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Last active December 16, 2021 06:33
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WordPress plugin reducisaurus Makefile
# WordPress plugin reducisaurus Makefile
# Author: haliphax <>
# current directory - used when zipping
CWD := $(shell pwd)
# get project base name from directory name
PROJ := $(word $(words $(subst /, ,$(CWD))), $(subst /, ,$(CWD)))
# pull version from main project file
VER := $(shell egrep "^Version:" $(PROJ).php | cut -d" " -f2)
# css minification
CSS_FILES = $(filter-out %.min.css, $(wildcard css/*.css))
CSS_MINI = $(CSS_FILES:.css=.min.css)
# uses php to urlencode the files
CSS_ENC = $(shell php -r "echo urlencode(file_get_contents('$<'));")
# javascript minification
JS_FILES = $(filter-out %.min.js, $(wildcard js/*.js))
JS_MINI = $(JS_FILES:.js=.min.js)
# uses php to urlencode the files
JS_ENC = $(shell php -r "echo urlencode(file_get_contents('$<'));")
# target: minify - Minify Javascript and CSS files
minify: js css
# target: js - minify Javascript files
js: $(JS_FILES) $(JS_MINI)
# target: css - minify CSS files
# recipe: build minified stylesheets
%.min.css: %.css
@echo "==> Minifying stylesheet: $<"
$(shell curl -sd "file=$(CSS_ENC)" $(CSS_URL) -o $@)
# recipe: build minified scripts
%.min.js: %.js
@echo "==> Minifying script: $<"
$(shell curl -sd "file=$(JS_ENC)" $(JS_URL) -o $@)
# target: zip - Build *.zip archive of project
@echo "==> Creating $(PROJ).$(VER).zip"
$(shell \
cd $(CWD)/.. ; \
zip -qr $(CWD)/$(PROJ).$(VER).zip $(PROJ)/* -i \*.php \*.js \*.css ; \
cd $(CWD) \
# target: all - Run all scenarios
all: minify zip
# target: clean - Removes *.zip file and minified Javascript files
@echo "==> Cleaning project"
$(shell rm -f $(JS_MINI) $(CSS_MINI) $(PROJ).*.zip)
# target: help - Displays help
@egrep "^# target:" Makefile
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