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Last active December 18, 2021 16:32
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#r "nuget: MathNet.Numerics.FSharp"
#r "nuget: Expecto"
#r "nuget: Expecto.FsCheck"
module BigInteger =
open System
open MathNet.Numerics
let fromInt (x : int) = bigint(x)
let toInt (x : bigint) = int x
module Set =
open System
open MathNet.Numerics
let calc op (s1 : Set<_>) (s2 : Set<_>) =
Seq.allPairs s1 s2
|> (fun (x1, x2) -> x1 |> op <| x2)
|> Set.ofSeq
let gcd (xs : bigint seq) =
Euclid.GreatestCommonDivisor(xs |> Array.ofSeq)
let lcm (xs : bigint seq) =
Euclid.LeastCommonMultiple(xs |> Array.ofSeq)
module Types =
open System
open MathNet.Numerics
/// The minimal value in
/// a `Range`. Can be inclusive
/// or exclusive.
type Minimum =
| MinIncl of BigRational
| MinExcl of BigRational
/// The maximum value in
/// a `Range`. Can be inclusive
/// or exclusive.
type Maximum =
| MaxIncl of BigRational
| MaxExcl of BigRational
type Range =
Minimum : Minimum option
Multiples : bigint Set
Delta : BigRational option
Maximum : Maximum option
type Operators =
| Mult
| Div
| Add
| Subtr
module Operator =
open Types
let inline getOp op =
match op with
| Mult -> (*)
| Div -> (/)
| Add -> (+)
| Subtr -> (-)
module Range =
open System
open MathNet.Numerics
open Types
let isBetween min max x =
match min, max with
| Some (MinIncl min), Some (MaxIncl max) -> min >= x && x <= max
| Some (MinIncl min), Some (MaxExcl max) -> min >= x && x < max
| Some (MinExcl min), Some (MaxIncl max) -> min > x && x <= max
| Some (MinExcl min), Some (MaxExcl max) -> min > x && x < max
| Some (MinIncl min), None -> min >= x
| Some (MinExcl min), None -> min > x
| None, Some (MaxExcl max) -> x < max
| None, Some (MaxIncl max) -> x <= max
| None, None -> true
let create min max delta mults =
Minimum = min
Multiples =
match delta with
| Some d ->
|> Seq.filter (fun x ->
|> BigRational.FromBigInt
|> ((*) d)
|> isBetween min max
|> Set.ofSeq
| None -> Set.empty
Delta = delta
Maximum = max
let createFromIntMultiples delta mults =
|> BigInteger.fromInt
|> Set.ofSeq
|> create None None (Some delta)
let unrestricted = create None None None Set.empty
let toSet (r : Range) =
match r.Delta with
| None -> Set.empty
| Some d ->
|> BigRational.FromBigInt
|> ((*) d)
let scale up range n =
match range.Delta with
| None -> range
| Some d ->
range with
Multiples =
|> (fun x ->
if up then x * n else x / n
Delta =
let n = n |> BigRational.FromBigInt
if up then d / n else d * n
|> Some
let scaleUp = scale true
let scaleDown = scale false
/// filters out all r2 multiples that
/// cannot divide any of the r1 multiples
let nonDivisible r1 r2 =
|> Set.filter (fun m2 ->
|> Set.exists (fun m1 -> m1 % m2 = 0I)
|> not
let intersectWith r2 r1 =
r2 with
Multiples =
if r2.Multiples |> Set.isEmpty then r1.Multiples
|> Set.intersect r2.Multiples
Delta =
if r2.Delta |> Option.isNone then r1.Delta
// should check the same as r1
let calc op (r3 : Range) (r1 : Range) (r2 : Range) =
// scale r1 if division to make it
// divisible by r2
let r1 =
if op <> Div then r1
nonDivisible r1 r2
|> Set.lcm
|> scaleUp r1
match r1.Delta, r2.Delta with
| Some d1, Some d2 ->
let delta =
match op with
| Add | Subtr _ when d1 = d2 -> d2
| Mult | Div ->
d1 |> (op |> Operator.getOp) <| d2
| _ ->
failwith (sprintf "cannot process")
let between x =
match r3.Delta with
| None -> true
| Some d ->
|> BigRational.FromBigInt
|> ((*) d)
|> isBetween r3.Minimum r3.Maximum
Minimum = r3.Minimum
Multiples =
set [
for x1 in r1.Multiples do
for x2 in r2.Multiples do
match op with
| Mult -> x1 * x2
| Div -> if x1 % x2 = 0I then x1 / x2
| Add -> x1 + x2
| Subtr -> if x1 - x2 > 0I then x1 - x2
|> Set.filter between
Delta = Some delta
Maximum = r3.Maximum
|> intersectWith r3
| _ ->
// Need to do min max calculations
failwith "not implemented yet"
let multiply = calc Mult
let divide = calc Div
let add = calc Add
let subtr = calc Subtr
open System
open MathNet.Numerics
open Types
let testRange op r1Multiples r1Delta r2Multiples r2Delta =
