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Created April 15, 2021 15:10
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fun <T: Comparable<T>> SlideInOutLayout(
targetState: T,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<Float> = tween(),
content: @Composable (T) -> Unit
) {
val items = remember { mutableStateListOf<CrossSlideAnimationItem<T>>() }
val transitionState = remember { MutableTransitionState(targetState) }
val targetChanged = (targetState != transitionState.targetState)
transitionState.targetState = targetState
val transition = updateTransition(transitionState)
if (targetChanged || items.isEmpty()) {
// Only manipulate the list when the state is changed, or in the first run.
val keys = { it.key }.run {
if (!contains(targetState)) {
toMutableList().also { it.add(targetState) }
} else {
keys.mapTo(items) { key ->
CrossSlideAnimationItem(key) {
val visibility = transition.animateFloat(
transitionSpec = { animationSpec }
) {
when {
it == key -> 0f
it > key -> -1f
else -> 1f
Box(Modifier.then(PercentageLayoutOffset(rawOffset = visibility))) {
} else if (transitionState.currentState == transitionState.targetState) {
// Remove all the intermediate items from the list once the animation is finished.
items.removeAll { it.key != transitionState.targetState }
Box(modifier) {
items.forEach {
key(it.key) {
data class CrossSlideAnimationItem<T>(
val key: T,
val content: @Composable () -> Unit
// Taken from
class PercentageLayoutOffset(private val rawOffset: State<Float>) : LayoutModifier {
private val offset = { rawOffset.value.coerceIn(-1f..1f) }
override fun MeasureScope.measure(
measurable: Measurable,
constraints: Constraints
): MeasureResult {
val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)
return layout(placeable.width, placeable.height) {, placeable.height)))
private fun offsetPosition(containerSize: IntSize) = IntOffset(
// RTL is handled automatically by place.
x = (containerSize.width * offset()).toInt(),
y = 0
override fun toString(): String = "${}(offset=$offset)"
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