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Created July 18, 2022 17:28
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#r "nuget: Expecto"
#r "nuget: Expecto.FsCheck"
#r "nuget: Unquote"
#r "../../Informedica.Utils.Lib/bin/Debug/net5.0/Informedica.Utils.Lib.dll"
#r "../../Informedica.GenUnits.Lib/bin/Debug/net5.0/Informedica.GenUnits.Lib.dll"
/// Create the necessary test generators
module Generators =
open FsCheck
open MathNet.Numerics
open Expecto
let bigRGen (n, d) =
let bigRGen (n, d) =
let bigRGen (n, d) =
let d = if d = 0 then 1 else d
let n' = abs (n) |> BigRational.FromInt
let d' = abs (d) |> BigRational.FromInt
n' / d'
let bigRGenerator =
gen {
let! n = Arb.generate<int>
let! d = Arb.generate<int>
return bigRGen (n, d)
return bigRGen (n, d)
return bigRGen (n, d)
type BigRGenerator() =
type BigRGenerator() =
type BigRGenerator() =
static member BigRational() =
let config =
let config =
let config =
{ FsCheckConfig.defaultConfig with
arbitrary = [ typeof<BigRGenerator> ]
let testProp testName prop =
prop |> testPropertyWithConfig config testName
prop |> testPropertyWithConfig config testName
prop |> testPropertyWithConfig config testName
let run =
runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [| "--summary" |]
let run =
runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [| "--summary" |]
module Utils =
/// Helper functions for `BigRational`
module BigRational =
module BigRational =
module BigRational =
/// ToDo: doesn't return `NoOp` but fails,
/// or subtraction, returns `NoOp` when
/// the operation is neither.
let (|Mult|Div|Add|Subtr|) op =
match op with
| _ when op |> BigRational.opIsMult -> Mult
| _ when op |> BigRational.opIsMult -> Mult
| _ when op |> BigRational.opIsMult -> Mult
| _ when op |> BigRational.opIsDiv -> Div
| _ when op |> BigRational.opIsAdd -> Add
let private toMultipleOf b d n =
let private toMultipleOf b d n =
let private toMultipleOf b d n =
if d = 0N then
let m =
(n / d)
|> BigRational.ToBigInt
|> BigRational.FromBigInt
(n / d)
if m * d < n then
(m + 1N) * d
m * d
else if m * d > n then
(m - 1N) * d
m * d
(n / d)
if m * d < n then
(m + 1N) * d
m * d
else if m * d > n then
(m - 1N) * d
m * d
if b then
|> Set.fold
(fun (b, acc) i ->
let ec = if isMax then (>=) else (<=)
let nc = if isMax then (>) else (<)
let ad = if isMax then (-) else (+)
let mult =
if isMax then
m |> toMaxMultipleOf i
m |> toMinMultipleOf i
let mult =
if (isIncl |> not) && (mult |> ec <| m) then
(mult |> ad <| i)
else if m * d > n then
match acc with
| Some a ->
// need to preserve isIncl, i.e. `b` if nothing happened
if (mult |> nc <| a) then
(true, Some mult)
(b, Some a)
| None -> (true, Some mult)
(isIncl, None)
let mult =
if (isIncl |> not) && (mult |> ec <| m) then
let maxInclMultipleOf =
calcMinOrMaxToMultiple true true
let maxExclMultipleOf =
calcMinOrMaxToMultiple true false
match acc with
| Some a ->
let minInclMultipleOf =
calcMinOrMaxToMultiple false true
if (mult |> nc <| a) then
(true, Some mult)
let minExclMultipleOf =
calcMinOrMaxToMultiple false false
(b, Some a)
| None -> (true, Some mult)
(isIncl, None)
let mult =
if (isIncl |> not) && (mult |> ec <| m) then
let maxInclMultipleOf =
calcMinOrMaxToMultiple true true
let tests =
fun incr min ->
let mult = min |> toMinMultipleOf incr
if mult >= min then
printfn $"||{mult} >= {min}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
$"multiple of incr should be >= min"
fun incr min ->
let mult =
min |> minInclMultipleOf incr |> snd
if mult >= min then
printfn $"||{mult} >= {min}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be >= min incl"
let maxExclMultipleOf =
fun incr min ->
let mult =
min |> minExclMultipleOf incr |> snd
calcMinOrMaxToMultiple true false
if incr |> Set.count = 0 || mult > min then
printfn $"||{mult} > {min}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be > min excl"
fun incr max ->
let mult = max |> toMaxMultipleOf incr
(b, Some a)
if mult <= max then
printfn $"||{mult} <= {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
$"multiple of incr should be <= max"
calcMinOrMaxToMultiple true true
fun incr max ->
let mult =
max |> maxInclMultipleOf incr |> snd
if mult <= max then
printfn $"||{mult} <= {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be <= max incl"
fun incr max ->
let mult =
max |> maxExclMultipleOf incr |> snd
min |> minInclMultipleOf incr |> snd
if incr |> Set.count = 0 || mult < max then
printfn $"||{mult} < {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be < max excl"
"multiple incrs should be >= min incl"
let mult =
let run () = tests |>
printfn $"||{mult} > {min}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be > min excl"
fun incr max ->
let mult = max |> toMaxMultipleOf incr
if mult <= max then
printfn $"||{mult} <= {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
$"multiple of incr should be <= max"
fun incr max ->
let mult =
max |> maxInclMultipleOf incr |> snd
if mult <= max then
xs |> (fun a -> if pred a then x else a)
printfn $"||{mult} <= {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be <= max incl"
fun incr max ->
let mult =
max |> maxExclMultipleOf incr |> snd
min |> minInclMultipleOf incr |> snd
if incr |> Set.count = 0 || mult < max then
printfn $"||{mult} < {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be < max excl"
let mult =
let run () = tests |>
printfn $"||{mult} > {min}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be > min excl"
let tests =
fun xs ->
let isEven x = x % 2 = 0
let even = xs |> replace isEven 2
(xs |> List.filter isEven |> List.length) = (even
|> List
.filter (
|> List.length)
|> testProperty
"replace count should equel predicate count"
|> Generators.testProp
let run () = tests |>
if mult <= max then
xs |> (fun a -> if pred a then x else a)
printfn $"||{mult} <= {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be <= max incl"
fun incr max ->
let mult =
max |> maxExclMultipleOf incr |> snd
if incr |> Set.count = 0 || mult < max then
printfn $"||{mult} < {max}?||"
|> Generators.testProp
"multiple incrs should be < max excl"
let run () = tests |>
/// Helper functions for `Option`
module Option =
let none _ = None
let tests =
fun xs ->
let isEven x = x % 2 = 0
let even = xs |> replace isEven 2
(xs |> List.filter isEven |> List.length) = (even
|> List
.filter (
|> List.length)
|> testProperty
"replace count should equel predicate count"
/// Helper functions for `List`
let run () = tests |>
/// when the `pred` function returns `true`.
let replace pred x xs =
xs |> (fun a -> if pred a then x else a)
let distinct xs =
xs |> Seq.ofList |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.toList
/// Replace an element using a predicate
/// If element doesn't exist, add the element
let replaceOrAdd pred x xs =
if xs |> List.exists pred then
xs |> replace pred x
x :: xs
module Tests =
open Expecto
open Expecto.Flip
let testReplace () =
[ 1..10 ] |> replace (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) 0
let testReplaceOrAdd () = [ 1..10 ] |> replaceOrAdd ((=) 11) 0
let tests =
fun xs ->
let isEven x = x % 2 = 0
let even = xs |> replace isEven 2
(xs |> List.filter isEven |> List.length) = (even
|> List
.filter (
and Change = Change of change: Property * variable: Variable
|> List.length)
|> testProperty
"replace count should equel predicate count"
let run () = tests |>
module Types =
open System
open MathNet.Numerics
/// Represents a non empty/null string identifying a `Variable`.
/// `Name` can be no longer than 1000 characters and cannot be
/// a null string
type Name = Name of string
/// The minimal value in
/// a `ValueRange`. Can be inclusive
/// or exclusive.
type Minimum =
| MinIncl of BigRational
| MinExcl of BigRational
/// The maximum value in
/// a `ValueRange`. Can be inclusive
/// or exclusive.
type Maximum =
| MaxIncl of BigRational
| MaxExcl of BigRational
type ValueSet = BigRational Set
type Increment = BigRational Set
/// `ValueRange` represents a domain of
/// rational numbers. A `ValueRange` can be either
/// - `Unrestricted`: any rational number
/// - `Increment`: any number that is a multiple of an increment
/// - `Min`: have a minimum
/// - `MinIncrement`: a minimum with the domain consisting of multiples of one increment
/// - `Max`: have a maximum
/// - `IncrementMax`: a domain of multiples of an increment with a maximum
/// - `MinMax`: have both a minimum and maximum
and Change = Change of change: Property * variable: Variable
type ValueRange =
| Unrestricted
| Min of Minimum
| Max of Maximum
| MinMax of Minimum * Maximum
| Incr of Increment
| MinIncr of min: Minimum * incr: Increment
| IncrMax of incr: Increment * max: Maximum
| ValueSet of ValueSet // Set<BigRational>
/// Represents a variable in an
/// `Equation`. The variable is
/// identified by `Name` and has
/// a `Values` described by the
/// `ValueRange`.
type Variable = { Name: Name; Values: ValueRange }
/// An equation is either a `ProductEquation`
/// or a `Sumequation`, the first variable is the
/// dependent variable, i.e. the result of the
/// equation, the second part are the independent
/// variables in the equation
type Equation =
| ProductEquation of Variable * Variable list
| SumEquation of Variable * Variable list
/// Represents a property of a `Variable`.
