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Last active December 19, 2023 09:39
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  • Save halilozel1903/a9bc9c09bd00ac490fbb26d4ffeefa38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"info": {
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"name": "PushKitTest",
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"name": "Send notification",
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"raw": "{\n \"validate_only\": false,\n \"message\": \n {\n \"notification\":\n {\n \"title\": \"Huawei Push Kit\",\n \"body\": \"Hello, I'm a Push Kit.\"\n },\n \"android\":\n {\n \"notification\":\n {\n \"click_action\":\n {\n \"type\": 3\n }\n }\n },\n \"token\": [\"ANPpqLe8aTPl9tsB2Iu_820GmUQ-prH-dzPV-orbkm9yym2bitxd3emgxglrkVJW8hbTkusjHCu2_RW-AdnqqSbHevBQYwhjqOBzCdcu_Zrqfzuowi7Sxp4c2r_ztTORVQ\"]\n }\n}",
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"raw": "{\n \"validate_only\": false,\n \"message\": \n {\n \"data\": \"{\\\"title\\\":\\\"Huawei Push Kit\\\",\\\"text\\\":\\\"Hi, I'm a Push Kit.\\\",\\\"channel_id\\\":\\\"channel_1\\\"}\",\n \"token\": [\"ANPpqLe8aTPl9tsB2Iu_820GmUQ-prH-dzPV-orbkm9yym2bitxd3emgxglrkVJW8hbTkusjHCu2_RW-AdnqqSbHevBQYwhjqOBzCdcu_Zrqfzuowi7Sxp4c2r_ztTORVQ\"]\n }\n}",
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