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Last active March 22, 2021 08:33
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Algorithm to process Signals to Observations
open System
open System.IO
fsi.AddPrinter<DateTime> (fun dt -> dt.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"))
module Types =
type SignalId = int option
type PatientId = string
type Value =
| NoValue
| Text of string
| Numeric of float
| DateTime of DateTime
type DateTimeOption =
| SomeDateTime of DateTime
| Period of start : DateTime * stop : DateTime
| NoDateTime
type Signal =
Id: SignalId
Name : string
Value : Value
PatientId : string
DateTime : DateTimeOption
/// A function to summarize a list of values
/// as one value
type Collapse = Signal list -> Value
/// A conversion function for a value
type Convert = Signal -> Signal
/// An observation describes wich signals to
/// that describe that observation (Sources)
/// along with a collaps function that summarizes
/// the obtained values to one value.
/// Each source value also can be converted to
/// a different or adjusted value.
type Observation =
Name : string
Type : string
Sources : Source list
Collapse : Collapse
and Source =
Id : int
Name : string
Convert : Convert
/// The resulting dataset with colums
/// and rows of data. Each row has a
/// unique hospital number, date time.
type DataSet =
{ Columns : Column list
Data : (PatientId * TimeStamp * DataRow) list }
and Column =
Name: string
Type: string
and DataRow = Value list
and TimeStamp = | Exact of DateTime | Relative of int
type Transform = Observation list -> Signal list -> DataSet
type Conversions =
| Engstrom
| ServoU
| VentMachine
| TempMode
module Signal =
open Types
let create id name value patId datetime =
Id = id
Name = name
Value = value
PatientId = patId
DateTime = datetime
let createWithId id = create (id |> Some)
let createNoId = create None
let createText id name value patId datetime =
let value = value |> Text
create id name value patId datetime
let createNumeric id name value patId datetime =
let value = value |> Numeric
create id name value patId datetime
let createDateTime id name value patId datetime =
let value = value |> DateTime
create id name value patId datetime
let hasId i (signal : Signal) =
match signal.Id with
| Some id -> id = i
| None -> false
let getNumericValue (signal : Signal) =
match signal.Value with
| Numeric x -> x |> Some
| _ -> None
let valueToString (signal : Signal) =
match signal.Value with
| NoValue -> ""
| Text s -> s
| Numeric x -> x |> sprintf "%A"
| DateTime dt -> dt.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm")
let dateTimeIsSome (signal : Signal) =
match signal.DateTime with
| SomeDateTime _ -> true
| _ -> false
let dateTimeIsPeriod (signal : Signal) =
match signal.DateTime with
| Period _ -> true
| _ -> false
let periodToDateTime (signal : Signal) =
match signal.DateTime with
| Period (start, stop) ->
[0. .. (stop - start).TotalMinutes ]
|> (fun min ->
signal with
DateTime = start.AddMinutes(min) |> SomeDateTime
| _ -> [ signal ]
let getDateTimeValue (signal : Signal) =
match signal.DateTime with
| SomeDateTime dt -> dt
| _ ->
$"Cannot get datetime from: {signal}"
|> failwith
module Observation =
open Types
let create name type' sources collapseFn =
Name = name
Type = type'
Sources = sources
Collapse = collapseFn
let createSource id name convertFn =
Id = id
Name = name
Convert = convertFn
let mapToObservations definitions =
|> (fun (name, type', collapseFn, sources) ->
let sources =
|> (fun (id, name, convertFn) -> createSource id name convertFn)
create name type' sources collapseFn
let signalBelongsToSource (signal : Signal) (source : Source) =
if signal.Id.IsSome then signal.Id.Value = source.Id
signal.Name.Trim().ToLower() = source.Name.Trim().ToLower()
module DataSet =
open Types
let timeStampToString = function
| Exact dt -> dt.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm")
| Relative i -> i |> string
let empty =
Columns = []
Data = []
let get : Transform =
fun observations signals ->
let columns =
|> (fun obs ->
Name = obs.Name
Type = obs.Type
|> List.append [
{ Name = "pat_id"; Type = "varchar(50)" }
{ Name = "pat_timestamp"; Type = "datetime" }
|> List.sortBy (fun signal -> signal.PatientId)
// get all signals per patient
|> List.groupBy (fun signal -> signal.PatientId)
// split date time dependent and independent
|> List.collect (fun (patId, patSignals) ->
|> List.collect Signal.periodToDateTime