/// - `MinIncl`: An inclusive minimum
/// - `MinExcl`: An exclusive minimum
/// - `MaxIncl`: An inclusive maximum
/// - `MaxExcl`: An exclusive maximum
/// - `RangeProp`: A delta with multiples
/// - `Vals`: A set of distinct values
type Property =
| IncrementProp of Increment
| MinInclProp of BigRational
| MinExclProp of BigRational
| MaxInclProp of BigRational
| MaxExclProp of BigRational
| ValsProp of BigRational Set
/// The `Result` of solving an `Equation`
/// is that either the `Equation` is the
/// same or has `Changed`.
type Result =
| UnChanged
| Changed of Change list
and Change = Change of change: Property * variable: Variable
/// A limitation of the maximum number
/// of values to use as a constraint
type Limit =
| MinLim of int
| MaxLim of int
| MinMaxLim of (int * int)
| NoLimit
/// Represents a constraint on a `Variable`.
/// I.e. either a set of values, or an increment
/// or a minimum of maximum.
type Constraint =
Name: Name
Property: Property
Limit: Limit
module Events =
type Event =
| EquationCouldNotBeSolved of Equation
| EquationStartedCalculation of Variable list
| EquationStartedSolving of Equation
| EquationFinishedCalculation of Variable list * Variable list
| EquationVariableChanged of Variable
| EquationFinishedSolving of Variable list
| EquationLoopedSolving of
bool *
Variable *
Variable list *
Variable list
| SolverLoopedQue of Equation list
| ConstraintSortOrder of (int * Constraint) list
| ConstraintVariableNotFound of Constraint * Equation list
| ConstraintLimitSetToVariable of Limit * Variable
| ConstraintVariableApplied of Constraint * Variable
| ConstrainedEquationsSolved of Constraint * Equation list
| ApiSetVariable of Variable * Equation list
| ApiEquationsSolved of Equation list
| ApiAppliedConstraints of Constraint list * Equation list
module Exceptions =
type Message =
| NameNullOrWhiteSpaceException
| NameLongerThan1000 of string
| ValueRangeMinLargerThanMax of Minimum * Maximum
| ValueRangeNotAValidOperator
| ValueRangeEmptyValueSet
| VariableCannotSetValueRange of (Variable * ValueRange)
| EquationDuplicateVariables of Variable list
| EquationEmptyVariableList
| SolverInvalidEquations of Equation list
| SolverLooped of Equation list
module Logging =
type IMessage =
type TimeStamp = DateTime
type Level =
| Informative
| Debug
let createExc =
create id Exceptions.raiseExc
| Error
type SolverMessage =
| ExceptionMessage of Exceptions.Message
| SolverMessage of Events.Event
interface IMessage
type Message =
TimeStamp: TimeStamp
Level: Level
Message: IMessage
type Logger = { Log: Message -> unit }
module Logging =
open System
open Types.Logging
let private create l e =
TimeStamp = DateTime.Now
Level = l
Message = e
let logMessage level (logger: Logger) evt =
evt |> SolverMessage |> create level |> logger.Log
let logInfo logger msg = logMessage Informative logger msg
let logWarning logger msg = logMessage Warning logger msg
let logError (logger: Logger) msg =
let minGTEmin min1 min2 = min1 = min2 || minGTmin min1 min2
|> logger.Log
let minSTmin min1 min2 = min2 |> minGTEmin min1 |> not
//// The notation for this is:
/// - <..> : meaning a variable can be any rational number
/// - [0N..> : meaning that the variable can be any number larger than or equal to 0N
/// - <0N..> : meaning that the variable can be any number larger than but excluding 0N
/// - [0N..10N> : meaning that the variable must be between 0N up to but excluding 10N
/// - [0N..10N] : meaning that the variable can be 0N up to and including 10N
/// - [1N,3N,4N,5N] : meaning that the variable can only be one of the numbers
/// - `Name` : A `Variable` is identified by its `Name`
module Variable =
open System
open MathNet.Numerics
open Types
module Name =
open System
open Informedica.Utils.Lib.BCL
/// Eceptions that `Name` functions can raise
module Exceptions =
type Message =
| NullOrWhiteSpaceException
| LongerThan1000 of string
/// `ValueRange` exception type
exception NameException of Message
/// Raise a `ValueRangeException` with `Message` **m**.
let raiseExc m = m |> NameException |> raise
/// Create with continuation with **succ** function
/// when success and **fail** function when failure.
/// Creates a `Name` from a`string`.
let create succ fail s =
if s |> String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace then
Exceptions.NullOrWhiteSpaceException |> fail
match s |> String.trim with
let tests =
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let min2 = createMin b m2
m1 > m2 = (min1 |> minGTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 > min2"
| n -> n |> Exceptions.LongerThan1000 |> fail
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let min2 = createMin b m2
m1 < m2 = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 < min2"
/// an `NameException` when it fails.
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin true m1
let min2 = createMin false m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 < m2) = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp
"min1 incl < min2 excl, also when min1 = min2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin false m1
let min2 = createMin true m2
m1 < m2 = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 excl < min2 incl"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let min2 = createMin b m2
m1 >= m2 = (min1 |> minGTEmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 >= min2"
exception ValueRangeException of Exceptions.Message
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let min2 = createMin b m2
m1 <= m2 = (min1 |> minSTEmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 <= min2"
let raiseMinLargerThanMax min max =
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin true m1
let min2 = createMin false m2
m1 > m2 = (min1 |> minGTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 incl > min2 excl"
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin false m1
let min2 = createMin true m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 > m2) = (min1 |> minGTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp
"min1 excl > min2 incl, also when min1 = min2"
fun b m ->
let min = createMin b m
/// must be taken into account.
|> minToBoolBigRational
|> fun (b, m) -> createMin b m = min
|> Generators.testProp
"construct and deconstruct min there and back again"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let run () = tests |>
|> Generators.testProp "min1 > min2"
| MinExcl m2, MinIncl m1 -> m2 >= m1
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let min2 = createMin b m2
m1 < m2 = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 < min2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin true m1
let min2 = createMin false m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 < m2) = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp
"min1 incl < min2 excl, also when min1 = min2"
| MinIncl _ -> false
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin false m1
let min2 = createMin true m2
m1 < m2 = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 excl < min2 incl"
/// Creates a `Minimum` from a `BigRational` set.
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let maxGTEmax max1 max2 = max1 = max2 || maxGTmax max1 max2
s |> Set.minElement |> MinIncl |> Some
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let min2 = createMin b m2
let maxSTmax max1 max2 = max2 |> maxGTEmax max1 |> not
| MinExcl v -> v
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin true m1
let min2 = createMin false m2
m1 > m2 = (min1 |> minGTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 incl > min2 excl"
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin false m1
let min2 = createMin true m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 > m2) = (min1 |> minGTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp
"min1 excl > min2 incl, also when min1 = min2"
fun b m ->
let min = createMin b m
open Expecto
|> minToBoolBigRational
|> fun (b, m) -> createMin b m = min
|> Generators.testProp
"construct and deconstruct min there and back again"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let run () = tests |>
|> Generators.testProp "min1 > min2"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin b m1
let min2 = createMin b m2
m1 < m2 = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 < min2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin true m1
let min2 = createMin false m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 < m2) = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp
"min1 incl < min2 excl, also when min1 = min2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let min1 = createMin false m1
let min2 = createMin true m2
m1 < m2 = (min1 |> minSTmin min2)
|> Generators.testProp "min1 excl < min2 incl"
let tests =
fun b m1 m2 ->
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 > m2 = (max1 |> maxGTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 > max2"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 < m2 = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 < max2"
let min2 = createMin b m2
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax false m1
let max2 = createMax true m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 < m2) = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp
"max1 excl < max2 incl, also when max1 = max2"
m1 > m2 = (min1 |> minGTmin min2)
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax true m1
let max2 = createMax false m2
m1 < m2 = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 incl < max2 excl"
(m1 = m2 || m1 > m2) = (min1 |> minGTmin min2)
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 >= m2 = (max1 |> maxGTEmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 >= max2"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 <= m2 = (max1 |> maxSTEmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 <= max2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax false m1
let max2 = createMax true m2
m1 > m2 = (max1 |> maxGTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 excl > max2 incl"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax true m1
let max2 = createMax false m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 > m2) = (max1 |> maxGTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp
"max1 incl > max2 excl, also when max1 = max2"
fun b m ->
let max = createMax b m
/// must be taken into account.
