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Last active April 14, 2022 03:37
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Testing reconciliation with real sessions
import pytest
import pickle
from itertools import chain
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from sleep_x_ml_reconciliation_service import SleepXMLReconciliation
from sleep_x_ml_reconciliation_service.constants.reconciliation import (
from sleep_x_ml_reconciliation_service.exceptions import (
from sleep_x_ml_reconciliation_service.validation import (
def find_chunk(sequence, point):
Auxiliary function that retrieves the chunk in sequence satistifying
chunk['start'] <= point <= chunk['end']
found = [chunk for chunk in sequence if chunk["start"] <= point <= chunk["end"]]
if found:
# Sometimes there are multiple chunks that overlap.
# In this case, take one with the latest start.
return max(found, key = lambda x: x['start'])
return []
def from_timestamp(stamp):
"""Reverts timestamp back into integer, i.e. '2001-09-09T01:46:40.000Z' into 1000000000000"""
return int(
* datetime.strptime(stamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()
def test_holistic(mocker):
Heuristic real data from sessions stored in the alpha account.
This simple test does not test for correctness, only checks the the code runs.
# Instantiating with whatever default values of currently have.
sleepxml = SleepXMLReconciliation()
with open("/Users/hadadv/tmp/device-alpha", "rb") as f:
example_data = pickle.load(f)
for i, session_id in enumerate(example_data['common_session_ids'][155:]):
print(i, session_id)
put_response = example_data["put"][session_id]
sleep_response = example_data["sleep"][session_id]
# Get predictions from session.
sleep_predictions = list(chain(*[x["payload"] for x in sleep_response]))
put_predictions = put_response[0]["state_details_list"]
reconciled = sleepxml.get_reconciled_data(session_id)
# If any exception needs to be raised,
# ensure they are raised appropriately.
except IncorrectArchitectureException:
with pytest.raises(IncorrectArchitectureException):
except IncorrectPredictionTimeException:
with pytest.raises(IncorrectPredictionTimeExpression):
validate_sleep_put_overlap(sleep_predictions, put_predictions)
# Any other exception would raise an error here.
# The rest of the code heuristically checks for correctness.
# If the entire session is marked as UU, check that reconciled is empty.
if all(chunk["state"] == "UU" for chunk in put_predictions):
assert sleep_predictions == []
# Otherwise, get start and end of reconciled session.
recon_start = from_timestamp(reconciled[0]["start"])
recon_end = from_timestamp(reconciled[-1]["end"])
# Check that reconciled data only exists for the intervals where
# sleep and PUT predictions are both available.
start_available = max(sleep_predictions[0]["start"], put_predictions[0]["start"])
end_available = min(sleep_predictions[-1]["end"], put_predictions[-1]["end"])
assert recon_start >= start_available
assert recon_end <= end_available
# Check that reconciled data does not start on an interval marked as UU.
put_at_recon_start = find_chunk(put_predictions, recon_start)["state"]
assert put_at_recon_start == "IU"
# Check that reconciled data does on end on an interval marked as UU.
put_at_recon_end = find_chunk(put_predictions, recon_end)["state"]
if put_at_recon_end != "IU":
# try:
# assert put_at_recon_end == "IU"
# except:
# print("hey")
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Check correctness of reconciled sleep predictions.
for recon in reconciled:
# Pick a point in that reconciled chunk.
recon_midpoint = (from_timestamp(recon["end"]) + from_timestamp(recon["start"])) / 2
# Find the corresponding PUT chunk at that time.
put = find_chunk(put_predictions, recon_midpoint)
# Find the corresponding sleep at chunk that time.
sleep = find_chunk(sleep_predictions, recon_midpoint)
# If PUT state was UU, recon should be UNINTENDED_USER_FLAG.
if put and put["state"] == "UU":
assert recon["stage"] == UNINTENDED_USER_FLAG
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# If PUT state is IU and there was sleep data, recon should be equal to sleep.
if put and sleep and put["state"] == "IU":
assert recon["stage"] == sleep["stage"]
# If PUT state is IU and there was no sleep data, recon depends on gap.
if put and not sleep:
# If gap is large, recon should be marked as such.
if recon["stage"] == LARGE_SLEEP_GAP_FLAG:
# Assert there was really such a gap
max_gap_secs = 0
for prev, cur in zip(sleep_predictions, sleep_predictions[1:]):
max_gap_secs = max(max_gap_secs, (cur["start"] - prev["end"]) / 1000)
assert max_gap_secs > PUT_GAP_TOLERANCE_SECONDS
# If gap is small, recon stage should be equal to value of next chunk.
# Find the value of the next chunk.
next_sleep = [
chunk for chunk in sleep_predictions if chunk["start"] >= recon_midpoint
assert recon["stage"] == next_sleep["stage"]
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