|> List.partition Signal.dateTimeIsSome
|> fun (dependent, independent) ->
|> List.sortBy Signal.getDateTimeValue
|> List.groupBy Signal.getDateTimeValue
|> (fun (dt, dateSignals) ->
patId = patId
dateTime = dt
signals = independent @ dateSignals
|> List.fold (fun acc x ->
acc with
Data = [
x.patId, x.dateTime |> Exact, [
for obs in observations do
// get all signals that belong to
// an observation, i.e. is in source list
|> List.filter (fun signal ->
|> List.exists (Observation.signalBelongsToSource signal)
// convert the signal value
|> (fun signal ->
let source =
|> List.find (Observation.signalBelongsToSource signal)
signal |> source.Convert
// collapse to a single value
|> obs.Collapse
// add to existing data
|> List.append acc.Data
) { empty with Columns = columns }
let anonymize (ds : DataSet) =
|> List.groupBy (fun (pat, _, _) -> pat)
|> List.fold (fun (ds, ids) (pat, xs) ->
let id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
match xs with
| [] -> (ds, (pat, id)::ids)
| _ ->
let (_, fstDate, _) = xs |> List.head
let data =
|> (fun (_, dt, r) ->
match fstDate, dt with
| Relative _, _
| _, Relative _ -> (id, dt, r)
| Exact fdt, Exact sdt -> (id, (sdt - fdt).TotalMinutes |> int |> Relative, r)
ds with
Data =
if ids |> List.isEmpty then data
|> List.append ds.Data
}, (pat, id)::ids
) (ds, [])
module Convert =
open Types
let filterLowHigh low high : Convert =
fun signal ->
let value =
|> Signal.getNumericValue
|> Option.bind (fun value ->
if value < low || value > high then NoValue
else value |> Numeric
|> Some
|> Option.defaultValue NoValue
{ signal with Value = value }
let setSignalText signal text =
{ signal with
Value =
if text = "" then NoValue
else text |> Text
let servoI : Convert =
fun signal ->
match signal |> Signal.valueToString with
| s when s = "3" -> "VC-CMV"
| s when s = "16" -> "VC-CMV"
| s when s = "2" -> "PC-CMVs"
| s when s = "18" -> "PC-CMVs"
| s when s = "4" -> "PC-CMVa"
| s when s = "20" -> "PC-CMVa"
| s when s = "8" -> "PC-CSV"
| s when s = "21" -> "PC-CSV"
| s when s = "12" -> "PC-CMVniv"
| s when s = "13" -> "PC-CSVniv"
| s when s = "14" -> "PC-CSVncap"
| _ -> ""
|> setSignalText signal
let tempMode : Convert =
fun signal ->
match signal.Id with
| Some id when id = 5490 -> "rectal"
| Some id when id = 8025 -> "ear"
| Some id when id = 14759 -> "axillary"
| Some id when id = 8601 -> "skin"
| _ -> ""
|> setSignalText signal
let ventMachine : Convert =
fun signal ->
match signal.Id with
| Some id when id = 19660 -> "Carescape"
| Some id when id = 16254 -> "Engstrom"
| Some id when id = 7464 -> "ServoI"
| Some id when id = 20059 -> "ServoU"
| _ -> ""
|> setSignalText signal
let servoU : Convert =
fun signal ->
match signal |> Signal.valueToString with
| s when s = "4" -> "VC-CMV"
| s when s = "1" -> "PC-CMVs"
| s when s = "2" -> "PC-CMVs"
| s when s = "2003" -> "PC-CMVs"
| s when s = "7" -> "PC-CMVa"
| s when s = "8" -> "PC-CMVa"
| s when s = "2009" -> "PC-CMVa"
| s when s = "11" -> "PC-CSV"
| s when s = "16" -> "PC-CMVniv"
| s when s = "17" -> "PC-CSVniv"
| s when s = "18" -> "PC-CSVncap"
| _ -> ""
|> setSignalText signal
let engstrom : Convert =
fun signal ->
match signal |> Signal.valueToString with
| s when s = "v" -> "VC-CMV"
| s when s = "b" -> "VC-CMV"
| s when s = "p" -> "PC-CMVs"
| s when s = "g" -> "PC-CMVa"
| s when s = "c" -> "PC-CSV"
| s when s = "a" -> "PC-CSV"
| s when s = "n" -> "PC-CMVniv"
| s when s = "N" -> "PC-CSVncap"
| _ -> ""
|> setSignalText signal
module Collapse =
open Types
let toFirst : Collapse =
fun signals ->
match signals |> List.tryHead with
| None -> NoValue
| Some signal -> signal.Value
let sum : Collapse =
fun signals ->
if signals |> List.isEmpty then NoValue
|> List.sumBy (fun signal ->
match signal.Value with
| Numeric x -> x
| _ -> 0.
|> Numeric
let calcOxygenationIndex : Collapse =
fun signals ->
let getNumeric = Option.bind Signal.getNumericValue
let fiO2 = signals |> List.tryFind (fun signal -> signal.Name = "fio2") |> getNumeric
let map = signals |> List.tryFind (fun signal -> signal.Name = "mean airway p") |> getNumeric
let pO2 = signals |> List.tryFind (fun signal -> signal.Name = "po2") |> getNumeric
match fiO2, map, pO2 with
| Some fiO2, Some map, Some pO2 ->
((fiO2 * 100. * map) / pO2)
|> int
|> float
|> Numeric
| _ -> NoValue
module Definitions =
open Types
// Convert Fn
let tempMode = Convert.tempMode
let filterIbpMean = Convert.filterLowHigh 0. 300.
let filterHr = Convert.filterLowHigh 0. 250.
