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Last active February 2, 2016 18:01
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A dead simple reactive library
* # r
* ## `r`
* (_ -> a) -> a
* _`fn`_ - a function that uses a property of `r`
* If the function is asynchronous, it has to return a Promise.
* `fn` is executed imidiatly once and then every time a property
* of `r` changes that was used inside `fn` at the first time it
* was executed. `r(fn)` returns the return value of `fn`. These
* Functions may be asyncronous, they cannot be registered
* concurrently. Later asyncronous functions will be executed
* concurrently, but due to the simplistic design of the
* function registration process, they cant on the first time
* are run. So when you do register multiple asyncronous functions
* in sequence, that should be done using a chain of promises.
* ## `r.__proto__`
* The prototype of `r` is the proxy which controlls the dataflow.
* ## `r.`
* All other properties may be used to save reactive values.
module.exports = (init = {}) => {
// The recorder is used when a reactive function is run for
// the first time. During that run, the names of all properties
// wich are read from the proxy (r.prototype) will be stored
// inside the recorder array.
let recorder = null
// ---------- HELPERS ----------
const isPromise = Promise.prototype.isPrototypeOf
// To guard against infinite loops every function gets an id.
// When a property is set within a reactive function, only the
// denpendants with ids not currently in `running` are run.
const id = (() => {
let curr = 0
return () => ++curr
// --------- /HELPERS ----------
const running = (() => {
// When a reactive function is running, its ID is pushed to this
// array. When the run is done, it is removed again.
let running = []
return [
rf => {
// Register `rf` as running and save the index in `i`
const i = running.push(rf[0])
let clean = _ => running = running.splice(i, 1)
// For `i` to be save, the `run` can never fail.
// AFAIK the way I implemented this, that's the case.
// `running` may change while the reactive function is run.
// But because the running array can only be accesed by
// this function it's save to assume, that the ids that were
// added while the reactive function was run, are now gone.
if(rf[2]) {
} else {
rf => running.indexOf(rf[0]) === -1
// Pushed the id of `rf` to `running` which is protected by a
// closure.
const run = running[0]
// Checks if the id of the reactive function that is passed, is
// inside the protected `running` array.
const notRunning = running[1]
// Stores dependencies `{ propA: [[34, fn1], [47, fn2]] }`
const store = {}
// Holds default values `{ propA: default }`.
// The default value is used when the property has been deleted.
// This guarantees a certain safety.
const cache = {}
// This is used as the prototype of the object that is returned.
// Using this method I can have the returned object be a function
// and an object at the same time.
const proxy = new Proxy (init, {
get (target, property, reciever) {
// If a recoring is beein made, push the property name to it.
if(recorder) recorder.push(property)
return (
property in target
? target[property]
// If the property doesn't exist use the cache
: cache[property]
set (target, property, value, reciever) {
// Set the property
target[property] = value
// If cached yet, cache it.
if(!cache[property]) cache[property] = value
// Run all reactive functions using `run`
;(store[property] || []).filter(notRunning).forEach(run)
// Always return true
return true
// Runs a reactive function, records it's dependencies and
// registers them inside store
const register = fn => {
// Generate the id for the function
const rf = [id(), fn]
// Register deps and clear recorder
const clean = (isPromise) => {
// Remove duplicates from `recoder`
.reduce((mem, el) => mem.indexOf(el) > -1
? mem
: mem.concat(el),
// Loop over the remaining recoderd property names
.forEach(el => {
// Register the dependants with their ids
store[el] = store[el]
? store[el].concat([rf])
: [rf]
// Clear the recorder
recorder = null
// Initialize the recoreder
recorder = []
// Run the reactive function
let ret = fn()
// When the function returns a promise, register it as such
if(isPromise(ret)) {
.then(_ => clean(true))
.catch(_ => clean(true))
} else {
return ret
// The exported function
const r = x => {
// Register `x` if it's a function
if(typeof x === 'function') {
return register(x)
} else {
throw new Error('What? Why? What is this?')
r.__proto__ = proxy
return r
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