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Last active July 17, 2022 07:56
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Recursive tree type and handling of recursive trees
module Types =
type BinaryTree<'Node> =
| Empty
| Node of
node: 'Node *
left: BinaryTree<'Node> *
right: BinaryTree<'Node>
/// Recursive tree type with tree-like semantics.
/// So the tree can just consist of a leaf or branch
/// or a branch can have multiple subtrees consisting
/// of either leafs or branches.
/// A leaf or branch can but do not nescessarily be of
/// different types.
type GeneralTree<'Branch, 'Leaf> =
| Empty
| Leaf of leaf: 'Leaf
| Branch of branch: 'Branch * trees: GeneralTree<'Branch, 'Leaf> seq
type SimpleTree<'Node> = GeneralTree<'Node, 'Node>
module GeneralTree =
/// Catamorphism of a tree, using:
/// - fLeaf: that handles a leaf type and
/// - fBranch: that handles a branch type and
/// the recursed results of handling the subtrees.
let cata fLeaf fBranch (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let rec loop fLeaf fbranch tree =
let recurse = loop fLeaf fbranch
match tree with
| Empty -> Empty
| Leaf leaf -> leaf |> fLeaf
| Branch (branch, subTrees) ->
subTrees |> recurse |> fbranch branch
loop fLeaf fBranch tree
/// A fold over a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: that handles a leaf type and the accumulator
/// - fBranch: that handles a branch type and the accumulator
let fold fLeaf fBranch acc (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let rec loop fLeaf fbranch acc tree =
let recurse = loop fLeaf fbranch
match tree with
| Empty -> acc
| Leaf leaf -> leaf |> fLeaf acc
| Branch (branch, subTrees) ->
let acc = branch |> fbranch acc
subTrees |> Seq.fold recurse acc
loop fLeaf fBranch acc tree
/// Foldback of a tree, using:
/// - fLeaf: that handles a leaf type and the accumulator
/// - fBranch: that handles a branch type and the accumulator
let foldBack fLeaf fBranch (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) acc =
let rec loop fLeaf fbranch tree fAcc =
let recurse = loop fLeaf fbranch
match tree with
| Empty -> fAcc
| Leaf leaf -> fun _ -> leaf |> fLeaf (fAcc ())
| Branch (branch, subTrees) ->
fun _ -> branch |> fBranch (fAcc ())
|> Seq.foldBack recurse subTrees
loop fLeaf fBranch tree (fun () -> acc)
|> fun f -> f ()
/// Map the leaf and branch types of a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to map the leaf type from a -> b and
/// - fBranch: to map a branch from c -> d
let map fLeaf fBranch (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let rec loop fLeaf fBranch tree =
let recurse = loop fLeaf fBranch
match tree with
| Empty -> Empty
| Leaf leaf -> leaf |> fLeaf |> Leaf
| Branch (branch, subTrees) ->
(branch |> fBranch, subTrees |> recurse)
|> Branch
loop fLeaf fBranch tree
/// Iterate through a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to handle the leaf type and
/// - fBranch: to handle the branch type
let iter fLeaf fBranch (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let rec loop fLeaf fBranch tree =
let recurse = loop fLeaf fBranch
match tree with
| Empty -> ()
| Leaf leaf -> leaf |> fLeaf
| Branch (branch, trees) ->
trees |> Seq.iter recurse
branch |> fBranch
loop fLeaf fBranch tree
/// Map the leaf and branch types of a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to map the leaf type from a -> b and
/// - fBranch: to map a branch from c -> d
/// the map functions also get all the tree indexes:
/// - p: a sequence of parent indexes
/// - d: the depth of the tree item
/// - i: the item number in the parent
let mapi fLeaf fBranch (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let rec loop fLeaf fBranch p d i tree =
let recurse = loop fLeaf fBranch
match tree with
| Empty -> Empty
| Leaf leaf -> leaf |> fLeaf p d i |> Leaf
| Branch (branch, subTrees) ->
let branch = branch |> fBranch p d i
let p = [ i ] |> List.append p
let d = d + 1
|> Seq.mapi (fun i t -> i, t)
|> (fun (i, tree) -> recurse p d i tree))
|> Branch
loop fLeaf fBranch [] 0 0 tree
/// Gives an nice string representation of a tree
/// incorperating all tree specific indexes like:
/// - parent indexes
/// - depth (by indentation)
/// - breath (the count) and
/// - the item number in the list of the parent
let toString leafToString branchToString (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let fLeaf p d i leaf =
let leaf = leaf |> leafToString
let p = p @ [ i ] |> string |> String.concat "."