let machine = Convert.ventMachine
let engstrom = Convert.engstrom
let servoI = Convert.servoI
let servoU = Convert.servoU
// Collapse Fn
let toFirst = Collapse.toFirst
let sum = Collapse.sum
let definitions =
// name, type, collapse Fn, [list of (id, convert Fn)]
("pat_gender", "varchar(10)", toFirst, [(5373, "", id)])
("mon_hr", "float", toFirst, [(5473, "", filterHr); (10156, "", filterHr); (10157, "", filterHr)])
("mon_ibp_mean", "float", toFirst, [(5461, "", filterIbpMean)])
("mon_temp_mode", "varchar(50)", toFirst, [(5490, "", tempMode); (8025, "", tempMode); (14759, "", tempMode); (8601, "", tempMode)])
("mon_temp", "float", toFirst, [(5490, "", id); (8025, "", id); (14759, "", id); (8601, "", id)])
("obs_fb_urine", "float", sum, [(6863, "", id); (6862, "", id)] )
("lab_bg_po2", "float", toFirst, [(4100, "", id); (4108, "", id)])
("vent_s_fio2", "float", toFirst, [(7345, "", id)])
("vent_m_mean", "float", toFirst, [(7348, "", id)])
("cacl_oi", "float", Collapse.calcOxygenationIndex, [(7348, "", id); (7345, "", id); (4100, "", id)])
("vent_machine", "varchar(100)", toFirst, [(16254, "", machine);(7464, "", machine);(20059, "", machine)])
("vent_mode", "float", toFirst, [(16254, "", engstrom);(7464, "", servoI);(20059, "", servoU)])
("med_sedation", "varchar(100)", toFirst, [(0, "midazolam", id); (0, "morfine", id)])
open Types
let none = NoDateTime
let now = DateTime.Now |> SomeDateTime
let add n dt =
match dt with
| SomeDateTime dt -> dt.AddMinutes (n |> float) |> SomeDateTime
| _ -> dt
let period start stop =
match start, stop with
| SomeDateTime dt1, SomeDateTime dt2 -> Period (dt1, dt2)
| _ ->
$"start and stop should be SomeDateTime not: {start}, {stop}"
|> failwith
// signals 'raw data'
// patient 1
Signal.createWithId 5373 "gender" ("male" |> Text) "1" none
Signal.createWithId 5473 "heart rate" (120. |> Numeric) "1" now
Signal.createWithId 5461 "mean ibp" (60. |> Numeric) "1" now
Signal.createWithId 5473 "heart rate" (124. |> Numeric) "1" (now |> add 1)
// the temperature and the temp mode will be in the output
Signal.createWithId 5490 "temp rect" (37.8 |> Numeric) "1" (now |> add 1)
// this valueWithId will be filtered out
Signal.createWithId 5473 "heart rate" (600. |> Numeric) "1" (now |> add 2)
Signal.createWithId 5473 "heart rate" (125. |> Numeric) "1" (now |> add 3)
Signal.createWithId 7348 "mean airway p" (12. |> Numeric) "1" (now |> add 1)
Signal.createWithId 7464 "servoI mode" ("21" |> Text) "1" (now |> add 1)
// medication that runs over a period signal
Signal.createNoId "midazolam" ("midazolam 0.1 mg/kg/h" |> Text) "1" (period now (now |> add 5))
// patient 2
Signal.createWithId 5373 "gender" ("female" |> Text) "2" none
Signal.createWithId 5473 "heart rate" (111. |> Numeric) "2" now
// this value will be filtered out
Signal.createWithId 5461 "mean ibp" (-100. |> Numeric) "2" now
Signal.createWithId 5473 "heart rate" (103. |> Numeric) "2" (now |> add 1)
Signal.createWithId 5461 "mean ibp" (100. |> Numeric) "2" (now |> add 1)
// diuresis
Signal.createWithId 6862 "spont diuresis" (12. |> Numeric) "2" now
Signal.createWithId 6863 "cath diuresis" (15. |> Numeric) "2" now
Signal.createWithId 16254 "engstrom mode" ("c" |> Text) "2" (now |> add 1)
// the below 3 signals with the same date time will be collapsed to an OI
Signal.createWithId 7348 "mean airway p" (20. |> Numeric) "2" (now |> add 1)
Signal.createWithId 7345 "fio2" (0.6 |> Numeric) "2" (now |> add 1)
Signal.createWithId 4100 "po2" (56. |> Numeric) "2" (now |> add 1)
// medication signal over a period
Signal.createNoId "morfine" ("morfine 10 mcg/kg/ur" |> Text) "2" (period now (now |> add 3))
// process the signals
|> DataSet.get (Definitions.definitions
|> Observation.mapToObservations)
|> DataSet.anonymize
|> fun (ds, _) ->
|> (fun c ->
|> String.concat "\t"
|> fun s ->
|> (fun (id, dt, row) ->
let row =
|> (fun d ->
let d =
match d with
| NoValue -> "null"
| Text s -> s
| Numeric x -> x |> sprintf "%A"
| DateTime dt -> dt.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm")
|> String.concat "\t"
$"{id}\t{dt |> DataSet.timeStampToString}\t{row}"
|> String.concat "\n"
|> sprintf "%s\n%s" s
|> fun s -> File.WriteAllLines("observations.csv", [s])
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