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Created November 22, 2016 05:34
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Tries to validate a Mathematica installation and extract version and other information
ClearAll[parseRevisionFile, parseInfoPlist, findKernel,
findAddOnPackages, findJLinkJar];
validateMathematicaInstallation::err = "`` could not validate ``";
arg_] := (Message[validateMathematicaInstallation::err, f, arg];
parseRevisionFile[path_ /; FileExistsQ[path]] :=
versionFile = FileNameJoin[{path, ".VersionID"}],
creationFile = FileNameJoin[{path, ".CreationID"}]
Rule @@@
Transpose[{{"Version", "Build"},
Import /@ {versionFile, creationFile}}]
/; FileExistsQ[versionFile] && FileExistsQ[creationFile]
parseRevisionFile[arg___] := abort["parseRevisionFile", {arg}];
parseInfoPlist[file_ /; FileExistsQ[file]] :=
Module[{data = Import[file], pos, res},
pos = Position[
StringMatchQ[#, __ ~~ "CFBundleShortVersionString" ~~ __] & /@
data, {True}];
res = StringReplace[
data[[1 + pos[[1, 1]]]], ___ ~~ "<string>" ~~ version__ ~~ "." ~~
revision__ ~~ "</string>" ~~ ___ :> {version, revision}];
{"Version" -> res[[1, 1, 1]], "Build" -> res[[1, 1, 2]]} /;
MatchQ[pos, {{_Integer}}] && MatchQ[res, {_StringExpression}]
parseInfoPlist[arg___] := abort["parseInfoPlist", {arg}];
findKernel[path_ /; FileExistsQ[path]] := Switch[$OperatingSystem,
findKernel[path, "MathKernel.exe"],
findKernel[path, "MathKernel"]
findKernel[path_, kernelName_] :=
{kernel = First@FileNames[kernelName, {path}, Infinity]},
{"Kernel" -> kernel} /; FileExistsQ[kernel]
arg___] := (Message[validateMathematicaInstallation::err,
"findKernel", {arg}]; Abort[]);
findAddOnPackages[addOnsPath_] :=
With[{initFiles = FileNames["init.m", {addOnsPath}, Infinity]},
{"AddOnPackages" ->
(With[{packageName =
packageName] & /@ initFiles)}
/; Length[initFiles] > 0];
findAddOnPackages[arg___] := abort["findAddOnPackages", {arg}];
findJLinkJar[root_ /; FileExistsQ[root]] :=
With[{jLinkPath =
FileNameJoin[{root, "SystemFiles", "Links", "JLink",
{"JLink" -> jLinkPath}
/; FileExistsQ[jLinkPath]];
findJLinkJar[arg___] := abort["findJLinkJar", {arg}];
validateMathematicaInstallation[path_] := Module[
{root, version, jlink, addOns, kernel},
With[{cont = FileNameJoin[{path, "Contents"}]},
If[$VersionNumber < 10,
root = path,
root = cont
version = parseInfoPlist[FileNameJoin[{cont, "Info.plist"}]];
_,(* All other OS *)
root = path;
version = parseRevisionFile[path];
kernel = findKernel[root];
addOns = findAddOnPackages[root];
jlink = findJLinkJar[root];
Flatten[{version, kernel, addOns, jlink}]
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