|> maxToBoolBigRational
|> fun (b, m) -> createMax b m = max
|> Generators.testProp
"construct and deconstruct max there and back again"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let run () = tests |>
|> Generators.testProp "max1 > max2"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 < m2 = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 < max2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax false m1
let max2 = createMax true m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 < m2) = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp
"max1 excl < max2 incl, also when max1 = max2"
if s |> Set.isEmpty then
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax true m1
let max2 = createMax false m2
m1 < m2 = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 incl < max2 excl"
let maxToBigRational =
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 >= m2 = (max1 |> maxGTEmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 >= max2"
let isMaxExcl =
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 <= m2 = (max1 |> maxSTEmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 <= max2"
let isMaxIncl = isMaxExcl >> not
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax false m1
let max2 = createMax true m2
m1 > m2 = (max1 |> maxGTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 excl > max2 incl"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax true m1
apply 0 zero zero zero zero zero zero Set.count
|> maxToBoolBigRational
|> fun (b, m) -> createMax b m = max
|> Generators.testProp
"construct and deconstruct max there and back again"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let run () = tests |>
|> Generators.testProp "max1 > max2"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 < m2 = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 < max2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax false m1
let max2 = createMax true m2
(m1 = m2 || m1 < m2) = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp
"max1 excl < max2 incl, also when max1 = max2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax true m1
let max2 = createMax false m2
m1 < m2 = (max1 |> maxSTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 incl < max2 excl"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 >= m2 = (max1 |> maxGTEmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 >= max2"
fun b m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax b m1
let max2 = createMax b m2
m1 <= m2 = (max1 |> maxSTEmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 <= max2"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax false m1
let max2 = createMax true m2
m1 > m2 = (max1 |> maxGTmax max2)
|> Generators.testProp "max1 excl > max2 incl"
fun m1 m2 ->
let max1 = createMax true m1
apply 0 zero zero zero zero zero zero Set.count
|> maxToBoolBigRational
|> fun (b, m) -> createMax b m = max
|> Generators.testProp
"construct and deconstruct max there and back again"
let run () = tests |>
module ValueSet =
/// Create a `ValueSet` from a set of `BigRational`.
let create s =
if s |> Seq.isEmpty then
|> Exceptions.raiseExc
s |> Set.ofSeq |> ValueSet
let getMin vs =
vs |> Set.minElement |> Minimum.createMin true
let getMax vs =
vs |> Set.maxElement |> Maximum.createMax true
/// Aply the give functions to `Values`
let apply unr fMin fMax fMinMax fIncr fMinIncr fIncrMax fValueSet =
| Unrestricted -> unr
| Min min -> min |> fMin
| Max max -> max |> fMax
| MinMax (min, max) -> (min, max) |> fMinMax
| Incr incr -> incr |> fIncr
| MinIncr (min, incr) -> (min, incr) |> fMinIncr
| IncrMax (incr, max) -> (incr, max) |> fIncrMax
| ValueSet vs -> vs |> fValueSet
/// Count the number of values in a `ValueRange`.
/// Returns 0 if no count is possible.
let cardinality =
let zero _ = 0
apply 0 zero zero zero zero zero zero Set.count
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is `Unrestricted`
let isUnrestricted =
let returnFalse = Boolean.returnFalse
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is `Min`
let isMin =
let returnFalse = Boolean.returnFalse
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is `Max`
let isMax =
let returnFalse = Boolean.returnFalse
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is `MinMax`
let isMinMax =
let returnFalse = Boolean.returnFalse
let filter minOpt incrOpt maxOpt =
v |> isBetweenMinMax minOpt maxOpt
&& v |> isMultipleOfIncr incrOpt
|> Set.filter
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is `Incr`
let isIncr =
let returnFalse = Boolean.returnFalse
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is `MinIncr`
let isMinIncr =
let returnFalse = Boolean.returnFalse
let incrToStr incr =
incr |> brToStr |> String.concat ", "
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is `MinIncr`
let isIncrMax =
| Some min, None, None -> $"{left}{min |> brToStr}..>"
| None, None, Some max -> $"<..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
$"{left}{min |> brToStr}..[{incr |> incrToStr}]..>"
$"<..[{incr |> incrToStr}]..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` is a `ValueSet`
let isValueSet =
let returnFalse = Boolean.returnFalse
let filter minOpt incrOpt maxOpt =
v |> isBetweenMinMax minOpt maxOpt
&& v |> isMultipleOfIncr incrOpt
|> Set.filter
/// Checks whether a `BigRational` is between an optional
/// **min** and an optional **max**
let incl, min =
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let fMin =
| None -> true
let incl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
| Some (Minimum.MinExcl m) -> v > m
let fMax =
let minincl, min =
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let maxincl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
| Some (Maximum.MaxIncl m) -> v <= m
| Some (Maximum.MaxExcl m) -> v < m
(fMin minOpt) && (fMax maxOpt)
let fMinIncr (min, incr) =
let incl, min =
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let isMultipleOfIncr incrOpt v =
let isDiv v i = v |> BigRational.isMultiple i
let incl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
| None -> true
/// Checks whether `Minimum` **min** > `Maximum` **max**.
let unr =
printRange None false None false None
|> apply unr fMin fMax fMinMax fIncr fMinIncr fIncrMax fVs
/// accounted for.
let incrToStr incr =
incr |> brToStr |> String.concat ", "
match min, max with
| Minimum.MinIncl mn, Maximum.MaxIncl mx -> mn > mx
| Some min, None, None -> $"{left}{min |> brToStr}..>"
| Minimum.MinExcl mn, Maximum.MaxExcl mx
| Minimum.MinIncl mn, Maximum.MaxExcl mx -> mn >= mx
| None, None, Some max -> $"<..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
/// Checks whether `Minimum` **min** <= `Maximum` **max**
let minSTEmax max min = min |> minLTmax max |> not
$"{left}{min |> brToStr}..[{incr |> incrToStr}]..>"
/// Checks whether `Minimum` **min** = `Maximum` **max**.
/// Note that when one or both minimum and maximum are exclusive, they
$"<..[{incr |> incrToStr}]..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
let minEQmax max min =
match min, max with
| Minimum.MinIncl mn, Maximum.MaxIncl mx -> mn = mx
| _ -> false
/// Filter a set of `BigRational` according
/// to **min** **max** and incr constraints
let filter minOpt incrOpt maxOpt =
fun v ->
v |> isBetweenMinMax minOpt maxOpt
&& v |> isMultipleOfIncr incrOpt
|> Set.filter
/// Create a string (to print) representation of a `ValueRange`.
/// `Exact` true prints exact bigrationals, when false
/// print as floating numbers
/// This assumes that the smallest increment will calculate the smallest
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let printVals vals =
let vals =
let incl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
|> List.sort
|> (
if exact then
let minincl, min =
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let maxincl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
BigRational.toFloat >> sprintf "%A"
$"""[{vals |> String.concat ", "}]"""
let fMinIncr (min, incr) =
let incl, min =
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let min =
|> minMultipleOf incr
|> Minimum.minToBigRational
let max =
|> maxMultipleOf incr
|> Maximum.maxToBigRational
let left = if minincl then "[" else "<"
let incl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
if exact then
let unr =
printRange None false None false None
|> apply unr fMin fMax fMinMax fIncr fMinIncr fIncrMax fVs
let incrToStr incr =
incr |> brToStr |> String.concat ", "
match min, incr, max with
| Some min, None, None -> $"{left}{min |> brToStr}..>"
| Some min, None, Some max ->
$"{left}{min |> brToStr}..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
| None, None, Some max -> $"<..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
| None, Some incr, None -> $"<..[{incr |> incrToStr}]..>"
| Some min, Some incr, None ->
(min |> minMultipleOf incr, incr) |> MinIncr
| Some min, Some incr, Some max ->
$"{left}{min |> brToStr}..[{incr |> incrToStr}]..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
| None, Some incr, Some max ->
$"<..[{incr |> incrToStr}]..{max |> brToStr}{right}"
| None, None, None -> "[]"
if vals |> List.isEmpty |> not then
vals |> printVals
printRange min max incr
/// Convert a `ValueRange` to a `string`.
let toString exact vr =
let fVs vs =
print exact false None false None false None (vs |> Set.toList)
let printRange min minincl max maxincl incr =
print exact false min minincl max maxincl incr []
let fMin min =
/// This assumes that the smallest increment will calculate the smallest
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
printRange (Some min) incl None false None
let fMax max =
let incl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
printRange None false (Some max) incl None
let fMinMax (min, max) =
let minincl, min =
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let maxincl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
printRange (Some min) minincl (Some max) maxincl None
let fIncr incr =
printRange None false None false (Some incr)
let fMinIncr (min, incr) =
let incl, min =
min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational
let min =
|> minMultipleOf incr
|> Minimum.minToBigRational
let max =
|> maxMultipleOf incr
|> Maximum.maxToBigRational
let fIncrMax (incr, max) =
let incl, max =
max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational
printRange None false (Some max) incl (Some incr)
let unr =
printRange None false None false None
|> apply unr fMin fMax fMinMax fIncr fMinIncr fIncrMax fVs
v |> isBetweenMinMax min max
&& v |> isMultipleOfIncr incr
let unrestricted = Unrestricted
/// Create a `Minimum` `Range` that is
/// either inclusive or exclusive.
let createMinValueRange isIncl m = m |> Minimum.createMin isIncl |> Min
(min |> minMultipleOf incr, incr) |> MinIncr
/// either inclusive or exclusive.
let createMaxValueRange isIncl m = m |> Maximum.createMax isIncl |> Max
/// Create a `MinMax` `ValueRange`. If **min** > **max** raises
/// an `MinLargetThanMax` exception. If min equals max, a `ValueSet` with
/// value min (= max).
let minMaxToValueRange min max =
if min |> minLTmax max then
Exceptions.raiseMinLargerThanMax min max
elif min |> minEQmax max then
minIncrToValueRange (newMin |> minMultipleOf incr) incr
|> Minimum.minToBigRational
|> Set.singleton
|> ValueSet.create
(min, max) |> MinMax
/// Calculate `Minimum` as a multiple of `Increment` **incr**.