let s = $"{p} %s{leaf}"
let tabs = "\t" |> Seq.replicate d |> String.concat ""
sprintf "%s" (tabs + s)
let fBranch p d i branch =
let branch = branch |> branchToString
let p = p @ [ i ] |> string |> String.concat "."
let s = $"{p} %s{branch}"
let tabs = "\t" |> Seq.replicate d |> String.concat ""
sprintf "%s" (tabs + s)
let tost acc s = $"{acc}\n{s}"
tree |> mapi fLeaf fBranch |> fold tost tost ""
/// Iterate through a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to handle the leaf type and
/// - fBranch: to handle the branch type
/// the handle functions also get all the tree indexes:
/// - p: a sequence of parent indexes
/// - d: the depth of the tree item
/// - b: the breath of the tree item
/// - i: the item number in the parent
let iteri fLeaf fBranch (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let rec loop fLeaf fBranch p d b i tree =
let recurse = loop fLeaf fBranch
match tree with
| Empty -> b
| Leaf leaf ->
leaf |> fLeaf p b d i
| Branch (branch, trees) ->
branch |> fBranch p b d i
let p = [ i ] |> List.append p
let d = d + 1
|> Seq.mapi (fun i t -> i, t)
|> Seq.fold (fun b (i, tree) -> recurse p d (b + 1) i tree) b
loop fLeaf fBranch [] 0 0 0 tree |> ignore
/// Transform a tree to a table
let toTable (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let tableCell c item = item |> c |> Seq.singleton
let rec loop table tree =
match tree with
| Empty -> Seq.empty
| Leaf leaf ->
let tc = leaf |> tableCell Leaf
if table |> Seq.isEmpty then
tc |> Seq.singleton
table |> (fun row -> tc |> Seq.append row)
| Branch (branch, trees) ->
if trees |> Seq.isEmpty then
(branch, Seq.empty)
|> tableCell Branch
|> Seq.singleton
|> Seq.collect (loop table)
|> (fun row ->
let tc = (branch, Seq.empty) |> tableCell Branch
row |> Seq.append tc)
loop Seq.empty tree
/// Get all distinct branhces and leaves of a tree
let distinct (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
let addItem c acc item =
let item = item |> c
if acc |> Seq.contains item then
item |> Seq.singleton |> Seq.append acc
let fLeaf = addItem Leaf
let fBranch = addItem (fun b -> (b, Seq.empty) |> Branch)
fold fLeaf fBranch Seq.empty tree
/// Detect wheter in a tree there are any cyclic
/// tree sections
let detectCycles (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) =
|> toTable
|> Seq.fold
(fun acc row ->
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.fold
(fun acc t ->
|> Seq.fold
(fun (n, acc') t' ->
match n with
| _ when n = 0 && t' = t ->
(1, t' |> Seq.singleton)
| _ when n = 1 && t' <> t ->
(1, t' |> Seq.singleton |> Seq.append acc')
| _ when n = 1 && t' = t ->
(2, t' |> Seq.singleton |> Seq.append acc')
| _ -> (n, acc'))
(0, Seq.empty)
|> Seq.singleton
|> Seq.append acc)
|> Seq.filter (fun (n, _) -> n = 2)
|> snd
|> Seq.append acc)
let empty = Empty
/// Initialize a tree with a branch
let init branch = (branch, Seq.empty) |> Branch
/// Add an item (leaf or branch) to a branch
let addTobranch item branch tree =
let fBranch b tree =
if b <> branch then
(b, tree)
(branch, item |> Seq.singleton |> Seq.append tree)
|> Branch
cata Leaf fBranch tree
/// Add a leaf to a branch
let addLeafTobranch root leaf =
let item = leaf |> Leaf
addTobranch item root
/// Add a branch to a branch
let addBranchTobranch root branch =
let item = branch |> init
addTobranch item root
module TestTree =
module Tree = GeneralTree
let tree =
|> Tree.init
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "root" "branch0"
|> Tree.addLeafTobranch "root" "leaf1"
