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Created January 12, 2010 08:56
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package main
import (
type Point struct {
x, y int;
func (p *Point) IsIn(x, y, width, height int) bool {
return 0 <= p.x && p.x < x + width &&
0 <= p.y && p.y < y + height;
func (p *Point) Equals(other *Point) bool {
return p.x == other.x && p.y == other.y;
type IntTable2D struct {
width, height int;
values []int;
func NewIntTable2D(width, height int) *IntTable2D {
return &IntTable2D{width, height, make([]int, width * height)};
func (v *IntTable2D) At(x, y int) int {
return v.values[x + y * v.width];
func (v *IntTable2D) Set(x, y, value int) {
v.values[x + y * v.width] = value;
func main() {
inputStr := `**************************
*S* * *
* * * * ************* *
* * * ************ *
* * *
************** ***********
* *
** ***********************
* * G *
* * *********** * *
* * ******* * *
* * *
var startPoint, goalPoint Point;
lines := strings.Split(inputStr, "\n", 0);
mazeWidth := len(lines[0]);
mazeHeight := len(lines);
maze := NewIntTable2D(mazeWidth, mazeHeight);
distances := NewIntTable2D(mazeWidth, mazeHeight);
for j, line := range lines {
fmt.Print(line + "\n");
for i, c := range strings.Bytes(line) {
maze.Set(i, j, int(c));
switch c {
case 'S':
startPoint.x, startPoint.y = i, j;
case 'G':
goalPoint.x, goalPoint.y = i, j;
if c == 'S' {
distances.Set(i, j, 0);
} else {
distances.Set(i, j, math.MaxInt32);
currentPoints := new(vector.Vector);
currentDistance := 0;
for {
nextPoints := new(vector.Vector);
currentPoints.Do(func (e interface{}) {
p := e.(Point);
if maze.At(p.x, p.y) == '*' {
if currentDistance < distances.At(p.x, p.y) {
distances.Set(p.x, p.y, currentDistance);
for _, p2 := range []Point{
Point{p.x-1, p.y},
Point{p.x+1, p.y},
Point{p.x, p.y-1},
Point{p.x, p.y+1},
} {
if p2.IsIn(0, 0, mazeWidth, mazeHeight) &&
distances.At(p2.x, p2.y) == math.MaxInt32 {
if distances.At(goalPoint.x, goalPoint.y) < math.MaxInt32 {
if nextPoints.Len() == 0 {
panic("Can't goal!");
currentPoints = nextPoints;
p := goalPoint;
for {
for _, np := range []Point{
Point{p.x-1, p.y},
Point{p.x+1, p.y},
Point{p.x, p.y-1},
Point{p.x, p.y+1},
} {
if np.IsIn(0, 0, mazeWidth, mazeHeight) &&
distances.At(np.x, np.y) == currentDistance {
if np.Equals(&startPoint) {
goto EndRouting;
} else {
maze.Set(np.x, np.y, '$');
p = np;
for j := 0; j < mazeHeight; j++ {
for i := 0; i < mazeWidth; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%c", maze.At(i, j));
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
TARG = gomaze
GOFILES = gomaze.go
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.cmd
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