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Last active February 3, 2017 23:59
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extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;
enum ParseResult<T> {
Success { result: T, next: String },
impl<T> ParseResult<T> {
fn flat_map<R, F>(self, f: F) -> ParseResult<R> where F: FnOnce(T, String) -> ParseResult<R> {
match self {
ParseResult::Failure => ParseResult::Failure,
ParseResult::Success { result, next } => f(result, next)
fn map<R, F>(self, f: F) -> ParseResult<R> where F: FnOnce(T) -> R {
self.flat_map(|result, next| ParseResult::Success {
result: f(result),
next: next
fn seq<R>(self, that: R) -> ParseResult<R> {|_| that)
fn or<F>(self, that: F) -> ParseResult<T> where F: FnOnce() -> ParseResult<T> {
match self {
ParseResult::Failure => that(),
ParseResult::Success { result, next } => ParseResult::Success { result: result, next: next }
fn rep<R, F>(input: String, f: F) -> ParseResult<Vec<R>> where F: Fn(String) -> ParseResult<R> {
let mut results = Vec::new();
let mut next_input = input;
loop {
match f(next_input.clone()) {
ParseResult::Failure => break,
ParseResult::Success { result, next } => {
next_input = next;
ParseResult::Success { result: results, next: next_input }
fn parse_string(expected: &str, input: String) -> ParseResult<String> {
if expected.len() <= input.len() {
let (actual, rest) = input.split_at(expected.len());
if actual == expected {
ParseResult::Success {
result: String::from(actual),
next: String::from(rest)
} else {
} else {
fn parse_regex(regex: Regex, input: String) -> ParseResult<String> {
match regex.captures(input.as_str()) {
None => ParseResult::Failure,
Some(captures) => match {
None => ParseResult::Failure,
Some(capture) => ParseResult::Success {
result: String::from(capture),
next: String::from(&input[capture.len()..])
enum AST {
Exp(Box<AST>, Vec<Op>),
impl AST {
fn app(self, ops: Vec<Op>) -> AST {
if ops.is_empty() {
} else {
AST::Exp(Box::new(self), ops)
fn eval(self) -> i32 {
match self {
AST::Num(value) => value,
AST::Exp(lhs, ops) => {
let mut value = lhs.eval();
for op in ops {
value = op.eval(value)
enum Op {
impl Op {
fn eval(self, lhs: i32) -> i32 {
match self {
Op::Add(ast) => lhs + ast.eval(),
Op::Sub(ast) => lhs - ast.eval(),
Op::Mul(ast) => lhs * ast.eval(),
Op::Div(ast) => lhs / ast.eval(),
fn parse_expr(input: String) -> ParseResult<AST> {
parse_term(input).flat_map(|result, next| {
rep(next, |input| {
parse_add(input.clone()).or(|| parse_sub(input))
fn parse_add(input: String) -> ParseResult<Op> {
parse_string("+", input).flat_map(|_, next| {
parse_term(next).map(|result| Op::Add(Box::new(result)))
fn parse_sub(input: String) -> ParseResult<Op> {
parse_string("-", input).flat_map(|_, next| {
parse_term(next).map(|result| Op::Sub(Box::new(result)))
fn parse_term(input: String) -> ParseResult<AST> {
parse_factor(input).flat_map(|result, next| {
rep(next, |input| {
parse_mul(input.clone()).or(|| parse_div(input))
fn parse_mul(input: String) -> ParseResult<Op> {
parse_string("*", input).flat_map(|_, next| {
parse_factor(next).map(|result| Op::Mul(Box::new(result)))
fn parse_div(input: String) -> ParseResult<Op> {
parse_string("/", input).flat_map(|_, next| {
parse_factor(next).map(|result| Op::Div(Box::new(result)))
fn parse_factor(input: String) -> ParseResult<AST> {
parse_num(input.clone()).or(|| parse_parentheses(input))
fn parse_num(input: String) -> ParseResult<AST> {
parse_regex(Regex::new(r"^\d+").unwrap(), input).flat_map(|result, next| {
match result.as_str().parse() {
Ok(n) => ParseResult::Success { result: AST::Num(n), next: next },
Err(_) => ParseResult::Failure
fn parse_parentheses(input: String) -> ParseResult<AST> {
parse_string("(", input).flat_map(|_, next| {
parse_expr(next).flat_map(|result, next| {
parse_string(")", next).seq(result)
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", parse_expr(String::from("1*2*(3-4)*5+6*7+8*9")).map(|ast| ast.eval())); // => 104
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