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Created December 13, 2012 15:25
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Rough description of how one might do multiPageTagLib
Closure paginate = { attrs ->
// define new prefix aware keys
def _sort = attrs.prefix? attrs.prefix +"_sort" : 'sort'
def _offset = attrs.prefix? attrs.prefix + "_offset" : "offset"
def _total = attrs.prefix? attrs.prefix + "_total" : "total"
def writer = out
if ( == null) {
throwTagError("Tag [paginate] is missing required attribute [total]")
def messageSource = grailsAttributes.messageSource
def locale = RCU.getLocale(request)
def total = ?: 0
def action = (attrs.action ? attrs.action : (params.action ? params.action : "list"))
def offset = ?: 0
def max =
def maxsteps = ( ?: 10)
if (!offset) offset = ( ?: 0)
if (!max) max = ( ?: 10)
def linkParams = [:]
if (attrs.params) linkParams.putAll(attrs.params)
linkParams[_offset] = offset - max
linkParams[_max] = max
if (params[_sort]) linkParams[_sort] = params[_sort]
if (params[_order]) linkParams[_order] = params[_order]
def linkTagAttrs = [action: action]
if (attrs.controller) {
linkTagAttrs.controller = attrs.controller
if ( != null) { =
if (attrs.fragment != null) {
linkTagAttrs.fragment = attrs.fragment
linkTagAttrs.params = linkParams
// determine paging variables
def steps = maxsteps > 0
int currentstep = (offset / max) + 1
int firststep = 1
int laststep = Math.round(Math.ceil(total / max))
// display previous link when not on firststep
if (currentstep > firststep) {
linkTagAttrs.class = 'prevLink'
linkParams.offset = offset - max
writer << link(linkTagAttrs.clone()) {
(attrs.prev ?: messageSource.getMessage('paginate.prev', null, messageSource.getMessage('default.paginate.prev', null, 'Previous', locale), locale))
// display steps when steps are enabled and laststep is not firststep
if (steps && laststep > firststep) {
linkTagAttrs.class = 'step'
// determine begin and endstep paging variables
int beginstep = currentstep - Math.round(maxsteps / 2) + (maxsteps % 2)
int endstep = currentstep + Math.round(maxsteps / 2) - 1
if (beginstep < firststep) {
beginstep = firststep
endstep = maxsteps
if (endstep > laststep) {
beginstep = laststep - maxsteps + 1
if (beginstep < firststep) {
beginstep = firststep
endstep = laststep
// display firststep link when beginstep is not firststep
if (beginstep > firststep) {
linkParams.offset = 0
writer << link(linkTagAttrs.clone()) {firststep.toString()}
writer << '<span class="step">..</span>'
// display paginate steps
(beginstep..endstep).each { i ->
if (currentstep == i) {
writer << "<span class=\"currentStep\">${i}</span>"
else {
linkParams.offset = (i - 1) * max
writer << link(linkTagAttrs.clone()) {i.toString()}
// display laststep link when endstep is not laststep
if (endstep < laststep) {
writer << '<span class="step">..</span>'
linkParams.offset = (laststep - 1) * max
writer << link(linkTagAttrs.clone()) { laststep.toString() }
// display next link when not on laststep
if (currentstep < laststep) {
linkTagAttrs.class = 'nextLink'
linkParams.offset = offset + max
writer << link(linkTagAttrs.clone()) {
( ? : messageSource.getMessage('', null, messageSource.getMessage('', null, 'Next', locale), locale))
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