,-0.92605 v -1.01957 -2.30425 -2.34818 -2.00091 h -3.03444 z')
path#path869(d='m 30.024301,146.57493 c -2.786393,0 -4.398697,1.80248 -4.398697,4.35736 v 0.47129 c 0,2.80293 1.612304,4.40696 4.398697,4.40696 2.769857,0 4.373893,-1.60403 4.373893,-4.4235 v -0.47956 c 0,-2.55488 -1.604036,-4.33255 -4.373893,-4.33255 z m -0.0083,2.29857 c 0.950846,0 1.174088,0.99219 1.174088,1.97611 v 0.66972 c 0,0.89297 -0.198437,1.99265 -1.174088,1.99265 -0.983919,0 -1.182357,-1.11621 -1.182357,-1.99265 v -0.66972 c 0,-0.96739 0.231511,-1.97611 1.182357,-1.97611 z')
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path#path893(d='m 144.61368,155.63691 h 3.41478 l -2.6293,-4.45657 2.77813,-4.43177 h -3.41478 l -1.23197,2.57968 h -0.12402 l -1.2237,-2.57968 h -3.58014 l 2.66237,4.43177 -2.51354,4.45657 h 3.25768 l 1.24023,-2.59622 h 0.12403 z')
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//- include dot-two.pug'0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
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//- include cross-two.pug
svg.cross(viewbox='0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
rect#rect944(ry='0' y='125.58167' x='146.58987' height='2.348175' width='6.1350183')
//- include cross-one.pug
svg.cross(viewbox='0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
rect#rect938(ry='0' y='146.74834' x='18.432337' height='2.348175' width='6.1350183')
//- include cross-three.pug
svg.cross(viewbox='0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
rect#rect919(width='6.1350183' height='2.348175' x='148.6404' y='146.74834' ry='0')
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g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
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//- include dot-four.pug'0 0 162.80969 60.440757')
g(transform='translate(-5.2030773,-108.61135)' style='display:inline')
path.i__dot(d='m 106.40619,154.11969 c 0,0.93431 0.76895,1.70325 1.71153,1.70325 0.93431,0 1.70325,-0.76894 1.70325,-1.70325 0,-0.94258 -0.76894,-1.71153 -1.70325,-1.71153 -0.94258,0 -1.71153,0.76895 -1.71153,1.71153 z')
// eslint-disable-next-line
;(function() {
const {
gsap: { set, to, timeline },
} = window
const $TEXT_ONE = document.querySelector('.text--one')
const $TEXT_TWO = document.querySelector('.text--two')
const $LOGO = document.querySelector('img')
const $LOGO_CONTAINER = document.querySelector('.logo-container')
const $CRANES = [...document.querySelectorAll('.crane')]
const $LINE_ONE = [...$TEXT_ONE.querySelectorAll('.word')]
const $LINE_TWO = [...$TEXT_TWO.querySelectorAll('.word')]
const $DOTS = [...document.querySelectorAll('.dot')]
const $CROSSES = [...document.querySelectorAll('.cross')]
const $MOVING_PARTS = [$DOTS[0], $DOTS[1], ...$CROSSES, $DOTS[3]]
// Only targets the crosses and dots in the actual words, not the duplicates
const $DOUBLE_DOTS_ONE = [...$TEXT_ONE.querySelectorAll('.i__dot')]
const $DOUBLE_CROSSES_ONE = [...$TEXT_ONE.querySelectorAll('.t__cross')]
const FADE_DUR = 0.25
const STAGGER = 0.1
const STEP_DELAY = 1
const STEP_DUR = 0.05
const resetPositions = () => {
clearProps: true,
for (const CRANE of $CRANES) CRANE.removeAttribute('data-offset')
opacity: 0,
const movePart = (index, reversed, onStart) => {
const CRANE = $CRANES[index]
// Work out the speed in relation to where the text is in the window
const DURATION = CRANE.dataset.offset / 750
return (
new timeline({ repeatRefresh: true, reversed, onStart })
// .add(set($MOVING_PARTS[index], { opacity: 1 }))
