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Last active December 23, 2015 20:29
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Role-playing is a game of five repeated parts.

Role-Playing: A Game of Five Repeated Parts

  1. The game begins (or is continued) with the game-master narrating what the players' characters see, hear, smell, and feel happening in the fictional world around them. This will often include conflict, and should always provide opportunities for adventure.
  2. The players then speak as their characters, both to one another and to the fictional world's inhabitants, who are given a voice by the game-master.
  3. Discussion eventually leads to action. The players describe how their characters act, and what they do.
  4. Dice are thrown to determine the outcome of actions that don't have an obvious or requisite result according the fictional situation.
  5. The game-master and the players work together to develop the outcome, using consequences and complications that make the story more interesting and add to the adventure. The game continues with a return to Part 1, as the game-master narrates this outcome, until the story and the adventure end.
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