/// This assumes that the smallest increment will calculate the smallest
/// minimum as a multiple of that increment.
let minMultipleOf incr min =
match min |> Minimum.minToBoolBigRational with
| true, br -> br |> BigRational.minInclMultipleOf incr
| false, br -> br |> BigRational.minExclMultipleOf incr
|> fun (b, br) -> Minimum.createMin b br
// Calculate `Maximum` **max** as a multiple of **incr**.
let maxMultipleOf incr max =
match max |> Maximum.maxToBoolBigRational with
| true, br -> br |> BigRational.maxInclMultipleOf incr
| false, br -> br |> BigRational.maxExclMultipleOf incr
|> fun (b, br) -> Maximum.createMax b br
let minIncrToValueRange min incr =
(min |> minMultipleOf incr, incr) |> MinIncr
let incrMaxToValueRange incr max =
(incr, max |> maxMultipleOf incr) |> IncrMax
/// Create a set of `BigRational` using **min**, **incr** and a **max**.
let minIncrMaxToValueRange min incr max =
let min =
|> minMultipleOf incr
|> Minimum.minToBigRational
let max =
|> maxMultipleOf incr
|> Maximum.maxToBigRational
let fMinIncr (min, incr) = minIncrMaxToValueRange min incr newMax
for i in incr do
[ min..i..max ]
|> List.collect id
|> Set.ofList
|> ValueSet
/// Create a `ValueRange` using a `ValueSet` **vs**
/// an optional `Minimum` **min** and `Maximum` **max**.
/// If both **min** and **max** are `None` an `Unrestricted`
/// `ValueRange` is created.
v |> isBetweenMinMax min max
&& v |> isMultipleOfIncr incr
| None ->
match minOpt, incrOpt, maxOpt with
| None, None, None -> unrestricted
| Some min, None, None -> min |> Min
| None, None, Some max -> max |> Max
| Some min, None, Some max -> minMaxToValueRange min max
| None, Some incr, None -> incr |> Incr
| Some min, Some incr, None ->
(min |> minMultipleOf incr, incr) |> MinIncr
| None, Some incr, Some max ->
(incr, max |> maxMultipleOf incr) |> IncrMax
| Some min, Some incr, Some max ->
minIncrMaxToValueRange min incr max
| Some vs -> vs |> ValueSet.create
/// Get an optional `Minimum` in a `ValueRange`
|> Set.exists (fun i' -> i |> BigRational.isMultiple i')
) then
minIncrToValueRange (newMin |> minMultipleOf incr) incr
(fst >> Some)
(ValueSet.getMin >> Some)
let fMax max =
(newIncr, max |> maxMultipleOf newIncr) |> IncrMax
/// Get an optional `Maximum` in a `ValueRange`
let fMinMax (min, max) = minIncrMaxToValueRange min newIncr max
(snd >> Some)
(snd >> Some)
(ValueSet.getMax >> Some)
/// Get an optional `Incr` in a `ValueRange`
let getIncr =
|> apply unr fMin fMax fMinMax fIncr fMinIncr fIncrMax fValueSet
let getValueSet =
vr |> getMin, vr |> getIncr, vr |> getMax, vr |> getValueSet
/// a `BigRational` **v**.
let contains v vr =
match vr with
| ValueSet vs -> vs |> Set.contains v
| _ ->
let min = vr |> getMin
let max = vr |> getMax
let incr = vr |> getIncr
v |> isBetweenMinMax min max
&& v |> isMultipleOfIncr incr
/// Apply a `Minimum` **min** to a `ValueRange` **vr**.
/// If minimum cannot be set the original `Minimum` is returned.
/// So, it always returns a more restrictive, i.e. larger, or equal `Minimum`.
let setMin newMin (vr: ValueRange) =
// Check whether the new min is more restrictive than the old min
let checkMin min =
if newMin |> Minimum.minGTmin min then
let raiseExc =
MinMaxCalculatorException >> raise
let fMin = checkMin >> Min
let fMax max = minMaxToValueRange newMin max
|> Set.exists (fun i' -> i |> BigRational.isMultiple i')
) then
minIncrToValueRange (newMin |> minMultipleOf incr) incr
let fMinIncr (min, incr) =
minIncrToValueRange (min |> checkMin) incr
let fIncrMax (incr, max) =
minIncrMaxToValueRange (newMin |> checkMin) incr max
let fMax max =
(newIncr, max |> maxMultipleOf newIncr) |> IncrMax
let fValueSet =
let fMinMax (min, max) = minIncrMaxToValueRange min newIncr max
filter (Some newMin) incr max >> ValueSet.create
|> apply
(newMin |> Min)
/// Apply a `Maximum` **max** to a `ValueRange` **vr**.
/// If maximum cannot be set the original is returned.
/// So, it always returns a more restrictive, i.e. smaller, or equal `Maximum`.
|> apply unr fMin fMax fMinMax fIncr fMinIncr fIncrMax fValueSet
let fMax = checkMax >> Max
let fMinMax (min, max) =
minMaxToValueRange min (max |> checkMax)
let fIncr incr = incrMaxToValueRange incr newMax
vr |> getMin, vr |> getIncr, vr |> getMax, vr |> getValueSet
let fValueSet =
let min = vr |> getMin
let incr = vr |> getIncr
filter min incr (Some newMax) >> ValueSet.create
|> apply
(newMax |> Max)
/// Apply a **incr** to a `ValueRange` **vr**.
/// If increment cannot be set the original is returned.
/// So, the resulting increment is always more restrictive as the previous one
let setIncr newIncr vr =
let raiseExc =
MinMaxCalculatorException >> raise
// ToDo needs testing!!
let checkIncr incr =
if newIncr
|> Set.forall (fun i ->
|> Set.exists (fun i' -> i |> BigRational.isMultiple i')
) then
let unr = newIncr |> Incr
let fMin min = minIncrToValueRange min newIncr
let fMax max =
(newIncr, max |> maxMultipleOf newIncr) |> IncrMax
let fMinMax (min, max) = minIncrMaxToValueRange min newIncr max
let fIncr incr = incr |> checkIncr |> Incr
let fMinIncr (min, incr) =
let incr = incr |> checkIncr
(min |> minMultipleOf incr, incr) |> MinIncr
let fIncrMax (incr, max) =
let incr = incr |> checkIncr
(incr, max |> maxMultipleOf incr) |> IncrMax
let fValueSet =
let min = vr |> getMin
let max = vr |> getMax
filter min (Some newIncr) max >> ValueSet.create
|> apply unr fMin fMax fMinMax fIncr fMinIncr fIncrMax fValueSet
/// Appy a set of `BigRational` to a `ValueRange` **vr**.
/// the result is a filtered or the intersect of
/// the set of `BigRational` and **vr**.
let setValues newVs vr =
let min, incr, max, oldVs =
vr |> getMin, vr |> getIncr, vr |> getMax, vr |> getValueSet
let vs =
match oldVs with
| None -> newVs |> filter min incr max
| Some vs -> newVs |> filter min incr max |> Set.intersect vs
create min incr max (Some vs)
/// Functions to calculate the `Minimum`
/// and `Maximum` in a `ValueRange`.
