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Created January 11, 2024 04:11
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  • Save halida/a6cec60b2ad5e7c3371e6d01fe6c03f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save halida/a6cec60b2ad5e7c3371e6d01fe6c03f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Azure Sheep: Part One EXTENDED error at as_c2map03 end
$ $HOME/.steam/bin/steam-runtime/ /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black\ Mesa/ -game asheep +workshop_disable 1
SDL video target is 'x11'
SDL video target is 'x11'
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_fence.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_NV_fence.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_sync.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers2.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_bindable_uniform.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_map_buffer_range.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_occlusion_query.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_texture_range.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_client_storage.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_GREMEDY_string_marker.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_direct_state_access.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_NV_bindless_texture.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_AMD_pinned_memory.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ATI_meminfo.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_buffer_storage.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear.
OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 4.6.0 NVIDIA 525.147.05 (4.6.0)
GL_NV_bindless_texture: DISABLED
GL_AMD_pinned_memory: DISABLED
GL_ARB_buffer_storage: AVAILABLE
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode: AVAILABLE
Using Breakpad minidump system. Version: 100001 AppID: 362890
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 362890
Using breakpad crash handler
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
01/11 12:02:51 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(362890)/version(100001)/tid(883552)
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198024636529 [API loaded yes]
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Setting Steam ID: 76561198024636529
Loaded 8627 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_textures.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 8627 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_textures.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 14 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_materials.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 14 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_materials.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 6591 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_models.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 6591 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_models.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 134 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 134 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 4526 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_sounds_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 4526 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_sounds_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 872 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_sound_vo_english.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 872 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_sound_vo_english.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 5251 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_maps.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 5251 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/bms/bms_maps.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 496 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/hl2/hl2_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 224 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/hl2/hl2_sounds_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 1223 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/hl2/hl2_textures.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 2 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/hl2/hl2_materials.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 421 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/hl2/hl2_models.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 5 VPK file hashes from /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/platform/platform_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Did not detect any valid joysticks.
GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info: AVAILABLE
GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info: Total Dedicated: 2097152, Total Avail: 2097152, Current Avail: 1686080
D3DCAPS9: MaxTextureWidth - 16384
D3DCAPS9: MaxTextureHeight - 16384
D3DCAPS9: MaxVolumeExtent - 2048
D3DCAPS9: MaxTextureWidth - 16384
D3DCAPS9: MaxTextureHeight - 16384
D3DCAPS9: MaxVolumeExtent - 2048
CShaderDeviceMgrBase::GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo: CPU speed: 4661 MHz, Processor: AuthenticAMD
GlobalMemoryStatus: 4294967295
CShaderDeviceMgrBase::GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo: CPU speed: 4661 MHz, Processor: AuthenticAMD
GlobalMemoryStatus: 4294967295
D3DCAPS9: MaxTextureWidth - 16384
D3DCAPS9: MaxTextureHeight - 16384
D3DCAPS9: MaxVolumeExtent - 2048
IDirect3DDevice9::Create: BackBufWidth: 1920, BackBufHeight: 1080, D3DFMT: 3, BackBufCount: 1, MultisampleType: 0, MultisampleQuality: 0
GL sampler object usage: DISABLED
##### swap interval = 0 swap limit = 1 #####
Could not load program cache file glbaseshaders.cfg
Could not find base GL shader cache file
Loaded program cache file "glshaders.cfg", total keyvalues: 332, total successfully linked: 332
Precache: Took 3928 ms, Vertex 2243, Pixel 7498
CClientSteamContext logged on = 1 loaded for "Black Mesa"
Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (sk_xorteb_dispel_dmg)
Init MultiPlayer Params
Init MultiPlayer Params
CampaignManager: Campaign file "campaigns/campaign_bm_sp.txt" is malformed, failed to parse.
maxplayers set to 1
NewPostProcess: InitializeCusRT Called
CampaignManager: Campaign file "campaigns/campaign_bm_sp.txt" is malformed, failed to parse.
Steam config directory: /home/halida/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Black Mesa/platform/config
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 100.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
--- Missing Vgui material hud/leaderboard_dead
Initializing brass ejection system.
Parsing ejection information for weapon_assassin_glock.
