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Last active May 22, 2018 14:09
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Sprint Planning: 14, 15 (preview)

Sprint Planning: 14, 15 (preview)

sprint 14

Where to put a zuul patch (etherpad)

At any place in the playbooks where we have a call to repo-setup role, we will also have a call to install-built-repo role (guarded by a when condition). Each of these places in code will have a unique name derived from where it is (the places linked in "current status" section could be called undercloud_deploy, overcloud_deploy, undercloud_mixed_upgrade).

  • Create a zuul_repo_enabled_at variable. It's an array, multiple values are allowed. It is set in a featureset yaml file, its value must be a subset of the unique install-built-repo points mentioned above. The default value is ['undercloud_deploy', 'overcloud_deploy'] which should work nicely for normal deploy jobs. We only execute the install-built-repo role at the spots which are in the zuul_repo_enabled_at list.

  • Add more insertion points than we have now, e.g. undercloud_mixed_update for minor update jobs, currently in minor updates we can just go from current+zuul to current+zuul.

  • With full switch to containers, a critical part of success will be inserting the zuul changes into container images. This is a big chunk of additional work, but i think driving the decision "when to use images with zull changes vs. without zuul changes" with the zuul_repo_enabled_at variable should be still valid.

  • gate jobs for upgrade

  • libvirt reproducer CI

    • Q: ovb reproducer CI has been suggested to be 'hard' what are the gaps?
    • We could avoid a bunch of work if we could launch tasks direclty on the libvirt host



one of the reasons why the upgrade team wants the capability to inject repos at multiple places/phases is that they want to add a variety of new jobs

  • pike --> queens
  • queens --> rocky

Wes: scenario...(baseline)

  • Let: Change is in queens... (P->Q)

  • Let: containers are always updated (might not be true today)

  • "If we have repo-setup and install-built-repo.."

    • when we call upgrade w/ "QUEENS"
      • update UC
      • update OC repos
      • update containers
    • in this case install built repo will run because there's a match on "change is in queens" predicate of python tool
  • Bigger challange...Mixed Upgrade (see (etherpad) @ L64+)

Regarding how we think about this sprint...

  • would like to avoid calling this a "tech debt sprint"
  • this seems like a "jumble" of tasks that are not related to a specific epic
  • if we think about all changes being packaged into RPM's, yum manages having rpm's updated in the correct places
    • ensure repos are in place (yay sprint 13...makes this simpler)
  • would be great to have visual aids that help to show how upgrade/update CI is working
    • some diagrams / line charts (e.g. Google Draw)
    • open question: for just our team vs. "time to communicate to community" ?

Regarding priorities

  1. Generate diagram for team (ahead of sprint planning)

    • this is to have discussion, and is a starting point. we can polish later.
    • can be used as a framework for testing / validation.
    • TC: this is a complex workflow + complex design, clarity will pay dividends here. It's worth it
  2. jobs 37, 50, $newThing in place and voting

    • $newThing := "keystone only upgrade"
  3. makeing sure repo-setup and build-test-change bits/roles/playbooks are working

    • gives us protections to make changes for (etherpad) safely

Retrospective Preview

  • simple things are not always simple
  • we had unknown unknowns coming into this sprint

sprint 15

Internal Software Factory! (rhinternal zuul v3

  • bringing up additional jobs
  • RDO on RHEL images and containers
  • Building OSP images and containers (reldel work under way)
  • refactoring TOCI work in a controllable safe place
    • zuul v3
    • mad hacking / prototyping on python release tool
    • we do need to excercise caution so we don't break the world
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