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "root" "branch1"
|> Tree.addLeafTobranch "branch1" "leaf2"
|> Tree.addLeafTobranch "branch1" "leaf3"
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "root" "branch2"
|> Tree.addLeafTobranch "branch2" "leaf4"
|> Tree.addLeafTobranch "branch2" "leaf5"
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "branch1" "branch3"
|> Tree.addLeafTobranch "branch3" "leaf6"
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "branch2" "branch5"
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "root" "branch4"
tree |> Tree.toString id id |> printfn "%s"
|> Tree.iteri
(fun p b d i leaf ->
let p = p @ [ i ] |> string |> String.concat "." in
let s = $"{p} {leaf} ({b})" in
let tabs = "\t" |> Seq.replicate d |> String.concat "" in
printfn "%s" (tabs + s))
(fun p b d i branch ->
let p = p @ [ i ] |> string |> String.concat "." in
let s = $"{p} {branch} ({b})" in
let tabs = "\t" |> Seq.replicate d |> String.concat "" in
printfn "%s" (tabs + s))
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "branch5" "root"
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "branch5" "branch2"
|> Tree.toTable
|> (fun row ->
|> (fun tree ->
match tree with
| Empty -> ""
| Leaf leaf -> leaf
| Branch (branch, _) -> branch)
|> String.concat "\t")
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
|> Tree.distinct
|> Seq.iter (Tree.toString id id >> printfn "%s")
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "branch5" "root"
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch "branch5" "branch2"
|> Tree.detectCycles
//|> Seq.distinctBy (fun r -> r)
module SimpleTree =
module Tree = GeneralTree
/// Catamorphism of a tree, using:
/// - fNode: that handles a node type and
/// - the recursed results of handling the subtrees.
let cata fNode (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<_> =
let fLeaf leaf = fNode leaf Seq.empty
Tree.cata fLeaf fNode tree
/// A fold over a tree, using
/// - fNode: that handles a node type and the accumulator
let fold fNode acc (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<_> =
Tree.fold fNode fNode acc tree
/// Foldback of a tree, using:
/// - fNode: that handles a node type and the accumulator
let foldBack fNode (tree: SimpleTree<_>) acc =
Tree.foldBack fNode fNode tree acc
/// Map the node type of a tree, using
/// - fNode: to map the node type from a -> b
let map fNode (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<'Node> = fNode fNode tree
/// Iterate through a tree, using
/// - fNode: to handle the node type and
let iter fNode (tree: SimpleTree<_>) = Tree.iter fNode fNode tree
/// Map the node type of a tree, using
/// - fNode: to map the node type from a -> b
/// the map functions also get all the tree indexes:
/// - p: a sequence of parent indexes
/// - d: the depth of the tree item
/// - i: the item number in the parent
let mapi fNode (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<_> =
Tree.mapi fNode fNode tree
/// Gives an nice string representation of a tree
/// incorperating all tree specific indexes like:
/// - parent indexes
/// - depth (by indentation)
/// - breath (the count) and
/// - the item number in the list of the parent
let toString nodeToString (tree: SimpleTree<_>) =
Tree.toString nodeToString nodeToString tree
/// Iterate through a tree, using
/// - fNode: to handle the node type
/// the handle functions also get all the tree indexes:
/// - p: a sequence of parent indexes
/// - d: the depth of the tree item