to(CRANE, {
duration: DURATION,
[CRANE.className.includes('vertical') ? 'y' : 'x']: `${
CRANE.className.includes('right') ? '-' : '+'
to($MOVING_PARTS[index], {
duration: DURATION,
[CRANE.className.includes('vertical') ? 'y' : 'x']: `${
CRANE.className.includes('right') ? '+' : '-'
to($CRANES[index], {
duration: DURATION,
[CRANE.className.includes('vertical') ? 'y' : 'x']: `${
CRANE.className.includes('right') ? '+' : '-'
const setPositions = () => {
* Set up the logo position
const LOGO_BOUNDS = $LOGO.getBoundingClientRect()
// Use the image height as that will be set whereas the image may not have loaded
// and means the rendered width would be 0
$LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset = LOGO_BOUNDS.left + LOGO_BOUNDS.height * 2
set($LOGO_CONTAINER, { x: -$LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset })
* Set up all the moving parts
const BOUNDS = $ => {
return {
el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'svg'
? el.querySelector('g').getBoundingClientRect()
: el.getBoundingClientRect(),
// 0 === UsIng
// 1 === JavaScrIpt
// 2 === JavaScripT
// 3 === To
// 4 === texT
// 5 === . <
for (let b = 0; b < BOUNDS.length; b++) {
const BOUND = BOUNDS[b]
const CRANE = $CRANES[b]
const isH = CRANE.className.includes('horizontal')
CRANE.dataset.offset = isH
? CRANE.className.includes('right')
? BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.width * 2
: BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.width * 2
: + BOUND.pos.height * 2
set(CRANE, {
[isH ? 'top' : 'bottom']: isH
? + BOUND.pos.height / 2 - CRANE.offsetHeight / 2
: window.innerHeight - ( + BOUND.pos.height),
? CRANE.className.includes('right')
? 'left'
: 'right'
: 'left']: isH
? CRANE.className.includes('right')
? BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.width
: window.innerWidth - BOUND.pos.left
: BOUND.pos.left + BOUND.pos.height / 2 - CRANE.offsetWidth / 2,
[isH ? 'x' : 'y']: CRANE.className.includes('right')
? `+=${CRANE.dataset.offset}`
: `-=${CRANE.dataset.offset}`,
transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
const genTL = () => {
return (
new timeline({
delay: 1,
repeat: -1,
repeatDelay: 1.5,
// Fade in all the words
to($LINE_ONE, { duration: FADE_DUR, stagger: STAGGER, opacity: 1 })
// Bring in the duplicates and hide the originals πŸ‘
set([$DOTS[0], $DOTS[1], $CROSSES], {
opacity: 1,
.add(set([...$DOUBLE_DOTS_ONE, ...$DOUBLE_CROSSES_ONE], { opacity: 0 }))
// Bring in the crane and take out the dots
new timeline()
.add(to($LINE_ONE, { duration: STEP_DUR, opacity: 0 }))
.add(to($DOTS[2], { duration: STEP_DUR, opacity: 1 }), 0)
.add(set($TEXT_TWO, { opacity: 1 }))
to($LINE_TWO, {
delay: STEP_DELAY,
duration: FADE_DUR,
stagger: STAGGER,
opacity: 1,
movePart(5, true, () => set($DOTS[3], { opacity: 1 })),
to([$TEXT_TWO, $DOTS[2], $DOTS[3]], {
delay: STEP_DELAY,
duration: STEP_DUR,
opacity: 0,
delay: STEP_DELAY,
duration: $LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset / 500,
x: `+=${$LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset}`,
to($CRANES[5], {
duration: $LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset / 1000,
x: `-=${$LOGO_CONTAINER.dataset.offset}`,
let TL = genTL()
* When we resize the window, we need to kill the current timeline and
* generate a new one killing and invalidating all of the current timeline settings
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
TL = genTL()
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