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Created September 12, 2018 23:47
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#if 1
#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <random>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
using i8 = int8_t; using i16 = int16_t; using i32 = int32_t; using i64 = int64_t; using u8 = uint8_t; using u16 = uint16_t; using u32 = uint32_t; using u64 = uint64_t; using f32 = float; using f64 = double;
template <class T> inline T sq(T a) { return a * a; }
template <class T> inline bool chmin(T& a, const T& b) { if (b < a) { a = b; return true; } return false; }
template <class T> inline bool chmax(T& a, const T& b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return true; } return false; }
void _u() { cerr << endl; } template <class H, class... T> void _u(H&& h, T&&... t) { cerr << h << ", "; _u(move(t)...); }
#define _polyfill(v) v
#define _overload3(a, b, c, d, ...) d
#define _rep3(i, a, b) for (i32 i = i32(a); i < i32(b); ++i)
#define _rep2(i, b) _rep3(i, 0, b)
#define _rep1(i) for (i32 i = 0; ; ++i)
#define rep(...) _polyfill(_overload3(__VA_ARGS__, _rep3, _rep2, _rep1)(__VA_ARGS__))
#define A(a) begin(a), end(a)
#define S(a) i32((a).size())
#define U(...) { cerr << #__VA_ARGS__ << ": "; _u(__VA_ARGS__); }
#define lin U(__LINE__)
#define exi exit(0);
class timer {
vector<timer> timers;
int n = 0;
double limit = 9.8;
double t = 0;
timer() {}
timer(int size) : timers(size) {}
bool elapses() const {
return time() - t > limit;
void measure() {
t = time() - t;
void measure(char id) {
void print() {
if (n % 2)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
if (timers[i].n)
cerr << (char)i << ' ' << timers[i].t << 's' << endl;
cerr << " " << t << 's' << endl;
static double time() {
#ifdef LOCAL
return __rdtsc() / 3.3e9;
unsigned long long a, d;
__asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
return (d << 32 | a) / 2.8e9;
} timer(128);
constexpr bool Deterministic = 0;
class rando {
unsigned y;
rando(unsigned y) : y(y) {}
unsigned next() {
return y ^= (y ^= (y ^= y << 13) >> 17) << 5;
int next(int b) {
return next() % b;
int next(int a, int b) {
return next(b - a) + a;
double nextDouble(double b = 1) {
return b * next() / 4294967296.0;
double nextDouble(double a, double b) {
return nextDouble(b - a) + a;
int operator() (int b) {
return next(b);
} rando(Deterministic ? 2463534242 : random_device()());
namespace Tercel
struct Vector {
double x;
double y;
bool operator==(const Vector& v) const
return (x == v.x && y == v.y);
bool operator<(const Vector& v) const
return x != v.x ? x < v.x : y < v.y;
struct Circle
Vector center;
double radius;
class Triangle {
const Vector* p1, * p2, * p3;
inline const Vector* getMinVertex() const
return *p1 < *p2 && *p1 < *p3 ? p1 : *p2 < *p3 ? p2 : p3;
inline const Vector* getMidVertex() const
return *p1 < *p2 && *p2 < *p3 || *p3 < *p2 && *p2 < *p1 ? p2 :
*p2 < *p3 && *p3 < *p1 || *p1 < *p3 && *p3 < *p2 ? p3 : p1;
inline const Vector* getMaxVertex() const
return *p2 < *p1 && *p3 < *p1 ? p1 : *p3 < *p2 ? p2 : p3;
bool operator==(const Triangle& t) const
return *p1 == *t.p1 && *p2 == *t.p2 && *p3 == *t.p3 ||
*p1 == *t.p2 && *p2 == *t.p3 && *p3 == *t.p1 ||
*p1 == *t.p3 && *p2 == *t.p1 && *p3 == *t.p2 ||
*p1 == *t.p3 && *p2 == *t.p2 && *p3 == *t.p1 ||
*p1 == *t.p2 && *p2 == *t.p1 && *p3 == *t.p3 ||
*p1 == *t.p1 && *p2 == *t.p3 && *p3 == *t.p2;
bool operator<(const Triangle& t) const
return !(*getMinVertex() == *t.getMinVertex()) ?
