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Last active December 23, 2015 18:49
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The Old Monster Shop is a pre-Time of Troubles Forgotten Realms campaign played using Dungeon World.

The Old Monster Shop

The Old Monster Shop is a pre-Time of Troubles Forgotten Realms campaign using Dungeon World instead of AD&D 2nd Edition.

Campaign Introduction

You are each one of the many Children of Helm, orphans raised at Helm's Hold southeast of Neverwinter. The monastery is all you've known, but you're now the age where you must enter the world and live by your own means. But before your life is truly your own, you must make a final oblation to Helm, in service to the Hold. You will travel to the City of Splendors, Waterdeep, and gain the trust of an evil monster-peddler there named Feldyn. What you will do with his trust, and when, is a secret that Watcher Dumal Erard has not yet shared.

But Dumal is like a father to you, a parent in lieu of those you lost, and you trust him completely. His instructions, and his plan for gaining Feldyn's trust, are simple, but will be hazardous. Because Feldyn only retains people he knows and trusts, you will start by selling him young monsters and monstrous eggs, as many of Waterdeep's adventurers do. Successive sales will lead to Feldyn seeking you out for commissions, and successful commissions will lead to an offer for hire. Once you are Feldyn's trusted hirelings, Dumal will find you and share what comes next.

Feldyn has many spies and is well-connected, so you will not, and cannot, receive any support from the Hold beyond the coin and supplies with which you depart. But Dumal and the Hold's many Watchers trained you well, and their confidence in you bolsters your own. You are ready. You will not fail the Hold.

In your final moments with Dumal at the Hold's gates, between fierce hugs and heart-felt words, Dumal gave you a rough map of the High Road as it skirts along the Mere of Dead Men. On the map he marked a trail, which he said "leads to long-abandoned orcish war-pit in the bog, where troglodyte bitches like to lay eggs. These eggs'll be a welcome sight to that fiend Feldyn. After that, you'll be on your own to find new nasties to sell. But between Undermountain and wilds of the North, you'll never run short of nasties. That said, if you ever need work, try the Dripping Dagger off High Road in the Trades. It's mostly full of honest folk, albeit rough and tumble honest folk. A week of nights there will almost always lead to some sort of work."

Your journey south along the High Road is easy and uneventful, it being the start of Leaffall in the Year of the Worm (1356). You reach the Mere of Dead Men at mid-day. You smell the bog before you see it; a fog thicker than smoke, and strangely dark, hides everything to the west of the road. An hour later, you find the trailhead indicated on Dumal's map. In that fog, along that trail, is your first adventure. What do you do?

Character Creation

Make a starting Dungeon World character. Character sheets are here:


Emory, The Ranger (Christopher)

Str 8, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 9 21 hp, 1 armor Chaotic Human Beak, The Owl: Ferocity: +2 (quick reflexes, keen senses), Cunning: +2 (scout, fight monsters), Armor: 0, Instinct: 1 (stubborn) Load: 19 hunter's bow and short sword adventuring gear and extra ammo Sharp Eyes, Hooded Head, Cape, Sharp Body

Alton, The Cleric

Wis 16, Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Cha 9, Int 8 Human Lawful chainmail warhammer healing potion thin young sad eyed balding man wearing a habit

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