let r1 = r1Multiples |> BigInteger.fromInt |> Range.create None None (Some r1Delta)
let r2 = r2Multiples |> BigInteger.fromInt |> Range.create None None (Some r2Delta)
// r3 = r1 op r2
let r3 = Range.calc op Range.unrestricted r1 r2
let s1 = r1 |> Range.toSet
let s2 = r2 |> Range.toSet
let s3 =
let s3 = Set.calc (op |> Operator.getOp) s1 s2
match op with
| Div ->
// assume div is also discreet
let d = r1Delta / r2Delta
|> Set.filter (fun x ->
(x / d).Denominator = 1I
| Subtr ->
// negative values not allowed
|> Set.filter (fun x -> x > 0N)
| _ -> s3
if r3 |> Range.toSet = s3 then printfn "pass set test"
printfn "failed set test"
printfn "== Actual"
|> Range.toSet
|> Seq.iteri (fun i x ->
printfn $"{i}. {x}"
printfn "== Expected"
|> Seq.iteri (fun i x ->
printfn $"{i}. {x}"
let test s act exp =
printfn "test: %s" s
if act.Delta= exp.Delta then printfn "pass delta test"
printfn "failed delta test"
printfn "== Actual"
printfn $"{act.Delta}"
printfn "== Expected"
printfn $"{exp.Delta}"
if exp.Multiples
|> Seq.forall (fun x -> act.Multiples |> Seq.exists ((=) x)) then
printfn "pass multiples test"
printfn "failed multiples test"
printfn "== Actual"
|> Seq.iteri (fun i x ->
printfn $"{i}. {x}"
printfn "== Expected"
|> Seq.iteri (fun i x ->
printfn $"{i}. {x}"
match op with
| Mult ->
// r3 = r1 * r2
// r1 = r3 / r2
test "r1 = r3 / r2" (Range.calc Div r1 r3 r2) r1
// r2 = r3 / r1
test "r2 = r3 / r1" (Range.calc Div r2 r3 r1) r2
| Div ->
// r3 = r1 / r2
// r1 = r3 * r2
test "r1 = r3 * r2" (Range.calc Mult r1 r3 r2) r1
// r2 = r1 / r3
test "r2 = r1 / r3" (Range.calc Div r2 r1 r3) r2
| Add ->
// r3 = r1 + r2
// r1 = r3 - r2
test "r1 = r3 - r2" (Range.calc Subtr r1 r3 r2) r1
// r2 = r3 - r1
test "r2 = r3 - r1" (Range.calc Subtr r2 r3 r1) r2
| Subtr ->
// r3 = r1 - r2
// r1 = r3 + r2
test "r1 = r3 + r2" (Range.calc Add r1 r3 r2) r1
// r2 = r1 - r3
test "r2 = r1 - r3" (Range.calc Subtr r2 r1 r3) r2
testRange Mult [1;2;3] 2N [1;2;3] 3N
testRange Mult [2;3;4] 2N [1;2;3] 3N
testRange Mult [2;3;4] 2N [2;3;4] 3N
testRange Mult [2;3;4] 2N [12;13;14] 3N
testRange Mult [1..99] 2N [1..100] 3N
testRange Mult [1;2;3] (1N/2N) [1;2;3] (1N/3N)
testRange Mult [2;7;15] 2N [3;8;12] 3N
testRange Div [1;2;3] 4N [1;2;3] 2N
testRange Div [2;3;4] 2N [1;2;3] 3N
testRange Div [2;3;4] 2N [2;3;4] 3N
// fails
testRange Div [2;3;4] 2N [12;13;14] 3N
testRange Div [1..100] 2N [1..99] 3N
testRange Div [1;2;3] (1N/2N) [1;2;3] (1N/3N)
// fails
testRange Div [6;7;15] 2N [3;8;12] 3N
testRange Add [1;2;3] 4N [1;2;3] 4N
testRange Add [2;3;4] 2N [1;2;3] 2N
testRange Add [2;3;4] 2N [2;3;4] 2N
testRange Add [2;3;4] 2N [12;13;14] 2N
testRange Add [1..100] 2N [1..99] 2N
testRange Add [1;2;3] (1N/2N) [1;2;3] (1N/2N)
testRange Add [2;7;15] 2N [3;8;12] 2N
testRange Subtr [2;3;4] 4N [1;2;3] 4N
testRange Subtr [2;3;4] 2N [1;2;3] 2N
testRange Subtr [3;4;5] 2N [2;3;4] 2N
testRange Subtr [12;13;14] 2N [2;3;4] 2N
testRange Subtr [2..100] 2N [1..99] 2N
testRange Subtr [2;3;4] (1N/2N) [1;2;3] (1N/2N)
// fails
testRange Subtr [2;7;15] 2N [13;18;112] 2N
// fix for failing tests
let r1 = Range.createFromIntMultiples 2N [2;3;4]
let r2 = Range.createFromIntMultiples 3N [12;13;14]
let r1' =
Range.nonDivisible r1 r2
|> Set.lcm
|> Range.scaleUp r1
r1 |> Range.toSet = (r1' |> Range.toSet)
Range.nonDivisible r1' r2 = Set.empty
testRange Div (r1'.Multiples |> int |> Set.toList) (r1'.Delta |> Option.get)
(r2.Multiples |> int |> Set.toList) (r2.Delta |> Option.get)
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halcwb commented Dec 17, 2021


let r1' =
    Range.nonDivisible r1 r2
    |> Set.lcm
    |> Range.scaleUp r1 

should probably be

let r1' =
    |> Set.lcm
    |> Range.scaleUp r1 

to get all possible results. However is this needed in the context of GenSolver where: r3 = r1 / r2 and for example r3 = a * b and both a and b are incremental? Then r3 already has a fixed delta. In that case scaling shouldn't occur.

So, scaling is only relevant when the result is still undetermined and there is no other way to calculate the delta for the result.

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