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Created September 4, 2023 07:06
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Calculate the SOFA score
Sub Main
Dim SOFAScore As Integer
SOFAScore = CalculateSOFAScore(350, 120, 14, 1.5, 75, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 2.5, 600, True)
Console.WriteLine("SOFA Score: " & SOFAScore)
End Sub
' A function that calculates a SOFA score (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment)
' This function calculates the SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) score based on various parameters.
' The SOFA score is used to assess the extent of a person's organ function or rate of failure in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit).
' Parameters include PaO2/FiO2, Platelets count, Glasgow Coma Scale, Bilirubin, Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP),
' doses of vasoactive agents (Dopamine, Dobutamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine), Creatinine, and Urine Output
Function CalculateSOFAScore(intPAF As Integer, intPlatelets As Integer, intGCS As Integer, dblBili As Double, intMAP As Integer, dblDopa As Double, dblDobu As Double, dblEpi As Double, dblNor As Double, dblCreat As Double, intUrine As Integer, blnVent As Boolean) As Integer
Dim intScore As Integer = 0
Const dblCreatToMicroMolePerLiter As Double = 88.42
If dblCreat <> -1 Then dblCreat = dblCreat / dblCreatToMicroMolePerLiter
Const dblBiliToMicroMolePerLiter As Double = 17.104
If dblBili <> -1 Then dblBili = dblBili / dblBiliToMicroMolePerLiter
Select Case intPAF
Case Is >= 400
intScore += 0
Case 300 To 399
intScore += 1
Case 200 To 299
intScore += 2
Case 100 To 199
If blnVent Then intScore += 3 Else intScore += 2
Case Is < 100
If blnVent Then intScore += 4 Else intScore += 2
End Select
Select Case intPlatelets
Case Is >= 150
intScore += 0
Case 100 To 149
intScore += 1
Case 50 To 99
intScore += 2
Case 20 To 49
intScore += 3
Case Is < 20
intScore += 4
End Select
'Glasgow Coma Scale
Select Case intGCS
Case 15
intScore += 0
Case 13 To 14
intScore += 1
Case 10 To 12
intScore += 2
Case 6 To 9
intScore += 3
Case Is < 6
intScore += 4
End Select
Select Case dblBili
Case Is < 1.2
intScore += 0
Case 1.2 To 1.9
intScore += 1
Case 2.0 To 5.9
intScore += 2
Case 6.0 To 11.9
intScore += 3
Case Is >= 12.0
intScore += 4
End Select
'MAP or Vasoactive Agents
If intMAP < 70 Then
intScore += 1
ElseIf dblDopa > 0 Or dblDobu > 0 Then
If dblDopa <= 5 Or dblDobu > 0 Then
intScore += 2
ElseIf dblDopa > 5 And dblDopa <= 15 Or dblEpi <= 0.1 Or dblNor <= 0.1 Then
intScore += 3
ElseIf dblDopa > 15 Or dblEpi > 0.1 Or dblNor > 0.1 Then
intScore += 4
End If
End If
'Creatinine or UOP
Select Case dblCreat
Case Is < 1.2
intScore += 0
Case 1.2 To 1.9
intScore += 1
Case 2.0 To 3.4
intScore += 2
Case 3.5 To 4.9
intScore += 3
Case Is >= 5.0
intScore += 4
End Select
If intUrine < 500 Then
If intUrine < 200 Then
intScore += 4
intScore += 3
End If
End If
Return intScore
End Function
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