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Created September 14, 2018 00:02
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Some PNG related stuff
00000000 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 |.PNG........IHDR|
00000010 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 08 06 00 00 00 1f 15 c4 |................|
00000020 89 00 00 00 0d 49 44 41 54 78 da 63 98 f5 f9 7b |.....IDATx.c...{|
00000030 34 00 07 8f 02 e0 a7 82 a8 9a 00 00 00 00 49 45 |4.............IE|
00000040 4e 44 ae 42 60 82 |ND.B`.|
89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a - magic
00 00 00 0d - size (13)
49 48 44 52 - type 'IHDR'
00 00 00 01 - width (1)
00 00 00 01 - height (1)
08 - bit depth (8)
06 - colour type (6, RGBA)
00 - compression method (0, DEFLATE)
00 - filter method (0, NONE)
00 - interlace method (0, NONE)
1f 15 c4 89 - CRC
00 00 00 0d - size (13)
49 44 41 54 - type (IDAT)
78 da 63 98 f5 f9 7b 34 00 07 8f 02 e0 - DEFLATE stream
a7 82 a8 9a - CRC
00 00 00 00 - size (0)
49 45 4e 44 - type (IEND)
(no payload)
ae 42 60 82 - CRC
DEFLATE stream:
78 - compression method (8, DEFLATE), flags (7, 32K LZ77 window)
da - flags 110 11010 fcheck (0b11010), dict (0), flevel (3, max compression)
63 98 f5 f9 7b 34 00 - compressed data
07 8f 02 e0 - ADLER32 checksum
Result of decompressing:
irb(main):006:0> x = ['78da6398f5f97b3400078f02e0'].pack('H*')
=> "x\xDAc\x98\xF5\xF9{4\x00\a\x8F\x02\xE0"
irb(main):007:0> Zlib::Inflate.inflate(x)
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