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Last active June 15, 2017 16:20
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ansible - example of getting snapshot_ids from ami_find results for tagging
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: False
connection: local
# don't need these with the power of jmespath
# snapshot_ids: []
# I'm not actually running ami_find, i just happen to have a json file handy
- set_fact:
ami_find_results: "{{ lookup('file', '01_foo.json') | from_json }}"
- debug:
var: ami_find_results
# little bit of json query + with_items
#- set_fact:
# snapshot_ids: "{{ snapshot_ids|union(item|json_query('block_device_mapping.*.snapshot_id')|list) }}"
# with_items: "{{ ami_find_results }}"
# or just use the full power of json_query, which we need to sum at the end to flatten
# might be able to remove that too if jmespath is tweaked
# what this is actually doing (see and other docs for full info)
# [] - the top level of ami_find_results is a list
# .block_device_mapping - pretty obvious, access the block_device_mapping key per list item
# .* - wildcard
# .snapshot_id - find the snapshot_id
# sum(start=[]), jinja way of flattening lists. needed because we get a list of snapshot_ids per item in the results
- set_fact:
snapshot_ids: "{{ ami_find_results|json_query('[].block_device_mapping.*.snapshot_id')|sum(start=[]) }}"
- debug:
var: snapshot_ids
"ami_id": "abc123",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"block_device_mapping": {
"/dev/sda1": {
"delete_on_termination": true,
"encrypted": true,
"size": 40,
"snapshot_id": "snap-abc123",
"volume_type": "gp2"
"/dev/sdb": {
"delete_on_termination": true,
"encrypted": true,
"size": 50,
"snapshot_id": "snap-efg123",
"volume_type": "gp2"
"/dev/sdc": {
"delete_on_termination": true,
"encrypted": true,
"size": 50,
"snapshot_id": "snap-hij123",
"volume_type": "gp2"
"description": "redacted",
"hypervisor": "xen",
"is_public": false,
"location": "redacted",
"name": "redactedl",
"owner_id": "redacted",
"platform": null,
"root_device_name": "/dev/sda1",
"root_device_type": "ebs",
"state": "available",
"tags": {
"Name": "redacted"
"virtualization_type": "hvm"
"ami_id": "efg123",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"block_device_mapping": {
"/dev/sda1": {
"delete_on_termination": true,
"encrypted": true,
"size": 40,
"snapshot_id": "blahblah",
"volume_type": "gp2"
"/dev/sdb": {
"delete_on_termination": true,
"encrypted": true,
"size": 50,
"snapshot_id": "blahblah123",
"volume_type": "gp2"
"/dev/sdc": {
"delete_on_termination": true,
"encrypted": true,
"size": 50,
"snapshot_id": "blahblah456",
"volume_type": "gp2"
"/dev/sdd": {
"delete_on_termination": true,
"encrypted": true,
"size": 8,
"snapshot_id": "blahblah789",
"volume_type": "gp2"
"description": "redacted",
"hypervisor": "xen",
"is_public": false,
"location": "redacted",
"name": "redacted",
"owner_id": "redacted",
"platform": null,
"root_device_name": "/dev/sda1",
"root_device_type": "ebs",
"state": "available",
"tags": {
"Name": "redacted"
"virtualization_type": "hvm"
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"snapshot_ids": [
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
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