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Last active November 18, 2015 14:15
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  • Save hakelimopu/d335c3c36bd26ab7b71a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hakelimopu/d335c3c36bd26ab7b71a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A lot of gyrations and convolutions on the way here, but I got it to generate a maze via Prim's algorithm.
type Direction = North | East | South | West
let DirectionDelta = function
| North -> 0, -1
| East -> 1, 0
| South -> 0, 1
| West -> -1, 0
let DirectionOpposite = function
| North -> South
| East -> West
| South -> North
| West -> East
let DirectionFlag = function
| North -> 1
| East -> 2
| South -> 4
| West -> 8
let Walk start direction =
let startX, startY = start
let deltaX, deltaY = DirectionDelta direction
(startX + deltaX, startY + deltaY)
type Location = {X: int; Y: int}
type Cell = {Location: Location; UnconnectedNeighbors: Set<Direction>; ConnectedNeighbors: Set<Direction> }
let FindNeighbors (cells: Cell list) (cell: Cell) =
[North; East; South; West]
|> (fun direction ->
let nextX, nextY = Walk (cell.Location.X, cell.Location.Y) direction
(direction, { X = nextX; Y = nextY } ))
|> (fun location ->
|> List.choose (fun c ->
let d,l = location
if c.Location = l then Some d else None)
|> List.reduce (@)
|> Set.ofList
let MakeCells width height =
let cells =
|> (fun x->
|> (fun y-> { Location = {X = x; Y = y}; UnconnectedNeighbors = Set.empty; ConnectedNeighbors = Set.empty}))
|> List.reduce (@)
|> (fun cell ->
{ Location = cell.Location; ConnectedNeighbors=Set.empty; UnconnectedNeighbors = FindNeighbors cells cell})
let IsComplete (cells: Cell list) =
|> List.exists (fun c -> c.ConnectedNeighbors.IsEmpty)
|> not
let IsBlank (cells: Cell list) =
|> List.filter (fun c-> not c.ConnectedNeighbors.IsEmpty)
|> List.isEmpty
let StartMaze (cells: Cell list) =
let originalCell = cells |> List.sortBy(fun e-> System.Guid.NewGuid()) |> List.head
let originalLocation = originalCell.Location
let nextDirection = originalCell.UnconnectedNeighbors|> Set.toList |> List.sortBy(fun e-> System.Guid.NewGuid()) |> List.head
let nextLocation = let nextX, nextY = nextDirection |> Walk (originalLocation.X, originalLocation.Y)
{ X = nextX; Y = nextY}
let nextCell = cells |> List.find(fun e->e.Location=nextLocation)
let otherCells = cells |> List.filter(fun e-> e <> originalCell && e <> nextCell)
let newOriginalCell = {
Location = originalCell.Location;
ConnectedNeighbors = originalCell.ConnectedNeighbors |> Set.add nextDirection;
UnconnectedNeighbors = originalCell.UnconnectedNeighbors |> Set.remove nextDirection}
let newNextCell = {
Location = nextCell.Location;
ConnectedNeighbors = nextCell.ConnectedNeighbors |> Set.add (nextDirection |> DirectionOpposite);
UnconnectedNeighbors = nextCell.UnconnectedNeighbors |> Set.remove (nextDirection |> DirectionOpposite) }
newOriginalCell :: (newNextCell :: otherCells)
let AddRoom (cells: Cell list) =
let connectedLocations = cells
|> List.filter (fun e-> not e.ConnectedNeighbors.IsEmpty)
|> (fun e->e.Location)
|> Set.ofList
let frontierCells = cells
|> List.filter (fun unconnectedRoom->unconnectedRoom.ConnectedNeighbors.IsEmpty)
|> List.filter (fun unconnectedRoom->
let neighbors = unconnectedRoom.UnconnectedNeighbors |>
fun elem->
let neighborX, neighborY = Walk (unconnectedRoom.Location.X, unconnectedRoom.Location.Y) elem
{X = neighborX; Y = neighborY})
Set.intersect neighbors connectedLocations
|> Set.isEmpty |> not)
let frontierCell = frontierCells |> List.sortBy (fun e->System.Guid.NewGuid()) |> List.head
let frontierLocation = frontierCell.Location
let nextDirection, nextLocation =
let neighbors = frontierCell.UnconnectedNeighbors |>
fun elem->
let neighborX, neighborY = Walk (frontierCell.Location.X, frontierCell.Location.Y) elem
(elem, {X = neighborX; Y = neighborY}))
neighbors |> Set.filter (fun elem->
let d, l = elem
|> Set.toList
|> List.sortBy(fun e->System.Guid.NewGuid())
|> List.head
let nextCell = cells |> List.find(fun e->e.Location=nextLocation)
let otherCells = cells |> List.filter(fun e-> e <> frontierCell && e <> nextCell)
let newOriginalCell = {
Location = frontierCell.Location;
ConnectedNeighbors = frontierCell.ConnectedNeighbors |> Set.add nextDirection;
UnconnectedNeighbors = frontierCell.UnconnectedNeighbors |> Set.remove nextDirection}
let newNextCell = {
Location = nextCell.Location;
ConnectedNeighbors = nextCell.ConnectedNeighbors |> Set.add (nextDirection |> DirectionOpposite);
UnconnectedNeighbors = nextCell.UnconnectedNeighbors |> Set.remove (nextDirection |> DirectionOpposite) }
newOriginalCell :: (newNextCell :: otherCells)
let (|Completed|Empty|UnderConstruction|) cells =
if cells |> IsComplete then Completed
elif cells |> IsBlank then Empty
else UnderConstruction
let rec MakeMaze (cells: Cell list) =
match cells with
| Completed -> cells
| Empty -> cells |> StartMaze |> MakeMaze
| _ -> cells |> AddRoom |> MakeMaze
type MazeNode = { Location: Location; Connections: Set<Direction>}
let CellToMazeNode (cell: Cell) =
{Location = cell.Location; Connections= cell.ConnectedNeighbors}
let GenerateMaze columns rows = MakeCells columns rows
|> MakeMaze
|> (fun elem -> elem |> CellToMazeNode)
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