/// I.e. what happens when you mult, div, add or subtr
/// a `Range`, for example:
/// <1N..3N> * <4N..5N> = <4N..15N>
module MinMaxCalcultor =
/// Exceptions that a MinMaxCalculator function can raise.
module Exceptions =
type Message = | NotAValidOperator
exception MinMaxCalculatorException of Message
let raiseExc =
MinMaxCalculatorException >> raise
| BigRational.Add
| BigRational.Subtr ->
/// Calculate **x1** and **x2** with operator **op**
/// and use **incl1** and **inc2** to determine whether
/// the result is inclusive. Use constructor **c** to
/// create the optional result.
let calc c op (x1, incl1) (x2, incl2) =
let incl =
match incl1, incl2 with
// incr cannot be calculated based on division
| _ -> false
match x1, x2 with
| Some (v1), Some (v2) ->
if op |> BigRational.opIsDiv && v2 = 0N then
v1 |> op <| v2 |> c incl |> Some
| _ -> None
/// Calculate an optional `Minimum`
let calcMin = calc Minimum.createMin
/// Calculate an optional `Maximum`
let calcMax = calc Maximum.createMax
/// Match a min, max tuple **min**, **max**
/// to:
/// * `PP`: both positive
/// * `NN`: both negative
/// * `NP`: one negative, the other positive
let (|PP|NN|NP|) (min, max) =
match min, max with
| Some (min), _ when min >= 0N -> PP
| _, Some (max) when max < 0N -> NN
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| MinIncr (_, i), ValueSet s
| ValueSet s, IncrMax (i, _)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s
/// `Maximum` option for addition of
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s
let min = calcMin (+) min1 min2
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s ->
/// Calculate `Minimum` option and
/// `Maximum` option for subtraction of
/// (**min1**, **max1**) and (**min2**, **max2)
let subtraction min1 max1 min2 max2 =
let min = calcMin (-) min1 max2
let max = calcMax (-) max1 min2
min, max
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Minimum.minToBigRational >> Some),
/// Calculate `Minimum` option and
/// `Maximum` option for multiplication of
/// (**min1**, **max1**) and (**min2**, **max2)
let multiplication min1 max1 min2 max2 =
match ((min1 |> fst), (max1 |> fst)),
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Maximum.maxToBigRational >> Some),
| PP, PP -> // min = min1 * min2, max = max1 * max2
calcMin (*) min1 min2, calcMax (*) max1 max2
| PP, NN -> // min = max1 * min2, max = min1 * max2
calcMin (*) max1 min2, calcMax (*) min1 max2
| PP, NP -> // min = min1 * min2, max = max1 * max2
| BigRational.Add
| BigRational.Subtr ->
| NN, PP -> // min = min1 * max2, max = max1 * min2
calcMin (*) min1 max2, calcMax (*) max1 min2
| NN, NN -> // min = max1 * max2, max = min1 * min2
calcMin (*) max1 max2, calcMax (*) min1 min2
| NN, NP -> // min = min1 * max2, max = min1 * min2
calcMin (*) min1 max2, calcMax (*) min1 min2
| NP, PP -> // min = min1 * max2, max = max1 * max2
// incr cannot be calculated based on division
| NP, NN -> // min = max1 * min2, max = min1 * min2
calcMin (*) max1 min2, calcMax (*) min1 min2
| NP, NP -> // min = min1 * max2, max = max1 * max2
calcMin (*) min1 max2, calcMax (*) max1 max2
let min1, incr1, max1 =
x1 |> getMin, x1 |> getIncr, x1 |> getMax
let min2, incr2, max2 =
x2 |> getMin, x2 |> getIncr, x2 |> getMax
/// Calculate `Minimum` option and
/// `Maximum` option for division of
/// (**min1**, **max1**) and (**min2**, **max2)
let division min1 max1 min2 max2 =
match (min1 |> fst, max1 |> fst), (min2 |> fst, max2 |> fst)
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Minimum.minToBigRational >> Some),
| PP, NN -> // min = max1 / max2 , max = min1 / min2
calcMin (/) max1 max2, calcMax (/) min1 min2
| NN, PP -> // min = min1 / min2, max = max1 / max2
calcMin (/) min1 min2, calcMax (/) max1 max2
| NN, NN -> // min = max1 / min2 , max = min1 / max2
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Maximum.maxToBigRational >> Some),
calcMin (/) min1 min2, calcMax (/) max1 min2
| NP, NN -> // min = max1 / max2, max = min1 / max2
calcMin (/) max1 max2, calcMax (/) min1 max2
// division by range containing zero
| NN, NP
| PP, NP
| NP, NP -> None, None
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| MinIncr (_, i), ValueSet s
/// according to the operand
| ValueSet s, IncrMax (i, _)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s
| BigRational.Mult -> multiplication
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s
| BigRational.Subtr -> subtraction
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s ->
|> Exceptions.raiseExc
/// Calculate an increment with
/// **incr1** of x1 and **incr2** of x2
/// in an equation: y = x1 **op** x2
let calcIncr op incr1 incr2 =
match incr1, incr2 with
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Minimum.minToBigRational >> Some),
// y.incr = x1.incr * x2.incr
| BigRational.Mult ->
for x in i1 do
for y in i2 do
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Maximum.maxToBigRational >> Some),
|> Set.ofList
|> Some
// when y = x1 + x2 then y.incr = gcd of x1.incr and x2.incr
| BigRational.Add
| BigRational.Subtr ->
for x in i1 do
for y in i2 do
BigRational.gcd x y
|> Set.ofList
|> Some
// incr cannot be calculated based on division
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let min1, incr1, max1 =
x1 |> getMin, x1 |> getIncr, x1 |> getMax
let min2, incr2, max2 =
x2 |> getMin, x2 |> getIncr, x2 |> getMax
/// to `ValueRange` **x1** and **x2**.
/// Calculates `Minimum`, increment or `Maximum`
/// if either **x1** or **x2** is not a `ValueSet`.
/// Doesn't perform any calculation when both
/// **x1** and **x2** are `Unrestricted`.
let calc op (x1, x2) =
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Minimum.minToBigRational >> Some),
| Unrestricted, Unrestricted -> unrestricted
| ValueSet s1, ValueSet s2 ->
// When one of the sets does not contain any value then the result of
// of the calculation cannot contain any value either
if s1 |> Set.isEmpty || s2 |> Set.isEmpty then
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Maximum.maxToBigRational >> Some),
Seq.allPairs s1 s2
|> (fun (x1, x2) -> x1 |> op <| x2)
|> ValueSet.create
// A set with an increment results in a new set of increment
// Need to match all scenarios with a valueset and an increment
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| MinIncr (_, i), ValueSet s
| ValueSet s, IncrMax (i, _)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s
| ValueSet s, MinIncr (_, i)
| IncrMax (i, _), ValueSet s ->
let createRes =
createSucc ("Result" |> Name.createExc)
let min1, max1 = x1 |> getMin, x1 |> getMax
let min2, max2 = x2 |> getMin, x2 |> getMax
let min, max =
let getMin m =
let incl =
match m with
| Some v -> v |> Minimum.isMinIncl
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Minimum.minToBigRational >> Some),
let getMax m =
let incl =
match m with
| Some v -> v |> Maximum.isMaxIncl
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Maximum.maxToBigRational >> Some),
(min1 |> getMin)
(max1 |> getMax)
(min2 |> getMin)
(max2 |> getMax)
// calculate a new increment based upon the valueset and an increment
let incr1 = i |> Some
let incr2 = s |> Some
let incr = calcIncr op incr1 incr2
match min, incr, max with
| None, None, None -> unrestricted
| _ -> create min incr max None
// In any other case calculate min, incr and max
| _ ->
let min1, incr1, max1 =
x1 |> getMin, x1 |> getIncr, x1 |> getMax
let min2, incr2, max2 =
x2 |> getMin, x2 |> getIncr, x2 |> getMax
let min, max =
let getMin m =
let incl =
match m with
| Some v -> v |> Minimum.isMinIncl
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Minimum.minToBigRational >> Some),
let count v =
v |> getValueRange |> ValueRange.cardinality
let getMax m =
let incl =
match m with
| Some v -> v |> Maximum.isMaxIncl
| None -> false
|> Option.bind (Maximum.maxToBigRational >> Some),
(min1 |> getMin)
(max1 |> getMax)
(min2 |> getMin)
(max2 |> getMax)
// calculate a new increment based upon the incr1 and incr2
let incr = calcIncr op incr1 incr2
match min, incr, max with
| None, None, None -> unrestricted
let isUnrestricted =
getValueRange >> ValueRange.isUnrestricted
/// Checks whether a `ValueRange` vr1 is a subset of
let createRes =
createSucc ("Result" |> Name.createExc)
let isSubSetOf vr2 vr1 =
match vr1, vr2 with
| ValueSet s1, ValueSet s2 -> s2 |> Set.isSubset s1
| _ -> false
/// Set a `ValueRange` expr to a `ValueRange` y.
