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Created August 27, 2023 07:14
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Makes a floating point number "readable"
/// <summary>
/// Fixes the precision of a double number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dblNum">The double number to fix the precision of.</param>
/// <param name="intPrec">The desired precision.</param>
/// <returns>The double number with the fixed precision.</returns>
let fixPrecision (dblNum: double) (intPrec: int) : double =
let strNum = dblNum.ToString("F99", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
let colNum = List.ofArray (strNum.Split('.'))
let strN, strD =
match colNum with
| [n] -> (n, "")
| [n; d] -> (n, d)
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected number format"
let mutable intCount = 0
let mutable blnFirst = true
for ch in strD do
if blnFirst && ch = '0' then
intCount <- intCount + 1
blnFirst <- false
let intP =
if strN = "0" then intPrec else intPrec - strN.Length
let intP =
if intP < 0 then 0 else intP
let intP =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(strD) || dblNum >= 1.0 then intP
else intCount + intP
let dblFix = Math.Round(dblNum * Math.Pow(10.0, float intP), 0)
dblFix / Math.Pow(10.0, float intP)
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