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Created August 15, 2011 11:26
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import scalaz._
import effects._
import Scalaz._
val i = for {
_ <- putStrLn("Greetings! What is your name?")
inpStr <- readLn
outStr = "Welcome to Scalaz, " |+| inpStr |+| "!"
_ <- putStrLn(outStr)
} yield ()
val i2 = putStrLn("Greetings! What is your name?") >|> readLn >>= { inpStr =>
val outStr = "Welcome to Scalaz, " |+| inpStr |+| "!"
val i3 = for {
v <- newIORef("Scala")
_ <- v.write("Clojure")
_ <- v.mod(_ |+| "Tan")
s <-
_ <- putStrLn(s)
} yield ()
import scalaz._
import effects._
import Scalaz._
import IterV._
val file = new"test.txt")
val file2 = new"test2.txt")
val i = for {
s <- for {
f <- getFileLines(file)(collect[String, List])
} yield
outStr = s.mkString("\n")
_ <- putStrLn(outStr)
} yield ()
val i2 = for {
s <- for {
f <- getFileLines(file)(length)
f2 <- getFileLines(file2)(f)
} yield
_ <- putOut(s)
} yield ()
import scalaz._
import effects._
import Scalaz._
val f = new Forall[({type X[S] = ST[S, String]})#X] {
def apply[A] = for {
v <- newVar[A, String]("Scala")
_ <- v.mod(_ |+| "Chan")
s <-
} yield s
val f2 = new Forall[({type X[S] = ST[S, ImmutableArray[String]]})#X] {
def apply[A] = for {
v <- newArr[A, String](5, "Scala")
_ <- v.write(1, "Clojure")
_ <- v.write(2, "Haskell")
_ <- v.write(3, "Python")
_ <- v.write(4, "JRuby")
a <- v.freeze
} yield a
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