/// So, the result is equal to or more restrictive than the original `y`.
let applyExpr y expr =
let set get set vr =
match expr |> get with
| Some m -> vr |> set m
| None -> vr
match expr with
| Unrestricted -> y
| ValueSet vs ->
if vs |> Set.isEmpty then
|> Exceptions.raiseExc
y |> setValues vs
| _ -> y |> set getMin setMin |> set getMax setMax
// Extend type with basic arrhythmic operations.
type ValueRangeCalc =
| Mult
| Div
| Add
| Subtr
| Expr
static member inline (?<-)(op, vr1, vr2) =
match op with
| Mult -> calc (*) (vr1, vr2)
| Div -> calc (/) (vr1, vr2)
| Add -> calc (+) (vr1, vr2)
| Subtr -> calc (-) (vr1, vr2)
| Expr -> applyExpr vr1 vr2
module Operators =
let inline (^*) vr1 vr2 = (?<-) Mult vr1 vr2
let inline (^/) vr1 vr2 = (?<-) Div vr1 vr2
let inline (^+) vr1 vr2 = (?<-) Add vr1 vr2
let inline (^-) vr1 vr2 = (?<-) Subtr vr1 vr2
let inline (<==) vr1 vr2 = (?<-) Expr vr1 vr2
open Informedica.Utils.Lib.BCL
let count v =
let createDto n unr vals min minincl incr max maxincl =
Name = n
Unr = unr
Vals = vals
Min = min
MinIncl = minincl
Incr = incr
Max = max
MaxIncl = maxincl
module Minimum = ValueRange.Minimum
let createNew n =
createDto n true [] None false [] None false
type ValueRangeException = ValueRange.Exceptions.ValueRangeException
module Exceptions =
exception VariableException of Exceptions.Message
let raiseExc m = m |> VariableException |> raise
let setMin min incl dto =
{ dto with
Unr = false
Min = min
MinIncl = incl
/// Create a `Variable` and passes
let setMax max incl dto =
{ dto with
Unr = false
Max = max
MaxIncl = incl
let create succ n vs = { Name = n; Values = vs } |> succ
/// Create a `Variable` and directly
/// return the result.
let createSucc = create id
let isUnrestricted =
| "vals" -> Vals
| "minincl" -> MinIncl
| "minexcl" -> MinExcl
| "incr" -> Incr
| "maxincl" -> MaxIncl
| "maxexcl" -> MaxExcl
| _ -> NoProp
createSucc ("Result" |> Name.createExc)
/// Apply **f** to `Variable` **var**.
let apply f (var: Variable) = var |> f
| [ v ] -> v |> Some
| _ -> None
| Vals -> dto |> setVals vs
| MinIncl -> dto |> setMin (vs |> getVal) true
| MinExcl -> dto |> setMin (vs |> getVal) false
| Incr -> dto |> setIncr vs
| MaxIncl -> dto |> setMax (vs |> getVal) true
| MaxExcl -> dto |> setMax (vs |> getVal) false
| NoProp -> dto
let getName v = (v |> get).Name
Name = name
Unr = unr
Vals = vals
Min = min
MinIncl = minincl
Incr = incr
Max = max
MaxIncl = maxincl
let vals =
/// Get the `ValueRange of a `Variable`.
(Some incr)
let setName n v : Variable = { v with Name = n }
/// Apply a `ValueRange` **vr** to
/// `Variable` **v**.
let setValueRange v vr =
let vr' = (v |> get).Values <== vr
{ v with Values = vr' }
let n =
|> Name.create succ (fun m -> m |> Name.Exceptions.raiseExc)
| :? ValueRangeException ->
(v, vr)
|> Exceptions.VariableCannotSetValueRange
| _ -> dto.Vals |> Set.ofList |> Some
let min =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Minimum.createMin dto.MinIncl |> Some
let max =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Maximum.createMax dto.MaxIncl |> Some
let setNonZeroOrNegative v =
let vr =
(v |> get).Values
| [] -> None
| _ -> dto.Incr |> Set.ofList |> Some
/// Get the number of distinct values
let vr = ValueRange.create min incr max vs
let createDto n unr vals min minincl incr max maxincl =
Name = n
Unr = unr
Vals = vals
Min = min
MinIncl = minincl
Incr = incr
Max = max
MaxIncl = maxincl
let n =
dto.Name |> Name.create succ (fun m -> m |> fail)
let createNew n =
createDto n true [] None false [] None false
| _ -> dto.Vals |> Set.ofList |> Some
let min =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Minimum.createMin dto.MinIncl |> Some
let max =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Maximum.createMax dto.MaxIncl |> Some
/// i.e. there is but one possible value left.
let isSolved v =
match dto.Incr with
&& (v |> getValueRange |> ValueRange.isValueSet)
| _ -> dto.Incr |> Set.ofList |> Some
MinIncl = incl
/// Checks whether a `Variable` is *solvable*
let setMax max incl dto =
{ dto with
Unr = false
| _ -> None
MaxIncl = incl
/// (or no values at all)
let isSolvable = isSolved >> not
let dto =
createNew (let (Name.Name n) = v.Name in n)
/// Checks whether there are no restrictions to
let unr =
v.Values |> ValueRange.isUnrestricted
let isUnrestricted =
| "vals" -> Vals
| "minincl" -> MinIncl
| Some m -> m |> Minimum.isMinExcl |> not
| None -> false
| "incr" -> Incr
| "maxincl" -> MaxIncl
| "maxexcl" -> MaxExcl
| Some m -> m |> Maximum.isMaxExcl |> not
| None -> false
(v1 |> getValueRange) |> op
let min =
|> createRes
/// Extend type with basic arrhythmic operations.
let max =
| [ v ] -> v |> Some
| _ -> None
| Add
| Subtr
| Vals -> dto |> setVals vs
| MinIncl -> dto |> setMin (vs |> getVal) true
| MinExcl -> dto |> setMin (vs |> getVal) false
| Incr -> dto |> setIncr vs
| Some i -> i |> Set.toList
| None -> []
| NoProp -> dto
| Div -> calc (^/) (v1, v2)
| Add -> calc (^+) (v1, v2)
| Subtr -> calc (^-) (v1, v2)
| Some vs -> vs |> Set.toList
| None -> []
Unr = unr
Vals = vals
Min = min
MinIncl = minincl
Incr = incr
Max = max
MaxIncl = maxincl
MaxIncl = maxincl
let vals =
| Expr ->
(Some incr)
let inline (^*) v1 v2 = (?<-) Mult v1 v2
let inline (^/) v1 v2 = (?<-) Div v1 v2
let inline (^+) v1 v2 = (?<-) Add v1 v2
let inline (^-) v1 v2 = (?<-) Subtr v1 v2
let inline (<==) v1 v2 = (?<-) Expr v1 v2
let n =
|> Name.create succ (fun m -> m |> Name.Exceptions.raiseExc)
/// Handle the creation of a `Variable` from a `Dto` and
/// vice versa.
module Dto =
| _ -> dto.Vals |> Set.ofList |> Some
let min =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
vars |> List.filter ((=) v) |> List.length > 1
let max =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Maximum.createMax dto.MaxIncl |> Some
type Dto =
Unr: bool
Min: BigRational option
MinIncl: bool
| [] -> None
| _ -> dto.Incr |> Set.ofList |> Some
let vr = ValueRange.create min incr max vs
let createDto n unr vals min minincl incr max maxincl =
Name = n
Unr = unr
Vals = vals
let createProductEqExc =
createProductEq id Exception.raiseExc
MinIncl = minincl
Incr = incr
Max = max
MaxIncl = maxincl
let createSumEqExc =
createSumEq id Exception.raiseExc
dto.Name |> Name.create succ (fun m -> m |> fail)
/// Create an *empty* *new* `Dto` with only a name **n**
let createNew n =
createDto n true [] None false [] None false
| _ -> dto.Vals |> Set.ofList |> Some
let min =
let isProduct =
apply (fun _ _ -> true) (fun _ _ -> false)
v |> Minimum.createMin dto.MinIncl |> Some
let isSum =
apply (fun _ _ -> true) (fun _ _ -> false)
let max =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Maximum.createMax dto.MaxIncl |> Some
/// making sure the `Unr` is set to `false`.
let setVals vals dto = { dto with Unr = false; Vals = vals }
match dto.Incr with
/// Set a `min` to an **dto** that is either inclusive `incl` true or exclusive `false`
| _ -> dto.Incr |> Set.ofList |> Some
MinIncl = incl
/// Set a `max` to an **dto** that is either inclusive `incl` true or exclusive `false`
let setMax max incl dto =
{ dto with
Unr = false
| _ -> None
MaxIncl = incl
(if c = 0 then 1 else c) * acc
/// Set an `incr` to a **dto**
let setIncr incr dto = { dto with Unr = false; Incr = incr }
let dto =
let op =
if eq |> isProduct then "*" else "+"
/// Match a string **p** to a field of `Dto`
let unr =
v.Values |> ValueRange.isUnrestricted
match p |> String.toLower with
| "vals" -> Vals
| "minincl" -> MinIncl
| Some m -> m |> Minimum.isMinExcl |> not
| None -> false
| "incr" -> Incr
| "maxincl" -> MaxIncl
| "maxexcl" -> MaxExcl
| Some m -> m |> Maximum.isMaxExcl |> not
| None -> false
let min =
/// Set a `Dto` member **p** with a value `v` to a `Dto` **dto**.