Parsing effect glock-primary-attack.
Parsing effect glock-primary-attack-thirdperson.
Parsing ejection information for weapon_crossbow.
Parsing effect crossbow-primary-attack.
Parsing effect crossbow-primary-attack-thirdperson.
Parsing ejection information for weapon_glock.
Parsing effect glock-primary-attack.
Parsing effect glock-primary-attack-thirdperson.
Parsing ejection information for weapon_mp5.
Parsing effect mp5-primary-attack.
Parsing effect mp5-primary-attack-thirdperson.
Parsing ejection information for weapon_shotgun.
Parsing effect shotgun-primary-attack.
Parsing effect shotgun-primary-attack-thirdperson.
Parsing effect shotgun-secondary-attack.
Init MultiPlayer Params
Init MultiPlayer Params
CampaignManager: Campaign file "campaigns/campaign_bm_sp.txt" is malformed, failed to parse.
Unknown command "mat_spewalloc"
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file scripts/character_manifest.txt
character_manifest.txt, npc_human_grenadier, bonemerge_data,
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file scripts/character_manifest.txt
character_manifest.txt, npc_human_grenadier01, bonemerge_data,
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file scripts/character_manifest.txt
character_manifest.txt, npc_human_grenadier, bonemerge_data,
Unknown command "mat_spewalloc"
'userconfig.cfg' not present; not executing.
NewPostProcess: ShutdownCustomRenderTargets Called
NewPostProcess: ShutdownCustomRenderTargets Called OUTSIDE of SCENE ???
NewPostProcess: InitializeCusRT Called
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: metal/rust_floor_diamond1b
Unknown command "sk_zombie_one_slash_left_viewpunch"
Unknown command "sk_zombie_one_slash_right_viewpunch"
Unknown command "sk_zombie_both_slash_viewpunch"
Unknown command "sk_apache_fire_cone_sta"
Unknown command "cl_suitcharg_light_offset"
Unknown command "cl_suitcharg_light_offset"
Error! Variable "$detailblendmode" is multiply defined in material "models/props_am/guard_accessories_d"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/korintailnew01c"!
Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/korintail01c"!
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h01.vmt
Error! Variable "1" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h01"!
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h02.vmt
Error! Variable "1" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h02"!
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h03.vmt
Error! Variable "1" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h03"!
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h04.vmt
Error! Variable "1" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h04"!
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h05.vmt
Error! Variable "1" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h05"!
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h06.vmt
Error! Variable "1" is multiply defined in material "models/derogatory/f04/bikini_h06"!
Init SinglePlayer Params
Init SinglePlayer Params
##### CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile couldn't find materials/effects/models/model_blood_red.vtf
Error, bad server command sv_cheats 1
Error, bad server command god
Workshops are disabled by the 'workshop_disable' console command.
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/effects/bfmuzzle1.vmt
Attempted to precache unknown particle system "gluon_enttrail"!
Attempted to precache unknown particle system "gluon_enttrail"!
