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Created December 26, 2015 02:49
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import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed abstract class Queue[U <: Union, -A, +B] {
def apply(a: A): Free[U, B] = {
def go(tpe: { type T })(arrows: Queue[U, tpe.T, B], value: tpe.T): Free[U, B] =
arrows.view match {
case One(f) => f(value)
case cons@Cons() =>
cons.head(value) match {
case Pure(value) => go(new { type T = cons.T })(cons.tail, value)
case impure@Impure() => Impure(impure.union, impure.arrows ++ cons.tail)
go(new { type T = A })(this, a)
def :+[C](f: B => Free[U, C]): Queue[U, A, C] = Node(this, Leaf(f))
def ++[C](that: Queue[U, B, C]): Queue[U, A, C] = Node(this, that)
def view: View[U, A, B]
case class Leaf[U <: Union, A, B](arrow: A => Free[U, B]) extends Queue[U, A, B] {
lazy val view: View[U, A, B] = One(arrow)
sealed abstract case class Node[U <: Union, A, B]() extends Queue[U, A, B] { self =>
type T
def left: Queue[U, A, T]
def right: Queue[U, T, B]
lazy val view: View[U, A, B] = {
def go[U <: Union, A, B](tpe: { type T })(left: Queue[U, A, tpe.T], right: Queue[U, tpe.T, B]): View[U, A, B] =
left match {
case Leaf(value) => Cons(value, right)
case node@Node() => go[U, A, B](new { type T = node.T })(node.left, Node(node.right, right))
go(new { type T = self.T })(left, right)
object Node {
def apply[U <: Union, A, B, C](f: Queue[U, A, B], g: Queue[U, B, C]): Node[U, A, C] { type T = B } =
new Node[U, A, C] {
type T = B
val left: Queue[U, A, B] = f
val right: Queue[U, B, C] = g
sealed abstract class View[U <: Union, -A, +B]
case class One[U <: Union, A, B](arrow: A => Free[U, B]) extends View[U, A, B]
sealed abstract case class Cons[U <: Union, A, B]() extends View[U, A, B] {
type T
def head: A => Free[U, T]
def tail: Queue[U, T, B]
object Cons {
def apply[U <: Union, A, B, C](h: A => Free[U, B], t: Queue[U, B, C]): Cons[U, A, C] { type T = B } =
new Cons[U, A, C] {
type T = B
val head: A => Free[U, B] = h
val tail: Queue[U, B, C] = t
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