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Created February 17, 2024 18:50
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Baker seeder
// seeders/seed-bakers.js
const Baker = require('../models/baker');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const MONGO_URI = process.env.MONGO_URI;
.then(() => {
console.log('Connected to MongoDB');
.catch((err) => {
name: 'Monica',
startDate: '1994-09-22',
bio: 'Prefers napkins folded a particular way.',
name: 'Ross',
startDate: '1995-09-21',
bio: 'Loves dinosaurs. Is currently on a break.',
name: 'Joey',
startDate: '1996-09-19',
bio: 'Does NOT share food. Recommends that you read Little Women.',
name: 'Phoebe',
startDate: '1996-09-19',
bio: "Fierce protector of the bakery's smelly cat.",
name: 'Chandler',
startDate: '1997-09-25',
bio: 'Thinks chewing gum is perfection. Honestly, could it BE any better?',
name: 'Rachel',
startDate: '1998-09-24',
bio: 'Is NOT a shoe. Occasionally a fan of lobsters.',
.then((bakers) => {
console.log(`Successfully created ${bakers.length} bakers.`);
.catch((err) => {
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node seeders/seed-bakers.js

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