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/hud_scanlines)
Requesting texture value from var "$texture1" which is not a texture value (material: dev/hud_scanlines)
Requesting texture value from var "$texture2" which is not a texture value (material: dev/hud_scanlines)
##### CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile couldn't find materials/_rt_scope.vtf
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: debug/debugshadowbuffer)
##### CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile couldn't find materials/_rt_csmshadowdepth.vtf
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/bloomadd)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/no_pixel_write)
Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: dev/lumcompare)
************ Checking HardWare Support For Texture Formats *************
Depth Low: OK
Depth High: OK
Depth Low: OK
Depth High: OK
DepthRT 16: OK
DepthRT 32: OK
Normal 32: OK
Normal 64: OK
warpRGB : OK
warpRGBA : OK
DiffRGB8 : OK
DiffRGB10 : OK
DiffRGB16 : OK
************ ************ FORMATS ALLOCATED ************* *************
ShadowMap: NULL
************ ************ Quality Settings ************* *************
Light Active: 1 - 847
Light Quality Settings: 1 - 2 0 0
Light Quality Settings Secondary: -1 - 1 0 0
Shadows Active: 1 - 666
Shadows Quality Settings: 2 2 1
************ *************************************** *************
NewPostProcess: InitializeCusRT Called
Init SinglePlayer Params
Init SinglePlayer Params
Using joystick 'Xbox controller' configuration
JOY_AXIS_X: mapped to Side (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Y: mapped to Forward (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_Z: unmapped
JOY_AXIS_R: mapped to Look (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_U: mapped to Turn (absolute)
JOY_AXIS_V: unmapped
Advanced Joystick settings initialized
No caption found for 'flesh.scraperough'
Redownloading all lightmaps
m_face->glyph->bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 RussellSquare
m_face->glyph->bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 RussellSquare
m_face->glyph->bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 DejaVu Sans
m_face->glyph->bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 RussellSquare
m_face->glyph->bitmap.width is 0 for ch:32 RussellSquare
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'metal_box.scraperough'
No caption found for 'metal_box.scraperough'
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'metal_box.scraperough'
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'wood_crate.scraperough'
No caption found for 'metal_box.scraperough'
No caption found for 'metal_box.scraperough'
NewPostProcess: ShutdownCustomRenderTargets Called
Dropped linjunhalida from server (Server shutting down)
maxplayers set to 1
Unknown command "mat_spewalloc"
Warning in .VMT file ($envmaptint): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaptint".
Did you forget to surround the vector with "s?
Warning in .VMT file ($envmaptint): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaptint".
Did you forget to surround the vector with "s?
Error! Flag "$model" is multiply defined in material "models/props_stu/speedbump"!
##### CTexture::LoadTextureBitsFromFile couldn't find materials/models/props_industrial/powerbox_large_01_d.vtf
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got } in key in file materials/models/props_asheep/covered_body_hd.vmt
KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/(hmmwv)/2.vmt
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_st/guard_rail_broken_l.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_st/guard_rail_broken_l.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_skybox/celltower02.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/models/props/de_nuke/hr_nuke/nuke_industrial_props/nuke_industrial_cable_005a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/models/props/de_nuke/hr_nuke/nuke_industrial_props/nuke_industrial_cable_005a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/models/props/de_nuke/hr_nuke/nuke_industrial_props/nuke_industrial_cable_005a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/models/props/de_nuke/hr_nuke/nuke_industrial_props/nuke_industrial_cable_005a.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_st/guard_rail_broken_r.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_stu/i_torus_620.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_stu/i_torus_620.mdl)
SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_asheep/m35_metal_canvas.mdl)
Unknown command "sk_zombie_one_slash_left_viewpunch"
Unknown command "sk_zombie_one_slash_right_viewpunch"
Unknown command "sk_zombie_both_slash_viewpunch"
Unknown command "sk_apache_fire_cone_sta"
Unknown command "cl_suitcharg_light_offset"
Unknown command "cl_suitcharg_light_offset"
Error! Variable "$detail" is multiply defined in material "models/ninja/l4d2/jumpsuit/gusguy_hurt"!
Warning in .VMT file ($envmaptint): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaptint".
Did you forget to surround the vector with "s?
Warning in .VMT file ($envmaplightscaleminmax): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaplightscaleminmax".
Did you forget to surround the vector with "s?
Warning in .VMT file ($envmaplightscaleminmax): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaplightscaleminmax".
Did you forget to surround the vector with "s?
Warning in .VMT file ($envmaplightscaleminmax): no ']' or '}' found in vector key "$envmaplightscaleminmax".
Did you forget to surround the vector with "s?
prop_door_rotating has Door model (models/props_doors/oc_door_l_static.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
prop_door_rotating has Door model (models/props_doors/oc_door_r_static.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
<<----WORLDBOUNDS---->> -3070 -7172 -3736 -- 14144 4598 1728
Trying to precache breakable prop, but has no model name
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (41) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (42) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (43) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (44) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (45) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (46) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (47) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (48) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (49) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (50) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (51) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (52) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (53) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (54) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (55) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (56) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (57) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (58) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (59) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (60) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (61) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (62) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (63) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (64) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (65) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (66) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (67) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (68) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (69) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (70) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (71) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (72) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (73) for element
CRagdollProp::CreateObjects: Couldn't Lookup Bone metal_medkit_phy
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