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Last active March 1, 2023 05:15
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Performance issue removing 1,000,000 items from a mutable list in Compose

This was an idea for tree implementation I came up with to try and play well with the way Compose wants us to do things.

The basic idea:

  • Maintain a list of every row which is currently visible/expanded
  • When you expand a node, add all its children to the list
  • When you collapse a node, remove its children (caveat: and their children) from the list
  • Rendering nodes is fairly easy because the only thing that varies is the amount of indent and which icon to show

The idea seems sound - adding a million entries to the list is fast enough as to be unnoticeable.

There's a massive performance issue when you try to collapse the large branch again. LOL... Still, I think it would be viable, if someone made an alternative list implementation which was sufficiently fast at removing a range.

Or maybe there's a way to make a list view for a tree which just does what's needed to make the tree look like a list?

"AWT-EventQueue-0" #20 prio=6 os_prio=1 cpu=47890.62ms elapsed=59.36s tid=0x00000203bb468ba0 nid=0x6764 runnable [0x0000001d062fc000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at androidx.compose.runtime.external.kotlinx.collections.immutable.implementations.immutableList.PersistentVectorBuilder.removeFromRootAt(PersistentVectorBuilder.kt:604)
at androidx.compose.runtime.external.kotlinx.collections.immutable.implementations.immutableList.PersistentVectorBuilder.removeFromRootAt(PersistentVectorBuilder.kt:604)
at androidx.compose.runtime.external.kotlinx.collections.immutable.implementations.immutableList.PersistentVectorBuilder.removeFromRootAt(PersistentVectorBuilder.kt:604)
at androidx.compose.runtime.external.kotlinx.collections.immutable.implementations.immutableList.PersistentVectorBuilder.removeAt(PersistentVectorBuilder.kt:549)
at kotlin.collections.AbstractMutableList.remove(AbstractMutableList.kt:15)
at androidx.compose.runtime.external.kotlinx.collections.immutable.implementations.immutableList.PersistentVectorMutableIterator.remove(PersistentVectorMutableIterator.kt:110)
at java.util.AbstractList.removeRange(java.base@17.0.5/
at java.util.AbstractList$SubList.removeRange(java.base@17.0.5/
at java.util.AbstractList.clear(java.base@17.0.5/
at androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateList.removeRange(SnapshotStateList.kt:110)
at TreeScratchKt$CleverTreeView$1$1$1$1$1$1.invoke(TreeScratch.kt:68)
import androidx.compose.material.*
import androidx.compose.material.icons.*
import androidx.compose.material.icons.filled.*
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.*
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.*
import androidx.compose.ui.window.*
fun main() = singleWindowApplication {
val rootNode = CommentNode("Hi there", listOf(
CommentNode("Oh hi, did it work?", listOf(
CommentNode("Kind of, but a lot of shit is missing")
CommentNode("Here, this should break the tree, surely?",
(1..1_000_000).map { i -> CommentNode("Comment $i") })
CleverTreeView(rootNode) { node ->
data class CommentNode(
val content: String,
val children: List<CommentNode> = emptyList()
data class TreeRow(
val nestingLevel: Int,
val node: CommentNode,
val expanded: Boolean = false,
fun CleverTreeView(
rootNode: CommentNode,
content: @Composable (CommentNode) -> Unit
) {
val treeRows = remember { mutableStateListOf(TreeRow(0, rootNode)) }
val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
items(treeRows.size) { index ->
val row = treeRows[index]
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp * row.nestingLevel)
) {
onClick = {
// TODO: It would be super nice if these tree mutations were done in one step
if (row.expanded) {
println("Collapsing tree node...")
treeRows[index] = row.copy(expanded = false)
// Scan to find the next sibling to figure out how many rows to remove.
// Not the optimal solution, but seems to work.
println("Figuring out how many rows to remove...")
var descendantCount = treeRows.subList(index + 1, treeRows.size)
.indexOfFirst { r -> r.nestingLevel <= row.nestingLevel }
if (descendantCount < 0) {
descendantCount = treeRows.size - (index + 1)
println("Removing $descendantCount rows from the row list...")
treeRows.removeRange(index + 1, index + 1 + descendantCount)
} else {
println("Expanding tree node...")
treeRows[index] = row.copy(expanded = true)
println("Adding ${row.node.children.size} rows to the row list...")
treeRows.addAll(index + 1, { child -> TreeRow(row.nestingLevel + 1, child) })
// TODO: Figure out a sensible row height. Using dp isn't sensible because the text will be in sp.
modifier = Modifier.size(24.dp)
) {
// TODO: Figure out a sane contentDescription for disclosure triangles
imageVector = if (row.expanded) Icons.Filled.ArrowDropDown else Icons.Filled.ArrowRight,
contentDescription = ""
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterEnd).fillMaxHeight(),
adapter = rememberScrollbarAdapter(lazyListState)
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