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Created April 15, 2022 16:48
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Romano Wolf across regressions
romano_wolf_correction <- function(t.orig, t.boot) {
# See page 8
abs.t.orig <- abs(t.orig)
abs.t.boot <- abs(t.boot)
abs.t.sorted <- sort(abs.t.orig, decreasing = TRUE)
max.order <- order(abs.t.orig, decreasing = TRUE)
rev.order <- order(max.order)
M <- nrow(t.boot)
S <- ncol(t.boot)
p.adj <- rep(0, S)
p.adj[1] <- mean(apply(abs.t.boot, 1, max) > abs.t.sorted[1])
for (s in seq(2, S)) {
cur.index <- max.order[s:S]
p.init <- mean(apply(abs.t.boot[, cur.index, drop=FALSE], 1, max) > abs.t.sorted[s])
p.adj[s] <- max(p.init, p.adj[s-1])
summary_rw <- function(models, indices=NULL, cov.type="HC2", num.boot=10000, seed=2020) {
if (is.null(indices)) indices <- map(models, ~ 1:nrow(coef(summary(.))))
summaries <- map2(indices, models, ~ coef(summary(.y))[.x,,drop=FALSE])
t.orig <- unlist(map(summaries, ~ .[, "t value"]))
beta.cov <- as.matrix(bdiag(map2(indices, models, ~ vcovHC(.y, type=cov.type)[.x, .x])))
se.orig <- sqrt(diag(beta.cov))
num.coef <- length(se.orig)
# Null resampling
beta.boot <- mvrnorm(n=num.boot, mu=rep(0, num.coef), Sigma=beta.cov)
t.boot <- sweep(beta.boot, 2, se.orig, "/")
p.adj <- romano_wolf_correction(t.orig, t.boot)
# Some indexing trickery to revert
end <- cumsum(sapply(indices, length))
beg <- c(1, end[1:length(end)-1] + 1)
result <- pmap(list(summaries, beg, end), function(summ, b, e) {
tab <- cbind(summ[,c(1,2,4),drop=F], p.adj[b:e])
colnames(tab) <- c('estimate', 'std. err', 'unadj p-value', 'adj p-value')
# Examples
x.interest <- runif(100)
x.not.interest <- runif(100)
y1 <- 1 * x.interest + rnorm(100)
y2 <- runif(100)
# Correcting all coefficients across regressions
ols1 <- lm(y1 ~ x.interest + x.not.interest)
ols2 <- lm(y2 ~ x.interest + x.not.interest)
summary_rw(list(ols1, ols2))
# Correcting only the coefficient of interest across regressions
ols1 <- lm(y1 ~ x.interest + x.not.interest)
ols2 <- lm(y2 ~ x.interest + x.not.interest)
summary_rw(list(ols1, ols2), indices=list(c(2), c(2)))
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