/// - b: the breath of the tree item
/// - i: the item number in the parent
let iteri fNode (tree: SimpleTree<_>) = Tree.iteri fNode fNode tree
/// Transform a tree to a table
let toTable (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<_> seq seq =
Tree.toTable tree
/// Get all distinct nodes of a tree
let distinct (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<_> seq = Tree.distinct tree
/// Detect wheter in a tree there are any cyclic
/// tree sections
let detectCycles (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<_> seq seq =
Tree.detectCycles tree
/// Initialize a tree with a node
let init node : SimpleTree<_> = (node, Seq.empty) |> Branch
/// Add a node
let add item node (tree: SimpleTree<_>) : SimpleTree<_> =
Tree.addBranchTobranch item node tree
module TestSimpleTree =
module Tree = SimpleTree
let tree =
|> Tree.init
|> Tree.add "root" "branch0"
|> Tree.add "root" "leaf1"
|> Tree.add "root" "branch1"
|> Tree.add "branch1" "leaf2"
|> Tree.add "branch1" "leaf3"
|> Tree.add "root" "branch2"
|> Tree.add "branch2" "leaf4"
|> Tree.add "branch2" "leaf5"
|> Tree.add "branch1" "branch3"
|> Tree.add "branch3" "leaf6"
|> Tree.add "branch2" "branch5"
|> Tree.add "root" "branch4"
tree |> Tree.toString id |> printfn "%s"
|> Tree.iteri (fun p b d i node ->
let p = p @ [ i ] |> string |> String.concat "." in
let s = $"{p} {node} ({b})" in
let tabs = "\t" |> Seq.replicate d |> String.concat "" in
printfn "%s" (tabs + s))
|> Tree.add "branch5" "root"
|> Tree.add "branch5" "branch2"
|> Tree.toTable
|> (fun row ->
|> (fun tree ->
match tree with
| Empty -> ""
| Leaf leaf -> leaf
| Branch (branch, _) -> branch)
|> String.concat "\t")
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
|> Tree.distinct
|> Seq.iter (Tree.toString id >> printfn "%s")
|> Tree.add "branch5" "root"
|> Tree.add "branch5" "branch2"
|> Tree.detectCycles
//|> Seq.distinctBy (fun r -> r)
module BinaryTree =
module Tree = GeneralTree
let empty = BinaryTree.Empty
let node a = (a, empty, empty) |> Node
/// Helper function to map a binary tree
/// to a general tree
let mapToGeneralTree (tree: BinaryTree<'Node>) : GeneralTree<'Node, 'Node> =
let rec recurse tree =
match tree with
| BinaryTree.Empty -> GeneralTree.empty
| Node (node, BinaryTree.Empty, BinaryTree.Empty) ->
node |> GeneralTree.init
| Node (node, left, right) ->
|> GeneralTree.init
|> GeneralTree.addTobranch (recurse left) node
|> GeneralTree.addTobranch (recurse right) node
recurse tree
/// Helper function to map a general tree to
/// a binary tree
let mapToBinaryTree (tree: GeneralTree<_, _>) : BinaryTree<_> =
let rec recurse tree =
match tree with
| GeneralTree.Empty -> empty
| Branch (branch, trees) when trees |> Seq.length = 0 ->
branch |> node
| Branch (branch, trees) when trees |> Seq.length = 2 ->
trees |> Seq.item 0 |> recurse,
trees |> Seq.item 1 |> recurse
| _ -> $"{tree} is not a valid binary tree" |> failwith
tree |> recurse
let applyMap f fBranch tree =
let fLeaf _ = $"not supported" |> failwith
|> mapToGeneralTree
|> f fLeaf fBranch
|> mapToBinaryTree
let applyFold f fBranch acc tree =
let fLeaf _ = $"not supported" |> failwith
tree |> mapToGeneralTree |> f fLeaf fBranch acc
let applyIter f fBranch acc tree =
let fLeaf _ = $"not supported" |> failwith
tree |> mapToGeneralTree |> f fLeaf fBranch
/// Catamorphism of a tree, using:
/// - fLeaf: that handles a leaf type and
/// - fBranch: that handles a branch type and
/// the recursed results of handling the subtrees.
