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Last active November 4, 2015 20:42
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  • Save hakelimopu/bf34973a81bc2e10d99b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A console based implementation of a Rock, Scissors, Paper game where you play against the computer and whoever gets three rounds first wins the match.
type choice = Rock | Scissors | Paper
type result = First | Tie | Second
let choices = [Rock; Scissors; Paper]
let combinations = [
((Rock, Rock), Tie);
((Scissors, Scissors), Tie);
((Paper, Paper), Tie);
((Rock, Scissors), First);
((Scissors, Paper), First);
((Paper, Rock), First);
((Rock, Paper), Second);
((Scissors, Rock), Second);
((Paper, Scissors), Second)]
type choiceDescriptor = {
Choice: choice;
Key: System.ConsoleKey;
Description: string;
let choiceDescriptors = [{Choice= Rock; Key= System.ConsoleKey.R; Description="Rock"};
{Choice= Scissors; Key= System.ConsoleKey.S; Description="Scissors"};
{Choice= Paper; Key= System.ConsoleKey.P; Description="Paper"}]
let choiceName choice=
let choiceDescriptor =
choiceDescriptors|>List.find(fun i->i.Choice=choice)
let validateInput key=
let choiceDescriptor =
choiceDescriptors|>List.tryFind(fun i->i.Key=key)
if choiceDescriptor.IsSome
then Some choiceDescriptor.Value.Choice
else None
type resultDescriptor = {
Result: result;
Message: string;}
let resultDescriptors = [{Result=First; Message="Player wins round!"};
{Result=Second; Message="Computer wins round!"};
{Result=Tie; Message="Tie!"}]
let rec readPlayerChoice =
let keyInfo = System.Console.ReadKey(true).Key
let input =
validateInput keyInfo
if input.IsSome
then input.Value
else readPlayerChoice()
let randomChoice = fun()->
choices|>List.sortBy(fun x->System.Guid.NewGuid())|>List.head
let resultMessage x =
let resultDescriptor =
resultDescriptors|>List.find(fun i->i.Result=x)
let determineResult first second =
let _,result= combinations|> List.find(fun item->
let combination,_=item
let playRound = fun()->
do System.Console.WriteLine("Choose [R]ock, [S]cissors, [P]aper:");
let playerChoice = readPlayerChoice()
do System.Console.WriteLine("Player Choice: {0}", choiceName playerChoice)
let computerChoice = randomChoice()
do System.Console.WriteLine("Computer Choice: {0}", choiceName computerChoice)
let roundResult = determineResult playerChoice computerChoice
do System.Console.WriteLine(resultMessage roundResult)
type game = {
round: int;
playerScore: int;
computerScore: int;
winsPerGame: int;
let rec playGame game=
if game.computerScore>=game.winsPerGame then
do System.Console.WriteLine("Computer wins!")
elif game.playerScore>=game.winsPerGame then
do System.Console.WriteLine("Player wins!")
do System.Console.WriteLine("Round {0}",game.round);
do System.Console.WriteLine("Player Score: {0}", game.playerScore);
do System.Console.WriteLine("Computer Score: {0}", game.computerScore);
let roundResult = playRound()
match roundResult with
| x when x=First ->
let newGame= { round= game.round+1; playerScore=game.playerScore+1; computerScore=game.computerScore; winsPerGame=game.winsPerGame}
playGame newGame
| x when x=Second ->
let newGame= { round= game.round+1; playerScore=game.playerScore; computerScore=game.computerScore+1; winsPerGame=game.winsPerGame}
playGame newGame
| _ ->
let newGame= { round= game.round+1; playerScore=game.playerScore; computerScore=game.computerScore; winsPerGame=game.winsPerGame}
playGame newGame
let main argv =
let newGame = {round=1; playerScore=0; computerScore=0; winsPerGame=3}
playGame newGame|>ignore
do System.Console.ReadLine()|>ignore
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