*getMinVertex() < *t.getMinVertex() :
!(*getMidVertex() == *t.getMidVertex()) ?
*getMidVertex() < *t.getMidVertex() :
*getMaxVertex() < *t.getMaxVertex();
bool hasCommonPoints(const Triangle& t) const
return *p1 == *t.p1 || *p1 == *t.p2 || *p1 == *t.p3 ||
*p2 == *t.p1 || *p2 == *t.p2 || *p2 == *t.p3 ||
*p3 == *t.p1 || *p3 == *t.p2 || *p3 == *t.p3;
class Delaunay2d
typedef const std::set<Vector> ConstVertexSet;
typedef ConstVertexSet::const_iterator ConstVertexIter;
typedef std::set<Triangle> TriangleSet;
typedef std::set<Triangle>::iterator TriangleIter;
typedef std::map<Triangle, bool> TriangleMap;
static inline void addElementToRedundanciesMap(TriangleMap* pRddcMap,
Triangle& t)
TriangleMap::iterator it = pRddcMap->find(t);
if(it != pRddcMap->end() && it->second)
pRddcMap->insert(TriangleMap::value_type(t, false));
pRddcMap->insert(TriangleMap::value_type(t, true));
static void getDelaunayTriangles(ConstVertexSet& pVertexSet,
TriangleSet* triangleSet)
Triangle hugeTriangle;
double maxX, maxY; maxX = maxY = -DBL_MAX;
double minX, minY; minX = minY = DBL_MAX;
for(ConstVertexIter it = pVertexSet.begin();
it != pVertexSet.end(); ++it)
double x = it->x;
double y = it->y;
if(maxX < x) maxX = x; if(minX > x) minX = x;
if(maxY < y) maxY = y; if(minY > y) minY = y;
double centerX = (maxX - minX) * 0.5;
double centerY = (maxY - minY) * 0.5;
double dX = maxX - centerX;
double dY = maxY - centerY;
double radius = sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY) + 1.0;
Vector* p1 = new Vector;
p1->x = centerX - sqrt(3.0) * radius;
p1->y = centerY - radius;
Vector* p2 = new Vector;
p2->x = centerX + sqrt(3.0) * radius;
p2->y = centerY - radius;
Vector* p3 = new Vector;
p3->x = centerX;
p3->y = centerY + 2.0 * radius;
hugeTriangle.p1 = p1;
hugeTriangle.p2 = p2;
hugeTriangle.p3 = p3;
for(ConstVertexIter vIter = pVertexSet.begin();
vIter != pVertexSet.end(); ++vIter)
const Vector* p = &*vIter;
TriangleMap rddcMap;
for(TriangleIter tIter = triangleSet->begin();
tIter != triangleSet->end();)
Triangle t = *tIter;
Circle c;
double x1 = t.p1->x; double y1 = t.p1->y;
double x2 = t.p2->x; double y2 = t.p2->y;
double x3 = t.p3->x; double y3 = t.p3->y;
double m = 2.0*((x2-x1)*(y3-y1)-(y2-y1)*(x3-x1));
double x = ((y3-y1)*(x2*x2-x1*x1+y2*y2-y1*y1)
double y = ((x1-x3)*(x2*x2-x1*x1+y2*y2-y1*y1)
+(x2-x1)*(x3*x3-x1*x1+y3*y3-y1*y1))/m; = x; = y;
double dx = t.p1->x - x;
double dy = t.p1->y - y;
double radius = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
c.radius = radius;
double dx = - p->x;
double dy = - p->y;
double dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if(dist < c.radius)
Triangle t1;
t1.p1 = p; t1.p2 = t.p1; t1.p3 = t.p2;
addElementToRedundanciesMap(&rddcMap, t1);
Triangle t2;
t2.p1 = p; t2.p2 = t.p2; t2.p3 = t.p3;