/// If no field can be matched the **dto** is returned unchanged.
let setProp p vs dto =
let getVal vs =
let max =
| [ v ] -> v |> Some
| _ -> None
let xs' =
xs |> Variable.setNonZeroOrNegative
match p with
| Vals -> dto |> setVals vs
| MinIncl -> dto |> setMin (vs |> getVal) true
| MinExcl -> dto |> setMin (vs |> getVal) false
| Incr -> dto |> setIncr vs
| Some i -> i |> Set.toList
| None -> []
| NoProp -> dto
/// Return a `string` representation of a `Dto`
let toString
| Some vs -> vs |> Set.toList
| None -> []
Unr = unr
Vals = vals
Min = min
MinIncl = minincl
Incr = incr
Max = max
MaxIncl = maxincl
MaxIncl = maxincl
let vals =
vr' |> Variable.getName = (vr |> Variable.getName)
(Some incr)
sprintf "%s%s" name vals
/// Create a `Variable` from a `Dto` and
/// raise a `DtoException` if this fails.
let fromDto (dto: Dto) =
let succ = id
let vs =
vs |> List.replace ((Variable.eqName) v) v
let n =
|> Name.create succ (fun m -> m |> Name.Exceptions.raiseExc)
let vs =
match dto.Vals with
| [] -> None
| _ -> dto.Vals |> Set.ofList |> Some
let min =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
vars |> List.filter ((=) v) |> List.length > 1
let max =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Maximum.createMax dto.MaxIncl |> Some
let incr =
|> function
| [] -> None
| _ -> dto.Incr |> Set.ofList |> Some
let vr = ValueRange.create min incr max vs
create succ n vr
/// Create a `Variable` option from a `Dto` and
let createProductEqExc =
createProductEq id Exception.raiseExc
let fromDtoOpt (dto: Dto) =
let succ = Some
let fail = Option.none
let createSumEqExc =
createSumEq id Exception.raiseExc
dto.Name |> Name.create succ (fun m -> m |> fail)
let vs =
match dto.Vals with
| [] -> None
| _ -> dto.Vals |> Set.ofList |> Some
let min =
let isProduct =
apply (fun _ _ -> true) (fun _ _ -> false)
v |> Minimum.createMin dto.MinIncl |> Some
let isSum =
apply (fun _ _ -> true) (fun _ _ -> false)
let max =
|> Option.bind (fun v ->
v |> Maximum.createMax dto.MaxIncl |> Some
let incr =
match dto.Incr with
| [] -> None
| _ -> dto.Incr |> Set.ofList |> Some
let vr = ValueRange.create min incr max vs
match n with
| Some n' -> create succ n' vr
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
(if c = 0 then 1 else c) * acc
/// Create a `Dto` from a `Variable`.
let toDto (v: Variable) =
let dto =
let op =
if eq |> isProduct then "*" else "+"
let unr =
v.Values |> ValueRange.isUnrestricted
let minincl =
match v.Values |> ValueRange.getMin with
| Some m -> m |> Minimum.isMinExcl |> not
| None -> false
let maxincl =
match v.Values |> ValueRange.getMax with
| Some m -> m |> Maximum.isMaxExcl |> not
| None -> false
let min =
|> ValueRange.getMin
|> Option.bind (Minimum.minToBigRational >> Some)
let max =
|> ValueRange.getMax
let xs' =
xs |> Variable.setNonZeroOrNegative
let incr =
|> ValueRange.getIncr
|> function
let ychanged, y' =
calc [] op1 op1 x xs' [ y ]
| None -> []
let vals =
|> ValueRange.getValueSet
|> function
| Some vs -> vs |> Set.toList
| None -> []
{ dto with
Unr = unr
Vals = vals
Min = min
MinIncl = minincl
Incr = incr
Max = max
MaxIncl = maxincl
/// Functions that handle the `Equation` type that
/// either represents a `ProductEquation` </br>
acc |> List.replaceOrAdd (Variable.eqName v) v
vr' |> Variable.getName = (vr |> Variable.getName)
/// y = x1 + x2 + ... + xn
module Equation =
open Types
open Variable.Operators
module ValueRange = Variable.ValueRange
module Exception =
/// Equation exception
exception EquationException of Exceptions.Message
let vs =
vs |> List.replace ((Variable.eqName) v) v
let raiseExc m = m |> EquationException |> raise
/// Create an `Equation` with an **y** and
/// **xs**. Fails if a variable is added more
/// than one time using the **fail** function.
/// The type of Equation product or sum
/// is determined by the constructor **c**.
let create c succ fail (y, xs) =
let vars = y :: xs
match vars
|> List.filter (fun v ->
vars |> List.filter ((=) v) |> List.length > 1
| [] -> (y, xs) |> c |> succ
| duplicates ->
|> Exceptions.EquationDuplicateVariables
|> fail
/// Create an `ProductEquation` with an **y** and
/// **xs**. Fails if a variable is added more
/// than one time using the **fail** function.
let createProductEq = create ProductEquation
Vars: VariableDto []
IsProdEq: bool
/// **xs**. Fails if a variable is added more
/// than one time using the **fail** function.
let createSumEq = create SumEquation
/// Create an `ProductEquation` with an **y** and
/// **xs**. Fails if a variable is added more
/// than one time raising an exception.
let createProductEqExc =
createProductEq id Exception.raiseExc
/// Create an `SumEquation` with an **y** and
/// **xs**. Fails if a variable is added more
/// than one time raising an exception.
let createSumEqExc =
let varToString =
Variable.Dto.toString exact
/// Apply **fp** to a `ProductEquation` and
/// **fs** to a `SumEquation`.
let apply fp fs =
| ProductEquation (y, xs) -> fp y xs
| SumEquation (y, xs) -> fs y xs
/// Check whether an `Equation` is a product equation
let isProduct =
apply (fun _ _ -> true) (fun _ _ -> false)
/// Check whether an `Equation` is a sum equation
let isSum =
apply (fun _ _ -> true) (fun _ _ -> false)
/// Turn an `Equation` into a list of `Variable`
let toVars =
let f y xs = y :: xs
apply f f
let count e =
|> toVars
let e =
(y, xs |> Variable.Dto.fromDto)
let countProduct e =
match e with
| SumEquation _ -> -1
| _ ->
|> toVars
|> List.fold
(fun acc v ->
Vars =
y :: xs
|> Variable.Dto.toDto
|> List.toArray
IsProdEq = isProd
let toString exact eq =
let op =
if eq |> isProduct then "*" else "+"
let varToString = Variable.toString exact
match eq |> toVars with
| [] -> ""
| _ :: [] -> ""
| y :: xs ->
let s =
sprintf "%s = " (y |> varToString)
+ (xs
|> List.fold
(fun s v -> s + (v |> varToString) + " " + op + " ")
s.Substring(0, s.Length - 2)
/// Make sure that the `Variables` in the
/// `Equation` can only contain positive
/// non zero values.
let nonZeroOrNegative e =
let set c y xs =
let y' = y |> Variable.setNonZeroOrNegative
let xs' =
xs |> Variable.setNonZeroOrNegative
|> Variable.getName
let fp = set ProductEquation
let fs = set SumEquation
e |> apply fp fs
let ychanged, y' =
calc [] op1 op1 x xs' [ y ]
/// Check whether an `Equation` contains
/// a `Variable` **v**
let contains v =
toVars >> (List.exists (Variable.eqName v))
/// Check whether `Equation`s
/// **eq1** and **eq2** are equal
let equals eq1 eq2 =
let vrs1 = eq1 |> toVars
let vrs2 = eq2 |> toVars
|> List.forall (fun vr -> vrs2 |> List.exists (Variable.eqName vr))
&& ((eq1 |> isProduct) && (eq2 |> isProduct)
|| (eq1 |> isSum) && (eq2 |> isSum))
/// Find a `Variable` **vr** in
/// an `Equation` **eq** and return
/// the result in a list
let find vr eq =
|> toVars
acc |> List.replaceOrAdd (Variable.eqName v) v
vr' |> Variable.getName = (vr |> Variable.getName)
/// Find a `Variable` with `Name`
/// **n** in an `Equation` **eq**
/// and return the result as a list
let findName n eq =
|> toVars
|> List.filter (fun vr -> vr |> Variable.getName = n)
|> List.exists (fun v -> e |> Equation.contains v)
/// Replace a `Variable` **v** in the
/// `Equation` **e**.
let replace v e =
let r c v vs =
let vs =
vs |> List.replace ((Variable.eqName) v) v
c id (fun _ -> e) ((vs |> List.head), (vs |> List.tail))
let fp y xs = r createProductEq v (y :: xs)
let fs y xs = r createSumEq v (y :: xs)
e |> apply fp fs
// Check whether an equation is solved
let isSolved =
| ProductEquation (y, xs)
| SumEquation (y, xs) -> y :: xs |> List.forall Variable.isSolved
// Check whether an equation will change by calc
// This is not the same as `isSolved`!! If all
// the variables are unrestricted than the equation
// is not solvable but is also not solved.