let cata fNode (tree: BinaryTree<_>) =
let fBranch node nodes =
if nodes |> Seq.length <> 2 then
$"not supported" |> failwith
(nodes |> Seq.item 0 |> mapToBinaryTree)
(nodes |> Seq.item 1 |> mapToBinaryTree)
|> mapToGeneralTree
tree |> applyMap Tree.cata fBranch
/// A fold over a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: that handles a leaf type and the accumulator
/// - fBranch: that handles a branch type and the accumulator
let fold fNode acc (tree: BinaryTree<_>) =
let fBranch acc node = node |> fNode acc
tree |> applyFold GeneralTree.fold fBranch acc
/// Foldback of a tree, using:
/// - fLeaf: that handles a leaf type and the accumulator
/// - fBranch: that handles a branch type and the accumulator
let foldBack fNode (tree: BinaryTree<_>) acc =
let fBranch acc node = node |> fNode acc
let foldBack fLeaf fBranch acc tree =
GeneralTree.foldBack fLeaf fBranch tree acc
tree |> applyFold foldBack fBranch acc
/// Map the leaf and branch types of a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to map the leaf type from a -> b and
/// - fBranch: to map a branch from c -> d
let map fNode (tree: BinaryTree<_>) : BinaryTree<_> =
tree |> applyMap fNode
/// Iterate through a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to handle the leaf type and
/// - fBranch: to handle the branch type
let iter fNode (tree: BinaryTree<_>) = tree |> applyIter Tree.iter fNode
/// Map the leaf and branch types of a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to map the leaf type from a -> b and
/// - fBranch: to map a branch from c -> d
/// the map functions also get all the tree indexes:
/// - p: a sequence of parent indexes
/// - d: the depth of the tree item
/// - i: the item number in the parent
let mapi fNode (tree: BinaryTree<_>) : BinaryTree<_> =
tree |> applyMap Tree.mapi fNode
/// Gives an nice string representation of a tree
/// incorperating all tree specific indexes like:
/// - parent indexes
/// - depth (by indentation)
/// - breath (the count) and
/// - the item number in the list of the parent
let toString nodeToString (tree: BinaryTree<_>) =
|> mapToGeneralTree
|> Tree.toString nodeToString nodeToString
/// Iterate through a tree, using
/// - fLeaf: to handle the leaf type and
/// - fBranch: to handle the branch type
/// the handle functions also get all the tree indexes:
/// - p: a sequence of parent indexes
/// - d: the depth of the tree item
/// - b: the breath of the tree item
/// - i: the item number in the parent
let iteri fNode (tree: SimpleTree<_>) = tree |> applyIter Tree.iteri fNode
/// Transform a tree to a table
let toTable (tree: BinaryTree<_>) : BinaryTree<_> seq seq =
|> mapToGeneralTree
|> Tree.toTable
|> ( mapToBinaryTree)
/// Get all distinct branhces and leaves of a tree
let distinct (tree: BinaryTree<_>) : BinaryTree<_> seq =
|> mapToGeneralTree
|> Tree.distinct
|> mapToBinaryTree
/// Detect wheter in a tree there are any cyclic
/// tree sections
let detectCycles (tree: BinaryTree<_>) : BinaryTree<_> seq seq =
|> mapToGeneralTree
|> Tree.detectCycles
|> ( mapToBinaryTree)
/// Initialize a tree with a branch
let init = node
/// Add an item (leaf or branch) to a branch
let add node origin (tree: BinaryTree<_>) : BinaryTree<_> =
|> mapToGeneralTree
|> Tree.addBranchTobranch node origin
|> mapToBinaryTree
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