addElementToRedundanciesMap(&rddcMap, t2);
Triangle t3;
t3.p1 = p; t3.p2 = t.p3; t3.p3 = t.p1;
addElementToRedundanciesMap(&rddcMap, t3);
else ++tIter;
for(TriangleMap::iterator iter = rddcMap.begin();
iter != rddcMap.end(); ++iter)
if(iter->second) triangleSet->insert(iter->first);
for(TriangleIter tIter = triangleSet->begin();
tIter != triangleSet->end(); )
else ++tIter;
delete hugeTriangle.p1;
delete hugeTriangle.p2;
delete hugeTriangle.p3;
struct P {
i32 x, y;
struct HouseToHouse {
i32 from, to, size;
f64 distance;
vector<i32> path;
i32 rails;
f64 time;
struct Node {
i32 v;
f64 cost, dist;
f64 score;
bool operator < (const Node& o) const {
return score > o.score;
f64 RoadCost, RailCost;
vector<P> ps, ps2;
vector<i32> to;
i32 i2r[1024];
vector<array<i32, 2>> es;
vector<i32> esPerP[1024];
f64 distances[1024][1024];
f64 cost, dist;
f64 curr, best;
vector<HouseToHouse> h2hs, bh2hs;
vector<i32> kk[1024][1024];
vector<pair<i32, i32>> roads2;
vector<i8> isRails;
vector<f64> memo;
vector<i32> pre;
i32 ct[1024][1024];
vector<pair<f64, i32>> heap;
vector<Node> q;
vector<array<i32, 3>> roads;
inline pair<f64, f64> flip(i32 i) {
f64 costdiff = 0;
f64 distancediff = 0;
if (isRails[i]) {
costdiff = (RoadCost - RailCost) * distances[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second];
for (i32 j : kk[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second]) {
auto& h2h = h2hs[j];
distancediff -= sq(h2h.time / (h2h.rails ? 1 : 2)) * h2h.size;
h2h.time -= distances[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second] / 2;
h2h.time += distances[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second] * sq(1 + 0.02 * ct[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second]);
distancediff += sq(h2h.time / (h2h.rails ? 1 : 2)) * h2h.size;
} else {
costdiff = (RailCost - RoadCost) * distances[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second];
for (i32 j : kk[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second]) {
auto& h2h = h2hs[j];
distancediff -= sq(h2h.time / (h2h.rails ? 1 : 2)) * h2h.size;
h2h.time -= distances[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second] * sq(1 + 0.02 * ct[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second]);
h2h.time += distances[roads2[i].first][roads2[i].second] / 2;
distancediff += sq(h2h.time / (h2h.rails ? 1 : 2)) * h2h.size;
isRails[i] = !isRails[i];
return { costdiff, distancediff };
inline void hc() {
rep (i, S(h2hs)) {
auto& h2h = h2hs[i];
rep(j, 1, S(h2h.path)) {
roads2.emplace_back(min(h2h.path[j - 1], h2h.path[j]), max(h2h.path[j - 1], h2h.path[j]));
roads2.erase(unique(A(roads2)), roads2.end());
isRails.assign(S(roads2), 1);
f64 cost = RailCost * ::cost;
f64 dist = ::dist;
rep (i, S(h2hs)) {
