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Last active October 12, 2019 04:20
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contentView v2
// ContentView.swift
// SwiftUI Chat
// Created by Nick Halavins on 6/7/19. Updated 10/11/19
// Copyright © 2019 AntiLand. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
// let's create a structure that will represent each message in chat
struct ChatMessage : Hashable {
var message: String
var avatar: String
var color: Color
// isMe will be true if We sent the message
var isMe: Bool = false
// ChatRow will be a view similar to a Cell in standard Swift
struct ChatRow : View {
// we will need to access and represent the chatMessages here
var chatMessage: ChatMessage
// body - is the body of the view, just like the body of the first view we created when opened the project
var body: some View {
// HStack - is a horizontal stack. We let the SwiftUI know that we need to place
// all the following contents horizontally one after another
Group {
if !chatMessage.isMe {
HStack {
Group {
} else {
HStack {
Group {
struct ContentView : View {
// @State here is necessary to make the composedMessage variable accessible from different views
@State var composedMessage: String = ""
@EnvironmentObject var chatController: ChatController
var body: some View {
// the VStack is a vertical stack where we place all our substacks like the List and the TextField
VStack {
// I've removed the text line from here and replaced it with a list
// List is the way you should create any list in SwiftUI
List {
// we have several messages so we use the For Loop
ForEach(chatController.messages, id: \.self) { msg in
ChatRow(chatMessage: msg)
// TextField are aligned with the Send Button in the same line so we put them in HStack
HStack {
// this textField generates the value for the composedMessage @State var
TextField("Message...", text: $composedMessage).frame(minHeight: CGFloat(30))
// the button triggers the sendMessage() function written in the end of current View
Button(action: sendMessage) {
}.frame(minHeight: CGFloat(50)).padding()
// that's the height of the HStack
func sendMessage() {
chatController.sendMessage(ChatMessage(message: composedMessage, avatar: "C", color: .green, isMe: true))
composedMessage = ""
struct ContentView_Previews : PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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Updated Oct 11, 2019

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