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package monadicDC
import scala.annotation.tailrec
enum Equal[A, B] {
case EQ[A]() extends Equal[A, A]
case NE()
opaque type Prompt[A] = Int
object Prompt {
enum P[Ans] {
case Done(value: Ans)
case More[Ans, A](k: Prompt[A] => P[Ans]) extends P[Ans]
def run: Ans = {
@tailrec def go(n: Int, p: P[Ans]): Ans =
p match {
case Done(a) => a
case More(k) => go(n + 1, k(n))
go(0, this)
extension [A](self: Prompt[A]) {
def abort[B](e: CC[A]): CC[B] = withSubCont(_ => e)
def withSubCont[B](f: SubCont[B, A] => CC[A]): CC[B] = CC.WithSubCont(self, f)
def control[B](f: SubCont[B, A] => CC[A]): CC[B] =
withSubCont(k => pushPrompt(self)(f(k)))
def shift[B](f: SubCont[B, A] => CC[A]): CC[B] =
withSubCont(k => pushPrompt(self)(f(k ++ SubCont.PushPrompt(self))))
def ===[B](that: Prompt[B]): Equal[A, B] =
if (self == that) Equal.EQ().asInstanceOf[Equal[A, B]] else Equal.NE()
enum Frame[A, B] {
case Leaf(value: A => CC[B])
case Node[A, B, C](left: Frame[A, B], right: Frame[B, C]) extends Frame[A, C]
def :+[C](f: B => CC[C]): Frame[A, C] = Node(this, Leaf(f))
def ++[C](that: Frame[B, C]): Frame[A, C] = Node(this, that)
def apply(a: A): CC[B] = {
@tailrec def go[A](frame: Frame[A, B], a: A): CC[B] =
frame match {
case Leaf(f) => f(a)
case Node(Leaf(f), r) => CC.FlatMap(f(a), r)
case Node(Node(ll, lr), r) => go(Node(ll, Node(lr, r)), a)
go(this, a)
enum Cont[Ans, A] {
case Empty[Ans]() extends Cont[Ans, Ans]
case PushPrompt(prompt: Prompt[A], cont: Cont[Ans, A]) extends Cont[Ans, A]
case PushFrame[Ans, A, B](frame: Frame[A, B], cont: Cont[Ans, B]) extends Cont[Ans, A]
def split[B](prompt: Prompt[B]): (SubCont[A, B], Cont[Ans, B]) =
this match {
case Empty() => throw new NoSuchElementException("Prompt was not found on the stack")
case PushPrompt(p, k) => p === prompt match {
case Equal.EQ() => (SubCont.Empty(), k)
case Equal.NE() => k.split(prompt) match {
case (sk, k) => (SubCont.PushPrompt(p) ++ sk, k)
case PushFrame(frame, k) => k.split(prompt) match {
case (sk, k) => (SubCont.PushFrame(frame) ++ sk, k)
def pushFrame[B](frame: Frame[B, A]): Cont[Ans, B] =
this match {
case PushFrame(f, k) => PushFrame(frame ++ f, k)
case _ => PushFrame(frame, this)
def pushSubCont[B](sk: SubCont[B, A]): Cont[Ans, B] = {
@tailrec def go[A](sk: SubCont[B, A], k: Cont[Ans, A]): Cont[Ans, B] =
sk match {
case SubCont.Empty() => k
case SubCont.PushPrompt(p) => Cont.PushPrompt(p, k)
case SubCont.PushFrame(f) => Cont.PushFrame(f, k)
case SubCont.Append(l, SubCont.Empty()) => go(l, k)
case SubCont.Append(l, SubCont.PushPrompt(p)) => go(l, Cont.PushPrompt(p, k))
case SubCont.Append(l, SubCont.PushFrame(f)) => go(l, Cont.PushFrame(f, k))
case SubCont.Append(l, SubCont.Append(rl, rr)) => go(SubCont.Append(SubCont.Append(l, rl), rr), k)
go(sk, this)
final def apply(a: A): Prompt.P[Ans] =
this match {
case Empty() => Prompt.P.Done(a)
case PushPrompt(_, k) => k(a)
case PushFrame(f, k) => f(a)(k)
enum SubCont[A, B] {
case Empty[A]() extends SubCont[A, A]
case PushPrompt[A](prompt: Prompt[A]) extends SubCont[A, A]
case PushFrame(frame: Frame[A, B])
case Append[A, B, C](f: SubCont[A, B], g: SubCont[B, C]) extends SubCont[A, C]
def ++[C](that: SubCont[B, C]): SubCont[A, C] = Append(this, that)
def apply(e: CC[A]): CC[B] = CC.PushSubCont(this, e)
def apply(a: A): CC[B] = CC.PushSubCont(this, CC.Pure(a))
enum CC[A] {
case Pure(value: A)
case NewPrompt[A]() extends CC[Prompt[A]]
case PushPrompt(prompt: Prompt[A], e: CC[A])
case PushSubCont[A, B](sk: SubCont[A, B], e: CC[A]) extends CC[B]
case WithSubCont[A, B](p: Prompt[A], f: SubCont[B, A] => CC[A]) extends CC[B]
case FlatMap[A, B](e: CC[A], frame: Frame[A, B]) extends CC[B]
def apply[Ans](k: Cont[Ans, A]): Prompt.P[Ans] = {
@tailrec def go[A](e: CC[A], k: Cont[Ans, A]): Prompt.P[Ans] = e match {
case Pure(a) => k(a)
case _: NewPrompt[a] => Prompt.P.More[Ans, a](p => k(p))
case PushPrompt(p, e) => go(e, Cont.PushPrompt(p, k))
case PushSubCont(sk, e) => go(e, k.pushSubCont(sk))
case WithSubCont(p, f) => k.split(p) match {
case (sk, k) => go(f(sk), k)
case FlatMap(e, f) => go(e, k.pushFrame(f))
go(this, k)
def map[B](f: A => B): CC[B] = flatMap(a => Pure(f(a)))
def flatMap[B](f: A => CC[B]): CC[B] =
this match {
case Pure(a) => f(a)
case FlatMap(e, fs) => FlatMap(e, fs :+ f)
case _ => FlatMap(this, Frame.Leaf(f))
def ap[B](f: CC[A => B]): CC[B] = flatMap(a =>
def zipWith[B, C](that: CC[B])(f: (A, B) => C): CC[C] = ap( => a => f(a, b)))
def run: A = this match {
case Pure(a) => a
case _ => this(Cont.Empty()).run
object CC {
def apply[A](a: A): CC[A] = Pure(a)
def newPrompt[A]: CC[Prompt[A]] = CC.NewPrompt()
def pushPrompt[A](p: Prompt[A])(e: CC[A]): CC[A] = CC.PushPrompt(p, e)
def reset[A](f: Prompt[A] => CC[A]): CC[A] = newPrompt[A].flatMap(p => pushPrompt(p)(f(p)))
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