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Last active August 7, 2023 12:03
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# title : Machine learning exercise for Sentinel-2 data
# purpose : Implementing a machine learning workflow in R
# author : Abdulhakim M. Abdi (Twitter: @HakimAbdi /
# input : A multi-temporal raster stack of Sentinel-2 data comprising scenes from four dates
# output : One classified land cover map from each of three machine learning algorithms
# Note 1 : This brief tutorial assumes that you are already well-grounded in R concepts and are
# : familiar with image classification procedure and terminology
# Reference : Please cite Abdi (2020): "Land cover and land use classification performance of machine learning
# : algorithms in a boreal landscape using Sentinel-2 data" in GIScience & Remote Sensing if you find this
# : tutorial useful in a publication.
# Reference URL :
# Data for Code :!AsHsKb_qtbkwgvlQOnKYE-Q4ldJkEw?e=Bxger1
rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) # will clear all objects, including hidden objects
gc() # free up memory and report memory usage
# set working directory. This will be the directory where all the unzipped files are located
# load required libraries (Note: if these packages are not installed, then install them first and then load)
# rgdal: a comprehansive repository for handling spatial data
# raster: for the manipulation of raster data
# caret: for the machine learning algorithms
# sp: for the manipulation of spatial objects
# nnet: Artificial Neural Network
# randomForest: Random Forest
# kernlab: Support Vector Machines
# e1071: provides miscellaneous functions requiered by the caret package
install.packages("pacman"); pacman::p_load(rgdal,raster,caret,sp,nnet,randomForest,kernlab,e1071)
# Load the Sentinel-2 stack of the study area
s2data = stack("S2StackSmall.tif")
# Name the layers of the Sentinel-2 stack based on previously saved information
names(s2data) = as.character(read.csv("S2StackSmall_Names.csv")[,1])
# Load the sample data
# Alternatively, you can use the supplied orthophotos to generate a new set of training and validation data
# Your samples layer must have a column for each image in the raster stack, a column for the land cover class that point represents, an X and Y column
# You can create such a sample file using QGIS or another GIS software
samples = read.csv("Samples.csv")
# Split the data frame into 70-30 by class
trainx = list(0)
evalx = list(0)
for (i in 1:8){ # loop through all eight classes
cls = samples[samples$class == i,]
smpl <- floor(0.70 * nrow(cls))
tt <- sample(seq_len(nrow(cls)), size = smpl)
trainx[[i]] <- cls[tt,]
evalx[[i]] <- cls[-tt,]
# combine them all into training and evaluation data frames
trn =, trainx)
eva =, evalx)
# Set up a resampling method in the model training process
tc <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", # repeated cross-validation of the training data
number = 10, # number of folds
repeats = 5, # number of repeats
allowParallel = TRUE, # allow use of multiple cores if specified in training
verboseIter = TRUE) # view the training iterations
# Generate a grid search of candidate hyper-parameter values for inclusion into the models training
# These hyper-parameter values are examples. You will need a more complex tuning process to achieve high accuracies
# For example, you can play around with the parameters to see which combinations gives you the highest accuracy.
nnet.grid = expand.grid(size = seq(from = 2, to = 10, by = 2), # number of neurons units in the hidden layer
decay = seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.5, by = 0.1)) # regularization parameter to avoid over-fitting
rf.grid <- expand.grid(mtry=1:20) # number of variables available for splitting at each tree node
svm.grid <- expand.grid(sigma=seq(from = 0.01, to = 0.10, by = 0.02), # controls for non-linearity in the hyperplane
C=seq(from = 2, to = 10, by = 2)) # controls the influence of each support vector
## Begin training the models. It took my laptop 8 minutes to train all three algorithms
# Train the neural network model
nnet_model <- caret::train(x = trn[,(5:ncol(trn)-1)], y = as.factor(as.integer(as.factor(trn$class))),
method = "nnet", metric="Accuracy", trainControl = tc, tuneGrid = nnet.grid)
# Train the random forest model
rf_model <- caret::train(x = trn[,(5:ncol(trn)-1)], y = as.factor(as.integer(as.factor(trn$class))),
method = "rf", metric="Accuracy", trainControl = tc, tuneGrid = rf.grid)
# Train the support vector machines model
svm_model <- caret::train(x = trn[,(5:ncol(trn)-1)], y = as.factor(as.integer(as.factor(trn$class))),
method = "svmRadialSigma", metric="Accuracy", trainControl = tc, tuneGrid = svm.grid)
## Apply the models to data. It took my laptop 2 minutes to apply all three models
# Apply the neural network model to the Sentinel-2 data.
nnet_prediction = raster::predict(s2data, model=nnet_model)
# Apply the random forest model to the Sentinel-2 data
rf_prediction = raster::predict(s2data, model=rf_model)
# Apply the support vector machines model to the Sentinel-2 data
svm_prediction = raster::predict(s2data, model=svm_model)
# Convert the evaluation data into a spatial object using the X and Y coordinates and extract predicted values
eva.sp = SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = cbind(eva$x, eva$y), data = eva,
proj4string = crs("+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
## Superimpose evaluation points on the predicted classification and extract the values
# neural network
nnet_Eval = extract(nnet_prediction, eva.sp)
# random forest
rf_Eval = extract(rf_prediction, eva.sp)
# support vector machines
svm_Eval = extract((svm_prediction), eva.sp)
# Create an error matrix for each of the classifiers
nnet_errorM = confusionMatrix(as.factor(nnet_Eval),as.factor(eva$class)) # nnet is a poor classifier, so it will not capture all the classes
rf_errorM = confusionMatrix(as.factor(rf_Eval),as.factor(eva$class))
svm_errorM = confusionMatrix(as.factor(svm_Eval),as.factor(eva$class))
# Plot the results next to one another along with the 2018 NMD dataset for comparison
nmd2018 = raster("NMD_S2Small.tif") # load NMD dataset (Nationella Marktaeckedata, Swedish National Land Cover Dataset)
crs(nmd2018) <- crs(nnet_prediction) # Correct the coordinate reference system so it matches with the rest
rstack = stack(nmd2018, nnet_prediction, rf_prediction, svm_prediction) # combine the layers into one stack
names(rstack) = c("NMD 2018", "Single Layer Neural Network", "Random Forest", "Support Vector Machines") # name the stack
plot(rstack) # plot it!
# Congratulations! You conducted your first machine learning classification in R.
# Please cite the paper referred to at the beginning if you use any part of this script in a publication. Thank you! :-)
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what is your male id i am using this code but unable to run training model

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tadekoo commented Sep 17, 2022

I got some error while I try to name the layers of the Sentinel-2 stack as csv based on previously saved information.please help me!I"m looking forward for some solution.

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I am a new learner of ML in R. So, please forgive me if my question is silly.
When I run the lines 102-103 meant to "Convert the evaluation data into a spatial object using the X and Y coordinates and extract predicted values", I get the following error:

Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'obj' in selecting a method for function 'bbox': assignment of an object of class “character” is not valid for slot ‘proj4string’ in an object of class “Spatial”; is(value, "CRS") is not TRUE

Kindly help me to successfully run the full script so that I can move on to practice it with my dataset.

Thank you in advance

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