auto& h2h = h2hs[i];
h2h.time = h2h.distance / 2;
h2h.rails = S(h2h.path) - 1;
curr = cost * sqrt(dist);
while (true) {
bool updated = false;
rep (i, S(roads2)) {
auto p = flip(i);
f64 next = (cost + p.first) * sqrt(dist + p.second);
if (curr > next) {
cost += p.first;
dist += p.second;
curr = next;
updated = true;
} else flip(i);
if (!updated) break;
if (best > curr) {
best = curr;
bh2hs = h2hs;
rep (i, S(roads)) {
roads[i][0] = i2r[roads2[i].first];
roads[i][1] = i2r[roads2[i].second];
roads[i][2] = isRails[i];
for (auto& p : roads2) {
i32 main() {
cin >> RoadCost >> RailCost;
vector<vector<i32>> a(100, vector<i32>(100, -1));
vector<vector<i32>> b(1000, vector<i32>(1000, 0));
vector<i32> i2i(1000);
to.assign(1000, 0);
rep (i, 1000) {
f64 fx, fy;
cin >> to[i] >> fx >> fy;
i32 x = i32(fx);
i32 y = i32(fy);
P p;
p.x = x;
p.y = y;
if (a[y][x] == -1) {
a[y][x] = S(ps);
i2r[a[y][x]] = S(ps2);
i2i[i] = a[y][x];
rep (i, 1000) {
i32 i1 = min(i2i[i], i2i[to[i]]);
i32 i2 = max(i2i[i], i2i[to[i]]);
if (i1 != i2) {
if (b[i1][i2] == 0) {
HouseToHouse h2h;
h2h.from = i1; = i2;
for (auto& h2h : h2hs) {
h2h.size = b[h2h.from][];
vector<i32> p2i(10000);
set<Tercel::Vector> vs;
set<Tercel::Triangle> ts;
rep (i, S(ps)) {
auto& p = ps[i];
p2i[p.y * 100 + p.x] = i;
Tercel::Vector v;
v.x = p.x;
v.y = p.y;
Tercel::Delaunay2d::getDelaunayTriangles(vs, &ts);
for (auto& t : ts) {
i32 i1 = p2i[i32(t.p1->y) * 100 + i32(t.p1->x)];
i32 i2 = p2i[i32(t.p2->y) * 100 + i32(t.p2->x)];
i32 i3 = p2i[i32(t.p3->y) * 100 + i32(t.p3->x)];
es.emplace_back(array<i32, 2>{ min(i1, i2), max(i1, i2) });
es.emplace_back(array<i32, 2>{ min(i1, i3), max(i1, i3) });
es.emplace_back(array<i32, 2>{ min(i2, i3), max(i2, i3) });
es.erase(unique(A(es)), es.end());
for (auto& e : es) {
rep (i, 1, S(ps)) {
rep (j, i) {
distances[i][j] = distances[j][i] = sqrt(sq(ps[i].x - ps[j].x) + sq(ps[i].y - ps[j].y));
best = 1e9;
while (true) {
random_shuffle(A(h2hs), rando);
cost = dist = 0;
memset(ct, 0, sizeof(ct));
for (auto& h2h : h2hs) {
h2h.distance = 0;
i32 la = -1;
rep (iter) {
f64 pt[32];
rep (i, 32) {
pt[i] = max(0.08, pow(iter == 0 ? 0.92 : iter == 1 ? 0.79 : 0.73, i));
rep (h, S(h2hs)) {
if (la == h) {
la = -1;
auto& h2h = h2hs[h];
curr = cost * sqrt(dist);
dist -= sq(h2h.distance / 2) * h2h.size;
rep (i, 1, S(h2h.path)) {
ct[h2h.path[i - 1]][h2h.path[i]] -= h2h.size;
ct[h2h.path[i]][h2h.path[i - 1]] -= h2h.size;
if (ct[h2h.path[i - 1]][h2h.path[i]] == 0) {
cost -= distances[h2h.path[i - 1]][h2h.path[i]];
memo.assign(1000, 1e9);
pre.assign(1000, -1);
heap.emplace_back(distances[h2h.from][] * 0.08, h2h.from);
memo[h2h.from] = distances[h2h.from][] * 0.08;
while (heap.size()) {
i32 c = heap[0].second;
f64 d = heap[0].first;
pop_heap(A(heap), greater<pair<f64, i32>>());
