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Created May 22, 2013 14:37
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var net = require('net');
var util = require('util');
var events = require('events');
var Message = require('./message');
function Client() {
var self = this;;
self.on('raw', function(message) {
self.emit( message.command.toLowerCase(), message );
util.inherits( Client, events.EventEmitter );
Client.prototype.connect = function(name, channel) {
var self = this;
self.connection = net.connect({
host : '',
port : 6667,
}, function() {
self.connection.write(new Message( null, 'NICK', [name] ).toRaw());
self.connection.write(new Message( null, 'USER', [name, '0', '*', name] ).toRaw());
self.connection.write(new Message( null, 'JOIN', [channel] ).toRaw());
var buffer = '';
self.connection.on('data', function(data) {
buffer += data;
var lines = buffer.split("\r\n");
buffer = lines.pop();
lines.forEach( function(line) {
self.emit( 'raw', Message.parse( line ) )
var client = new Client();
client.connect('hakobe____', '#hakobe932');
client.on('privmsg', function(message) {
if (message.params[1] === 'time') {
new Message(
[ message.params[0], new Date().toString() ]
function Message(prefix, command, params) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.command = command;
this.params = params || []; // Array
Message.parse = function(raw) {
var m;
m = raw.match(/^(?::([^ ]+)[ ]+)?([^ ]+)(.*)/);
var prefix = m[1];
var command = m[2];
var rawParams = m[3];
m = rawParams.trim().match(/^(.*?)(?:^|\s+):(.*)$/);
var middle = (m ? m[1] : rawParams).trim();
var trailing = m ? m[2] : null;
var params = middle === '' ? [] : middle.split(' ');
if (trailing) {
return new Message( prefix, command, params );
Message.prototype.toRaw = function() {
var result = '';
if (this.prefix) {
result += ':' + this.prefix + ' ';
result += this.command + ' ';
var params = this.params.concat();
var trailing = params[ params.length - 1];
if (
typeof(trailing) !== 'undefined'
&& (trailing.match(/\s/) || trailing === '')
) {
params[ params.length - 1] = ':' + trailing;
result += params.join(' ');
result += "\r\n";
return result;
Message.prototype.parseUser = function() {
if (!this.prefix) { return; }
var m;
m = this.prefix.match(/^(\S+?)(?:!|$)/);
if (m) { this.nick = m[1]; }
m = this.prefix.match(/!(\S+?)(?:@|$)/);
if (m) { this.user = m[1]; }
m = this.prefix.match(/@(\S+)$/);
if (m) { = m[1]; }
Message.prototype.parseServer = function() {
if (!this.prefix) { return; }
if (/[!@]/.test(this.prefix)) { return; }
this.server = this.prefix;
module.exports = Message;
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