let isSolvable =
| ProductEquation (y, xs)
| SumEquation (y, xs) ->
let es = y :: xs
es |> List.exists Variable.isSolvable
Vars: VariableDto []
IsProdEq: bool
|> List.length > 1
|> not
let check e =
let issub op (y: Variable) (xs: Variable list) =
|> function
| [] -> true
| _ ->
if y.Values |> ValueRange.isValueSet
&& xs
|> Variable.getValueRange
|> List.forall ValueRange.isValueSet then
let varToString =
Variable.Dto.toString exact
|> ValueRange.isSubSetOf (xs |> List.reduce (op)).Values
if e |> isSolvable then
|> function
| ProductEquation (y, xs) -> xs |> issub (^*) y
| SumEquation (y, xs) -> xs |> issub (^+) y
let msg =
invalid |> Exceptions.SolverInvalidEquations
/// Solve an equation **e**, return a list of
/// changed `Variable`s.
let solve log eq =
|> Events.EquationStartedSolving
|> Logging.logInfo log
// let runOnce y xs =
let e =
(y, xs |> Variable.Dto.fromDto)
// y::xs
// |> List.filter (Variable.getValueRange >> ValueRange.isValueSet)
// |> List.length
// let c2 = (y::xs |> List.length)
// (c2 - c1 <= 1)
if eq |> isSolved then
Vars =
y :: xs
|> Variable.Dto.toDto
|> List.toArray
IsProdEq = isProd
|> Logging.logInfo log
match rest with
| [] ->
(changed, xs)
|> Events.EquationFinishedCalculation
|> Logging.logInfo log
changed, xs
| x :: tail ->
let xs' = xs |> List.filter ((<>) x)
let x' =
match xs' with
| [] -> x <== y
| _ -> x <== (y |> op2 <| (xs' |> List.reduce op1))
let changed =
if x = x' then
|> Events.EquationVariableChanged
|> Logging.logInfo log
|> List.replaceOrAdd (Variable.eqName x') x'
tail |> calc changed op1 op2 y (x' :: xs')
// op1 = (*) or (+) and op2 = (/) or (-)
|> Variable.getName
let x = xs |> List.head
let xs' = xs |> List.filter ((<>) x)
// Calculate y = x1 op1 x2 op1 .. op1 xn
let ychanged, y' =
calc [] op1 op1 x xs' [ y ]
// Replace y with the new y with is in a list
let y = y' |> List.head
// Calculate x1 = y op2 (x2 op1 x3 .. op1 xn)
// and x2 = y op2 (x1 op1 x3 .. op1 xn)
// etc..
let xchanged, xs = calc [] op1 op2 y xs xs
// If something has changed restart until nothing changes anymore
// or only has to run once
match ychanged @ xchanged with
| [] ->
|> Events.EquationFinishedSolving
|> Logging.logInfo log
| _ ->
ychanged @ xchanged
|> List.fold
(fun acc v ->
acc |> List.replaceOrAdd (Variable.eqName v) v
|> fun changed ->
// only run once so now is ready
if b then
(b, y, xs, changed)
|> Events.EquationLoopedSolving
|> Logging.logInfo log
|> List.exists (fun v -> e |> Equation.contains v)
loop b op1 op2 y xs changed
let b, y, xs, op1, op2 =
match eq with
| ProductEquation (y, xs) -> y, xs, (^*), (^/)
| SumEquation (y, xs) -> y, xs, (^+), (^-)
|> fun (y, xs, op1, op2) ->
// run only once when all but one is a value set
false, y, xs, op1, op2 // runOnce y xs, y, xs, op1, op2
match xs with
| [] -> []
| _ ->
loop b op1 op2 y xs []
| Variable.Exceptions.VariableException m ->
m |> Logging.logError log
|> Events.EquationCouldNotBeSolved
|> Logging.logWarning log
m |> Variable.Exceptions.raiseExc
module Dto =
type VariableDto = Variable.Dto.Dto
/// `Dto` for an `Equation`
type Dto =
Vars: VariableDto []
IsProdEq: bool
/// Create a `Dto` with `vars` (variable dto array)
/// that is either a `ProductEquation` or a `SumEquation`
let create isProd vars = { Vars = vars; IsProdEq = isProd }
/// Create a `ProductEquation` `Dto`
let createProd = create true
/// Create a `SumEquation` `Dto`
let createSum = create false
/// Return the `string` representation of a `Dto`
let toString exact (dto: Dto) =
let op = if dto.IsProdEq then "*" else "+"
let varToString =
Variable.Dto.toString exact
match dto.Vars |> Array.toList with
| [] -> ""
| _ :: [] -> ""
| y :: xs ->
let s =
sprintf "%s = " (y |> varToString)
+ (xs
|> List.fold
(fun s v -> s + (v |> varToString) + " " + op + " ")
let msg =
invalid |> Exceptions.SolverInvalidEquations
/// Create a `Dto` and raise an exception if it fails
let fromDto dto =
let succ = id
let fail = Exception.raiseExc
match dto.Vars |> Array.toList with
| [] -> Exceptions.EquationEmptyVariableList |> fail
| y :: xs ->
let y = y |> Variable.Dto.fromDto
let e =
(y, xs |> Variable.Dto.fromDto)
if dto.IsProdEq then
e |> createProductEq succ fail
e |> createSumEq succ fail
/// Create a `Dto` from an `Equation` **e**
let toDto e =
let c isProd y xs =
Vars =
y :: xs
|> Variable.Dto.toDto
|> List.toArray
IsProdEq = isProd
let fp = c true
let fs = c false
e |> apply fp fs
/// Implementations of solvers for product equations
/// sum equations and a set of product and/or sum
/// equations
module Solver =
module EQD = Equation.Dto
open Types
module Exception =
/// Equation exception
exception SolverException of Exceptions.Message
/// Raise an `EquationException` with `Message` `m`.
let raiseExc m = m |> SolverException |> raise
let sortByName eqs =
|> List.sortBy (fun e ->
|> Equation.toVars
|> List.head
|> Variable.getName
/// Format a set of equations to print.
/// Using **f** to allow additional processing
/// of the string.
let printEqs exact pf eqs =
"equations result:\n" |> pf
|> sortByName
|> (Equation.toString exact)
|> List.iteri (fun i s -> s |> sprintf "%i.\t%s" i |> pf)
"-----" |> pf
/// Checks whether a list of `Equation` **eqs**
/// contains an `Equation` **eq**
let contains eq eqs = eqs |> List.exists ((=) eq)
/// The `Result` of solving an `Equation`
/// is that either the `Equation` is the
/// same or has `Changed`.
type Result =
| UnChanged
| Changed of Variable list
/// Replace a list of `Variable` **vs**
/// in a list of `Equation` **es**, return
/// a list of replaced `Equation` and a list
/// of unchanged `Equation`
let replace vars es =
let rpl, rst =
|> List.partition (fun e ->
|> List.exists (fun v -> e |> Equation.contains v)
|> List.fold (fun acc v -> acc |> (Equation.replace v)) rpl,
/// Solve the equation `e` and return
/// the set of equations `es` it belongs
/// to either as `Changed` or `Unchanged`
let solveEquation log e =
let changed = e |> Equation.solve log
if changed |> List.length > 0 then
changed |> Changed
let memSolve f =
let cache = ref Map.empty
fun e ->
match (!cache).TryFind(e) with
| Some r -> r
| None ->
let r = f e
cache := (!cache).Add(e, r)
let sortQue que =
if que |> List.length = 0 then
que |> List.sortBy Equation.countProduct
/// Create the equation solver using a
/// product equation and a sum equation solver
/// and function to determine whether an
/// equation is solved
let solve log sortQue vr eqs =
let solveE = solveEquation log
let rec loop n que acc =
if n > ((que @ acc |> List.length) * 10) then
(que @ acc)
|> Exceptions.SolverLooped
|> Logging.logError log
(que @ acc)
|> Exceptions.SolverLooped
|> Exception.raiseExc
let que = que |> sortQue
|> Events.SolverLoopedQue
|> Logging.logInfo log
match que with
| [] ->
match acc |> List.filter (Equation.check >> not) with
| [] -> acc
| invalid ->
let msg =
invalid |> Exceptions.SolverInvalidEquations
msg |> Logging.logError log
msg |> Exception.raiseExc
| eq :: tail ->
// If the equation is already solved, or not solvable
// just put it to the accumulated equations and go on with the rest
if eq |> Equation.isSolvable |> not then
[ eq ] |> List.append acc |> loop (n + 1) tail
// Else go solve the equation
match eq |> solveE with
// Equation is changed, so every other equation can
// be changed as well (if changed vars are in the other
// equations) so start new
| Changed vars ->
let eq = [ eq ] |> replace vars |> fst
// find all eqs with vars in acc and put these back on que
|> replace vars
|> function
| (rpl, rst) ->
// replace vars in tail
let que =
|> replace vars
|> function
| (es1, es2) ->
|> List.append es2
|> List.append rpl
rst |> List.append eq |> loop (n + 1) que
// Equation did not in fact change, so put it to
// the accumulated equations and go on with the rest
| UnChanged ->
[ eq ] |> List.append acc |> loop (n + 1) tail
|> replace [ vr ]
|> function
| (rpl, rst) -> loop 0 rpl rst
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