if (c == break;
if (memo[c] != d) continue;
d -= distances[][c] * 0.08;
for (i32 n : esPerP[c]) {
f64 nd = d + distances[c][n] * (ct[c][n] < 32 ? pt[ct[c][n]] : 0.08) + distances[][n] * 0.08;
if (memo[n] > nd) {
memo[n] = nd;
pre[n] = c;
heap.emplace_back(nd, n);
push_heap(A(heap), greater<pair<f64, i32>>());
h2h.distance = 0;
for (i32 i = pre[]; i != -1; i = pre[i]) {
if (ct[h2h.path.back()][i] == 0) {
cost += distances[h2h.path.back()][i];
h2h.distance += distances[h2h.path.back()][i];
ct[h2h.path.back()][i] += h2h.size;
ct[i][h2h.path.back()] += h2h.size;
dist += sq(h2h.distance / 2) * h2h.size;
if (abs(curr - cost * sqrt(dist)) > 1e-9) {
la = h;
if (la == -1 || timer.elapses()) break;
if (timer.elapses()) break;
for (auto& h2h : h2hs) {
dist -= sq(h2h.distance / 2) * h2h.size;
rep (i, 1, S(h2h.path)) {
ct[h2h.path[i - 1]][h2h.path[i]] -= h2h.size;
ct[h2h.path[i]][h2h.path[i - 1]] -= h2h.size;
if (ct[h2h.path[i - 1]][h2h.path[i]] == 0) {
cost -= distances[h2h.path[i - 1]][h2h.path[i]];
memo.assign(1000, 1e9);
pre.assign(1000, -1);
q.back().v = h2h.from;
q.back().cost = q.back().dist = 0;
memo[h2h.from] = q.back().score = cost * sqrt(dist + sq(distances[h2h.from][] / 2) * h2h.size);
while (q.size()) {
auto n = q[0];
if (n.v == {
cost += n.cost;
dist += sq(n.dist / 2) * h2h.size;
if (memo[n.v] != n.score) continue;
for (i32 ne : esPerP[n.v]) {
f64 co = n.cost + (ct[n.v][ne] ? 0 : distances[n.v][ne]);
f64 di = n.dist + distances[n.v][ne];
f64 score = (cost + co) * sqrt(dist + sq((di + distances[][ne]) / 2) * h2h.size);
if (memo[ne] > score) {
memo[ne] = score;
pre[ne] = n.v;
q.back().cost = co;
q.back().dist = di;
q.back().score = score;
q.back().v = ne;
h2h.distance = 0;
for (i32 i = pre[]; i != -1; i = pre[i]) {
ct[h2h.path.back()][i] += h2h.size;
ct[i][h2h.path.back()] += h2h.size;
h2h.distance += distances[h2h.path.back()][i];
h2hs = bh2hs;
rep (i, 1, 1000) {
rep (j, i) {
auto& p1 = ps2[i];
auto& p2 = ps2[j];
if (p1.x == p2.x && p1.y == p2.y) {
array<i32, 3> q;
q[0] = j;
q[1] = i;
q[2] = 0;
cout << 0 << endl;
cout << roads.size() << endl;
for (auto& r : roads) {
cout << r[0] << ' ' << r[1] << ' ' << r[2] << endl;
vector<i32> a;
rep (i, 1000) {
i32 be = -1, en = -1;
rep (j, S(ps)) {
if (be == -1 && ps[j].x == ps2[i].x && ps[j].y == ps2[i].y) {
be = j;
if (en == -1 && ps[j].x == ps2[to[i]].x && ps[j].y == ps2[to[i]].y) {
en = j;
rep (j, S(h2hs)) {
auto& h2h = h2hs[j];
if (h2h.from == be && == en) {
for (auto& p : h2h.path) {
} else if (h2h.from == en && == be) {
for (auto& p : h2h.path) {
if (a[0] != i) a.insert(a.begin(), i);
if (a.back() != to[i]) a.emplace_back(to[i]);
cout << a.size();
for (i32 j : a) cout << ' ' << j;
cout << endl;
return 0;
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