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Created May 8, 2018 09:33
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; z80asm z80.asm && docker run -v `pwd | sed "s /mnt "`:/golf esolang/z80 sh -c "z80 /golf/a.bin < /golf/in" | xxd | head
ld ix, $1000
call read_int
ld ix, $1001
call read_int
ld ix, $1002
call read_int
ld ix, $1003
call read_int
ld ix, $1004
call read_int
ld ix, $1005
call read_int
ld ix, $1006
call read_int
ld ix, $1007
call read_int
ld ix, $1008
call read_int
ld ix, $1009
call read_int
ld ix, $100A
call read_int
ld ix, $100B
call read_int
ld ix, $1000
ld a, ($1003)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($1003), a
ld a, ($1006)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($1006), a
ld a, ($1009)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($1009), a
ld ix, $1001
ld a, ($1004)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($1004), a
ld a, ($1007)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($1007), a
ld a, ($100A)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($100A), a
ld ix, $1002
ld a, ($1005)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($1005), a
ld a, ($1008)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($1008), a
ld a, ($100B)
sub (ix+$0)
ld ($100B), a
ld ix, $2000
ld (ix+0), 3
ld (ix+1), 7
ld (ix+2), 11
call calc_mul3
call nz, negate
ld a, (ix+3)
ld (ix+6), a
ld a, (ix+4)
ld (ix+7), a
ld a, (ix+5)
ld (ix+8), a
ld (ix+0), 4
ld (ix+1), 8
ld (ix+2), 9
call calc_mul3
call nz, negate
call add3
ld (ix+0), 5
ld (ix+1), 6
ld (ix+2), 10
call calc_mul3
call nz, negate
call add3
ld (ix+0), 3
ld (ix+1), 8
ld (ix+2), 10
call calc_mul3
call z, negate
call add3
ld (ix+0), 4
ld (ix+1), 6
ld (ix+2), 11
call calc_mul3
call z, negate
call add3
ld (ix+0), 5
ld (ix+1), 7
ld (ix+2), 9
call calc_mul3
call z, negate
call add3
ld h, (ix+6)
ld l, (ix+7)
ld c, 6
call div
ld h, a
ld d, l
ld l, (ix+8)
ld c, 6
call div
; now answer is dl
ld h, d
ld c, 10
ld ix, $2000
ld b, 6
call div
ld (ix+0), a
inc ix
djnz modloop
ld ix, $2005
ld b, 6
ld c, b
call div
ld a, (ix+0)
add a, '0'
call $8000
ld b, c
dec ix
djnz printloop
read_int: ; read int into (ix)
call $8003 ; getchar
sub '0'
ld b, a
sla b
sla b
sla b ; b = a * 8
sla a ; a = a * 2
add a, b
ld b, a
call $8003 ; getchar
sub '0'
add a, b
ld (ix+$0), a
call $8003 ; getchar
mul: ; store result of de*c into ahl
ld hl, 0
ld a, c
or a
ret z ; return zero if c is 0
ld b, c
xor a ; a = 0
add hl, de
jp nc, non_carry
inc a
djnz mul_loop
abs: ; a = abs(a)
bit 7, a
ret z
ld hl, $1000
ld b, 0
ld c, (ix+0)
add hl, bc
ld a, (hl)
call abs
ld d, $0
ld e, a
ld hl, $1000
ld b, 0
ld c, (ix+1)
add hl, bc
ld a, (hl)
call abs
ld c, a
call mul
ld d, h
ld e, l
ld hl, $1000
ld b, 0
ld c, (ix+2)
add hl, bc
ld a, (hl)
call abs
ld c, a
call mul
ld (ix+3), a
ld (ix+4), h
ld (ix+5), l
; calculate sign of multiplication
ld b, 0
ld hl, $1000
ld d, 0
ld e, (ix+0)
add hl, de
ld a, (hl)
bit 7, a
jp z, skip0
ld a, b
xor $1
ld b, a
ld hl, $1000
ld d, 0
ld e, (ix+1)
add hl, de
ld a, (hl)
bit 7, a
jp z, skip1
ld a, b
xor $1
ld b, a
ld hl, $1000
ld d, 0
ld e, (ix+2)
add hl, de
ld a, (hl)
bit 7, a
jp z, skip2
ld a, b
xor $1
ld b, a
bit 0, b
negate: ; negate (ix+3) - (ix+5)
ld a, (ix+3)
ld d, a
ld a, (ix+4)
ld b, a
ld a, (ix+5)
ld c, a
inc bc ; FIXME
ld (ix+3), d
ld (ix+4), b
ld (ix+5), c
add3: ; add (ix+6) - (ix+8) by (ix+3) - (ix+5)
ld a, (ix+3)
ld b, (ix+4)
ld c, (ix+5)
ld d, (ix+6)
ld h, (ix+7)
ld l, (ix+8)
add hl, bc
adc a, d
ld (ix+6), a
ld (ix+7), h
ld (ix+8), l
; divide hl by c
xor a
ld b, 16 ; loop counter
add hl, hl
jr c, $+5
cp c
jr c, $+4
sub c
inc l
djnz divloop
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